The Temple of the Living God

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 3:9-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22, Revelation 21:15-27, Isaiah 28:16

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22, Revelation 21:15-27, Isaiah 28:16

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

God’s dwelling place exists among His people, who are marked and set apart as holy. 

Discussion Question: How can you serve your local church community in light of what you’ve read this week? 

Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments. 

(104) Comments

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104 thoughts on "The Temple of the Living God"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    The idea of laying the foundations has really resonated with me tonight! I think it’s important to remember we were never required to be the builder and build the whole house, we just need to lay those firm foundations… This means in a church setting and beyond – having those conversations, praying for the unsaved and generally trying to live like Jesus everyday to show His love through our actions.

  2. Emily Allen says:

    We left our church and we don’t know where to go. We have some friendships that have remained, but the leaving was really rough and painful. I know now that even though we hope to find a new spiritual community, we will never be as “involved” as we were with that one. Now we take all that time, energy and money and put it out into our community. We’re learning so much.

  3. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are worthy of the glory Lord we thank you!

  4. Cathy says:

    I am leaving my church because I feel I am at odds with some of their recently uncovered beliefs. I still choose to be part of their Celebrate Recovery community as I see that as being an extension of His temple within me. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.

  5. Cindy Hodges says:

    I used to serve more before I started working full time, but I can serve others when at work. I can be light, joy and show others love, try to bring God glory in my actions.

  6. Nannette Tagliavia says:

    Use your gifts to help the church tonight’s sermon was the gift of leadership this morning was on exhortation

  7. Georgia Frimpong says:

    I can serve by being an example of a woman walking in the Truth of God’s word – showing younger women Godliness by example, helping those who are sick, tired and overwhelmed, and offering teaching and encouragement in Christ.

  8. Anna Pearce says:

    I am currently looking for a church for me and my family to attend. It’s in my prayers that we can find our place in our church community.