Jonah’s Call

Open Your Bible

Jonah 1:1-17, Psalm 104:24-26, Matthew 12:38-42

Scripture Reading: Jonah 1:1-17, Psalm 104:24-26, Matthew 12:38-42

Pulling the coarse blanket tighter and rolling over, Jonah sighed as he sank deeper into sleep. The warm dark cabin around him creaked and groaned as the waves outside surged with increasing intensity. The sailors above deck scanned the horizon and glanced anxiously up at a grey sky heavy with the strength of the Lord Almighty. God was coming for Jonah.

The prophet was running away, but God pursued him like only the Creator and Lord of the sea could: with a furious ocean tempest. Jonah tried to flee from the very presence of the Lord, thinking he could hide if he found an old boat heading in a new direction.

But God is fierce and awesome in His pursuit. Jonah never had a chance of hiding. Even the inanimate dice the sailors used to cast lots pointed him out as the one running from God (Jonah 1:7). God had called to Jonah, “Get up! Go” (Jonah 1:2), and now all creation seemed to be shouting, “Return!” God uses wind and waves, even dice—everything in creation stands by to obey its Creator. In the face of the deafening storm and sure signs, the sailors feared for their lives, and looked to Jonah with eyes of blame and hands ready to heave-ho.

God’s pursuit is relentless exactly because He is so loving. He could’ve crushed Jonah under a tremendous sea surge and found another man. Jonah had his chance, and he clearly took the coward’s way out, right? God gave him a clear instruction (something we all long for), and Jonah ran like a frightened child in the other direction. Why didn’t God give up on Jonah?

God wanted Jonah. Goodness, isn’t that amazing? I sometimes feel like I’m a substandard version of the person who should actually be living my life. And the truth is, I do fall short. I do worry that there is someone who would be a better mother to my kids, wife to my husband, friend to my friends. But despite my imperfections and failings, I am the best mother for my children, wife for my husband, and friend for my friends. God gives specific callings to specific people (Ephesians 2:10). That means God wants me for my particular calling and life.  

We can’t escape God and His storm gale of purpose. He pursues us with love that is filled with a beautiful intensity unlike anything else we have ever known.

“Where can I go to escape your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.”
– Psalm 139:7-8

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43 thoughts on "Jonah’s Call"

  1. Sydney Davis says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time. I have been a Christ-follower for years now. often think about God and how great He is, but taking the time to pray and talk to Him has dwindled as life gets busier. This passage has reminded me that no matter how much I run away, He always sees me and is welcoming me to return to Him every single second of every single day. It’s so important to stay connected to Him and to meditate on His word. He continues to change my heart even when I do not expect it, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I am writing this post to put it into words and prayer that at this moment, I am changing my actions to pursue Him and not only “bring Him out” when it is convenient. Thank you Lord

  2. Kylee says:

    “God provided a whale”. Have we ever looked at it that way before? That God didn’t just “let” a whale swallow Jonah and “let” Jonah make the best of it, NO. Our Good and Gracious God PROVIDED A WAY when there was no obvious way. He didn’t let Jonah drown to the depths for his sins, NO. He provided a new way out, and even if it took sitting in the stench of a whale’s belly for three days – our God has made a way. Lord that we would be quick to find your provision in the midst of every circumstance in life! Let us see and acknowledge your handiwork, knowing no sin we get entangled in can stop You from pursuing us in your relentless love. Thank you for this love. Thank you for providing a way!

    1. Cindy T says:

      I love this…..

  3. Julia Anthony says:

    Yes is my heart response h in relation to Jonah’s journey with God. It’s been roughly about 3 months now and thsee scriptures keeps on highlighting these truths to me. Many seasons in my life the holy spirit will give me specific songs to sing. I love singing and dancing to Abba and He tends to respond in melodies sounds and lyrics to me. So I guess in my limited way and trusting in Abba’s wisdom I will express these scripture to you all the way I do to Father.
    I have been running away only to find I’m running to you God. I try to hide only to find you’ve been my hiding place. Now I’m sitting in the belly of the whale and I’m saying yes Lord. I don’t know what to do but I trust in you God. I don’t know where to go but God you’re the next step. Now I’m saying yes yes yes Lord.
    In my child likeness I believe God has called me to many different areas in demonstrating His love in me to others. Like a picture puzzle and I need to trust in His faithfulness to lead me and guide me every step of the way. But like a storbborn child I have been trying to run and hide only to find myself in His presence and desiring more of His manifested presence time and time again. Yet still trying to run away and hide until everything seems to go wrong and my heart longing more and more for him. It seems to me I have spent 11 years of my salvation journey determined to run away as He brings me deeper into the things of Him. Now I am saying yes to God without knowing the details but willing to trust and obey. Please pray for me to remain steadfast and to be as determined in saying yes to Abba all my days even much more that I have been in trying to run and hide the 11 years I’ve been His child. My greatest desire is to love others like He has loved me.

  4. Julia Anthony says:

    Yes is my heart response h in relation to Jonah’s journey with God. It’s been roughly about 3 months now and thsee scriptures keeps on highlighting these truths to me. Many seasons in my life the holy spirit will give me specific songs to sing. I love singing and dancing to Abba and He tends to respond in melodies sounds and lyrics to me. So I guess in my limited way and trusting in Abba’s wisdom I will express these scripture to you all the way I do to Father.
    I have been running away only to find I’m running to you God. I try to hide only to find you’ve been my hiding place. Now I’m sitting in the belly of the whale and I’m saying yes Lord. I don’t know what to do but I trust in you God. I don’t know where to go but God you’re the next step. Now I’m saying yes yes yes Lord.
    In my child likeness I believe God has called me to many different areas in demonstrating His love in me to others. Like a picture puzzle and I need to trust in His faithfulness to lead me and guide me every step of the way. But like a storbborn child I have been trying to run and hide only to find myself in His pres

  5. Maddie says:

    So encouraging, I have been praying about this! Thank you for the post