
Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:33-37, Luke 10:38-42, Luke 12:15-33, 1 Timothy 6:9, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Hebrews 13:5, James 4:1-2

It took us years to get here. We sold our big house, sold anything not nailed down, and bought a tiny barn in the country. We built the staircase with our own hands, and our kids raised a wall into place. It’s really simple here. The footprint of our house is 30’x30,’ and eight of us do all our living under this one gable roof. But it’s everything we’ve ever wanted. We sit on a little ridge of land with big trees and big breezes. The kids are growing up and we are growing older—not much else happens out here. While we were still tearing out walls inside, we painted the outside black and named the place Ravenridge with this verse in mind:

Consider the ravens: They don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds? (Luke 12:24).

Our thirties were hard years for us, and we truly learned that God’s provision was our only hope and security. In the testimony of Scripture and in our own lives, we saw again and again that God provides for His people, giving us everything they need. We work hard, we do our best, we plant seeds, but the Lord makes them grow. And then we realized we have nothing to fear in life or in death because He is our security. We are so tempted to “set [our] hope on the uncertainty of wealth” (1Timothy 6:17), but that’s not where true happiness lies.

When you are anxious, remember: “Don’t be afraid… because your Father delights to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). Small living might not be for you. (Goodness knows, I’m so grateful for my friends with pools and big spaces for hosting!) But the discipline of simplicity is for everyone. Our Father loves us and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), so don’t sweat your one cow—or car. Can you think of a time you have seen the Church as the hands and the feet of the gospel in hand-me-downs or casseroles?

Consider the ravens. Consider the flowers of the field. Consider the fatherly kindness and provision of our God. Indeed, Christian simplicity is rooted in God’s fatherly love. He desires to give us the kingdom. Therefore, we may have childlike faith, and not be ruled by the worries, fear, or desires of the world. Simply seek Christ and His kingdom. Hear Him whispering to you now: 

Don’t be afraid, little flock. 
Aren’t you worth much more than the birds? 
How much more will your Father do for you—you of little faith

We need much less than we think. And our Father provides what we need. Sometimes it is just enough, and sometimes it’s abundantly more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Practice walking in faith and simplicity, for your Father delights to give you the kingdom.

Written by Caleb and Rebecca Faires

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94 thoughts on "Simplicity"

  1. Brittany Sobering says:

    Simplicity is on my mind all the time but I haven’t seemed to figure it out yet! In my busy calendar, closet, possessions, etc. I crave it constantly though so this is a big nudge to work toward it!

  2. Susan Lincks says:

    I have always wanted to be a minimalist. I think it’s time to learn.

  3. Shae Porter says:

    Love this xxx

  4. Erika Sheets says:

    Lovely thank you

  5. Heather Robinson says:

    Where can we simplify? This is such an invitation!