Our Nation Confessed Our Sin

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 9:1-37, 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 9:1-37, 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

The last thing you want after a long week away is a bad ride home from the airport. But that’s where I found myself last week, hailing an Uber ride from the arrivals entrance. A frequent traveler, I typically enjoy these modern-day “cabs.” The driver who came to pick me up late that night was kind and hospitable, hoisting my luggage into the trunk and respecting my lack of desire to make small talk. Like I said, it had been a long week, and I was grateful for the relative quiet.

My ride home from the airport should have been simple—one I could probably drive with my eyes closed. That’s why I noticed the two U-turns, the missed stop sign, the turnaround in a grocery store parking lot, and the driver who became increasingly silent. Maybe I should have spoken up sooner, but when I finally asked, “Where are we?” it was because I already knew the answer: we were lost. Very, very lost. The driver had missed the intended destination entirely.

The word “sin” comes from the idea of failure, “the act or state of missing the mark.” I confess that every time I sin, I am acting out of my humanity and turning my heart away from my Father. I turn away from the intended place He has created for me: living in His presence and in relationship with Him. In day-to-day life sin can become much more than just my actions; it can begin to feel more like my permanent residence.

Like the embarrassed apology my driver made when we finally made it home, returning to the reality of my sin always makes me feel ashamed. But in Nehemiah 9, we have an opportunity to reframe this together, watching as the children of Israel gather together to confess their sin. However, instead of being driven by guilt, they are empowered by celebration. Just days after the feast of the tabernacles, one of the most joyful parties they’d ever had, they paused to realign their hearts with God’s—not because they were hurt or afraid, but because they were thankful.

It is a grace that God “[acts] faithfully, while we have acted wickedly” (Nehemiah 9:33). It is a gift that He keeps covenants, even when we do not. At the intersection of our lack and His goodness, may we return to Him, remembering and cherishing what it is to be considered His. All promises are “yes” in the Savior who calls His wandering children home, again and again (2 Corinthians 1:20).


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39 thoughts on "Our Nation Confessed Our Sin"

  1. Kaitlin Crum says:

    It’s incredible how God works everything out for my good. After a huge fight and “break up” with my best friend four months ago, God completely transformed me. It was the transformation I have been praying for for three years. I never thought I would be able to survive without my best friend because we were attached at the hip! But, God knew I needed room to grow on my own and that the friendship wasn’t glorifying Him. I probably didn’t handle it the right way, but He has shown me time and time again how faithful He is and what incredible friendships and opportunities he has given me!

  2. Erica Askren says:

    I often forget that life is full of seasons of wandering and seasons of closeness. In this busy world it seems like constant running around and I haven’t given much thought lately to how I may be sinning and what needs to be confessed. Thank you Lord, for loving me no matter what.

  3. Emily Gates says:

    What an incredible representation of a walk with God. Constant failure on my part, constant faithfulness on His. A Father of a million second chances. All because He calls me daughter and I call Him Abba. ❤️

  4. Elizabeth Claire says:

    Great is thy faithfulness. Great reminder of God’s faithfulness and promises as I wait for some long time prayers to be answered.

  5. Shelby Lynn says:

    What a good read, a little late on my part. But the prayer I’ve been doing asking for God to reveal to me my sin so i understand the vastness of it as it hurts God. Despite me always falling short; God doesn’t.

    Thank you Almighty Father!