I once met a woman who told me the story of two Bibles. She had inherited them as heirlooms, one from each of her grandmothers. Her maternal grandmother was a woman of deep faith in Jesus. She loved and lived the Word of God. Her Bible was torn and tattered. Some of the pages had broken free from their binding. She left notes behind, and questions were scribbled throughout.
The woman’s paternal grandmother did not know or follow Jesus. Upon her death, her family found a Bible pristine and dusty, sitting on the shelf. She had barely touched it. The difference, the woman told me, was remarkable. The grandmother who loved her Bible left a legacy of faith. Her life was a testament to the goodness of God and the transforming power of His Word. The grandmother whose Bible stayed closed, left a different, more painful kind of mark. Her granddaughter remembered her as angry, bitter, and difficult.
Legacy is the punctuation mark at the end of the book of Esther. The book’s namesake played a starring role in the redemption of God’s people from the evil plot of Haman, yet it is Mordecai’s impact that brings this inspired story to a close.
Though King Ahasuerus’s influence was felt “even to the farthest shores” of his kingdom (Esther 10:1), Mordecai’s fame spread past the borders of time and into the hearts of future generations—including ours. Though Mordecai lived and died more than two millennia ago, we are still strengthened by his story of courage. The pages of Esther record Mordecai’s commitment to securing his people’s future—to ensuring they survived in the face of tyranny, no matter what it cost him.
The curtains of Esther open with Mordecai as a resident in a foreign land, separated from his adopted daughter (Esther 2:7–9). They close with Mordecai as a famous hero, triumphant and highly esteemed. In plenty and in want, in power and powerless, whether he was calling the shots or he was oppressed alongside his people—Mordecai resolved to seek the best for his people. The book’s final words almost read as his epitaph: “He continued to pursue prosperity for his people and to speak for the well-being of all his descendants” (Esther 10:3).
Legacy is the punctuation mark at the end of each of our stories. The book of Esther reminds me that I want mine to end with ellipses, continuing on in the life of the next follower of Christ. May those who come after us be strengthened because we sought the well-being of “all [our] descendants.”
Plan ahead to read Joshua and Mark with us starting February 15. Shop the collection now for Digital Study Books for Lent!
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56 thoughts on "Mordecai’s Fame"
I journal when I do my Bible studies, for many reasons, but one is so that one day my kids will be able to read them and see how I applied Gods Word to every day occurrences in my life. I pray that will work in a powerful way.
Selah and Amen. Let us all be women of faith who leave behind multitudes of believers.
I want to leave a legacy. Since reading this bible study I am praying that God will show me how he can best use me to create a legacy for future generations. Even if it is just the grandma with the tattered Bible one day. But will be remembered as a faithful God fearing and following woman.
Loved the story of the two Bibles. It really gets you thinking about your legacy and what you will leave behind.
Legacy – would we live our lives different if we thought of this word more often. I think we would because heirlooms would become less important than planting wisdom and a love of God and a life of faith into the next generation
I loved that study with Beth Moore the best. What amazing insights she has. This series on Esther was one of the best ones from SRT..
I loved reading Esther with all of you!! I don’t comment much but I love watching the community among all of you. Makes me wish we could all meet in a living room somewhere and just chat about Jesus.
The story of the two Bibles is the same in my family. Both grandmothers passed away this year. One due to Covid. One from old age (she was 103). One died bitter and complaining, completely without joy. One died expectant and excited to see Jesus, full of joy, sharing the good news of Jesus and serving Him until her final breath. Legacy has been heavy on my heart. The death of people close to you rekindles memories and makes you wonder how you will be thought of once you’re gone. And more importantly, will the love of Jesus be a continual, visible thread throughout my life? Lord, let it be so. No exaggeration, but there are hundreds of souls in heaven due to the faithfulness of my grandmother and the work of the Spirit. I want to take as many people with me as I can. That’s the best legacy.
Really struck by the grandmother story. May we be women who leave tattered bibles to the generations who follow us!!!!
@Heidi, I agree I love Beth Moore studies. She goes in-depth with all her Bible Study’s. I think I learnt the most in “Daniel” . I love the SRT study’s also and the SRT community! Reading all the post, I don’t comment often but greatly appreciate all of you Sisters! Blessings to all.
I recently got the SRT bible and have been marking it up a lot. I was nervous at first but it’s really helping me grow. I hope there will be a lot of “proof” of my faith when I leave this earth, not just in my Bible, but mostly in the faith of my children.
Also agree with Heidi—very much recommend Beth Moore’s Esther study as well!
In my path. So very grateful for all of you. Hugs to you Tiffany! I have some legacy of faith in my family but not as much as my husband does throughout his extended family. Growing up as an Air Force kid, finding our church family was always our first priority and I still am closer with this spiritual family than much of my blood family. Grateful God gives us each other! Love to you from another sister ❤️❤️❤️
About to reread the book of Esther in my paternal grandmother’s Bible I recently inherited. She went to be with Jesus 6 months ago. Praying my legacy too would be one of a well worn Bible and a life of loving like Jesus to all the people He bring s
Dorothy I also love this song. I was blessed to hear Casting Crowns in person in November 2019.
How powerful are the comparison between the 2 Bibles and the 2 different lives of the owners. It is the glorious proof that God’s word is living and active. God has given us this precious book of the Bible- the ultimate manual to living the abundant life. To whom that find it, will have life so abundantly on earth. To those who overlook it, will live a life of anger, bitterness and unfulfilled. Choose abundant life. Thank you Erin for sharing this powerful comparison. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains the favor of the LORD (Proverbs 8:35). Eternal life is to know God (John 17:3)
I pray that all of our Bibles will get well used, worn out and tattered, written on, highlighted on, opened and flipped back and forth daily, so that our lives are powerful living testimonies, fulfilled by God, bearing fruits, leaving behind mighty legacy to those who come in contact with us.
@Taylor: CONGRATS on your big news. I am so happy for you. To God be the glory! Time to celebrate.
@ Heidi: will continue to pray for your family’s good rest. Thank you for your updates.
@ Tina: thank you for sharing your dad’s story. I love how you pose the phrase “But God”, that alone represents so many possibilities. We truly cannot limit God. God can do all things through the WILLING vessels.
@ Churchmouse: thank you for your daily comments. You have such gift for words. I look forward to reading your insights every day!! Thank you for being such a blessing to me and SRT.
Have a blessed weekend my dear SRT sisters. Blessings!
@Rhonda McKenzie. I was SO moved by your comment. Painful yet so beautiful and sweet
My father passed two years ago after a long battle with Alzheimer’s and I found his Bible amongst his things. I didn’t really look at it until last spring. My brother had not been able to grieve or say goodbye to dad. He had always called himself an agnostic until some circumstances brought him to God and he was baptized. When he told me, after the praising of God and a lot of grateful tears, I dug out dad’s Bible. I opened it and saw all his notes and underlining and knew just what I needed to do. I sent it to my brother and through him reading dad’s Bible, he has come to a place of peace. He was able to mourn, reminisce and say goodbye.
The last paragraph Erin wrote reminds me of the song by Casting Crowns, “Only Jesus”. Some of the lyrics are: “I don’t want to leave a legacy, I don’t care if they remember me, only Jesus. I’ve only got one life to live, I’ll let every second point to Him, only Jesus.” This song says so much of how I fill. God and Jesus are my all and who I call on when I need help.
Have a great and blessed weekend sisters.
Taylor I’m so happy for your news!
Heidi, I’m still praying that those nights of rest keep stacking up as I thank the Lord for those He’s blessed you with.
Angie, thank you for the beautiful prayer, and Churchmouse for the best direction.
I don’t normally think much about legacy….no children. But Angie’s prayer & Churchmouse’s comments made me think about how people think about me today. Is my behavior showing them the love of Jesus? Am I “pursuing prosperity for my people and speaking for the well being” of my fellow Christ followers?
TIFFANY C, praising God for you. Thankful you found (God led) you here and ever do grateful that you have found family in us here at SRT.
Sending hugs and love wrapped in blessings.❤
TAYLOR, Praise God for this amazing provision and opportunity that God has provided..and CONGRATULATIONS..sweet child..and well done wrapped in love.❤
And to ALL, Happy Friday!!!!!!wrapped in love..❤
Coming to the table late, and then lost it all..gutted.
Not important, but legacies are..
My father was called daddy by many… those he had helped, those he had walked alongside, those he had taken into his home over the years.. those he gave the time of day to..
His legacy to each of these, he loved as his Father God loved and commanded him to be..!
I hope my legacy can be half as good.
But God…
Happy Friday dear hearts. Be blessed..❤
Blessings and hugs Tiffany.
From one of your SRT grandmothers
I am so grateful for SRT. I stumbled upon it through an Instagram ad at the beginning of January. I had just finished a pretty dry 2020 in which I didn’t keep up with my church’s live streams, women’s Bible study, or yearly reading plan. I was committed to reconnecting with God this year, but wasn’t enthused. When I saw the ad I immediately signed up for the subscription box. And every morning before I start my Esther reading I praise the Lord for his provision, through Instagram, in bringing me to the ad. The SRT book, app, devotions, and podcast have reinvigorated my passion and excitement for reading his word. Thank you Lord Jesus for providing the push and community I so desperately needed to remember the great need I have for my Savior.
I love Erin Davis so much! She needs to guest on the podcast. Another one who would be perfect for the podcast is Donna Gaines!
Praying that my “legacy” would not be of me, but of only Christ. His word endures forever. He never changes. His love for me and for the world will outlast anything I could give. Thank you Lord for your love that never stops chasing after me.
Praise God, Taylor!! So exciting, congratulations!! :)
I had a similar experience with my own paternal grandmother. I inherited her scriptures after her death and they were just as was described here: pristine. She did mark a few verses, and though I wish she had been in them more, I am grateful for those few verses that show me what it was she valued in them.
Isn’t it awesome and wonderful how the Word of God is interconnected?
Spiritual practices seen in the book of Esther with practical application in the life of Esther and Mordecai: Prayer, Fasting, Celebration, Remembrance, Lament, Service
Did anyone else notice the power of language and the written word throughout the book of Esther?
Please pray for me as I’m having the opportunity to be around a very sweet and lovely young lady who is of another faith. She recently married and on her thank you card she wrote some very beautiful words to me. I hope in a small way that I leave a legacy for her. And that she would come to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. Please pray as we have many opportunities to talk. I don’t want it to be my words. I want it to be Jesus through me.
Oh, Tiffany! Don’t let Satan steal your joy in the Lord and His provision for you! Now you get the opportunity to start your own family legacy of serving Him in ways others can see and remember for generations. Hold tight to the spiritual family God has given you as examples of how to live, as it seems you are doing. Don’t fret the past; keep looking for how God is moving and working in the present and future! Praying for you today!
13 In him you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirits when you heard the word of truth,t the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed. 14 The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.” We are sealed with the Holy Spirit, this inheritance is what I hope all those I love will inherit too. Tiffany C glad to be considered your family! What a family we have in Christ! Love to you! Yay Taylor, may God be praises indeed. I know you will be such a gift to your patients!! Hugs!
“Legacy is the punctuation mark at the end of each of our stories.” This is my hope. And I feel selfish saying this but mainly for my children that they will remember a mother who followed Jesus. I have enjoyed the study so much! I feel like I grew some more.
Congratulations Taylor! What a great honor and since you’re one of my sisters in “she reads truth”, I’m sure you’ll be able to share as you’re able the love of Jesus in your profession. Praise the Lord!
HEIDI, thankful you have had better rest and pray that you have more time to ‘catch your breath’ in the days ahead.
Congratulations, Taylor! You will have lots of opportunities to touch lives and live out your faith by helping others!
TAYLOR, how exciting for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done and may you feel God’s presence in the path ahead! Thank you for sharing your praise and allowing us to share your joy. Continued prayers!
Congratulations Taylor! That’s wonderful news!!
May God continue to use you for His Kingdom. May He lead you and strengthen you in all ways, and for you and others around you continue to see His faithfulness and love abound!
Coming from a non-Christian home, at some point, I was jealous of others that have come from a Christian home who have their family as examples to follow and to be encouraged by. But by God’s grace through Christ’s work, I have no lack as you are my spiritual family along with my local church. Though I do not have parents for me to follow in Christ’s way nor to pray for me, you are like my spiritual parents, siblings and spiritual grandparents that follow Jesus and pray for me. Your notes and reflections are blessings to me. God has provided plenty of examples to follow after through SRT & my local church. I praise and thank God for you, my spiritual sisters, mothers and grandmothers.
“May those who come after us/me be strengthened because we/I sought the well-being of all my descendants.” I am tremendously blessed to see my daughters and grandchildren loving and serving the LORD! These is just no greater legacy to be sure. ❤️
Ladies I have a HUGE praise!!! I found out this morning I passed my board certification exam and am now officially an occupational therapist!!! Thank you all for your prayers through this whole journey! May God alone be praised!!! Now may His will be done leading me to a job! It felt like Christmas morning waking up almost every hour last night waiting for the email!
I can still remember every word to that song, as my parents listened to Steve Green as well. Crazy how it brings you back.
My word this year is SEEK ♥️
Really enjoyed Esther!! Looking forward to Lent!
Thank you all for your prayers… we have had 2 consecutive nights of sleep.. praying it continues and things keep looking up..!! Thank you..
I know I’ve added this kind of comment before but I can’t help but do it again… there’s an incredible, super in-depth study by Beth Moore called Esther and it goes so deep into this amazing book of scripture. I can’t do it justice, it was literally life changing for me. I think it may be 8 weeks? This study on SRT was done VERY well- but if you are ever interested in knowing how deep this story goes, I would just google “Beth Moore, Esther study” and order it. You absolutely will not regret it..!
Happy Friday Ladies!!!!!!!
This was so rich in content! If you haven’t listened to this weeks podcast which has a song about Esther at the very end PLEASE go listen. It is so good and you will learn even more of how we, Esther, Christ are tied tightly together. ❤️
Such a wonderful study!
This morning 4 Bibles are splayed about the dining room table. (Last night was the teen girls’ Bible study.) My husband’s Bible, with all its study notes. The Bible I used while my sons were being raised – worn and tattered, scriptures prayed for them daily written on the back pages. My new Bible, in good shape still but gaining notes every day. And, a Beautiful Word Bible that has pages where I can color scripture as I pray it for people or work to try to memorize a verse.
Thank you, Lord for Your Word available to us. Thank you for its living power. Father, thank you for the different seasons in our life. Thank you the opportunity to leave a legacy in every moment of every day in so many different ways. Guide us into making each day count for You and Your kingdom. May we love like You, and live faithful. May we remember, we are always leaving a legacy…may it be one that honors and glorifies You. Amen.
I will always treasure seeing both of my maternal grandparents every morning with their heads in their Bibles and coffee at their side. Their faithfulness still spurs me onward in my faith. Growing up, my parents listened to a LOT of Steve Green. Many of his songs have stayed with me but one plays through my head frequently:
“We’re pilgrims on the journey
Of the narrow road,
And those who’ve gone before us
Line the way.
Cheering on the faithful,
Encouraging the weary,
Their lives a stirring testament
To god’s sustaining grace.
O may all who come behind us
Find us faithful,
May the fire of our devotion
Light their way.
May the footprints that we leave,
Lead them to believe,
And the lives we live
Inspire them to obey.
O may all who come behind us
Find us faithful.”
The legacy we leave depends on the myriad of daily choices we make. Let us choose well. Let us seek first the Kingdom. Let us seek first the King.
The legacy I want to leave behind…a woman of deep faith in Jesus who loved and lived the word of God❤️ In America the land of plenty how many dusty bibles sit on shelves in homes with angry, bitter, and difficult people? To have courage like Mordecai to stand firm for his people no matter what in order to change hearts.
I loved this study and I’m looking forward to the next one. Very good!