I Will Give You Abundant and Eternal Life

Open Your Bible

Psalm 16:11, John 17:3, John 3:1-17, John 10:7-10, Matthew 7:7-11, 1 John 2:24-25, Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:55

The Bible tells us that death will be the last enemy to be destroyed (1Corinthians 15:26)—and death is indeed our enemy. A foreign invader in this world, death is out of place and unwelcome. This is why we mourn at a funeral—because funerals were never meant to be. In the Old Testament, King David trusted the Lord to rescue his soul from the grave, resting in the hope that in the life after death, he would find himself in the presence of God, where there is “abundant joy” (Psalm 16:11).

But the hope of the Christian life is not only life after death; it’s much more than that. Yes, Jesus promised His followers eternal life, but He also spoke of a new life that starts right here and now. It is life with God, and it is eternal because God is eternal. Praying to the Father, Jesus said, “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ” (John 17:3).

This promised life is abundant life (John 10:10). And how could it not be? David was right when he wrote that there is joy in the presence of God. Through the Holy Spirit, we carry that presence with us wherever we go. Life is not easy, but we can be joyful no matter what happens, because God is with us. Whether we die before the Lord returns or are caught up to meet Him in the air when He does (1Thessalonians 4:17), the life we have in Christ will continue. “Where, death, is your sting?” (1Corinthians 15:55).

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66 thoughts on "I Will Give You Abundant and Eternal Life"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    Leaning on the great and precious promises of the Good Sheperd this morning. Thank you Jesus for making a way for me and giving me your abundant life. ❤️

  2. Poppy Waskett says:

    I am filled up by hope today again knowing that we don’t have to wait to heaven to find joy in the house of the Lord, and today I choose life. I am thankful to Jesus for all he has done to enable this. I am confident of this, I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Thank God because there is so much to weary, discourage, deceive and deter in the world, but by the Grace of God and by his Spirit there is life. Thank you God. I needed to be reminded of this today. I pray this would change my heart and my mind today and would radiate through today. Amen

  3. Allison Sherwood says:

    So thankful to have a relationship with a god who keeps us together even after death!

  4. Ashley Cesare says:

    The very last sentence Jesus states in John 10:10 moved me tonight. “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Wow! As a young adult still trying to find her way, I have questioned the meaning and purpose of why I am here for a few years now. I would ask God “What is it you have called me to do!?” I have questioned “There needs to be more to life than just this.” It wasn’t until I spent more intentional time with Jesus and his word that I felt true joy in life. I feel so blessed in the life he has given me! From the very big things to the very small. It’s through his love, forgiveness, and grace that I have recently felt an abundant life. Surely, life throws curveballs at us. Most recently, I’ve focused on how I react to those curveballs and to how Jesus would want me to respond. In admiring the joy I have in this earthly life Jesus has given me, I can’t even imagine what awaits for us all in Heaven!

  5. Anneliese Peterson says:

    I love that reminder that the reason we mourn is because we know we weren’t made to die. We can feel the externality of our souls. That is one of the things God uses to draw us to him.

  6. Claire Faith says:

    Thank you Jesus that this world is only temporary, thank you that you have given us life abundant.

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