Walking in Love

Open Your Bible

2 John 1:1-13, John 8:31-32, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

There is a foot of height between us, but I have learned to keep up, quicken my step, and match my stride to my husband’s. He ran Division 1 Track and Field for his university and, to this day, he can run a mile while I’m still changing into my sneakers.

But when we walk, we walk at a matched pace: he’s a little slower than normal and I’m a little faster. When he asks me to go for a walk, he does it because he loves me and he loves spending time with me. Walking at different paces—though more comfortable for each of us—would not be the loving thing to do.

I think of this today while reading the second letter of John. He speaks of walking in love (2 John 6) and then goes on to warn of those who walk ahead on their own, rather than abide in Christ’s teaching (v.9). I can think of times when I’ve lagged behind or gotten ahead and someone else has paid the price for it. I tend to assume other people view the gospel through the same lens I do, and then I forget to communicate both love and truth to someone whose path has strayed (Ephesians 4:15).

There have been times when I have not abided in Christ’s teachings because, deep down, I think I can somehow say it better or faster or smarter. Or I have lagged behind, not kept up with the deep and fervent truth of the gospel, and become lazy in my sin and relationships with others.

The flurry of day-to-day life here on earth can cause us to forget what’s real, true, and eternal. We forget and we wander off, distracted. No wonder the writer of Hebrews said, “Let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1–2). There is much to be said for the hard work of running the race toward Jesus, but here in his letter, John tells us to simply walk—to walk in love.

For me, it’s always easier to run ahead or lag behind, to grow distracted by what’s around me or impatient for what’s ahead of me. But John says, Beloved, walk. Match your pace to the One who loved you first and walk, one step in front of another, faithful in practice—not for a particular result, but simply to walk with your Father and enjoy His presence. This reminds me of Enoch, whose whole existence could be wrapped up with this line: he “walked faithfully with God; then he was no more because God took him away” (Genesis 5:24, NIV).

To walk in love is to match my stride to the love of God, the King of the universe, who put on flesh and became fully human to show us how to live (John 1:14; 1John 4:2). He slowed His pace to meet ours, to teach us how to run the race. In the end and by His grace, may our own lives echo these words: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2Timothy 4:7).

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83 thoughts on "Walking in Love"

  1. Heidi V says:

    I often ask for God to direct my steps. Today’s readings have really added to that perspective by reminding me that when I ask God to direct my steps I’m also staying in step with Him. He’s not preparing a path for me and giving me a roadmap. He’s inviting me to make the journey with Him. I’m sure this seems elementary but for me, today this is one of those moments when scripture is being seen differently and sinking in in a whole new way. Meeting me where I am at in life today and revealing to me an area where I was forgetting that He is in control. Thank you SRT!

  2. Tracy Scott says:

    I loved this analogy – I can relate with my husband. The fact that Jesus slowed his pace significantly, as to show us how to walk by faith with perseverance. Thank you for your encouragement.

  3. Rebecca Woodall says:

    ‘And this is love – that we walk according to HIS commandments’. Quite literally, obedience is love.

  4. TJordan says:

    I LOVE this! Such a great picture of what these verses mean! Thank you!!

  5. Lu C77 says:

    How do you know how to walk with the lord? How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are taking a step toward him rather then taking a step back? How do you know if you are lagging behind or going to fast? how do you keep track of everything? I want to hear God speak to me so badly and yet sometimes i feel like i’m just playing a guessing game. I don’t know how to make Gods way clear.

  6. Susan Crosby says:

    Enoch walked faithfully with God…She walked faithfully with God…❤️

  7. Chrisy Keller says:

    This was such a beautiful read. I read it multiple times and think it’ll be read again in the future. Right now with COVID and not even knowing what day it is, I find myself lagging behind and then running ahead on my own to “catch up”. When all along I just need to be step in step with my Father.

  8. Liz A says:

    Wow I really needed this reminder! I walk ahead of God so much! Especially when it comes to my relationship with others. God help me to rest in your presence

  9. Liza Jane says:

    Anonymous, thank you for showing me another perspective to “look at”. Does your district have anything in place that can help with your new found downtime? I understand everything you are saying, that is another reason I think that we have to be so mindful of what we post. I can imagine it’s hard for you to see all of these families that are connecting with family members and others. . I know our district has teachers helping with sacks of food for families, stuffing backpacks with needed items (toothpaste, laundry detergent, non perishable foods, etc) for our students to get them through the weekends? They also have set up check in’s for pre K- 12th with teachers and teaching assistants. In some cases it might just be a note mailed, or I know our pre-k and kindergarten teachers and aids are reading books, teaching easy art lessons, etc. over Zoom and google classroom. Also, a few of our teachers are volunteering at our local library with curbside pick up, sanitizing books, reading to younger children that is later downloaded on Facebook ( which you can do from home). I think our situation is rather unique because of the poverty here, so some of these programs have been in place for awhile. I will be praying for you during this time,that God will open doors for your depression to subside and that doors concerning your future will be opened. ❤️❤️

  10. SD says:

    This study blessed my heart and really put into perspective the work I have been doing since the pandemic began. I have been facilitating and organizing volunteer tutors to work with a refugee population virtually. Previously, we were doing this work in person so switching to everything online has sometimes been a struggle. At the beginning, I think all of us assumed that the technology would cause some difficulty but that would be resolved quickly. We were very very wrong. It has been such a blessing to watch my volunteers slow down to explain the technology to these students. They have not sprinted ahead and just taken control. They have also slowed down by asking how each of these students are doing personally. We may not be getting as much ‘work’ accomplished, but I believe God is blessing this time abundantly and we are accomplishing greater things in our relationships with these students and their families.
    So thankful for the perspective of walking with God to work with these students versus speeding ahead!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Liza Jane, Thank you for sharing what life is like right now for you and your family, as well as those families you serve in your district. I can imagine that your life is really too full right now, and that the parents of your students are understandably being stretched too thin.
    I just wanted to (gently) add another perspective. I am a part-time teacher (single, mid-30s). I teach a combined Pre-K/Kindergarten class. My down time quotient has shot up in the past several weeks, so there is a 100% chance that I have the time for extended walks with no other responsibilities weighing me down. The thing is, if I am on one of those walks, it probably took a massive amount of energy to force myself into it, because I struggle significantly with mental health, and the extra down time isn’t helping. While I’m on that walk, I might be thinking about my students and how to accommodate their massive range of abilities without drowning myself in planning for their distance education each week. I might be thinking about the estranged relationship I have with my aging parents, or praying that they don’t get this virus before we have the chance to reconcile. I might be beating myself up because I’ve needed to vacuum my living room carpet for days, but depression just doesn’t let up. I might be thinking about how I was laid off from my other part-time job, and I’m not quite sure how finances are going to work over the next few months. I won’t post any of this on social media along with the photo I took on my walk because I’m pretty private, but I also don’t want to downplay the struggle that parents are walking through right now. But that photo represents a lot more than a leisurely walk. I recognize that the present reality of parents is really, really hard. And I’m not going to say “but” here. I am going to say “and”. Life is really, really hard for parents right now. AND, no matter what social media says, no matter what someone else’s life might look like on the outside, there is always, always more going on than meets the eye. <3

  12. Taylor says:

    I am thankful for the SRT community that we can all gather here at our own appointed times to walk with the Lord. My appointed time to walk in His love is first thing in the morning – even though during quarantine that time for me is about 9:30 am lol. I also enjoy following the study a day behind to read everyone’s comments and soak in more Truth and encouragement. Jenny Lucas, thank you for your comment. I feel as though I’m also trying to rush and find my person rather than trusting God and waiting for Him. Praying for you that we can both surrender, trust, and obey. Thank you Lord for SRT that we can encourage one another in our walks with You and thank you for the women who are spiritually further in their walks to encourage us who are still Christian infants, toddlers, and children.

  13. Liza Jane says:

    During these crazy time of “remote learning” I pray for God to give all of the teachers and families the resources that are needed to enrich the lives of everyone involved. I am not only an administrator, but am a mother of 5 children. I pray daily that my younger teachers are able to see the stress on these parents that are suddenly thrust into the full time learning process of their children, while usually trying to hold down their full time jobs. I have teachers posting on social media about their long walks, extra time at the lake/ river, life slowing down, and I know many of these families are drowning trying to get everything done. This is not a slowing down time for them at all. In my home I have a Senior that is missing not only all of the special activities, but his special recognitions for academic and athletic successes during high school. Not to mention missing his Senior year of baseball after years of competitive travel baseball and basketball. I am trying to teach 4 different grade levels in my home, as well as editing his end of the year papers and fulfilling all kinds of requirements our district has put into effect to help these Seniors have the best graduation season they can have. My husband is self employed with approximately 150 employees relying on him. Oh, and then my job as an elementary administrator as well. Our district is such a low income area that it is 100 % free and reduced lunch so we are having busses that deliver meals not only for the week but on the weekends too. Also, our remote learning did not start until all homes could have free cable installed, so the students in the public school had a 3 week break before starting the remote learning. My older children have been so wonderful to step in, which is the only way we have kept any sanity. I say all of this because I’ve noticed that there are quite a few teachers that are part of this study and I just hope to give them a glimpse at what is going on in families that actually have resources. As I have told my teachers, 1)remember you have one grade level to teach, many of these families are dealing with more than one grade level 2) some parents are working from home and trying to teach, others are loosing jobs, under financial stress and trying to teach 3) some families are dealing with health situations that we do not know about and 4) very few families are finding extra time to connect with each other and others outside of their home. Our Superintendent has asked the teachers to be mindful about what they are posting on social media. Most of these families are under stress, so showing all the extras you have time for now is not in the best interest of our students. And remember, we are all in this together. ❤️❤️

    1. Casey Lewis says:

      This is why I have chosen to abstain from social media during this time and maybe even after. It is a joy thief for me. I am constantly comparing my life, my house, my kids to the small tidbits of someone’s else’s. I can’t sort through that added stress. Thank for sharing a perspective that I can relate too.

    2. Tara Beatty says:

      I truly appreciate you sharing this post.

  14. Natasha G says:

    I want to continue to grow in my daily walk with the Lord and to enjoy just being in step with Him and His Presence.

  15. Nicole Burgos says:

    I liked how she talks about being on the same pace with others . To walk in love ❤️

  16. Lesia DeJesus says:

    These are all beautiful words but how do you know. How do you know that you are not ahead or behind him. These are the questions that plague me.

    1. Ashley Thomas says:

      I believe John is saying to walk in the commandments given by God. If you are obeying those commandments, then you are not lagging behind or running ahead. We all fall short at some point, but we just need to do our best to keep our faith in Him, and to obey the word.

  17. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am reminded today that God walks with us. I love thinking of God walking with me through my day to day life. Through the ups and downs he is with us! Such a great reminder!

  18. Bonnie P Mills says:

    I have been scattered all day. Not focused at all. Hebrews 12:1-2 slapped my face..I also can relate to lagging behind. Step by step beside the Lord so I can Enjoy his presence.

  19. Jenny Lucas says:

    I love this reading today. It reminds me to slow down and not try to rush things, like I’ve been trying to do by rushing to find my person instead of just slowing down and trusting God. He wants us to trust Him and walk His pace and I am so grateful for that reminder.

  20. Amy Fowler says:

    Thank you, Lore. This speaks directly to my heart.

  21. DOROTHY says:

    Erin, I will be praying for you and all the other moms who have had there normal changed and now have to be with their children 24/7. My son is AD/HD (he is 32 now) and I can’t imagine have to be with him or two or more of him 24/7.

  22. Ashley White says:


  23. Delora says:

    Amen, and Blessed morning to all!

  24. Allison Bentley says:

    So yesterday my son was bitten by a large dog and I must share how “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Let me set the stage- last Friday was my son’s annual well check and like most people during this pandemic I questioned myself, got the opinions of others and even doubted my decision to take him but finally said- We will not live in fear; Gods got His hands over us. At the appointment my pediatrician noticed scratches on my son because he is all boy and plays rough climbing trees, running through the woods and called in a prescription for an antibiotic cream “ just in case”. Fast forward to Wednesday when the dog bite occurs and what did I just pick up earlier from the pharmacy? The antibiotic cream!! God knew what was going to happen on Wednesday which is why he prepared me on Friday!!! I just love how things work out because of God!! He is always working for us!!!

  25. Melissa Mcronney says:


  26. DOROTHY says:

    Heidi, in a way I agree with Janie. I often end up showing/telling about my faith when I talk about my oldest son’s death and now my niece’s death. Many people ask after my story how I got through it and that is when I say that my faith is what got me through oth of them. I hope this helps.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      I’m sorry you have had to go through the loss of your son & niece. My son has an extremely rare illness. I say the same thing. God has carried me through.

  27. DOROTHY says:

    Churchmouse, I had a study guide on one of the other studies like that.
    Angie, Kristine Loughman and all the other teachers out there you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know I have difficulties with my computer programs when I do my continuing education so I can imagine how difficult it would be as a teacher.

  28. Kerry Rowley says:

    I really appreciated today’s writing to encourage us to keep pace and remember some are not at the same gospel level that we are. I’m dealing with a precious daughter-in-law-to-be whose May 9th wedding to my son has been greatly affected by the current situation. We are facing many challenges together since she is in my town where the now “family only” wedding will be and her family lives in another state. Over the past 2 days God has really worked on me to match my walk to hers and not try to out pace her. I will say I had a night I didn’t sleep well with many tears. But God needed to take me through that to bring me to the place I am now. I spent time rereading from the other day “Love is patient …”. I have greatly needed this week. Thank you God for loving me enough to walk with me so that I can walk with others as you would have me walk. I love my SRT girlfriends. I read everyday but rarely post. But I’m here reading the wisdom you each share.

  29. Diana Fleenor says:

    When I began this study of John’s epistles, I would read the Scriptures and then the devotion before bringing my thoughts to my personal prayer journal. But, today, I waited to read the devotion until I wrote my own thoughts. Often my view of the passages focuses on a somewhat different aspect of what can be gleaned than what the devotion writer has penned. Though I can sometimes feel a bit “different”, I am glad for the diversity.

    Lore’s presentation of the pacing we need in the teaching of Christ is such a good reminder of our own tendency to pull away from the teachings of Christ. I see this is this word today. Yet, my eyes fixed also on John’s instruction to the “elect lady” that “if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked words.”

    Eek! What it seems John is telling us there is a kind of not abiding in Christ’s teachings which requires a strong rebuke, even a kind of exclusion. This is a hard truth to walk in with today’s “tolerance” minded culture. However, I read in my study Bible notes that this instruction is to protect the purity of the church from unsound doctrine. This is a good and loving way of our Lord.

    My prayers today were filled with pleas to grant leaders and ordinary members the Spirit of discernment in order to make right and wise decisions and actions in this instruction given by God through John. May he have mercy on his Bride and purify us of where we have “received” these “deceivers”. And my prayers go with all of you in regard to teachers and students, parents and children, abusers and the abused. May the Lord bring healing through the pure and true gospel in which we love not in word and talk, but in deed and in truth.

  30. DOROTHY says:

    Lore summed up my faith in her last paragraph. My life and my faith has had so many ups and downs that it could be one of the wildest roller coasters around. I am the youngest of four and my three older siblings are very smart. My father wouldn’t believe that I had learning disabilities he thought I was just lazy. My mom understood though (I think it helped she was a teacher). My father compared me to my siblings all the time. I’m epileptic. I didn’t get a college degree until late in life and then it was an associates degree, which to my father wasn’t a degree and neither was my practical nursing certification (even though I am able to make a good living at it). I married a man, who later I divorced, who didn’t work. My two sons had/have attention deficit/hyperactive disorder and so does my ex-husband which my father at first didn’t believe was real. I was turned in for supposed abuse when all it was was the AD/HD. My boys and I were homeless for a month. My mom was hit on her bicycle and had a broken neck and lived and walked again. My oldest son died the day after his 18th birthday. My other son got arrested for drugs and was wild and uncontrollable for a while. My niece who was also my roommate just recently died in a car accident and two days later I had a car accident and totaled my car. But my faith is strong and lives on.

  31. Mari V says:

    I really felt convicted this morning as I need to walk in love and my stride needs to match that walk here in my home. Even when smart alec remarks are thrown at me. Deep breaths…..as I try not to respond (but often do). Sigh!!
    Good thing we all love Jesus and most of the time it’s not a big deal but it’s hard when your trying to be respectful to your elderly mother while trying to be an example to my own kids.

  32. Jill K says:

    Erin, I’ve been in that season of life and remember how truly difficult it was. God sees, He knows. I believe your desire to spend time with him pleases him. Think of the joy it gives the King watching you his beloved child care for the sweet babies he has put in your care. What a beautiful service you are doing in His name. Don’t lose heart. He knows your hearts desire. This season will pass all to soon and you will have the time for quiet and also the memories of this time. Praying for you today!

  33. Angela D says:

    2 John 1:10-11 confuses me…can anyone shed some light?
    “10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your home, don’t greet him; 11 for the one who greets him shares in his evil works.”
    Doesn’t this go against Jesus’ teaching of loving your neighbor (including your enemy)? I give love and grace to anyone, even if they don’t believe the same things as I do. It would feel wrong to not allow people into my home and my life that don’t exactly hold the same beliefs as me. Am I looking at this wrong?

    1. Angela D says:

      I think I just answered my own question by diving deep into my study Bibles. The “home” referenced in these verses would have referred to people’s home churches, since the church was in the home back then. So welcoming traveling false teachers into your home would mean welcoming false teachings into your church at a time when there were many people denying Jesus’ humanity. Allowing them into the churches could put everyone’s salvation at risk. I can see that hospitality would have been a risk in light of this.

  34. Mari V says:

    @Jessie. Praying for Rebecca

  35. Maura says:

    Love reading this morning. Matching our step with His, so beautiful and reminded me that He is in the yoke with me from another srt devotion. Do not lose heart Sisters our God is faithful. He longs for us to match our step with His, soak in His word and love and pour it out. Praying for the requests this morning. If you are overwhelmed, know you are not alone, read Psalm 91, take the hand of the Master, Jesus loves you/us more than we can fathom. Hugs all.

    1. Jen Brewer says:


  36. Mary Pitner says:

    Today’s reading spoke loudly to me. Whispered to me. The words ran through my veins. I want to walk in that love and help others to do the same. I want to let God take the lead and set the path. All too often, I sprint ahead in my enthusiasm, when I should be walking and listening.

  37. Dawn says:

    Erin, I resonate with your comments. While my kids are older, I am not finding this quarantine time to be less busy because both my husband and I are working from home while helping both kids do school from home. I struggle sometimes with wishing my circumstances were different so I COULD use this time for extra rest and reflection and that idea of me matching my pace to God’s is so comforting. He seems to be calling me to a faster pace than I’d prefer right now!

    1. Madelyn Pierce says:

      Hi Dawn, It was helpful to read yours and Erin’s comments because I actually am having the opposite issue during the quarantine. I just got married this year, have no kids, no job (I’m in grad school), and my husband still goes to work during the week. Because of this is hard to feel a sense of purpose and motivation and I actually envy parents like you because this time could be such a purposeful time of connecting with and investing in your kids. That being said, I’m sure you’re so exhausted. I think it just reminds me that everyone’s experiences has it’s pros/cons right now and I need to embrace the portion the Lord has given me now, instead of always yearning for something else.

  38. Erin Barth says:

    I hear so many during this time talk about slowing down, reflection and rest but I’m not personally experiencing any of that. I have 18 month old triplets, and am a stay at home Mom so this time has been pretty exhausting and challenging (my babes are the sweetest blessing, but can be chaos) because we can’t do play dates or get out. I appreciate the “pace” concept in today’s reading, but am still struggling to feel like I can join God’s in this season— it almost feels as if it’s just a time a spiritual scarcity for me. Oh, I find myself clinging to Jesus but not in the rich, reflective way that I could pre Motherhood.

    Just thought I’d chime in because frazzled Mom life doesn’t seem to be reflected here often, and I want to encourage any others reading that God has us right where we are supposed to be. If we are faithful with a little, he will bless us with much (Luke 16:10).

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Erin, thank you so much for sharing your experience! I too am a mother to an 8th month old and this time isn’t restful. I am with her 24/7. Unfortunately, she is also teething right now so her sleep is disrupted. I don’t get any breaks and me and my husband haven’t had much quality time. Motherhood was and adjustment in itself, but this temporary normal is a whole other adjustment. I am so thankful for her during this time, I know that she gives me a sense of purpose and normalcy during this time, but it’s still hard. I will be praying for you my fellow mommy!

  39. Michelle Dornath says:


  40. ceegee says:

    Angie, yes I will pray harder for our school officials, teachers, and students! My family has been greatly impacted by this ‘change’ and I see first hand what a sacrifice they are making. God bless each and every one and you, too! Thank you for sharing your heart and encouragement here on a regular basis!

  41. Ramona says:

    Heidi, I too wonder how I can show someone else what I know of God, his love, mercy and peace. I found great comfort in today’s reading. 1 Corinthians 3 6 & 9. We can pray that others will see God’s love and peace in us. Our walk with Him to plant his word and water it, but God will make it grow. We are God’s co-workers. Many blessings to you in Christian love. Ramona

  42. Lisa Z says:

    Heidi, I am with you! I also need to just let the gospel be the gospel. Lord, let my life shine Your light; let my mouth be still. Let me love quietly with my actions. Help me pause and speak only the words that You put in my mouth. Help me concentrate so deeply on walking with you that I do not run ahead or fall behind!
    Praying for teachers and students. Praying for those without resources for on line learning to not get too far behind.

    1. Mary Pitner says:


  43. ceegee says:

    Ruth, thank you for filling in the open slots in the delivery system with your time and sacrifice! Prayers for your safety as you continue to give of your time during this pandemic. I am most grateful for our mail and delivery service options and thank our locals with every opportunity. Be blessed and find some time to just breathe!

  44. Erricka Hager says:

    I love the imagery of God taking a walk with us throughout this journey. I’m thankful for his reminders to SLOW down and walk at his pace vs my own. Like the Israelites, I struggle with day to day trials and tribulations but I’m thankful to have God’s word as a reminder of his love for me.

    1. Mary Pitner says:


  45. Samantha Rogers says:

    I find it so fitting that I’m starting a running program this morning.
    This time has all about finding peace and centering my life with God. Looking forward to seeing what he reveals.

  46. Heidi says:

    “There have been times when I have not abided in Christ’s teachings because, deep down, I think I can somehow say it better or faster or smarter. Or I have lagged behind, not kept up with the deep and fervent truth of the gospel, and become lazy in my sin and relationships with others.”
    This section is what I relate to the most this morning. I have such a time letting the gospel be the gospel in its own power and instead I try to perfect my presentation so that Truth can be seen but in a “better” way… Uhg even typing that I want to slap myself! ;) I guess if i want to get real about it the fact is, like it or not, something in me doesn’t fully believe God’s word can always stand alone as-is when speaking it to a nonbeliever. I have a good friend who is borderline anti-Christian and partly because of culture, partly because of horrible experiences in her life she feels God didn’t step in on when He should/could have. She knows my faith but tends to brush past it or ignore it because she likes ME a lot, just not my beliefs. Anyway- I really struggle with how to let Jesus just be His own beautiful self through me and I find myself watering down His message. I just don’t know how not to. I want her to know Him and I guess I fear if she really saw/heard Him she’d slam the door faster than I could even imagine. Help..??

    1. Janie Williamson says:

      I think it helps to know that, ultimately, it is God who is going to draw your friend to Himself. He will use you and your friendship to show her the truth of who He is, but at the end of the day, He doesn’t NEED you to win her over. We have the opportunity to be God’s representatives to our people, but He is the one with the ultimate power to choose His children. So continue to love her, show her a different side of God than she’s known and pray for her. Then give her to God. He loves her far more than you do. :)

      1. Tamara Goda says:


  47. Christy Gaudet says:

    Today’s message was my favorite so far. ♥️♥️

  48. Heidi says:

    Yes KELLY!! This has been on my heart and mind as well… how many people had their jobs or school as their “safe place” during the week and now there is no escape for them. So frightening and heartbreaking. I will be praying. I hope others might be proactive in doing the same!!

  49. Ruth says:

    Thankful for today’s scripture and devotion. I’m a part time mail carrier but working full time during this pandemic. The 4-6 days per week and delivering mattresses, refrigerators and 50lb. bags of dog food is exhausting! I feel behind on housework and family time. So grateful for my job knowing others have lost there’s, but definitely tired. Today’s devotional was much needed for a fresh perspective, that we can “walk” with the Lord. So thankful he doesn’t rush the pace.

  50. Hannah SealeHernandez says:

    I love that: “walk one step in front of another, faithful in practice, not for a particular result, but simply to walk with your Father and enjoy His presence.”

  51. Churchmouse says:

    Oh yes Kelly, thank you for the reminder to pray for protection for those whose homes are not a safe space, for those for whom school was a much needed respite from fear. Lord God, You see inside the walls. Protect each one. Decrease frustration, anger, criticism and harsh words. Have family and friends call and check in. Have those in the home call and check in daily so that others know they are OK. Help others to hear the tone of their voice as well as their words that they might have discernment that all is not well. Empower those inside and outside the home to reach out. Give those who need to flee, the courage to do so. Lord Jesus, be a very real help in time of trouble. Amen.

  52. Churchmouse says:

    Certainly Angie I will pray for teachers and students and parents /guardians, all who are struggling with this new way of learning. Our sweet Julia sits before an iPad, usually dressed in her princess dress(relaxed dress code at home lol), ready for the school day to begin. Two year old Jenna joins her sister to greet her teacher. Jenna scampers off while Julia begins her class work. Kindergarten continues through the efforts of so many. I’m amazed at it all: the adjustments made so quickly, the constant oversight by the teacher on the students’ well being, far beyond the academics; all the subjects well prepared; the orderliness of recreating an abbreviated school day.
    And I’m acutely aware that not every home/school district can manage this situation smoothly or consistently. Praying encouragement and kindness for all and between all. May everyone give each other extra grace.

  53. Murphy says:

    Kristine, I too am a teacher and this new pace is unexpected and lovely. And I have been taking about two walks a day. Now I have a whole new perspective to think about on my walks after reading today’s devotional.

  54. Blessed Beth says:

    To Angie and all the other teaches I am praying for you as I was a special needs assist and know how difficult it is for children when taken out of their comfort zone. My daughter is a first grade teacher and I hear the same stories and my best friend is a third grade teacher who gives me daily updates. This is a difficult times for you, I pray for computer programs that work, parents and students that understand. And remember you are so loved and appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  55. Kelly says:

    It has been on my heart to pray for children and adults who are forced to be with their abusers during quarantine. Will you join me in praying God’s protection over them? I know my SRT sisters will hold this on their heart too. Thank you for your continued blessings through your comments! Have a wonderful day

  56. Kristine Loughman says:

    This quarantine has slowed my life, and I’m just now realizing how frantic the “before” pace was. While teaching 22 first graders from home is still busy, not having to deal with lunch boxes and after school practices and schedules has been an unexpected relief. I feel like I’m finally catching my breath. I love that today’s devotional talked about God matching his pace to ours, allowing us to catch up, catch our breath, and walk alongside.

  57. Lisa A says:

    Walking through a difficult time in my personal life. What spoke to me was “continue in the teaching”, “hold on to my teaching”, “run with endurance”.

  58. Lizzie says:

    Psalm 138:7-8. Psalm 139:5,10,17-18. Psalm 139:23-24. My prayer today: Lord, please search my heart and see my anxious thoughts and create in me a clean heart, cast away my sins, and lead me in the everlasting way. That I may walk in love, 2 John 6, and put others first with my eyes set on you. Thank you for being with me, great us your faithfulness, your steadfast love O Lord, endures forever. You are enough, the breath in my lungs. You will fulfill your purpose for me. John 3:16-17. Proverbs 16:1-3. Proverbs 15:32.
    I will be praying for the students and teachers who are at home, thank you for sharing your heart.

    1. Lynn Painter says:

      I copied your prayer today. Thank you…

  59. K D says:

    This was food for my soul today. So thankful!

  60. Angie says:

    I noticed that the scripture pages are missing also Churchmouse. I thought maybe they accidentally printed us their planning notes instead of the scripture. How observant of you to see that actual pages were left out.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Angie! We’re so sorry about that. Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help you further. -The She Reads Truth Team

  61. Angie says:

    Beth, your new habits are beautiful. You could be called, Beautiful-Blessed Beth. :)

    For the last 10 or more years I take every Christmas card that was sent to me and pray for the person and their family in January and February, . Then I send them a short note of blessing during those cold winter months. Last year instead of just a note, I colored a scripture verse for each one and however long it took me to color, I prayed for them. I was, however, frustrated with myself because I didn’t get them mailed until late spring. The good news for them was I prayed several times for the families when I would see those envelopes, but kept forgetting to buy stamps. One young mom was waiting for word as to how her adoption process was coming and feeling fearful when she got the scripture letter. She had asked God for a sign that He was working in the process of the adoption. God used the timing just for her. This year I asked my husband to join me in the coloring of the scriptures and the prayers. We got several finished, but not mailed. The early stages of this quarantine allowed us a little more time to finish and pray for those families at a time when knowing someone was praying brought a connection and hope in Christ. It is an honor to be able to lift others up in the throne room of God and to be lifted up.

    Today I am lifting up my fellow teachers and their students before the face of God. Putting together effective lessons for our students, staying connected, and retaining relationships is “challenging.” So many factors go into those “challenges.”

    Monday in 30 minutes time (of the 1 hour I am allotted at school), my computer would not print, and 3 of the 4 elearning lessons were not working correctly. Parents were emailing and texting that they were having issues. As each problem arose I did what I could and refused to give in to panic. Instead I thanked God for helping me and held on. The situations were not getting fixed, but piling up. With determination to remain faithful to praise, to take the next step trusting, in 3 hours (instead of the 1 allowed) everything except the computer was working. God was faithful, as He always is, and in the moment, I held on. However, I found that before my next elearning lesson was due, I couldn’t sleep that night. Things weren’t loading well, were they even loading? I dreaded another day of troubleshooting my own elearning teacher preparation, as well as parents reaching out who were struggling, the stress of children who are trying to do it alone and overwhelmed, or worse my several who I know are in not good situations, and my inability to help them was overwhelming me. When morning finally came, I read scripture and then poured my heart out to God. I asked for His help, His wisdom and discernment, His complete control. His care was evident. The day went better. A headache from all the screen time is always present right now but yesterday’s was less intense, and there were no major issues. Praise God.

    I apologize if this sounds whiny, I don’t want it to. Teaching has always been what I consider my “gift” or God’s calling on my life. I thank Him fully for the opportunity to love on these children and their families. This is hard, but God is good. I share this today because I am guessing I am not the only teacher experiencing additional stresses right now. My students are not the only ones who need prayer. While the schools are supplying food for many – parents still need to be willing to go get it, and it is the ones who need it most whose parents often don’t. There are also thousands of children at home alone all day. Whether little ones or teens, that is not good.

    Those of you that this quarantine leaves extra time, will you please our teachers in your prayers? Will you please pray again today for our students and their families? God can use this for good. God will use this for good.

    1. Mari V says:

      I work at a school. I see how hard our teachers are working to make our new normal work. My daughter is a student where I work and I am very thankful for the wonderful teachers that she has. I am very thankful for the professors that my son has as they’re all trying to make this work. I’m thankful for teachers like you Angie who are concerned and doing their best to make this new normal work. We appreciate you Angie.

  62. Churchmouse says:

    Two words jump out at me from 2 John: walk (vs 6) and watch (vs 8). John reminds us to walk according to the commandments and to watch that we don’t wander from the truth we know. John wants us to start and finish well. We are to walk in love, thoughtfully, intentionally, living out the commandments. We are to watch ourselves carefully, faithfully abiding in God, cherishing the truth we know, making gains, losing no ground in following Him. A challenge from John to stay grounded in the Word!

    1. Jennifer Martin says:


  63. Churchmouse says:

    The study guide I received is missing pages 65-68. 2 John is gone!

    1. Wendi Kissane says:

      Me too!

    2. Michelle Dornath says:


    3. She Reads Truth says:

      We’re so sorry about that! Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help you further. We’re grateful for you! -The She Reads Truth Team

  64. Blessed Beth says:

    Amen, amen, Lore. This writing made me feel so good, so joyful. During this time of quarantine I walk, not only on my street, but through my day with the Lord. I have developed a new habit of getting up very early, making a cup of coffee, reading srt, writing a daily message to our prayer change and two notes of encouragement to church members, I place on getting through our directory. I love how God has planned my days and no matter how I may feel or what is happening He walks me through not just my morning but the entire day! I have become so close to my church family and for those how are finding it so difficult to walk i have learned to help to humbly carry them.