Set Apart in Christ

Open Your Bible

1 Peter 1:13-20, 2 Timothy 1:9, 1 John 1:5-10, 1 John 2:1-6, 1 John 3:7-10, Romans 8:29, Ephesians 5:1-17, Leviticus 20:26, Isaiah 26:2

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

In Christ, the people of the Church are holy, set apart for a purpose. We are called to pursue lives of holiness as a changed people.

Discussion Question: What attributes of God stand out to you in today’s reading? 

Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments. 

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230 thoughts on "Set Apart in Christ"

  1. Katherine Herrington says:

    God is a God of actions and therefore we should also be a people of action. People should see his holiness and love through our love and kindness to them.

  2. Eva Suggs says:

    God desires us to be His. But without acting on our faith, our faith and relationship with Him is dead. Recently coming out of Valentine’s Day (and being single as a Pringle) I love Leviticus 20:26- God said BE MINE.

  3. Tiffany Reynoso says:

    We are set apart not by what we do but by His purpose. This speaks so much to me on God’s character. He chose his people out of love and not by what they do.

  4. Laura Schirillo says:

    He is a just God he is holy

  5. LeeAnna McBee says:

    13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,
    14 for anything that becomes visible is light.
    What I personally read here is so important- this specific passage tells me that once we confess our sins (which were once in the darkness, confession brings them to light) that they are now visible, and anything visible IS LIGHT. Meaning that my own sins will now be part of my redemption story of grace and God’s mercy. We are so fearful when our sins are exposed, what others will think, especially the darkest sins, the “worst” sins. But those are the sins that when others find out your were about to be forgiven from they can see that ‘your God’ is a God of true grace.

  6. LeeAnna McBee says:

    13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,
    14 for anything that becomes visible is light.
    What I personally read here is so important- this specific passage tells me that once we confess our sins (which were once in the darkness, confession brings them to light) that they are now visible, and anything visible IS LIGHT. Meaning that my own sins will now be part of my redemption story of grace and God’s mercy.

  7. LeeAnna McBee says:

    13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,
    14 for anything that becomes visible is light.

  8. LeeAnna McBee says:

    13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, – Ephesians 5:13 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

  9. Ruth Howard says:

    I love the promise of 1 John 5:9 that if I confess our sin to God, He is “faithful and just” to forgive my sin. God is good and faithful to keep His Church and when she does stumble and fall, to forgive and restore her again.

  10. Cassidy Ainsworth says:

    God is righteous, loves His people, and hates evil

  11. Madison Hogg says:

    God’s holiness is really stressed in these passages. His purity, his inability and refusal to mix with any sort of darkness or impurity.

  12. dannette gonzalez says:

    God is love. He says that he ESPECIALLY wants us to love our brothers and sisters. There is so much hate in the world today, we need to be the LOVE.

  13. dannette gonzalez says:

    I think it is telling us that we should not sin willingly. Once we are taught the word and what God wants of us, we should try and walk the same walk he walks. However, God also knows that we are human living in a world of sin. If he thought we would never sin, I don’t think He would have ever sent his only son to die for our sins. He wants to confess. I’m not a scholar and I was a little taken a back at first. After reading a bit more, this is what I feel is means.

  14. Brandy Deruso says:

    God is good and his mercy is everlasting

  15. Kyle Hopkins says:

    From the readings—God is: Holy, an Impartial Judge, a Light in the darkness, Faithful, full of Grace, a Sacrificial Lamb, with Wrath for the disobedient.

  16. Kyle Hopkins says:

    From the readings—God is:

  17. Kyle Hopkins says:

    From the readings:

  18. Rachel Austin says:

    He seeks to reveal himself to us & is forgiving when we are honest and repent.

  19. Georgia Frimpong says:

    What a powerful message. I love the reminders about purity, keeping the faith, keeping the commandments and walking in the light.

  20. Christy Rikard says:

    That He values us loving others so much. (1 John 3:10)

  21. Jamie Adams says:

    God continues to remind us that there is a reason he has standards for our lives and that’s to protect us because we are his children and to remain safe we must continue to live in these standards even if it’s not the “cool” thing to do. How grateful I am for a God and father that loves me so much to protect me in such a way!

  22. Hannah Gilbert says:

    Holy!! Impartial yet gracious! Loving!

  23. Caitlin Bieniek says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the idea of the Grace of God. His actions being our guide for being. It is not about acting “holier than thou” but being set apart and following what is right.

  24. Janelle says:

    Loving, protector/Redeemer, merciful, makes our paths straight, loyal-looks for our loyalty as well. Light, revelation, and transparency in our relationships with Him as well as our relationships with the world.

  25. Meredith Jones says:

    That He is perfect & His Ways are better than our own.

  26. Emma Simmons says:

    God chose us. he wants us to walk in the light and know his goodness

  27. Hannah Brown says:

    Faithful. Forgiving. Honest. Just.

  28. Lainey Ellis says:

    Every impure or greedy person, who is an idolater, does not have an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

  29. Kaity Meade says:

    God is holy and pure. It is so grieving to me when I hear Christians speaking crudely or obscenely. Scripture clearly says these things are not suitable. We grieve the heart of God when we are flippant about holiness. It’s a surrender to allow the character of God to work in us.

  30. Sarah Rogers says:

    Abby I’m no Bible scholar by any means! But, as we know God never contradicts himself so when I look at how these verses compliment one another I feel it’s encouraging to know that as new creations in Christ we are living in a new way. A way that better reflects Jesus because we are made righteous in Him. However, we are still in these sinful tents of flesh and we will mess up! God is so good to remind us in scripture that He knows this and reassures us that with confession of our sin we are made right in Him again ♥️

  31. Gemilyn Sta. Rosa says:

    God is just. He instructs us on how to live a good life. He chose us and laid ahead of the life we ought to live for us to live life fully. If we fall short of His commandments, He is just to guide us back to Him. By God’s grace, we aim to live life according to His Will and by God’s grace we stand up when we fall away from it.

  32. Abby Tomic says:

    Does anyone else find the statements of 1 John 1:5-10 and then Ephesians 5:1-17 confusing next to each other? We are liars if we say we have no sin and then we should not have any impurity even heard of amongst us? I know Christ’s sacrifice makes us positionally pure because of our relationship with Him and confession of Him as Savior but I take the Ephesians passage as a call to be sinless. Help me Bible scholars!

  33. Nikki S says:

    The attribute that stood out to me was that God is all knowing. That he knew us before the beginning, he chose us.

  34. Sara Wing says:

    God is good and the only source for goodness and light. There is no goodness apart from God. Some things may appear to be good, but if they are not from God, they are not good because only God is good. If there is any good in us, it is because God has called us as his own and is working through us.

  35. Sherry Fields says:

    God’s attributes of patience and kindness. He continually draws us in….warning us yet giving instructions for how to live….over and over….so patient

  36. Jordyn C says:

    God is holy.

  37. Maddie Jones says:

    I love this!! Time is so fleeting!!

  38. Maddie Jones says:

    What stands out to me about God’s character is that He is merciful and graceful. We must strive to be like Jesus everyday, but we will fail. Even though we fail, God cares so much about us to forgive us when we repent. He loves us regardless of our faults. He has washed us clean.

  39. Desi Hill says:

    Gracious, righteous, loving, forgiving, protector

  40. April Goralski says:

    God’s Grace. In this world we all try to be perfect. We need to accept our in perfections and God’s Grace will take care of the rest. We should aim to follow God’s word, but not be surprised when we may fall short ❤️ Ephesians 5:16 stood out to me today – making the most of the time, because days of evil. I could use my time more wisely and that’s something I’m going to work on.

  41. Lindsey MacAdam says:

    His holiness and live for his people.

  42. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is holy, and wants us to be holy in our fellowship with Him. This way of living our lives together in fellowship with His church, and working that holiness in all that we say and do is what draws others to Him. This is same way in which the Israelites were called to be separate and live life as a nation that would call all those living in darkness and separation in the heathen nations surrounding them to come to know the true and living God. They did this through following the law, but we’re called to do this with the help of the Holy Spirit.

  43. Rebecca Wright says:

    Holy , righteous

  44. Rebecca Wright says:

    Holy and righteous.

  45. Sara Morgan says:

    1 John 1:5-10 really pulled me in and made me evaluate a few things in my walk. Am I walking with Him who is light? Am I confessing my sins like I should? These verses helped me remember who gracious and just our God is. I don’t deserve His grace, but His love is so deep!

  46. Abigail B. says:

    God is holy, righteous, and He is light. Those attributes definitely stood out to me. Also saw glimpses of His attributes of omniscience and justice. This is such a great question to ponder; thank you SRT. I don’t always take time to sit and ponder the attributes of God. There are so many, and they are worth noticing and discussing!

  47. Jessica Koneful says:

    Holiness, righteousness, loving, Father, light, truth

  48. Munchkin says:

    God loved us so much that he does not want us to stay in our sin and go to the path toward death and decay. He wants us to live an abundant life with Him. The ways of the world do not matter as long as we have Him.

  49. Chelsea Wilson says:

    God is Holy, Righteous, gracious, He is Light, love, and the one true God! Let us worship Him alone!

  50. Chelsea Wilson says:

    God is Holy, Righteous, gracious, he I

  51. Tierney Farry Gonnello says:

    children of God are asked to be different , and follow a different path than non believers, according to the commandments of Gods will, and his Word, not so that we should be “weird” but so that we should have a healthy fear and love for God. The fear isn’t of Him necessarily, it’s of the alternative— to not following Him. the fear is of evil and sin.

  52. Elizabeth says:

    He is so holy. So good. So righteous

  53. KC Derond says:

    His holiness is very evident! And we are called to live as Jesus did.

  54. Patricia Torres says:

    I pray that as I say “I have come to know Him” that I am an example of Him through my actions and through my words. That others may come to know Him. My purpose is to share Him. All for His glory. I pray to be His servant.

  55. Jen Brewer says:

    God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

  56. Cindy Basnett says:

    … and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. – Ephesians 5:2

  57. Stephanie Berling says:

    5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

    “Awake, O sleeper,
    and arise from the dead,
    and Christ will shine on you.” – 1 John 1:5,7-9,13-14. The attribute of God that sticks out to me is that he is light. We cannot be in the darkness and the light for the light exposes the darkness. We must be in the light or we are lost.

  58. Katie Winch says:

    We are set apart and changed through the grace that we are saved by. Reminded me to continue to strive not to sin and be mindful of God’s light and presence within me. He is holy.

  59. Paige Eliasson says:

    God is gracious, and He is just.

  60. Anita Stephens says:

    I was inspired to be wise in Spirit and not to waist time

  61. Kristie Paradis says:

    God is immovable and unshakable! He is not surprised by anything we do, and there is nothing we can do that is too bad for Him to not forgive us! All we have to do is confess and repent, and we are forgiven! God’s grace and mercy are new every day, overflowing and endless! God is light! God is good…all the time! God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! God is holy! God is love! God is patient – when we are being stubborn and turning from Him, He waits patiently, not moving, for us to come running back to Him, back to His open arms! Thank you, God!!

  62. Freda Jorgensen says:

    He is our Savior, a loving father, caring, perfect, a intercessor,

  63. Rachelle Dezarn says:


  64. Cynthia Johnston says:

    God is holy. God is love. God is gentle. God is lowly. God is good! ♥️

  65. Ali Olvera says:

    God wants us to be set apart and holy. While we once lived in darkness we are now in the light. We can show this by our actions, our words and our thoughts

  66. Jacquelyn Karel says:

    He is the Light, the Way, the Truth. He forgives us, and has mercy on us. He is Holy, and calls us to sanctification. He loves us more than we can ever love, and that is both overwhelming and humbling at the same time. Yesterday, I was brought to my knees by first time parenthood. Our son is a little over a week old, and although I knew it would be hard, nothing can prepare you for his hard. I was rocking and nursing him and crying to God to encourage me, and show me I am doing the right things to take care of our child. Good heard me and allowed us clarity on how to sleep, schedule, and comfort him. I don’t know if this has anything really to do with this reading, but I felt I needed to express God’s faithfulness in answering my prayer.

  67. Jacquelyn Karel says:

    He is the Light, the Way, the Truth. He forgives us, and has mercy on us. He is Holy, and calls us to sanctification. He loves us more than we can ever love, and that is both overwhelming and humbling at the same time. Yesterday, I was brought to my knees by first time parenthood. Our son is a little over a week old, and although I knew it would be hard, nothing can prepare you for his hard. I was rocking and nursing him and crying to God to encourage me, and show me I am doing the right things to take care of our child. Good heard me and allowed us clarity on how to sleep, schedule, and comfort him. I don’t know if this has anything really to do with this reading, but I felt I needed to express Gods

  68. Jacquelyn Karel says:

    He is the Light, the Way, the Truth. He forgives us, and has mercy on us. He is Holy, and calls us to sanctification. He loves us more than we can ever love, and that is both overwhelming and humbling at the same time. Yesterday, I was brought to my knees by first time parenthood. Our son is a little over a week old, and although I knew it would be hard, nothing can prepare you for his hard. I was rocking and nursing him and crying to God to encourage me, and show me I am doing the right things to take care of our child,

  69. Kassandra Ray says:

    Penny W. Thank you so much.

  70. Kassandra Ray says:

    Thank you Kathy. I needed that.

  71. Lydia Christian says:

    That He is light, and gave us that light so that we might reflect Him.

  72. Rebecca Anconetani says:

    Thinking on 2 Timothy 1:9 – …according to His own purpose… before time began.

  73. Michele Hughes says:

    Recently, I have become drawn to words of Scripture that are rarely if ever explained in church. One of these words is “Holy.” Without a firm understanding of what this word means, we have no real chance of becoming Holy, like God. A prayer of mine is that God would reveal to me, His Holiness, that I might understand, know Him better, and live in a way that way s pleasing to Him.

  74. Michele Hughes says:

    Recently, I have become drawn to words of Scripture that are rarely if ever explained in church. One of these words is “Holy.” Without a firm understanding of what this word means, we have no real chance of becoming Holy, like God. A prayer of mine is that God would reveal to me, His Holiness, that I might understand and know Him better.

  75. Sarah Woodley says:

    God knows we will stumble but he is our everlasting advocate who will always bring us back into this blanket of love. God encourages us to to do what is right & do all in love.

  76. Heidi Clemens says:

    He is light in darkness…

  77. Penny W says:

    @Kassandra Ray God loves you and wants you to strive toward holiness. He knows that you will sin. We all do. But He loves us so much. Repent, and ask God to help you each day to walk in a way pleasing to Him. Don’t be discouraged, but be encouraged that God loves you with an everlasting love that will not let you go.

  78. Melissa James says:

    Holy and Faithful

  79. Alyssa Raine says:

    He is Holy. He is the Light. He is righteous. He is our advocate. He is love.

    He is the God who is filled with love for His people. When we abide in Him, walk with Him, imitate Him, we are filled with His light and the darkness is cast away.

  80. Alyssa Raine says:

    He is Holy. He is the Light. He is righteous. He is our advocate. He is love.

  81. Kathy says:

    Kassandra, this is just my thought…we are to strive not to sin. But, we all still do. The thing is we can run to the Father, repent and he’s quick to forgive us and he will! Just because my kids mess up doesn’t mean I love them any less. I don’t turn my back on them. He won’t turn His back on us! Rest…

  82. Pam says:

    Kassandra: I really appreciate your question…it made me search out some answers for myself! John said, “let no one deceive you” indicating the deception of false teaching. There were those who said that you could profess belief in Jesus yet continue to live as you had before. I like the ESV translation of 1 John 3:7, “The one who practices what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous”. “Practices” is present tense meaning it is ongoing. This is speaking of direction, not perfection! It means that I’m not going to continue living the way I used to but will walk in newness of life empowered by the Spirit now living inside me. And when I do sin, I can repent, confess my sin and know that I’m forgiven. That’s the beauty of grace!

  83. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Kassandra Ray – if you have confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart that Jesus died and rose after 3 days then you are saved. All have sinned (and will continue to). What has changed is your WANT TO. Your awareness of your unholiness is the sign your want to has changed. As you respond to the work that Christ did, you don’t become sinless but you do sin less and less as you are transformed. It is never the righteousness that you can achieve that makes you holy but Jesus’ righteousness that you receive in salvation.
    I hope that is helpful. It is indeed a mystery yet so wonderfully true.

  84. Amy Mercer says:

    He is love. He is forgiving and patiently waiting for us to realize it’s easier to follow His lead than our desires.

  85. Kassandra Ray says:

    He is holy. And somehow I am called to live apart from sin. Yet I still sin. So does this mean that I am not truly of God, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ? This passage left me discouraged honestly. I want to do what is good. But I’m so keenly aware of my unholiness. Are we called to repent and confess, or not sin at all? I realize we are to strive towards holiness but I wasn’t sure if I’m expected to not sin and if I do, I’m of Satan? Anyone else confused?

  86. Melinda L says:

    He is just, faithful, forgiving, loving, & HOLY. Those attributes make a stark contrast against sin. Makes me think about how I should live- for sure! Light in dark, live holy as Jesus. I need to daily, and more often, be taking up the cross & bringing every thought captive

  87. Dorothy J Winston says:

    He is Light

  88. Amy EB says:

    God’s mercy. Instead of condemning us for our sins which he is well within his right to do as a holy God faced with sinful people, He makes us a righteous nation. A nation full of people capable of pride, selfishness, impatience, greed, dishonesty, and more. But he clothes us in righteousness so that we can enter the gates into his presence. He restores us to Himself with His mercy.

  89. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Loved this song! Thanks suggesting it as I need constant reminders these days.

  90. Saicha Crawford says:

    Hello She’s! What stands out to me is in 1 Peter 1:16: “For it is written, Be holy because I am holy.” Easier said than done but what a call to imitate who God is! As Raechel said in the podcast, live unto Him!

  91. Bobbie says:

    The main attribute that stands out to me is that He is Holy. I also see that He is light and we are to let His light shine through us. He is love, and we are to walk in His love. 1 John 2:6 “The one who says he remains in him should walk just as he walked.” For many years now something that our pastor in Florida said has stuck with me and I strive to do almost daily and that is to be more like Christ. I fail but that does not stop me from continuing to try each day.

  92. Penny Renfro says:

    He is Holy!
    He is Light!

  93. Penny Renfro says:

    He is Holy!

  94. Claire B says:

    Tina, Amen, well put. We are who we are because of our Lord. His constant guidance keeps us on track with timely whispers from the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord for your vigilance.

  95. Claire B says:


  96. Danae S says:

    Holy holy holy! When I really think about what that means I’m in awe of his greatness and his majesty! ❤️

  97. Julie Allison says:

    Light and grace

  98. Julia Hagen says:

    He is hope! He is love! He is Good!

  99. Kim Robinson says:

    Light. Righteous. Holy. Faithful

  100. Dominique says:

    God is Love, He is patient, He is just, and He is holy.

  101. Rebekah Picarelli says:

    He is faithful and just.. I struggle to feel like I am in him because I know how much I sin and fall from him which it says if you sin you are of the devil but I know that that’s why Christ came to save me from those sins even long after he died on the cross may I find myself drawing close to him so that I will sin less and become a better resemblance of him

  102. MaryBeth Thomas says:

    He is holy and wishes us to live a righteous and sin-free life.

  103. Adrianne says:

    That he includes all of us in his family. That we can come from all walks of life and we are included in Him. His forgiveness and patience abounds.

  104. Faith Magras says:

    God grace and holiness

  105. Louise says:

    Thank you so much for the recommendation! I needed this. God bless you sister ❤️

  106. Jennifer Anapol says:

    The attributes of God that stand out to me is his holiness and forgiveness. We are called to live holy lives, but since we aren’t perfect, we can seek God’s forgives whenever we sin. Jesus is our most holy advocate. It important that we don’t make a habit of sinning, but make it a habit to pursue righteousness.

  107. Mercy says:

    Let there be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse [obscene or vulgar] joking, because such things are not appropriate [for believers]; but instead speak of your thankfulness [to God]. For be sure of this: no immoral, impure, or greedy person—for that one is [in effect] an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God [for such a person places a higher value on something other than God] (Ephesians 5:4‭-‬5 AMP). These verses sharply reminded me to put a guard on my mouth and words, and we know how powerful words are. Lord please help me to be holy in the words that I speak and not be partaker/hearer of fruitless talking.

  108. Terri Douglas says:

    Aubri you took the words right out of my mouth! I was hit in the heart with this today. My heart should reflect what I am putting in and it won’t if I keep allowing certain things to come into my heart.

  109. Grayson Chatfield says:

    God being Light and Love stood out to me most today. This prompted me to listen to “Light of Your Love” by Ellie Holcomb. I highly suggest you do as well if you’d like an uplifting and comforting word sung over you today. Be blessed sisters!

  110. Denise says:

    Holiness & Light

  111. Aubri Foster says:

    His holiness and truth is something that I have been wrestling with and both of those words leapt off the page today. He is HOLY. He is TRUTH. I know his blood makes me holy, and my actions and pursuit of holiness draw me closer to him. I know he is truth and light and my actions and words must then, therefore, reflect truth and light IF I am in him… I see my heart and life changing, I have known him so long, yet daily I am humbled and in awe of how much I don’t know. I want to know him more and reflect him more… I’m so thankful for the mirror scripture holds up, even if it shows me all my flaws and failures and ouchies… Lord, have your way in my and cut out all that blots my soul and make me new!

  112. Tasha Adams says:

    God is Sovereign, loving, just, He is all powerful.

  113. C.J. Carter says:

    He is Light.
    He is Righteous,
    He is Love.
    He is Good.
    He is Truth.

  114. Dorothy says:

    So in all of todays readings the attitude I perceived was to LISTEN to what the TRIUNE has to say and OBEY AND TRUST because in the long run God knows what is going to happen and it is the best laid plans for us.
    I’m one of those who won’t read just one verse because I want to grasp the true meaning of the verse; so in going to read Romans 8:29, I started reading at verse 26 and read through verse 30 and all I have to say is WOW!!!! WOW!!!! The Spirit pleads for us; we were chosen ahead of time; what God wants us to pray; but most of all WE RECEIVED HIS GLORY.
    Be blessed and listen, obey and trust to/in the Lord.

  115. Paula Mullinax says:

    Be faithful as He is faithful in all things.
    Ephesians 5:15-17
    15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise—16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

  116. Sheridan Covington says:

    Righteous, Savior, Holy.

  117. Delaney says:

    His power and grace

  118. Joslyn Kipperman says:

    He is holy. He cannot lie. He is light.

  119. Rachel Reekers says:

    He is righteous. He is good. He is light. He is Hope.

  120. Jan says:

    So many thoughtful comments. As I reflect on the attributes of God – he is love and light, he is holy and righteous, he is merciful and just – I see in scripture all the ways he uses these for us! One mentioned that he is jealous for his children. So correct! He is not jealous for himself – to bring us to himself for his own gratification. He wants to bring us to himself for us! So that we may share and live in his glory. He shines light into the darkness to show us the way. Amazing grace!

  121. Cindy Hanna says:

    So many attributes of God listed today. He IS light, righteous, just, impartial, faithful to forgive, purposeful, loving, the giver of grace and author of our salvation. Holy! How can I choose just one when I rely on his unchanging character in all these areas!

  122. KC says:

    God is light, pure, forgiving, and in love with His children. He only wants the best for us, so much so, that He sacrificed His only son in order for us to live a long life with Him. That is pure love. He is speaking clearly about the way we should be living, with love and grace, just like a loving father would. I loved the verse – “Open the gates so a righteous nation can come in – one that remains faithful.” Isaiah 26:2. I loved the simplicity of these words, and I pray that I may be a light in this world, a good example of who Jesus is, walking the same way on this earth as He once did.

  123. Judy Carter says:

    Holiness, grace, compassion, faithfulness and so much love!!

  124. Anne Durfey says:

    He is Light, and not only that, but we can be his light to the nations.

  125. Teresa Donley says:

    God‘s holiness and light stood out to me today in the verses we read. To know that even in dark times, we are walking in the light with Jesus, brings a sense of calm that can be found nowhere else. And the holiness of God is such a high standard for us to strive for. I, in my self, cannot be holy. I can only be holy as I walk with Jesus and strive to be more like him. Also, I love 1 John 2:1 that points out to us that Jesus is our advocate or intercessor. He is righteous. I can only come to the throne of God with Jesus as my intercessor. Thank you God for sending your son.

  126. Felicia Harris says:

    The two that stuck out to me were impartial judge and Christ as our intercesor. These two attributes of God being a righteous, holy, impartial judge while also being a God that grants us an intercessor is such a beautiful reflection of His character and how his justice and grace coexist so beautifully allowing me to have a relationship with him that is redeemed. Praise the Lord for a righteous judge that has chosen me!!

    Another semi-unrelated thing that stood out is The verse on not speaking crudely or foolishly but speaking thanksgiving. When I’m in an environment where crude talk is welcomed and encouraged, it’s hard to find other things to fill that space. Without engaging it can feel like quite a lonely place to be in, but I love how we are called to turn these instances into thanksgiving which allows us to realign our hearts and minds with what’s important; not being excepted or relevant by those speaking crudely but having a relationship with the one who truly loves us.

  127. Felicia Harris says:

    The two that stuck out to me were impartial judge and Christ as our intercesor. These two attributes of God being a righteous, holy, impartial judge while also being a God that grants us an intercessor is such a beautiful reflection of His character and how his justice and grace coexist so beautifully allowing me to have a relationship with him that is redeemed. Praise the Lord for a righteous judge that has chosen me!!

  128. Traci Gendron says:

    Light vs darkness. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light-for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth. Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them.

    A good reminder to stand firm in your faith. To not go “along” with the crowd because we don’t want to receive their backlash. To be strong in our faith.

    To have consistency in the Christian Life
    Pay attention, then, to how you walk-not as unwise people but as wise. Don’t be foolish

    That God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him!

  129. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thank you for loving us and being our savior, provider, protector, our light in the darkness. I am so grateful. ❤️

  130. Rebecca says:

    L et His light shine
    I n me! May I
    G o into the world reflecting
    H is holiness and love with
    T hanksgiving! Amen

  131. Lexi B says:

    This verse stood out to me:

    29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. – Romans 8:29

  132. Heidi M says:

    That God is Light. But He is also hidden. Not hiding, but hidden. As we walk with Him, we are always seeking Him. We get the chance to know Him fully. What a loving God we serve to have the chance to know Him fully and we get to be like HIM. a constant pursuit but one where we will always find something new. He is so faithful and I’m so thankful we get to know who He is because in the process we can know who we are and who we’re called to be.

  133. Kathy Madison says:

    Holy and righteous

  134. Kristi says:

    God is everything!
    God is love!
    God is light!
    God is merciful!
    God is gracious!
    God is holy!
    God is faithful!
    God is forgiving!
    God is the ONLY WAY!

  135. Bridgette says:

    I love ❤️ these scriptures! What a road map laid out before us to “Put on Jesus”. Romans 13:14. This scripture is not included in today’s scripture readings but this scripture is definitely defined by the scripture readings today. I was both encouraged and convicted by the scripture reading today.

  136. Rylee says:

    The attribute of God that always stands out to me the most is His Grace. He knows out human heart and knew we could never save ourselves so He sent his Son to do what we could never do. He also calls us to live out what we believe and to not just be comfortable in this world!

  137. Molly R says:

    HEATHER O’MALLEY, that’ exactly what stood out to me, too! I was going to use the word “integrity” of God and His unwavering pursuit and protection of His children.

  138. Liza says:

    Christ’s grace and power to save stood out to me throughout the passages.

  139. Paulette Ray says:

    ‘God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him’…. 1 John 1:5. So simple, yet so beautiful. It really is that simple. He is our light, as long as we follow him, we will not be in darkness. ‘for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth- Ephesians 5:8 Amen!

  140. Janie Diffly says:

    Another passage stood out:

    29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. – Romans 8:29

    For those whom he foreknew-

  141. Jeannine says:

    Walk as Children of the Light- For the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteous, and truth

  142. Janie Diffly says:

    Another passage stood out:

    29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. – Romans 8:29

  143. Janie Diffly says:

    Another passage stood out:

  144. Annie says:

    He is righteous and He is Light. All good comes from Him alone.
    We are to live holy, set apart lives and show others God’s Light through our way of living.
    Thanks be to God for His merciful Light!

  145. Janie Diffly says:

    What I noticed that I had not really noticed before is; 4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. – Ephesians 5:4
    I don’t have a sense of humor like this and haven’t for some time— it’s really a thing! So many “believers” do and look askance at me when I don’t. It makes me feel like a prude, but nevertheless I don’t like it!

  146. Erica Wilson says:

    LIGHT… the more I walk with Jesus, the more the Spirit shines light into all my dark places, bringing to life what was formerly dead.

  147. Janie Diffly says:

    What I noticed that I had not really noticed before is; 4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. – Ephesians 5:4

  148. Heather O'Malley says:

    Hi righteousness stood out to me, and the fact that He is jealous for His people. We are set apart, and we belong to Him, so our attention and desires should be for Him only.

  149. Kari Stewart says:

    The two that stuck out to me were, He is Holy, and He is Light. I find those to be the very comforting. There is so much going on in our world today, so much darkness. I think the world needs the hope that is found in him more than ever.

  150. mikayla says:

    God is light, and we as His children are now light in the Lord (Ephesians 5:8). Gosh is faithful, forgiving us of our sins. God is love, sending his perfect and only Son to die for us sinners, so that we could spend eternity with Him

  151. Sonja Cox says:

    God is light and in Him is no darkness at all!! He is HOLY

  152. Kyler C. says:

    God is light
    God is love
    God is holy
    God is a redeemer

  153. Diane Mom says:

    God’s love and mercy!

  154. Cardiff says:

    God is Light ~ Beautiful

  155. Michelle Patire says:

    God is gracious to the unfaithful. He is faithful, when we are faithless. He alone is righteous (and has given us His righteousness). He is an impartial judge- fairly condemning evil and exposing it. He is honest and we walk with Him, we are called to be honest. God, You alone are Holy and without sin, help us to live like You.

  156. Heidi V says:

    Your words really resonate with me Tina. I found the differences in how Paul and John talk about the same concepts interesting. Paul having been redeemed and chosen vs John having been chosen seems to influence their writings. John is much more black and white than Paul but they both inevitability focus on the grace we are given in Christ Jesus. Thanks be to God!! Have a blessed day She’s!

  157. Debbie-Pursued by Him says:

    What stood out to me today, and always, is that God made a way for us to be in communion with Him through Jesus Christ! What a loving and generous God He is. He knows we will mess up and do the wrong things, yet He makes sure we still are able to come to Him as pure and righteous through Jesus Christ! What love! God is good!

  158. Mariah Reed says:

    The old is gone. You are made new. We are called to walk differently than the word. We people see us they should see Christ love coming out of us not the world.

  159. Lydia Christian says:

    His perfect Holiness, and our call to walk in holiness with Him.

  160. GramsieSue . says:

    “I am who I am because He first loved me.” From Tina. Everything in my life was through Him. His grace, mercy, love, redemption, restoration, provision, protection, healing…All thru Him. I can never measure up…but I don’t have to. Jesus did it ALL for me. So thankful. So blessed. Let me serve others with that same love given for me. Hugs to you gals this morning. ❤️

  161. Leisa Larson says:

    Same for me, Sharon, Jersey Girl! How awesome it is to be chosen by this Wonderful, Holy, Loving God and redeemed by Christ for a new life-WITH HIM and Him within. Lord, help us live with this awareness of YOUR love today.

  162. Kari says:


  163. Leisa Larson says:

    We’ll said!!! That very same message and

  164. Peggy Pappas says:

    Several attributes stood out, but this one, He is Light stood out to me today. We are called to walk in the light as He Himself is in the light. In Him there is no darkness. The world is in darkness and desperately needs the light. Too often even the church, not wanting to offend or be unloving acts no different from the world. Light exposes darkness, corruption, what is done in the darkness. I pray every day for God to expose evil and corruption and what is being done in darkness and for His light of truth to shine forth. We are children of the light. The fruit of the light scripture says, is all goodness, righteousness and truth. We are to expose the darkness. We can and must do this in love and compassion for a lost and dying world. Walking in darkness is hopeless. May God’s light shine in and through us for His glory!

  165. Terri Baldwin says:

    Attributes of God
    Holy as He is Holy, set apart for a purpose

  166. Terri Baldwin says:

    Attributes of God

  167. Terri Baldwin says:

    Attributes of God

  168. Terri Baldwin says:

    Attributes of God

  169. Holly Cozart says:

    4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. – 1 John 2:4-6

    I feel like one of the most difficult things to do is be like Jesus. My prayer is that I can walk in the way in which He walked. I need to be more patient, kind, loving, giving, and humble.

  170. Terri Baldwin says:

    Attributes of God

  171. Kelsey Bell says:

    God is holy, God is a good father who expects certain things from

  172. Kristina Baker says:

    His great holiness stands out so strongly in these passages. The holiness of the love of our Jesus, His set apartness, His perfection. And how beautiful it is that He calls us to pursue holiness as well.

  173. Holly Cozart says:

    4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. – 1 John 2:4-6

  174. Eileen Dowd says:

    Our God is here holy and righteous. How blessed to walk in His ways!

  175. Caroline Bridges says:

    If you assume that you don’t sin, the truth is not there. Don’t participate in the darkness, instead expose it.

  176. Jackie says:

    We are called to walk in love, to be like Jesus, and to stand apart from the world (be Holy.)

  177. Stephanie says:

    There was a secular song, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the one thing that there’s just too little of.” God is love & He loved me so much that He sent his son to die for me. My heart should be full of love & thankfulness (and it is), but do I always who love to my neighbor? Do I love others above myself? As God loves them? If we were to pay careful attention to how we walk, if we were to live as children of light, wouldn’t we love the world & the people in it…The world needs love, sweet love…The world needs the sweet love of Jesus. Help me Lord to be more like you, to love like you!

  178. CMS says:

    The holiness of God. We are called to be holy, but knowing we can never be without sin, He is willing to forgive and love. Thank you Lord for Your grace!

  179. Brittani Robertson says:

    God is light. In him there is no darkness. We cannot walk in darkness and also claim to be walking with him. We are to turn from the darkness and run straight to his arms.

  180. Skylar says:

    His holiness, his light.

  181. Angie Mills says:

    The two attributes of God that stood out to me in today’s reading are His holiness and His love. Holiness means that He is perfectly perfect in all He does. There is no sin or flaw in Him at all. Although we will continue to sin this side of heaven, we must allow God to transform our lives so that we follow His ways. When we do this, we will act differently from those who still follow worldly ways. Christ loves us with a sacrificial love. He gave up everything, lived among His enemies, and died to redeem them and have a relationship with Him. We must love others with the same kind of sacrificial love, willing to give up anything and everything to reach one person for Jesus.

  182. Juliann Visser says:

    Although it is God in us, we have a responsibility to exercise and discipline in our faith. We get to practice righteous living with the power of the Gospel, but we are a working part of this! Praise the Lord for such responsibilities❤️

  183. Laura Morrow says:

    The Lord is holy, just, loving and righteous. Through all my trips and falls, he is there, graciously lifting me up.

  184. Nancy Gowey says:

    Walk in Love

  185. Kristen Brady says:

    His constant pursuit of His people to set them apart for a purpose, to love them, and to protect them. Nothing about that ever changes with Him; it’s woven all throughout Scripture.

  186. Andrea Schaap says:

    The holiness of God, that he desires a church who is pure and spotless.

  187. Kenya Rafferty says:

    God forgives. God loves. But to truly receive this love and forgiveness (and know we are receiving it) we have to live honestly in our faith. Are we walking as a light for others, emulating Jesus? Are we loving our neighbors? Are we standing apart from the crowd in the way we also forgive and love? Are we staying true to Gods word? All of these bring us his true gifts.

  188. Sarah Brown says:


  189. P Blundell says:

    God is our Holy Father. His patience, love and mercy for us is like no other!

  190. Deborah MacDonald says:

    That God is holy. He loves us. That if we are truly walking in the light, that our actions will reflect that.
    That was convicting for me today-to be reminded that we need to put away old habits we might fall into and truly reflect righteousness and holiness in our actions.

  191. Abigail Fafula says:

    I’ve been learning about true holiness and what that means. Over and over again, scripture says God is holy. It’s not this attribute to His character – it’s who He is, His very being is holy. He is holy. “I AM.”
    And to read about how He has made us holy is mind blowing. I’ve grown up with this mentality of being saved by the blood, yes, but that I still have to strive to do good, or try to be worthy, or atone for myself. Which isn’t true. He has paid my debt, covered me with His righteousness, and set me apart as His chosen heir who is now holy. “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

  192. Deborah MacDonald says:

    That God is holy. He loves us. That if we are truly walking in the light, that our actions will reflect that.

  193. Hannah Turner says:

    His love for us. We were made in His image yet we are sinful and continue to disappoint Him daily

  194. Jodi says:

    God is gracious, kind and loving. He is our light in the darkness. He wants good things for us. He loves us.

  195. Laurie Sanders says:

    Christ is my “intervener”. Through his sacrifice I am a forgiven child of God and must live my life in a way that reflects my gratitude for this fact.

  196. Danielle B says:

    The holiness of God stood out to me today as well as, his righteousness. The passage in 1 John 5 stood out to me about the need to confess sins. How often to I look over my sin or from a place of pride/ignorance feel I have no sin to confess. Great heart check reminder.

  197. Hillary Saum says:

    God is Holy, I will never be able to live up to his standards or live life the way he wants me to on my own strength. I need a savior! Apart from Jesus I can do NOTHING

  198. Lauren Willis says:

    What stands out to me the most is His holiness, coupled with His grace. As it says in Leviticus and throughout the New Testament, He is holy, so we are to conduct ourselves as such. I am grateful for a God who is sacred and hallowed, for what would it be to follow a god who was not? I am equally overwhelmed by His grace, because I know I can never live to be perfectly holy this side of Heaven. So, while I attempt (in His strength) to live worthy of the calling which I have been given, I am grateful for His grace when I fall short.

  199. Andrea Gainous says:

    His holiness.

  200. Marnie Wittenbach says:

    He is holy, He is light, He forgives, and above all else He is LOVE.

  201. Laura Struyf says:

    God is Truth, Love, Light. He created this tiny little scrap of humanity that is me, then breathed a soul of Light into it and blessed it with Truth (His Word) and Love (the salvation earned through the death and resurrection of Jesus). So very humbling…

  202. Kristina says:

    As I was reading all the verses and passages for today, I was thinking, “Man, that’s quite the pressure to be ‘perfect’ and holy in His eyes.”

    Then I remembered that while He asks this of us, God doesn’t leave it up to us to do it on our own. His grace and mercy and love and guidance are with us every step of the way.

    And when we remember those qualities of Him, it makes us want to try even harder to be more like Him.

  203. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    So many attributes of God! But the ones that especially stand out today are: merciful, gracious, loving and faithful. I stand in awe of the fact that God sent His Son to die for me, and has made me acceptable in His sight, to the extent that I am seated in heaven with Him, and I get to enjoy that standing with all of my sisters and brothers in Christ! (Ephesians 2:6) Wow! Praise be to God!

  204. Kelly Cavett says:

    He himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world. (1 John 2:2) This is such a simple reminder to me that He atoned for the sins of ALL people, regardless of the sins committed or to be committed. Praise God for His sacrifice! Praise God for showing us how to truly love!

  205. Pam Seipp says:

    God Is light and goodness!

  206. Krista Darcus says:

    God’s holiness stands out and his desire that we be like him.

  207. Jessica Costeniuc says:

    To live in God’s light we must take on his attributes of goodness, righteousness, and truth. Not to live as we once were before being saved.

  208. Penny Courtney says:

    God is perfect in all things, especially in His love for us. He saw our sin before we were born. He made a way for us to be made new and holy. He judges us fairly and loves us completely. If we are born in Him, He lives in us and helps us WANT to do His Will. When we know we are weak, and ask for His help, He will make us strong.

  209. Jillian says:

    The Righteous One, wise, just, and forgiving are all attributes that stuck out to me this morning. I can only pray that I am wise, just, but most of all forgiving. Have a great, blessed day ladies!

  210. Taylor says:

    @Ellen I love your lists from the passages! I almost wish I had read today’s question before I started reading to do the same. I wrote down 2 Timothy 1:9, 1 John 1:9, and Ephesians 5:8 in my journal. Our holiness is nothing of our own doing – it is all because of Jesus and His fragrant offering for us! If we confess our sins, He is FAITHFUL and JUST and WILL FORGIVE US and PURIFY US! And because of His forgiveness, we are adopted as children of LIGHT. Knowing all these truths should encourage us to live as Jesus lived, and the Holy Spirit equips us and strengthens us to do so. HOWEVER, when we mess up and fail to live as Jesus did, He meet us with MORE grace, MORE love. How amazing! (Can you tell I had more time to actually think this morning? LOL)

    Thanks again for your prayers <3 My roommate was still feeling pretty bad yesterday and I continue to feel okay! I am thankful for the Lord's protection and for Lysol wipes lol! Please also continue to pray for our apartment-hunting as I spoke with a property manager on Monday about the apartment we wanted to pursue, but the way she talked about it made it seem like it's not somewhere we would want to live. The Lord will provide! Isaiah 26:3-4 <3

  211. Krista Andrews says:

    God is Light – there is no darkness where He is. If we as a church are experiencing darkness than we are LYING and not practicing the truth. Mic drop. Our job? Expose the darkness. May it be so. Profound reading this morning as we understand God and the holiness we are to pursue. My prayer today is that I wake up.

  212. Aimee D-R says:

    Holy, just, wrath towards the unrighteous, loving, holy

  213. Haley Malone says:

    9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. – 1 John 3:9

    This verse stood out to me today, God’s seed abides in us. And there are so many attributes of God that I could relate back to this, but the main one that sticks for me

  214. Gayle Radavich says:

    The attribute that spoke to me the most this morning is HOLY. “ you are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be mine.”

  215. Haley Malone says:

    9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. – 1 John 3:9

  216. Bonnie Sargent says:

    So then do not be foolish, know what the will of God is. In the Greek foolish means lacking perspective because shortsighted or lacking the overall picture (perspective) needed to act prudently. How many times are we foolish because of our own thoughts about ourselves, thoughts about others, thoughts about things we shouldn’t have thoughts about? Let our perspective embrace the fullness of what God has done for us and will do for others and put the rest of the mess in the trash can of foolishness.

  217. Erin Shaughnessy says:

    God is light and sin is darkness. If we are following after God we are walking in the light and exposing our own sin.

  218. kinsey says:

    God is so holy and set apart. The beauty in that is that we are also set apart by Him to walk in the way He did. We are chosen by Him, and I cannot think of any love stronger than that – what a reason to live!

  219. Sundayschoolteacher says:

    God is loving and holy. He wants to have a relationship with me and all people of the world. He loves us so much He gave his only son, Jesus, to be our sacrifice. There is no other love like the love of God. Praise be to God!! Have an awesome Thursday and share His love with others today!

  220. Judy says:

    God is light; we need to shine his light through us. He is holy, faithful, righteous and ever-forgiving.

  221. Ellen says:

    God is:
    Holy-calls us to be holy
    Light-no darkness

    Jesus is:
    Our Redeemer
    Our Advocate
    Destroys the devils works
    Our Atoning Sacrifice
    His blood cleanses us

    Lifted straight from these passages. So much to praise God for!
    Thank you God for being our Light and cleansing us through the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Convict my heart that I may confess and be forgiven. Conform me to your likeness and help me to walk in Your ways. Amen

  222. Nadine Leas says:

    So many attributes in these Scriptures! God is gracious, holy, impartial, perfect. He is light, truth, faithful and righteous. God is omniscient, good, wise and He is love.

  223. AG says:

    God’s love for us, even as sinners. His forgiveness and mercy.

  224. Kristen says:

    I know that I have shared this link before, but this is a series to watch!–3S6w1kdhXY9Cb

    R C Sproul talks about the Holiness of God being the only attribute of God that is ascribed and said of Him 3 times. The Scripture says that He is Holy, Holy, Holy. In Isaiah 6, he fell face down. I heard it said that for the first time Isaiah saw God rightly and he saw himself rightly. To have the fear of God is a good thing! Maybe you already know what it means to fear God, but I found this explanation of fearing God from the site, Got Questions and thought I’d share. I know I didn’t understand much of anything about the Bible at first, even though I grew up going to church I don’t even know to read the Bible. Yikes! Here is a link:

  225. Barb Huff says:

    He is holy, loving, and faithful.

  226. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him.”

    As this world seems to be growing darker, this truth was comforting today. The Light is brighter as darkness grows. May I bring His light with me in the dark (and gray) places.

    TAYLOR – praying you have another negative test today.

    DOROTHY – praying for Monica

    LAUREL – how is your Aunt Marlene?

  227. Elyse Ripellino says:

    The love He has for such sinful people and his forgiveness and mercy that come along with it!

  228. Arina says:

    God predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). Tha stakes the pressure of me to perform. Now we are in the process of being confirmed. That can hurt, but it will all be worth it. Some day we will be like Him, holy and blameless before God. God already sees us as without sin in Christ, but then we will be able to also live it.

  229. TIna says:

    I know that I can’t put one foot in front of the other without God.
    He is the Lamp for my feet!

    My heart beats because of God. He is my source..

    My life has been covered by God. His Love, Grace, Mercy, Faithfulness, Comfort, Provision, have and continue to follow me.. He has been my shepherd. Praise you God.. and Thank you Lord.

    I am who I am because God first loved me.
    His love has changed and continues to change me.. and I will always give Him the Glory..

    BUT GOD..


    Blessings dear hearts, wrapped in love and prayers..❤

  230. Emily Nelson says:

    The way that god loves each and every one of us is one of the attributes that stands out to me the most