The Everlasting Light

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 60:19-22, Revelation 21:1-4, Revelation 21:9-11, Revelation 21:22-26, Revelation 22:1-5

Section 4: Waiting for the Light

For centuries, humans have witnessed the natural beauty of this earth. The sun lights the sky, with hues of orange and red as it sets over the horizon. The moon, full and bright, hovers above the shimmering ocean—pulling its waves towards it. The day-and-night rhythms of the sun’s and moon’s illuminations have been our reality since creation. It’s hard to imagine a time when they won’t be part of our existence. But today’s readings point us towards our future reality: one day, we will step into a new rhythm of life, with a new source of light.  

“The LORD will be your everlasting light” (Isaiah 60:19).

In Isaiah 60, God gives us a vision of what our future will look like when He returns. We’ll no longer be tethered to the solar and lunar cycles of this world. Instead, the Lord Himself will be light for us (v.19). That light speaks to more than just the physical, but it represents God’s character—including His holiness and righteousness. And as a redeemed people who will be fully transformed when Jesus returns, we will perfectly embody His righteousness. 

The seemingly stranger-than-fiction imagery from today’s readings can be hard to picture in our current surroundings, where we witness so much sin and corruption. But these scriptures, these truths, contain the hope of Advent. Our future selves will experience the wonders of a new heaven and a new earth, absent from the grief and pain that cause tears. And we will inhabit an eternal city, bursting with glorious, divine light—full of beauty, goodness, and truth. 

Advent isn’t just a season; it’s an attitude. As we step into a new year, we carry the anticipation of Jesus’s return along with us. Knowing what is in store for us gives us a deep, abiding joy that surpasses any situation. As those who belong to God’s kingdom, we are people of light. In the midst of a dark world, we can let the hope that the gospel brings shine in our lives and in the lives of those around us. 

Today’s passages from Isaiah and Revelation remind us that good things are coming, and Scripture’s glimpses of our future guarantee that it’s worth the wait. As we move out of this season of Advent, we continue to anticipate, contemplate, and celebrate this truth: one day, our transformed bodies will inhabit a new, eternal city, marked by the light and presence of our forever King (Revelation 21:22).

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56 thoughts on "The Everlasting Light"

  1. Angelica M. says:

    God is the light of the world. Eternal light.. choose to follow him. The issue is between light and darkness. I got to continuously prepare myself to meet him on the other side.. I chose to follow him..

    Thank you Jesus

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you

  3. Brandy Deruso says:

    Blessings lord all my hope is in you lord

  4. Kayla Albano says:

    I admittedly have struggled to connect deeply to this study – probably partially because the last month has felt so busy, chaotic, distracting…But this last day really brought things home for me and gave me a new perspective on my eternal future, and how that can shape my life here on earth. I am comforted by the tree of life’s leaves healing the nations, breaking curses. That literal and figurative darkness will be no more and we will not need any source of light other than the Lord. Hallelujah! I was absolutely struck by Tameshia’s encouragement that “Advent is not just a season, it’s an attitude.” Wow! I love Advent so much (like Annie F. Downs said on the podcast a few weeks ago, I’m a woman of anticipation) and often struggle with feeling “the blues” once Christmas Day is over. Tameshia’s perspective that this very anticipation is one we can and should carry with us year-round so that we can have joy that surpasses any situation or circumstance…it just gives me so much to chew on. And encourages me to look at the entire year with the perspective I have during Advent. Happy New Year, She’s. May His favor be upon you in 2022. ❤️

  5. Donette Mullinix says:

    Praying for your son Indiana Elaine to totally recover.

  6. Kelly says:

    Indiana Elaine – praying for your son, his family and you.

    Hospital workers, from the cleaning staff to the doctors, praying for you too

  7. Susan Crosby says:

    Looking for the Blessed Hope of Jesus’ return…until then my prayer is for abiding jot