In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
All children, except one, grow up.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
Of all the most memorable first lines in literature, I’ve always loved the opening of God’s Word most:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
When I read these words from Genesis 1, I’m often tempted to focus on the “how” in this opening passage. How has God always existed? How did He create creation? How does He hold everything together? I try mining the text for answers about timelines and processes. But the Bible doesn’t emphasize the “how” as much as it draws our attention back to the “who” at the center of the story: God created. God saw that it was good. Genesis 1 doesn’t explain the details of how God created everything as much as it focuses on the nature of God Himself, the Creator.
God speaks and acts with purpose. He speaks the universe into existence. He moves the sky, mountains, trees, and oceans into place. Animals swarm and plants flourish at His command. None of this happens randomly—each part of the universe is arranged by Him. We live our lives in the world He’s created and sustains with purpose.
God is good, and He made everything to be good. Genesis 1 repeats the phrase, “and God saw that it was good,” six times (we’ll see it a seventh time in tomorrow’s reading). As God reflects on His creation— His handiwork—He tells us it is designed to be good. Later we’ll read how sin darkened the world with sickness and death, deception and decay, betrayal and greed. But it wasn’t created this way. It was created wholly good, and God had a plan to make it whole and good once again.
Our good God wrote—and is writing—the story of the gospel.
For the next two weeks, we’ll read through the movements of this gospel story: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. The word gospel means “good news,” and that news for us is this: when the time was right, the kingdom of God broke through on earth in the person of Jesus Christ.
In His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus, the Son of God, accomplished what we could not accomplish for ourselves—forgiveness for our sin and reconciliation with God. The Creator demonstrated His love for the created in that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
The gospel story is for you, whoever you are, right where you are today. It is for those who believe, to remind them of the truth that continues to change them every day. And it’s for those who don’t believe, who are seeking or doubting, or anywhere in between.
The opening words of Scripture are the beginning of an invitation to know and be known by the God who still speaks and acts with purpose, and who is working to make all things truly good.
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172 thoughts on "God Created the Heavens and the Earth"
In the beginning. Often when telling “The good news” people start with Christ’s birth, not “In the beginning”. Great reminder for a Monday morning!
The intentionality of his design. How beautiful
God is the creator; what He makes is good!!!
I want to fully understand the gospel so I can make sure to share it with its fullest truth. Excited for this study
I too have wondered how God just was in existence. It’s mind boggling really. It was a beautiful revelation seeing that we don’t need to know all the answers that we can focus on Gods goodness and be content with that.
Just what I was looking for!
This teaches me so much about the love that God has for us all. We can easily lose sight of this when we see the world through our own eyes, but looking at the beautiful earth and seeing it was created wholly and completely good and reflecting on the promise that it will be this way again one day is a beautiful hope.
Love this! The focus and reality of the message is amazing! I truly enjoyed reading this, it opened my heart up to the lord
Nothing but good can come from our God – How beautiful is He
I’ve tried to sit and read the Bible many times. To connect with the words on the pages. I’m hopeful and looking forward to this journey ❤️
Not now but WHO! So good
Amazing start to my morning ❤️
To be honest I have tried to read the bible all the way thru so many times, to the point I’m pretty sure I have the first chapter of Genesis memorized. I skipped passed it a bit in this reading, but when you brought a new light to saying its shifting our focus to God, the creator and He sustains his purpose…wow, so good!! And God’s purpose is good, not evil. He is over all and we are the created, so why not go to my creator and ask questions, talk with him and try to understand his purpose more and to live out a life he intended for us to have in the first place, peace and comfort with him.
He is over it ALL!! All creation, all anxiety, all fear, all happiness and success…he is over it ALL !!
Also such a good reminder that the Gospel is for EVERYONE. You don’t have to be special or at a certain place in your life to grasp it and understand it. You just need to have a willing heart and desire to grow in your faith!
“The opening words of Scripture are the beginning of an invitation to know and be known by the God who still speaks and acts with purpose, and who is working to make all things truly good.” Absolutely LOVED this last paragraph. Such a good reminder ❤️
Beautiful! So good to be reminded of the intent, purpose, and goodness of God, in the midst of a world that is now marred by sin.
Created by the WORD of God. Literally “Let there be…” and the rest is history. So powerful!
Just here to say you are doing a great job and keep it up. Momming is such a hard job and it can make you feel so disconnected from everything, including God. Something that helped me was I would read these out loud while feeding my son, then would come back and reflect later. It was one of the best things for him it’s amazing how early they pick up on things! You’ve got this, hope this finds you on a day that it’s encouraging!
Thank you this was awesome it reminds us how god is still in charge on a daily basis
Great start to this series.
Great reminder!
God speaks and it is
I am so excited for this study!
I am feeling stronger in my walk with God than I have in a long time. I have finally decided to let go of my hesitations and let Him embrace me the way I know He has always wanted to. In doing this I am trying to dive into the word to have strength against the enemy because he still lurks there, exploiting weaknesses and stabbing me when I’m down. I just want to fill myself up with God. And I want to love people the way that Jesus did.
I agree! It’s overwhelmingly beautiful and amazing!
I have a 3 week old at home and something has been missing–more specifically, my connection with Jesus. I let it kind of fall to the side with the chaos of a newborn. This morning as I was trying to juggle the 8,000 responsibilities I have, I felt the Lord pulling me to spend time with Him. One of my friends said she does these reading plans. I have a She Reads Truth bible from years ago and I loved it so I decided to come try out a plan. SO glad I did!
me too girlie! so excited to start this journey again
I am beginning to grow again with The Lord after being so far for so long. This reminder is so sweet, no matter where we are God will meet us as long as we’re willing ❤️
I love Hebrew’s 11:3 “by faith we understand that the universe was formed at gods command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible” and Roman’s 5:8 “but god demonstrates his own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” That one verse is like the whole bible, in one single verse! This was a beautiful devotion I’m exited to continue!
I’m just imagining that vast darkness and then suddenly light. It’s beautiful.
A good reminder of who God is.
I hope everyone can hold their hope and live happily.
I’m so excited for this study! Holy Spirit help me to be in awe of Your Gospel message, to love it, to delight in it, to defend it, to share it, to proclaim it!
And in such a holy way. Let that be me, Lord. ❤️
Started late but excited to see all God wants to reveal to me in this study! He is faithful and just to guide us deeper as we seek Him! So thankful that God chose to create all things, including us and that He declares His creations as good!
I’m so happy you are here! Welcome, and God bless you!
God speaks and acts with purpose. And still does ❤️
What a picture of God’s love for us.
Two things really stuck out to me from this reading. 1) The Bible focuses more in The Who of God rather than the how of God. Because honestly, who God is matters most. And 2) when the time was right, the kingdom of God broke through to earth, and I can’t help but be reminded that’s what will happen again when Jesus comes back for us.
Two things really stuck out to me from this reading.
So good to hear from so many newbies! Veronica, every morning as you pray before studying, ask the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you. That is His job. He will be faithful as you are faithful! May God bless you as you grow in Him!
I am new here. I don’t know what I’m doing. But I’m here, and I’m doing it. I’m ready.
This is my first time posting but enjoying my new app.
Hello everyone, I’m amazed everyday I read His Word. My friend shared this with me and today is my first day. And, it pulled me right in!
cannot wait to go through this devotional && i cannot wait to see how God grows us all through this beautiful resource! ✞
I am new here. I am not good with understanding the word but I am determined. I pray he will show me and teach me how to be open and hear him. Thank you lord.
Excited to be doing this plan and understand the gospel even more deeply as my faith is redeemed and my roots deepened in what He did for us, for me, on the cross ❤️
Excited to start this study. My faith has been reforming and my foundation relaid and I’m
God is a/the creator.
God creates things that are good.
Gos is a creator.
God is so good!
It’s so good to know that every detail is created by God. Nothing is too big or small for him, and yet he cares for us. He is incomparable and everlasting, yet we can call on him in our darkest moments. Thank you Lord for this earth you’ve created. Thank you for your word and your spirit.
God made made us in his own way, to be us. He doesn’t want you to worry about how others see you or think of you in there earthly bodies but how he sees you in his perfect heart and mind. You don’t have to live your life for others. Just be you.❤️
Just joined this morning and this is my first read on SRT. Great reminders highlighted from God’s word! Thanks! ♥️
BAM, girlfriend! “We are not to re-create others how we imagine they should be.” Oh Lord, remind of this Truth when my expectations of myself and others do not coincide with who you created them to be!
Late repost.
Hi everyone! I am new to “She Reads Truth”. For the last few years, I have been a part of First 5 and Proverbs 31 Ministries. While I am not taking a huge break from their bible studies, I ran across this ministry while scrolling through FB. It looked interesting, so here I am. This devotion was a great read. My takeaway was how @Jessica Lamb presented the nature of God Himself as twofold.
1. God speaks and acts with purpose
2. God is good, and He made everything to be good
God created everything and everyone for His purpose. We are unique and have different gifts. One is not better than another. We are not to re-create others how we imagine they should be but accept everyone the way God created.
❤️I love in here.
Great to hear. I never completed my response, so am having She Reads Truth delete. I will be reposting later today.
humbled by God’s omnipotence
This is a wonderful introduction to the beauty of our God
Hi everyone! Glad to be here at She Reads Truth. I also study with First 5 :)
Hi Elizabeth! I’m in columbus Ga and also do the first 5 studies as well as she reads truth❤️
I love where it is talking about the opening words of the Scripture is the beginning of an invitation to know and to be known. Thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who wants to know each of us.
Praise God for His beautiful creation!
I love the connection that everything made was good & with purpose. Purpose was the new idea from reading this familiar passage
I an reminded today of how great the word is.. and how powerful and almighty our God is.. He created the heavens and the earth… This is what our God can do.. move mountains, breath life, and so much more, more than I can ever imagine. I am so grateful to receive an open invitation by the creator of the universe to know and be known. What an honor it is to know that the creator and God of the universe sees me.. knows me… seeks me…
I’m new here & so excited to start this journey with you all! What an amazing study thus far!
This was good! ❤️
God created the Earth and life as we know it today
I think it’s times that we start giving Him more praises and thanks for that!
Our God is GREAT!
Remembering that God created the heavens and the earth and also created me makes me realize how much he loves us.
Hi Andrea! It’s my first as well. My teenage daughter and I are doing the study together. Praying we all are blessed with a fresh reminder of the beauty of the gospel!
Amen! Praise Him! His wisdom, knowledge, everything shall be praised!
Flat earth?
Never noticed this and love the explanation provided!
God brought forth creation with words/ voice activation with such careful steps and chronological order. Everything was well thought out, recorded. And it was good. Really good. Without God nothing can be good, even us. Not only He created light He also allowed darkness but with clear division. Let them not mingle. And He put the light to rule over darkness. He is light. A division of light and darkness was made, time. I can’t even wrap my head around the level of scientific sophistication of such thing. BUT GOD .. in His excellence and supreme wisdom creating all these visible masterpieces, and even now He is still creating masterpieces, of this earth, of countless variety of plants herbs flowers animals and us – the crown of glory for whom this earth was made for to have dominion over. We are His masterpiece. Visible things come from the invisible source. The invisible God. I noticed the phrase “after its own kind” was repeated several times for herbs and fruits and almost all things on earth. It’s the seed system. And we are created from God’s seed (1 Peter 1:23)- The incorruptible seed- His Word. And we are God’s special kind, taking after His DNA through faith in the Word. Seeds sown through hearing? Scattering seeds by words and voice activation (Romans 10:17). Again, is it familiar? brilliant? Is it genius? Yes totally. It is all so so very good by the design of the Invisible Mastermind, the GREAT I AM, the All Knowing God, the Alpha and the Omega, who holds this world in His hand. Glory be to the One True Living Genius God, who is also our loving Father, forever and ever. Amen.
The same God that created the universe wants to be friends with me. How amazing!
John 1:1 is one of my favorite versus in all of the Bible ❤️
My first SRT. Ready to welcome GOD into my life again and am happy I found this app
Every time I read about Creation I have this overwhelming sense of hopefulness. I am thankful to be reminded of God’s love for everyone of us in such a broken world.
All the time God is good! Amen
Hi! This is my first SRT study and how perfect to be starting with the creation story.
Amen Molly! I’m grateful for sisters here who can encourage me when I am feeling sluggish as well. So keep posting friends as it helps spur me on!
I really liked today the concept of focusing on the who not the how. I love the question of how, but I need to pay more attention to who!
When I consider the genius behind the design of creation, I am in complete awe of our Creator. In college, I took anatomy and physiology. When trying to explain physiological reactions, the text might say that we don’t quite know how this happens. I would write in the margin, I know! GOD did this!!!
Not only did God speak and it was, in that same breath He made everything able to reproduce and give all the electrical, mechanical and chemical reactions needed to do this! There are simply no words to express the greatness of our God and my gratitude to Him for letting me be His daughter!
When I consider the genius behind the design of creation, I am in complete awe of our Creator. In college, I took anatomy and physiology. When trying to explain physiological reactions, the text might say that we don’t quite know how this happens. I would write in the margin, I know! GOD did this!!!
Not only did God speak and it was, in that same breath He made everything able to reproduce and give all the electrical, mechanical and chemical reactions needed to do this!
When I consider the genius behind the design of creation, I am in complete awe of our Creator. In college, I took anatomy and physiology. When trying to explain physiological reactions, the text might say that we don’t quite know how this happens. I would write in the margin, I know! GOD did this!!!
Yes! I love that verse too!
Feeling encouraged this morning after todays reading and through reading others comments. ❤️
Favorite from today: John “That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it” THIS!!! God made us and we have GODS LIGHT within us. Nothing can bring us down when we have this beautiful, strong, perfect shield!
I’m excited for this study, even though I grew up knowing the Bible and going to church, I have never really been able to explain what the gospel is after this maybe, hopefully, I’m sure I will. Jessica’s devotion gave me a start. I also have the book and the Editor’s Letter by Raechel Myers is also helpful.
Sisters be blessed and smile at someone today.
Molly Rohrer–you have expressed my thoughts exactly. I look forward to my time with SRT each morning and appreciate the insightful posts written by many women here. I am even envious, at times, with the passion and excitement expressed by some. Ultimately, we each have our own path to follow which varies from others for so many reasons.
As you pray this morning, please include Marlene Allen. She is my aunt/Godmother and currently being treated in the hospital for various situations. Thank you.
Although my words cannot create a beautiful world, may I always be aware of how they do affect others, and use them to create good feelings and always encourage others. What an amazing awesome God our Father is. ❤️
Could I just throw Psalm 19:1-4 into the mix as well?!
‘The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvellous craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or a word; there is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world.’
This encourages me so much. Nature speaks to God’s amazing power by just doing what He designed it to do. I need to do the same.
Instead of overthinking and worrying about how something may or may not be received, I just need to move & do how God created me to. Just be me & let the love of Jesus shine out. And that looks different for each of us.
It takes so much pressure off to know I have been created the way I am for a purpose. I’m not asked to be anyone else. My life of following Jesus will be used for His glory & purposes; warts and all!
Although my words cannot create a beautiful world, may I always be aware of the good
that they can
It was interesting when I read in John 1 that Jesus was there from the beginning. I was like WOW!!!
I love that God has helped me form the habit of starting the day being in His Word. I am so thankful for SRT and the diligent, intentional work they do cultivating these studies. And I so love enjoying, learning from, joining in prayer with the women I find here day after day in pursuit of the same hope in Jesus. BUT…. I am reading the comments this morning of those who are excited and captivated by the new study. I was excited to open the box this morning, and I love the ritual of getting my coffee and Bible out, but I gotta say, ever since my first full SRT study, the Lenten Ezekiel study, I have been missing the hunger and thirst I felt. It’s like a dullness that bubbles under the surface even though I KNOW the Word is anything but dull! Thankful that even in my sluggishness He is the same, His WORD is alive, profitable for teaching, reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. I will smile at your enthusiasm, and cherish the mercy that He meets me with, where I am at, despite my dull heart. I am made complete. In my weakness, He is strong.
What a beautiful reminder it is that God’s gospel plan was there from the beginning. How wonderful, good, and mighty he is. May it bring us great hope and peace: that we are adopted by the God of the universe. ❤️
All things were created by Him. Nothing was created without Him. Lord, help me treat everyone and thing as your creation, because it is. (Even my husband)
Good Monday Morning She’s!
I’m happy to be back with you all after a hard week battling Covid. Feeling on the mend now, thank God. We are always more appreciative of the simple things after we struggle through something! After living in “my” paradise for 2 years now, South Fort Myers from Chicago land, I just bask in His beautiful creation, this tiny little part, every day. His hand is so majestic with it’s sweep. Grand mouth gaping, amazingly small details, an array of colors and textures, and never-ending awe—God is Awe-manzing. I can’t even grasp the full extent..of how all-powerful He is. But I have faith, and that is all we need. To trust. To respond.
Have a great day!
And it was good!
God hand knit together the entire universe stitch by stitch and those same hands knit us together too.
And it was good!
“In the beginning God…” He always was, He is, He always will be. Mind boggling. But by faith, we can believe it and accept it. Praise God for all His glorious acts of creation!
Happy Monday to you all!
Praising Jesus for his amazing love for us❤️
Looking forward to this short 2 week study that will equip us to share the gospel of Jesus. And isn’t it appropriate that it should launch with creation. “In the Beginning “. Happy Monday SHE’s!
I love the quote from today’s devotion “God speaks and acts with purpose. We live our lives in the world He’s created and sustained with purpose.” Lord may I live today and each day wholly committed to You and seeking Your purpose for my life.
In the beginning… God brought goodness and light to the watery depths, bringing life as we know it to the surface. He gave us this Earth, and it was good. Order began with the spoken word. With each of God’s “let there be” statements, powerful progress was made. Each new thing built and enhanced the former. My mind cannot grasp the infinite God or how He created what I see, yet by faith I am content to understand that His hands hold far more than I can see. I am a creation of His, in His likeness I am an image bearer. Why would I assume my words do not hold any power? I have seen the effects of my words. I can bring life and encouragement. I can also bring destruction. I have the freedom of choosing death or life with my spoken word. And, with my thoughts, by the way. With the Holy Spirit and the Word, both were with God in the beginning, I contain the glory of His creative hands. Father, Lord of all creation, let my words create goodness and life today. Grow my faith even more in You. Make powerful progress in me so that others will benefit from Your glory. Until… Maranatha.
During yesterday’s sermon the speaker said sometimes it comes down to “because God said so,” because His Wisdom and understanding surpasses everything we could ever attempt to understand. That’s kinda how I approach Genesis 1 and I love that the answer to “How?” Can so easily be answered by saying “God said let there be…” and there was.
I love that we have an open invitation to know and be known by the Creator. To have purpose and to live in the light and love according to His Word. Looking forward to all God will share with us through this study! ❤️
I could be wrong, but it appears to me that God doesn’t say on the second day that it ‘is good’’. It is the day when He separates the waters from the heavens. I’ve wondered abut that for awhile.
I agree, Bessie, this is strange and I hadn’t noticed this before! Found an interesting article on this that was helpful to me:
“In the beginning, God…” Not “in the beginning, a big bang.” How man tries to dumb down the glory of God. The power and majesty of God are on full display every day. Every tiny blade of grass, every star in the sky, proclaims the existence of the Creator. How dare we try to elevate the theories and conjecture of mere men over a holy, omniscient and sovereign God. When we do, we miss out on far more than we realize. We miss out on the joy and wonder of Immanuel, God with us. Pick up a blade of grass. Look up and gaze upon the North Star. God is with us if we have eyes to see and hearts to believe. Don’t settle for anything less.
I love that we have an open invitation to know and be known by the Creator. To have purpose and to live and love according to His Word. Looking forward to all God will share with us through this study! ❤️
I love this!
Yes, AMEN to all this. So excited to start my day of with the creation story :) Looking forward to seeing what Scriptures are in this study.
What a beautiful way to start the week!! I love, “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible”
I so love Gen 1… the reminder that God spoke ALL of creation into being, and that ALL that was created by His Word… was good.
Such power in His breath!
I so love Gen 1… the reminder that God spoke ALL of creation into being, and that ALL that was created by His Word… was good.
By faith…oh that I may have even more Lord. Amen
I stood outside this morning and read the creation story. I imagined God looking at his Heaven and earth. At the water m, fish and birds. As he created the great oaks and tiny snowbells! To me it is breathtaking. I can only imagine how He enjoyed creating all of it. Spectacular doesn’t come close! And then we discover Jesus was there too. All along. It really is all about who!!
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:3
We are all sinners but not through our good deeds are we saved but through Jesus’ blood being shed. I need this study right now. I love how God meets us where we are are at.
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:3
Love starting the day with this beautiful reminder of who created it all!
I love when I dig deeper in my study Bible….The Word is an agent of Creation. To the Hebrew culture it meant the source of God’s message to His people through the prophets, and God’s law, His standard of holiness. To Greek readers, the Word was meant as the principle of reason that governed the world, or thought still in the mind. It’s the good news of Jesus Christ!
Beautiful way to start the week! I love this study already!
God is good!!
God’s introduction of Himself as the God who creates. How beautiful!
Amen, Rose! He is indeed! May we turn our hearts to work with Him in making all things good.
How can anyone doubt the existence of God? Our amazingly complex bodies that can heal from damage and join with another in the creation of a new life, our brains that have been studied endlessly and are still a mystery in so many ways, our heartstrings that are tugged when least expected, animals that instinctively know how to care for their young and a million other things that deep down inside we know don’t “just happen”.
May those that are doubting Him, have rejected His love or don’t know anything about Him come to the saving knowledge, love, protection and guidance of the one and only Almighty God.
God is still speaks,acts with purpose, and is working to make all things truly good.