Humanity Rebelled Against God

Open Your Bible

Genesis 3:1-19, Deuteronomy 28:15-19, Isaiah 1:4-5, Romans 5:12-14

From the time my pigtails bounced, and my skirt twirled, I’ve always been a “good girl”—just ask my mama. I was a straight A student who rarely got in trouble. I picked the right college, the right fella, the right outfit. You get the idea. 

Turning my life over to Jesus ripped my story into two distinct halves: life before Him and life after Him. Still, there isn’t a lot of drama in the “before” part. No skeletons in the closet. No criminal record. No massive public failures. It’s tempting to think that Jesus died to make me just a new and improved version of myself: Erin 2.0. 

I’ve been walking with the Lord for more than two decades now, and the strangest thing has happened. The longer I know Him, and the more familiar I become with His Word, the uglier my heart looks. It’s like one of those optical illusion pictures that just looks like a bunch of squiggles at first. But the longer you stare, the more the edges of a hidden image emerge, and you see it’s not a pretty picture.

Sure, my behavior screams “good girl,” but my deceitful heart whispers thoughts of jealousy, pride, envy, hate, anger, bitterness, greed—the list goes on and on. Because here’s the truth: the Bible tells us no one is good except God alone (Romans 3:10). The achievements, accomplishments, and attitudes we attempt to polish up with a high shine are destined to look like filthy rags next to His blinding holiness (Isaiah 64:6).

Our sin—and the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve—is a reality the Bible doesn’t bother to sugarcoat (Genesis 3). We are the children of sinners who produce children who sin. We are not a people defined by our goodness, but rather all of humanity is “weighed down with iniquity” (Isaiah 1:4). We, all of us, have turned our backs on our Creator. 

When it comes to holiness, there is no bell curve. The Bible warns that everything, every single thing in our world is cursed by our sin and rebellion against God: our civilizations and our agriculture, our food and our children, our crops and our herds, our coming in and going out (Deuteronomy 28:17–19).

It has taken my entire life, but my good girl facade has cracked. Praise God. Following the rules doesn’t make me righteous, but the good news of the gospel keeps picking me up and dusting me off. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). 

Facing up to the reality of my sin hurts. But when I wrestle with the gospel, the gospel always wins. Being good is not enough, but the thoroughly sufficient grace of a good and loving God is. 

(87) Comments

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87 thoughts on "Humanity Rebelled Against God"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    Praise God!!! I’m free at last!

  2. Millie Hammon says:

    For the wage of sin is death… Cutting back sin gives us new life – more light. It is like dead heading in the garden. Cut back the death and rot and new life forms more color shines through.

  3. shane Toews says:

    How we can be prideful I feel that we are doing so good, but then scripture can define and bring out truth and open our eyes to our sin and need for god

  4. Danielle Patrick says:

    So many want to feel self righteous – that they are better than others for so many reasons rather than recognizing we are all humans. We are all learning and evolving to the greatness that God envisions for us. It never ends – there is no “nailing it.” We are in a constant evolution to seeing Gods plan and embodying his vision for us.

  5. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    Love how God ties in my struggles and then church sermons and friendships and talks to where I am at. He is having my soul

  6. Jonet Tirado says:

    This was an amazing reading today! Full of great nuggets and scripture to write down and meditate on! Deuteronomy 28:15-19 was my favorite one

  7. Jonet Tirado says:

    This was an amazing reading today! Full of great nuggets and scripture to write down and meditate on!

  8. Jennifer Lumley says:

    A sovereign, loving and gracious God who calls to us even in the midst of thinking we can do it ourselves. Thankful for a reminder that I need Him everyday and that my good is never good enough but by His grace and the sacrifice of His Son I am free.

  9. Ange Frank says:


  10. Mollie Clau says:

    Wow! What an eye opener. Makes you rethink what you thought was right and holy.

  11. Sumire Arai says:

    I hope to be with your word.

  12. Portia Strange says:

    I love this!

    Whether you grew up in church or not, you need Jesus just the same!

    As a Christian for a little over a decade, I have to be careful as not to minimize my need for Jesus or to think that I need him any less than an unbeliever.

    My college ministry taught us about the cross chart (Google it). It’s a great visual for this devotional. Growing in Christ means being more aware of my sinfulness & His Holiness. Therefore, increasing my appreciating of & love of the Cross. Bless you sisters!

  13. Amber Candis says:


  14. Kiera P says:

    The passages and devotional are eye opening for me today. I, too, consider myself to be a pretty straight laced person. I’m often described as “kind” and “nice”, but I know it’s only but a veneer. There’s so much murkiness stored in my heart. The things I’ve said of other people and the bitterness I harbor is nothing short of filthy. I thank God for His salvation through Christ and how He provided for grace and restoration for us in our disgusting sin. It’s truly remarkable, even though I don’t ponder or thank Him enough for it.

  15. belle ingersoll says:

    today , i want to examine my ♡ for any sinfulness that is separating me from the love of Jesus! ✞ what a beautiful devotional!

  16. Ashley Ohlman says:

    I was wondering the same thing as I read!

  17. Erin Contreras says:


  18. Sarah Brown says:


  19. Stacey Pittsinger says:

    I’m just going to ask. Did all the animals used to talk? These are things that run across my mind when I read the Bible

  20. L T says:


  21. Alexandra Hust says:

    “It’s tempting to think that Jesus Died so that I could become a new and improved version of myself”

  22. Jennifer Smyth says:

    I needed this today. It is not by my own deeds I live but because of his love and his deed.

  23. Jessica Timperio says:

    My condolences to everyone who was close. May she rest in peace.

  24. Chelsey W says:

    Thank you for sharing that, Churchmouse! I’ve been wanting a news source like this.

  25. Christel Fleming says:

    Thankful for the truth that wails with us through the dark. The hope of Jesus is everything we need!

  26. Claire B says:


  27. Kasper says:

    Kristen praying for Danae’s family as they grieve.

    Dorothy- praying for your heart to be refreshed and your mind to be protected from intrusive thoughts about your son’s death.

  28. Elizabeth Gibson says:

    @Erin Davis, great message today. With the recent shooting in Texas, until we kneel at an old-fashioned alter, repent and turn from our wicked ways, God will continue to place curses on our land.

    “But it shall come to pass, uif thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and wovertake thee.” Deuteronomy 28:15

    I loved this about our devotion today.

    We are not a people defined by our goodness, but rather all of humanity is “weighed down with iniquity” (Isaiah 1:4).

  29. Emma S says:

    This is spot on with what’s happening right now in America. Recently I’ve been seeing posts from friends that has “prayer” crossed out and instead “policies & action” written under. And I wonder…when is praying ever passive? And when is God not powerful or big enough to change the world? It was blatant. Brothers & sisters in Christ falling for the deception thinking man is in control instead of God. And my heart sunk & I fell into prayer. My spirit felt disturbed. Man I cannot wait for the day to come when Jesus rules the land. In the meantime I bow my head and relentlessly pray.

  30. Brandy Stiffler says:

    This really gets me to evaluate all areas of my life. I will be more aware if the jealousy, gossip, envy, bitterness, anger and pride

  31. Rebecca Claycomb says:

    So thankful for God’s grace!❤️

  32. Zoe Schneider says:

    What a wonderful message today with all that is going on recently in our country! We need to turn toward Jesus! ❤️

  33. Kelli Carlson says:

    Today feels heavy. We did a reflection at work and my coworkers were all in despair.

  34. Amy Stone says:

    There’s something…. idk…. calming to me to know that we’ve all sinned and are all sinners. We’ve all done things we regret to some degree. Sometimes the guilt & shame of choices I made in the past really get to me but JESUS set me free! He can set free all of us & that’s what makes the gospel such a wonderful thing. We no longer have to live under the weight of guilt and shame.

  35. Jennifer Anapol says:

    We are reminded every day of how sinful of a people we truly are. I only have to read the news for a couple minutes to see just how much we are in need of a savior. It is tempting to think that I am most as bad as some of the people around me, but we all have fallen short of God’s standards; some fall more short than others. I have struggled with pride, anger, lust, fear and jealousy. I know that I need a savior to forgive me everyday.

  36. Dorothy says:

    Another good devotional, another one that has me thinking and pondering about my life. I was never a straight A student, popular or married someone my parents liked. I didn’t rebel until my marriage, I guess, my family tried to warn me. I did end up having two wonderful sons from a broken marriage, even though one is with the Lord.
    Sisters please pray for me, I’ve been really down lately. We’ve been having a lot of rainy weather which doesn’t help — there are times this will bring on flooding which brings back how my older son died. On Monday of next week I start a new schedule where I work with Finley 3 days a week and Kaylee — a 5 year old little girl, I worked with a few times when Finley was in the hospital the last time — 2 days a week. They are two different type little ones so maybe that will help me.
    Sisters be blessed and pray for those who don’t know or understand the Lord, Christ and/or the Holy Spirit.

  37. Mercy says:

    “Has God said..?” I feel like all deception has started with that, us questioning God, at the nudge of the devil. Has God said I will walk with you through the storms? Yes He did (Isaiah 43:2). Has God said in the day of trouble I will save you because you know my Name? Yes He did (Psalm 91:14). Has God said He will forgive ALL our wickedness and remember our sins no more? Yes He did (Hebrews 8:12). Has God said in this life we will face tribulations and troubles? Yes He did (John 16:33). Has God said I set before you this day life and death and you should choose life (ME) so you can be blessed? Yes He did (Deuteronomy 30:15-16). Yes He did. But Eve forgot, and so did we – at some point in our journey, we sidetrack and forsake our trust in God. Yet, God is for us, in the face of troubles that surpass what we can understand, He is still for us, His love, mercy, faithfulness, grace will never run out, inexhaustible. He has told us all these things in warnings so that in HIM we may have peace in the midst of pain. Take heart, He has overcome the world. Encourage yourself. We have a race to run, a battle to fight and win, a field to sow and harvest (2 Timothy 2: 3-6). God knows what it feels like to lose His only child to senseless violence, senseless abuse and slaughter. He cries with us as He walks with us. Praise God for the promised resurrection, praise God that all the lives that are robbed by senseless acts of wickedness (Texas shooting, Ukraine war, and many many more that are not reported) will be resurrected, avenged, transferred into a new godly world where there is be no more death, mourning, or crying, or pain, for all these things are gone forever (Revelation 21:4). Amen to the sister who posted this reminder of such glorious hope. On this side of eternity, death still has its sting, let us not be deceived, but we long for the one that is to come, where we will see all things make new, where families are reunited by the program of the MERCIFUL GOD ( 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17). Be blessed and encouraged in the Lord dear sisters.

  38. Elyssa Fletcher says:

    “When it comes to holiness, there is no bell curve.” We ALL are sinners and ALL are welcome in the house of the Lord.

  39. Churchmouse says:

    The Pour Over is an excellent news source that I prefer over any other. It is brief and concise and includes Scripture! It keeps me abreast of the world without overwhelming me. There’s no commenting for which I am grateful. Rather than endlessly scrolling the comments of other mere mortals, I can pray the Scripture that is given. When I was in my hotel room last night I was tempted to turn on the TV. Fortunately the cable/internet was down and so I didn’t expose myself to reporting and commentary on the shooting in Texas. No TV was a God thing because it turned my attention back to God and praying for comfort for all those impacted by this tragedy.

  40. Jennifer Lumley says:

    What a reminder, we are not ever good enough but because of a gracious and loving God, we can be reconciled to him

  41. Stephanie G says:

    From HRT “Praise God that He is a reconciling, restoring, and redeeming God. Our sin is great, but God’s love for us in Christ is infinitely greater.” Praise Him indeed!

  42. Teresa Donley says:

    I was also the good girl growing up, and into my 30’s. But after a particularly difficult divorce that hit me out of nowhere, I had a period of rebellion against the church and against God. It lasted for several years. I think I knew even when I was rebelling that I was protected by God as his daughter. I am so thankful that even when I was running from him, he was holding onto me. I have a difficult time accepting that I have been forgiven for that time in my life. Intellectually I know that I have asked for forgiveness and have repented of my sins, but time and time again I find myself going back to God and telling him how sorry I was for that time. Please pray with me that I can feel God‘s forgiveness and I can feel his love and then I can stop feeling the guilt that he has already removed. As many of you my prayers are with the families in Texas who lost so many precious children. May God wrap them in love, comfort and support

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:


  43. Kat Smith says:


  44. Michelle Feneide says:


  45. Karsen Mayo says:

    Wow. I have been so tempted recently and though the story of Adam and Eve is well-known, the deception of the devil still comes as a surprise to me.

  46. Erin Carr says:

    Thank you Erin! I had the same realization when I came to Christ. I was always a good girl, but I struggle with pride and fear (and of course all kinds of other things!) I struggled with Jesus because who needs a savior if they believe that they are “pretty good”? I thank God every day that he came after me and saved me!!!

  47. Antoinette Burnett says:


  48. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    This morning as I woke to the news of the tragedy that took place in Texas, I asked “why”. Why did this happen, why would an 18 year old commit such a horrendous act. Then, I open to Genesis and there it is — Satan. Deceiver. Liar. Tempter. The father of sin. Eve and Adam, where they shouldn’t be – looking at, pondering the forbidden fruit. In a moment of weakness they gave in to the temptation, they sinned — changing the destiny of all that would come after them. Death came to all…But God! Because of His love for us sent Jesus to die for our sin, in our place, by His stripes we are healed!(Isaiah 53:5) Death has lost it’s sting! (1 Corinthians 15:55-57) Praise God for the gift of Jesus, the gift of salvation, the gift of eternal life!

    Praying that God will minister to the hearts of all those who lost loved ones yesterday in Texas. That He will comfort each and every one and carry them through these deep, deep waters. That this community will rally together, that Christians will step forward and be the hands and feet of Jesus. May many come to know Christ through this tragedy, and what Satan meant for evil, may God somehow turn it for good.

  49. Mari V says:

    Yes minister to me in such an amazing way. Especially the way I’ve been feeling lately. I feel like I’m always taking 1 foot forward and two steps back. ALL-THE-TIME! I needed this TODAY !!

  50. Kristen Pulido says:

    Hello she’s. I very rarely comment here, but this is one that needs as much prayer as possible. I come on behalf of some very close family friends. Danae was 21 years old and she died on Sunday of a drug overdose. I believe with all my heart that she accepted Christ when she was a young girl and she is now without pain and torment and in the loving arms of our Savior. Wow what a beautiful image. But, oh boy, could her family and friends left here on earth use some prayers. I am so thankful for this community and how faithful and diligent you all are with prayer! Thank you in advance!

  51. Molly R says:

    @michelle patire – First off, I listened to both parts of your podcast! Thank you for your openness and honesty. I may not have struggled with the same things you have, but I felt drawn to your story and I am not a big “podcast” person. It made me feel like I “know” you a bit more, and I love knowing we are sisters in Christ. Your comments about social media sound like me a year ago. I kept getting off for a week or 2, then came back…back and forth for months. It wasn’t until an overwhelming conviction of the example I was setting for my quickly growing children that I finally walked away from social media last summer. It has been awesome seeing how God has used that decision for His Glory, He only needed my obedience. I’m not saying that’s your journey, but if you feel that niggling of the HS, don’t put it off! The flourishing life He has for you is so much greater than the deceptive draw that the Enemy can make of social media. To quote your podcast, it truly did feel like scales on my eyes came off and I saw what I had allowed social media and my connection to my technology to be. Bless you! I have been praying for you on and off that God would continue to use your willingness and transparency to share the testimony of His work in your life to draw others to that saving grace!

  52. Christine Enockson says:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful journey.

  53. Molly R says:

    @leigh gorham – man I could’ve written your comment! My 4-0 is looming in early July and just this week I had a near panic attack at the thought of this milestone. Not so much of feeling “old”, just processing a page-turn from the youthful foray of my life into one of settled, maturity. I feel like my life has wonderful purpose and I am excited to “grow old”, but I have been letting the Enemy fan the flames of fear and doubt that I am not enough by this point in my life, or that meaningful experiences and adventures are simply part of my history. I am rambling, sorry. I am praying for you. I completely understand the tumultuous feeling of being on the precipice of the future while taking stock of a really lovely past. I LOVED my 30s, but I think we will both be delightfully surprised at how God is orchestrating the coming decades!

  54. Donna Wolcott says:

    Lifting each in prayer. My heart is heavy and my eyes teary for the families in Texas. Prayers and “I’m sorry” just doesn’t seem enough. Thank you Erin for your message today it was too relatable.

  55. Julie Bailon says:

    What a wonderful prayer, Alyssa! I join with you in that heart’s cry!

  56. Annesta Lunde says:

    Praying for you. I’m 65 and we’ll remember my 30’s and 40’s…it was my rebellious time but God plucked me out of the muck of what was sinful, selfish me and changed my life. Holy Spirit help Leigh to yield to you everyday so that her light will shine for you every where she goes. As she steps into this new decade give her a passion for your word and your presence. Amen

  57. Ashleigh H says:

    I was a “good girl” until I rebelled against God for what I thought was proof He could not exist. I fell to a low of my own making. Praise God that He pursues us beyond what we deserve and for not allowing me to go lower than I had sank. I still struggle with putting God fully first instead of the selfish desires of my heart. Praying for the families and community of Uvalde, Texas. As a mama, a teacher, and a Texan, I am absolutely heartbroken. May God draw them close to Him and be near to those who face unimaginable loss.

  58. Annesta Lunde says:

    What a timely study in light of yesterday’s mass killing. There is so much we CAN do, but let it start with this knowledge….we are sinful people who have fallen short of the glory of God. We NEED the Gospel. We must stop making excuses and cry out to our God and the Holy Spirit to empower each of us to do what we can…in our homes, churches, communities, cities, states, government…there IS something each of us can do.

  59. laura marie says:

    @leigh gorham- Just prayed for you! And then I realized everything I said totally applied to me too, so I said them all again. Haha. Happy early birthday! I’m in a similar place- loving my 30s but trusting that my 40s will be even better with what God has in store. Wishing you a blessed birthday and start to a new decade!

  60. Alyssa Molina says:

    “Search me, God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way and me and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 139:23-24. My heart is not perfect. My bones are from Adam. But through Jesus I can be may whole again. I pray that He illuminate any darkness within me so that it may be removed.

  61. Natalie Echavarria says:

    So good

  62. Jackie says:

    Isaiah 1:5 just struck my heart this morning. Certainly the world today shows exactly how sick the whole heart is. Only God can save us.

  63. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The forbidden tree in Eden represents choice. The way Eve talks with the serpent shows me how evil can look good. Growing up in our western world of modernism shrunk this story I had heard in Vacation Bible School to little more than just another fairy tale. I filed it away next to Cinderella. And I much preferred the Cinderella story by the way. The gravity of true good vs true evil was lost on me, and so I went on my merry little way. I grew up seeking more forbidden trees without realizing how I was slowly dying without God. The fruit in my life looked more like fear, shame, anxiety, pride, and sin was eroding my soul causing my heart to grow cold. I broke all the rules and even though most saw me as good, I was not feeling any true goodness. Until Jesus. Humbly He came, riding into my heart on a donkey. Yet He looked like a Prince in shining armor. And He was. And He is. The humility and grace in His eyes opened a new choice for me I didn’t know I had. What looked like a never-ending story of striving and failure turned to a beautiful and narrow gate to an adventure that beckoned me awake and aware of the better way. The best way, with God. The “Coming One” (Romans 5:14b) came for me. He came for you. And He will return to redeem the life we were created to live. This fairy tale is true. Lord God, thank you for pursuing me in ways that You knew would woo me back to You. As I live in between the two gardens, that one that was now has a bridge to the one that will be through Jesus. Remind me of this hope as I face the hard things now. May I not let my pride lead me, but You. Each morning I wake seeking You, and each day I return from the world wounded and bruised from battle. Help me to walk with You in humility as You heal my wounded heart again today. Plant seeds of hope to grow in season. I trust You. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I turn to You, for all the things, until… Maranatha

  64. Sister in Christ says:

    I don’t know that I have ever commented before. But reading your comments is giving me a sense of community that I have been lacking recently. Thank you. As I pray for your requests, I feel the Lord hearing them as cries for myself too. As the church, we are His bride, and we are not alone in or achings for God to hear and act.

  65. Sadie B says:

    A few nights ago I was at a Worship Night at my church. God is doing some hard but wonderful work in me from that night. That night, I was reminded that God’s healing touch is gentle. In our brokenness, with our sins, we can come to God and his touch is gentle, forgiving.

  66. Michelle Patire says:

    Lots of typos on my comment below :( using an old tablet.

    I meant ***hold right to Him

    And **it’s NOT good for me to indulge

  67. Sarah Stephens says:

    I am so sorry for the multiple post, I was just typing away and kept seeing my name popping up before I even hit post.

  68. Michelle Patire says:

    @Leigh Gorham– God bless your 40s <3 thank you for the vulnerability. A new decade can feel so daunting– yet just look at all God has done & good tight to Him. You are in the palm of His hand and He will not let you be shaken out. Be still and know. Happy Birthday and know you are so so so loved!!!!

    I had to get off social media when the news about that shooting came out. People are SO angry (and I get that) — but two comments I saw were SO angry with Christians. It's just both good for me to indulge in social media in times like this. I could easily ignore those things, but my heart was not in a place to. I hate that the Church is always targeted.
    I hate Satan.

    I have struggled so much with the balance of social media. When I fast, it is one thing I fast from most. I know most of my generation struggles with this lack of self-control revolving our phones. But I don't want to make it a continual issue for me to not feel in control of my time on it. I don't know what I should do. I have tried different things, but it always ends up the same. May God help me understand how to be more disciplined and not make it an idol, as it has been.

  69. Taylor says:

    Broken-hearted and grieving alongside the families who lost their precious children in Uvalde Texas. I wrote down Romans 5:10 in my journal “For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” This is the hope I cling too in times like this. Come Lord Jesus, come.

  70. Nadine Hall says:

    ❤️ So much yes! The more I peer into the Word of God, that reflection of his likeness, the more aware I am of my own sinfulness. But… “Praise the Lord, his mercy is more! Stronger than darkness, new every morn; our sins, they are many. His mercy is more!”

  71. Kristin Cole says:

    The fall and it’s after effects are more and more evident and prevalent. Like so many on here, I cannot dismiss the connections between our study starting to focus on “the fall” at the same time our country grieves with 20+ families. I wept with Jesus last night as I hugged my kids tight. Knowing I brought them into a sinful world full of fallen people. Praise the Lord that the fall is not where the story ends….but it’s also a hard thing to read on a morning like this where the evidence of the fall involves the deaths of children. Be with them Lord. Be with us. Until you bring us safely home. Amen.

  72. Angela Cloud says:

    This. This hits me, because this is so me too. I have believed in Jesus for most of my life, but now as an adult and a mom I am truly beginning to see and understand how I have strived in my own accord instead of truly opening up my whole heart to be dependent on God in all things. Oh the grace of God in how He has been teaching me this more and more. I too may outwardly look like a “good girl” but am so rebellious inside – I pray that God will continue to work in my heart to align it with His; I know he will!

  73. Sarah Stephens says:

    Started out my time with the Lord praying for those families of the Texas school shooting.
    Then, as soon as I started reading this morning’s scripture, I started thinking of these precious families of the children. The reasoning behind what happened summed up in the fall of man in Genesis. Thanks be to God for His promises. He has already overcome. The promise given in Revelation “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the precious things have passed away…..

  74. Sarah Stephens says:

    Started out my time with the Lord praying for those families of the Texas school shooting.
    Then, as soon as I started reading this morning’s scripture, I started thinking of these precious families of the children. The reasoning behind what happened summed up in the fall of man in Genesis.

  75. Sarah Stephens says:

    Started out my time with the Lord praying for those families. As soon as I started reading this morning’s scripture, I started thinking of these precious families of the children. The reasoning behind what happened summed up in the fall of man in Genesis.

  76. Leigh Gorham says:

    Good morning sisters. I have been doing the studies with the physical books lately and I have LOVED the tangible pages and extra goodies packed in. I have, as a result, missed coming back to the app for the community and devos. I could use some prayers please. Being vulnerable isn’t easy, so asking for prayers makes me queasy (not a fan of feeling selfish and asking for help – much prefer to focus on others. Pride much?). I am tuning 40 tomorrow. Y’all that is so weird to hear. I don’t feel 40 is old but man, our society does. In my mind, I’m still 32 (I LOVED my 30s). I feel young and know that as good and generous as my 30s were for me, that my 40s have the likelihood of blowing my mind. God is so generous and His plans for me are always good. May I ask for prayers that I keep the enemy locked out? That my mind only absorb His truths of my worth and identity. That I keep my focus on the blessings I have daily, rather than wonder what I am missing. Additionally, I applied for a job I want so badly. It has been 3 weeks and not a single word. I need help sisters with patience. He knows how badly I want this but He also knows my ultimate heart is set on his Will winning every time. Thank you for listening (reading). May your day be filled with blessing. ❤️

  77. Charlie says:

    I just keep coming back to this passage, which seems like one we could all be crying together today, after yesterday’s massacre in Texas:

    “Why do you want more beatings?

    Why do you keep on rebelling?

    The whole head is hurt,

    and the whole heart is sick.”

    OUR collective head hurts today. OUR collective whole heart is sick today. How many more beatings will our citizens endure before things change? Lord, have mercy.

  78. Leigh Gorham says:

    MIRIAM – beautiful words of truth & praise. Oh how we need him. ❤️

  79. Stormi Messmer says:


  80. Tammy Burgoon says:


  81. Tara Beatty says:

    I am thankful she wrote about the ugliness of a “good girl’s” heart. I am convicted that I still do that now. The Lord knows my heart and it’s wicked ways, even when the world doesn’t see it. Oh that I would be broken and acknowledge my ugliness every time it comes knocking. Pride, envy, jealousy, bitterness…when I truly stop and look at my heart, I become aware of my sin. Oh Lord, I am so sorry for my pride, my bitterness, my jealousy, my anger, that I keep, most of the time, locked inside. It is there and it is sin. Forgive me of my sin and cleanse me. Help me to walk closer with You, see it when it appears and turn from it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  82. Miri am says:

    My prideful “good girl” image is what kept me from the Lord for so long. When I saw the ugliness of my heart desires and intents behind the facade of my outwardly good behaviours, only then could my heart see my need for the saving grace of Jesus!

  83. Kathy says:

    This is me! I could have written every word of this devotion. Thank you, Erin!
    I am 64 years old and have been a Christ-follower since I was eight. The older I have gotten the more I’ve come to realize that, just like Erin says, all my “goodness” is “like filthy rags next to His blinding holiness”. I am so thankful that God did not leave me in my supposed “goodness”, but broke through that facade and showed me the reality of my sin. And that He sent His Son to take care of my sins.
    Have a blessed day, sweet sisters. Three more days of school! We can do this!

  84. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Oh, the depths of my sin seem like a bottomless pit, a pit of despair. Thanks be to God for His relentless mercy and grace.

    Praying for the grieving families in Uvalde, TX.

  85. Searching says:

    TINA – “Oh how He loves us” Reading that brought tears to my eyes. No matter what we are going through, may we never forget that truth.

    Thank you Erin for pointing out the glaring truth. In their rejection of God’s grace and mercy, people cling to their own “goodness” and sadly/wrongly think that’s all they need. Praying for those that are deceived in this way, and those that spread this deception.

    Broken hearted and praying for the people of Uvalde, TX, especially the families of those killed yesterday. Lord, please comfort them in the painful and difficult days and years to come.

  86. Tina says:

    Oh Erin Davis, I hear you!

    This is so beautifully written and frank. For sure no sugar coating here.. and so vulnerable..

    BUT GOD..

    Oh how He loves us.. His grace forever sufficient to cover us and our sin!


    Praising God today for His love, grace, mercy, faithfulness that covers us wherever and however our journey. He is good… so so Good, and thankful that it is by and only through Him that we are good enough..


    BLESSINGS wrapped in love and prayers for all and requests..❤