
Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Psalm 24:1, Matthew 6:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Acts 4:32-37, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

There is no worse place for your child to have the stomach bug than on an international flight. Our ten-month-old son had already been sick twice—once in his crib, and once on a bus ride to Heathrow Airport. By the third time, our plane was soaring west, high above the Atlantic Ocean. Flight attendants arrived with cleaning solvent and towels, while I tried not to cry—the baby was doing enough of that for the both of us. I had run out of clean clothes, for him and for me. After we cleaned up as best as we could, a woman seated next to me, bouncing an infant on her lap, leaned over.

“Does he need some clothes?” she asked, her British accent calm and kind. She began to dig in her purse. “I think they’re about the same size.”

To this day, that baby onesie continues to be one of the kindest gifts I’ve ever received. I would not have blamed that woman if she asked the flight attendant to change her seat. But instead, she stepped closer to my distress, and met me right in my desperate need.

Giving need not be mysterious, difficult, or ostentatious. An envelope of cash, slipped into a mailbox in secret. A lawn mowed without a word about the effort. A few hours spent at a soup kitchen, doling out warmth in a cold winter storm. Giving is an opportunity toward more creative, beautiful ways to bless the weary world around us. The discipline of giving generously toward others always gives an even better gift in return through the Spirit: joy. 

The grace of giving is a balm for humanity. Everywhere you look (if you look) you will find people in need. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the Lord extols the virtue of sacrificial giving. We are encouraged to give to the work of the kingdom (Mark 12:13–17), to the Church (2 Corinthians 9:6–9), foreigners (Deuteronomy 14:28–29), the fatherless (Psalm 82:3), and widows (Psalm 146:5–9). As we see in the story of the widow’s offering, generosity is never a question of how much. When we believe that “the earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the LORD” (Psalm 24:1)—including our money, time, and resources—there is nothing to keep us from giving what we have away, even if it feels like pennies. God, in His kindness, knows what we need. 

Christ invites us into the same selfless giving that defined His life. The kind that makes your jaw drop and your heart leap. And the best part is, the practice of giving and its fruit bless others, but they also transform us in the process; our lives get to become the living embodiment of Christ to the world. My little gifts become tiny echoes, pointing to God’s ultimate gift. How cool is that?

So begin today. Look around, and see where you might give spontaneously and abundantly. God sees all, and will fill your spirit with joy, even as He blesses the world through your giving. 

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61 thoughts on "Giving"

  1. Susan Lincks says:

    This was very eye opening. It is in essence, socialism, but not the man made distorted view of socialism. I need God’s guidance in this way of life. I want to be right with Him.

  2. Alana Okumu says:

    It has taken me many years to understand the joy of giving. I struggled with the concept and when I made the choice to start tithing it was really hard. A young family we had serious financial hardships. We were in so much debt it nearly crippled our marriage. We have also served in church all the way through this time around 8hrs a week we have dine this for many years. At one point our pastor even suggested us step down to focus on ourselves but we didn’t.
    we decided to foster children to share the love we have organically grown in our family with others, continued tithing . Fostering is very hard not only do u have to sacrifice financially but u have to love even in times when u don’t want to when the kids are so difficult and challenging.
    In a Matter of 12 months all our debt we paid off. It was considerable. We have paid half our mortgage off nearly now finished. God is good and faith in him, obedience in his instruction . It’s vital. We are very generous and I look forward to giving now hod has shown me through his love and guidance. knowing that it could bless someone that even a small amount could be significant.

  3. Alana Okumu says:

    It has taken me many years to understand the joy of giving. I struggled with the concept and when I made the choice to start tithing it was really hard. A young family we had serious financial hardships. We were in so much debt it nearly crippled our marriage. We have also served in church all the way through this time around 8hrs a week we have dine this for many years. At one point our pastor even suggested us step down to focus on ourselves but we didn’t.
    we decided to foster children to share the love we have organically grown in our family with others, continued tithing . Fostering is very hard not only do u have to sacrifice financially but u have to love even in times when u don’t want to when the kids are so difficult and challenging. In a Matter of 12 months all our debt we paid off. It was considerable. We have paid half our mortgage off nearly now finished. God is good

  4. Alana Okumu says:

    It has taken me many years to understand the joy of giving. I struggled with the concept and when I made the choice to start tithing it was really hard. A young family we had serious financial hardships. We were in so much debt it nearly crippled our marriage. We have also served in church all the way through this time around 8hrs a week we have dine this for many years. At one point our pastor even suggested us step down to focus on ourselves but we didn’t. In a matter of two years we decided to foster children to share the love we have organically grown in our family with others, continued tithing . In a Matter of 12 months all our debt we paid off. It was considerable. We have paid half our mortgage off nearly now finished. God is good

  5. Jeanne S Logan says:

    I must remind myself that for someone to be able to give, there must be a recipient. I must allow myself to receive from others so they can also receive the blessing of giving. That, in itself, is an humbling experience.

  6. Ashley Klein says:


  7. Anne Stock says:

    I love giving. I tend to think that giving “has” to be a certain amount or a certain thing. This is not so! The reminder at the end to start today and start small is a great reminder for me.

  8. Heather Robinson says:

    It’s hard to realize areas where my heart has felt overstretched in giving rather than cheerful!

  9. Tara Craig says:

    Goodness! This is very convicting for me to not be a reluctant giver praying that He leads my giving daily + I am obedient to Him in it!

  10. Lyndi Goodman says:

    “The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.”

  11. Rhonda Jury says:

    “Our little gifts become tiny echos, pointing to God’s ultimate Gift.” I couldn’t love this anymore. Lord, open my eyes to see, my ears to hear and my heart to feel where you’d have me show your love and give in the way you know will bless.

  12. Valerie Cabanilla says:

    Giving is a byproduct of love

  13. Kristi Ricord says:

    I know. I loved that story.

  14. Whitney Basford says:

    I totally agree! This was what I needed today

  15. Laurie Lundberg says:

    “She stepped closer in my distress and met me”. That is the woman I choose to be today.

  16. Alice R says:

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

  17. Erin Jarboe says:

    Thank you for this amazing reading today.

  18. Mary Snyder says:

    Indescribable gift: This means that Jesus is an indescribable gift, and salvation is an indescribable gift. The glory of the gift of Jesus and the greatness of the gift of salvation cannot be adequately described.

  19. Megan Martinez says:


  20. Brandy Deruso says:

    Its better to give than to receive.

  21. Isabelle Lima says:

    15Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

  22. Laura Beckom says:

    It truly is more blessed to give than receive. Let me reflect God‘s love in this way to a hurting world.

  23. Dianna McFarland says:

    Lord open my eyes that I may sees need; open my heart that I will desire to give to the needs, and help me use what I have been blessed with (from You) to fill the needs

  24. Tina says:

    I spent 10years worrying about what would happen to me as a result if my partner leaving after 17 years together.
    Everyday brought its own challenge, and everyday, I prayed for an answer.
    When he decided to marry the woman, my heart sank, and I did too, as I waited for the letter fall through the letterbox to say we had to sell…

    The letter did fall through the letterbox, with a solicitors address in the corner, one Saturday morning, all I could see when I opened it was his name in block and mine on the next two lines.. my heart hurt. I called our son and said “Dad wants to sell the house, what am I going to do”

    My sons response floored me.. ” No mum, he has paid the last payment on the mortgage, and he has given you his share..” I have tears as I recall that generosity…that gift!

    I tell you this, why?

    But God..

    A gift like that has never been taken for granted.. I was fearful to move on and had almost resigned myself to having to leave our family home..

    But God..

    He graciously heard me, for 10 years He heard me.. in those uncertain 10 years whilst I waited, I would give haven to many. From my sons school chums, to my friend who needed a break from her husband, to a young girl who just needed to know she was a lady who just needed respite from caring for her husband..

    I still, NO, sorry, the house is still a haven.. a gift like that cannot be hidden or kept to ones self..
    There is a cushion as you walk into the houses’ main room that says ‘ mi casa su casa’ translates to.. my house is your house..

    Having been given a gift so big, so special, how can I not share, how can I not give back to God by sharing and giving space to others who need it!

    All praise and glory to God, who absolutely first loved me..


    Happy today sisters wrapped in love❤

  25. Rachael Collins says:

    This has always been one of my struggles. As a child looking for affirmation, i always was the good child, but in a way of broadcasting my good deeds. And its carried on to adulthood. Now that i have my own kids, this hits a cord. Learning the value of giving quietly in love is hard. And the reward is sometimes unseen.

  26. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Lord show me ways I can give to those around me. Give my time, money, attention or anything else.

  27. Mercy says:

    God loves a cheerful giver. And God is a cheerful giver Himself. He so loved that He gave. Giving is a byproduct of Love. What did He give? the most precious gift Jesus. We can’t never pay back. He values us that much. I love giving and it does come with practice. Sometimes I feel resistance when I give, there is a resistance force behind money. We can’t serve both God and Money. Choose God! Seek Him first. Money is a mere tool to serve God. Truly where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So whenever my heart plays these mind games of resistance (watch out, the heart is deceitful above all things), I tell my heart I will give more than what I first intend just to shut my heart up from doubting. It takes courage not to fear lack when giving. Be bold and give! It is more blessed for us to give than to receive. And God who sets the ultimate selfless example, He so loved that He gave. He so loved that He seeked not his own interest. We can so love that we give. Let us pay it forward by giving onto others, as onto the Lord.

  28. cindy says:

    being able to give to another in need is so awesome. thank you lord

  29. Lolly Regan says:

    Lord show me ways to give to others in my community this week. Amen

  30. Dorothy says:

    I’m amazed how the young can learn by example. At Christmas, I had asked the sister of the little girl I take care to include my sister in the card making that we were doing. She not only wanted to include my sister in the card making she wanted to make sure that Finley and she had made a gift to give her. We are making Valentine’s for their family and out of the blue Kyla, Finley’s sister, said we need to include your sister on the list. I wanted to cry. Giving can be taught at an early age and by example.
    Have a blessed day sisters.

  31. Traci Gendron says:

    Giving always brings me such joy!

  32. Kysia Thornton says:

    “My little gifts become tiny echoes pointing to God’s ultimate gift.” I love this description! Also the reminder that giving isn’t just monetary.

  33. Cynthia Johnston says:


  34. KJ Johnson says:

    Praying to see opportunities during COVID I’ve been away from community and seeing others needs not able to serve but try to be creative and aware. The focus has been more on immediate Famiky but maybe that is just what God has for me in this time. It’s good to check my heart and motives before him now.

  35. Lori Nifenecker says:

    When I read about giving, my mind always go back to a devotional I heard years ago on Ecclesiastes 11:2a – “Give a portion to seven and also to eight…” When I feel like I have no more to give and I see a need, I should still give to that one. In most cases I find that not only is the recipient blessed, but I am as well.

  36. Kayla Albano says:

    It’s so true that God blesses the giver and the receiver with great joy! My favorite way to give is of my talents and treasures. I love to cook and bake, and nothing brings me more joy than sharing that with others. That has been hard to do in the last year, but it has still been fulfilling to leave little surprises at people’s doorsteps (especially because I cannot stop baking full recipes of things and there are only two of us in my house! Haha) . I can’t wait for the day when we can once again break bread together, sharing in fellowship and food! This year I’ve also become more involved in my neighborhood Buy Nothing Facebook group which is truly such a joy. The whole premise is to give things away to other neighbors in the group. I’ve loved seeing the community come together and give freely of their resources (whether those that no longer serve them, or just out of abundance). It has reshaped the way I view parting with my belongings, as there is much more joy to be had in giving them to someone rather than selling for profit if you are able to do so.

  37. Pam K says:

    I am still learning about giving after many years as a believer. Life situations change and finances change, yet we are still called to give. I can have a scarcity mentality that the Lord is working on. We just had a year of unemployment and almost no income, yet we have savings. It was a big shift to give out of our savings and not our income. So thankful for my husband who prompts our giving more than I sometimes would. The Lord has used that to open my hands.

  38. Mari V says:

    Anytime I read something like this I moved to tears. It’s hard to stop. I so much want to be the “giver”.
    Recently my very good friend said, “it’s OK, people are happy to help”.
    My kids and I have been recipients of other people‘s generosity. Anonymous gifts, monetary gifts, a sweet card, sometimes it was “their time“ to talk with me. I told my friend someday I want to be “the giver“. Trust me, if I see an opportunity I can do. I do it. But of course not with trumpets and sounds LOL. Gods people have been obedient and have given to me and my family above and beyond. I am forever grateful.

  39. Taylor says:

    Love todays devotion! What a great way to head into the weekend with eyes and ears open to who might be in need – looking for ways in which to give – whether time, money, or resources. Like Angie said: few words, many actions. Have a blessed weekend sisters!

  40. Julie Garner says:

    We do have many ways to give of ourselves. Specifically, these passages are referring to giving of our possessions. Yes, continue to give of your time, but don’t avoid giving money to the church, the poor, the foreigners, the fatherless, and the widows. Set money aside for this purpose every paycheck. Set it aside and use it when the need arises. Watch for opportunities to help someone in need of financial assistance. It can be directly or through a church program – or any of a plethora of ways to share directly to the needs of people. For some this takes much greater courage than giving time. But God never ceases to be faithful – you will not become destitute by giving to those in need. Start by giving something (if you give nothing now). If you already give something, start giving a percentage – start at 3% or 5%. If you already give a percentage, work your way up to 10%. Joy abounds in the freedom of giving. Don’t be surprised if you find that you end up giving much more than 10%. You and others are missing out on blessings if you are afraid let go of your money. “Be strong and courageous.”

  41. Tiffany C says:

    Coming from a non-Christian family where my single mom was a frugal saver to ensure we’ll be okay for now and the future, I’ve inherited some of those habits good and bad. A good habit would be saving and being content without purchasing something. However there is an entrenched belief in her habits that she must provide enough for herself and her family. I’m grateful to my mom for working hard to provide for me and the family. But God is my ultimate provider and not myself or my mom. I have faith to see and declare God is my provider, but I may struggle in tests or trials. I fear I will withhold based off of my ability rather than to give within God’s grace.

  42. NanaK says:

    “Giving- the practice of sacrificially giving of your money, time, and resources to the work of the gospel.” (SRT).
    “Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since GOD loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor 9:7
    I pray that all that I have…money, time, and talents will cheerfully be given to the glory of my Father and His Kingdom.

  43. Michele Kuperus says:

    Beautiful testimony!❤️

  44. Maura says:

    Love God’s gift of giving. His provision is to be shared. I have been blessed beyond measure in times of need and so blessed to give to others in their need. What joy He gives in the giving. The widow who gave all she had knew His abundance would meet her need. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  45. Bethany B says:

    *ride to the store

  46. Bethany B says:

    Giving isn’t always financially. Giving your time is so important as well. Volunteering. Giving back to your community. Sharing a space in your heart and home with a foster child. Sending letters to friends you know need encouragement during this time. Preparing a meal for a family. Babysitting for someone who needs a simple ride to the stir without the babies. The list goes on and on.

  47. Stacy Smith says:

    I have always struggled with giving. I enjoy giving in secret and being able to support those who are hurting but when it comes to tithing and to giving to family I really struggle.

  48. ERB says:

    @ DEBORAH BASSOFF YES!!! My thoughts exactly!!!

    @ KATIE LATHEM LOVED what you shared about Corrie ten Boom and the clenched fist!!! SUCH a GREAT reminder!!!

    The more we live like the birds of the air (something I remind myself whenever I’m struggling) the more FREER we are!!!! God LOVES blessing and providing for His children!!! Let’s get out of the way and LET Him!!!

  49. McRae says:

    2 Cor 9:7 “…God loves a cheerful giver.” This reminds me so much of my Granna who taught me so much about God’s love and who cheerfully gave and served others, always and without any expectation of praise. I pray to be more like her and open my eyes, ears, and heart to give generously.

  50. Heidi says:

    I grew up in a family that was both the recipient of the “secret cash in the mailbox” AND the giver of the cash to someone else’s mailbox. God used money, in particular, as such an example for me my entire life. I was so blessed to watch my parents trust Him to provide things when logically it just didn’t pan out. I saw them sacrifice finances for the sake of others they felt lead to help, and every time- EVERY time- the sacrifice did not return void. When they donated a large sum to a family in deep need, they did it out of their budget, not surplus. Which meant saying “no” to things we really wanted for ourselves. But God always brought it back. If it was a trip with my friends or new prom dress or even braces- God showed up and provided. And what’s more- it was so many times in areas that were NOT necessity. He cares about us beyond just food/water/shelter!!! He provided the mortgage and bills, yes, but i cannot miss out on the fact He also provided EXTRA, the fun..! :) I don’t look at my own littles and just provide the necessities for them. I love, get JOY, from giving them the blessings.. the EXTRA. Thank you God you love me even more than that!

  51. Laurie Martin says:

    A blessing to others that in return blesses me.

  52. Anna Livingston says:

    What a wonderful reminder in times of ‘Rona… It’s been so hard to make every day contact with people, as in at the grocery store or gas station, the kids’ school or wherever. People are so afraid of not doing what they can to avoid getting the virus or, worse yet, giving it to a compromised person. You can feel the tension in the air and it’s smothering to a person wanting to share their own joy with the world. Giving is a fantastic way to spread that joy, to spread the love of God!

  53. Katie Lathem says:

    I believe it was Corrie ten Boom who talked about it being difficult for God to give blessings to someone with a clenched fist. Instead, keep your hands open so that God can pour in the blessings which then overflow to others. My blessings aren’t just for me to hoard and protect from others- they become my ministry. I look at what I have and ask how those things can be a blessing to others to point them to Jesus. The real faith stretch comes as you learn to adjust your definition of blessings to include more and more of your life.

  54. Molly Malloy says:

    Thank you Claire- I loved your reminder that giving transforms both parties involved! I will find ways, both big and small, to give and receive joy.

  55. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Being obedient to the Lord and giving in secret God will reward us. Our God loves a generous giver, but He also wants us to do it humbly and without fan fare. I have come to realize that is because He wants the glory and if we have fanfare about it then it’s all about us and not about Him. Make it about Him and not about you. Give and give generously, but do it humbly and God will bless you beyond measure.

  56. Katie Schisler says:

    When I give I worry a lot less about what I have. I never seem to be in need when I give freely. The Lord ALWAYS provides, sometimes in ways that humble me. And sometimes the Lord uses me as that provision for someone else. I know giving is to benefit others, but I sure do get a lot out of it! Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to see your blessings through giving.☺️

  57. Churchmouse says:

    We are blessed to then be a blessing. Blessings are not to be hoarded but to be shared. In the sharing, the blessings actually expand. Blessings given anonymously have a profound effect. Whether they meet a need or simply say someone cares, someone notices, giving because God is a giver is reason enough. We are to imitate Him.

  58. Angie says:

    Jesus, help us step closer to people’s distress.
    Thank you for the opportunity to bless the weary world around us, and glorify your name.
    Give us eyes to see people in need. Hearts to care, and hands to reach out.
    Not many words for this one; many actions.

  59. Deborah Bassoff says:

    Everything belongs to God! Be generous and spontaneous in our giving. Christians should never live with a scarcity mentality – God promises to always provide for our needs. ❤️

  60. Searching says:

    Giving – so many ways to obey the Lord and to bless others. For me, it starts with tithing. Our church body was challenged many years ago to practice tithing for a period of time. I had “tithed” every week but never did the math … yep, I was way short and now I do the math every month to this day.
    Let’s look for ways to bless others when we can – pay it forward at a drive through or restaurant, Good Samaritan layaway pay downs or payoffs, giving what we don’t need to those that do (or giving what we do need to those that need it more), using our time wisely to have more time to help others …

    Let’s also work at being cheerful and gracious receivers when others are blessing us.

  61. Kristen says:

    I know this devotional wasn’t just about tithing. However, I was one that never wanted to hear about this. I was like a little kid holding their ears.. I felt convicted about starting to do this.. The pastor at the time really didn’t talk about money. I was confused about the tithe and had to ask questions. As the Scripture says: the earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the LORD” (Psalm 24:1) I also heard that in God’s economy 90% is more than 100%. This is the only area where God says to test him from what I’ve heard. We did this, and God had been faithful. My husband was laid off for many months and God provided. We were even able to go on a real vacation.(That’s not something we do every year.) My friend shared about her husband’s giving. She was scheduled to come back to work and was stressed out. Her husband got an early review and promotion that doesn’t happen usually for many months I. This company. With that, she was able to stay home. I am not talking prosperity gospel. I’m just sharing what I e seen or heard. Everything good comes from God and it is His anyway.
    I love the reminder above about the joy that comes from serving or helping others!
    Then this part; Christ invites us into the same selfless giving that defined His life. The kind that makes your jaw drop and your heart leap. And the best part is, the practice of giving and its fruit bless others, but they also transform us in the process; our lives get to become the living embodiment of Christ to the world. My little gifts become tiny echoes, pointing to God’s ultimate gift. How cool is that?
    How amazing is Jesus? He gave everything ! I think of how He loved others while He was here! If you want to fall more in love with him, read this!

    I know I’m writing on a lot of things! I hope something Ivan be helpful, sisters. Thank you!