Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Joel 2:13

Memorizing Scripture is one of the best ways to carry God-breathed truth, instruction, and reproof wherever we go.

As we walk through these Minor Prophets together, we will memorize key verses from our reading. The key verse for the book of Joel calls us to true repentance.

Tear your hearts,
not just your clothes,
and return to the Lord your God.
For he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger, abounding in faithful love,
and he relents from sending disaster.
—Joel 2:13

Write this passage down and post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about Scripture memorization. Will you join us?


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34 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Kendra says:

    Change my heart Jesus. I thank you for your faithfulness, for your mercy. I surrender to you.

  2. Shelby says:

    As I read this study, as it is marvelous.. it makes me question how to receive it in today’s timing. As these messages were referred back to the times of which the Old Testament was written..are certain Bible verses able to be taken out of context to help us with current life? Just sitting here doing DEEEEEP thinking as I compiled a longgggg list of questions for my pastor to strengthen my faith and join more with the Bible on a physical level and to understand more. I know sometimes I think very concretely and I cannot do that all the time with the Bible because it is of a different time but the underlining meaning/symbolism I can take away. (Like the Israel Restoration in Jeremiah 33:1-11–can I take that as Michigan’s Restoration? without taking it out of text?)

    Lord Please Help Me with my journey as I only yearn to be a close ‘daddy’s girl’ and feel the complete embrace of her Father. Lord I am not questioning your capabilities I am asking for reassurance and understanding on how to read your Word and translate it to my life nowadays despite reading of the text and taking it literal to that time but I was to learn symbolize that I can compare old times to current times.

    1. Glorybe says:

      Consider that the Bible is about God, it isn’t about us. We learn about Him and His character in its pages and stories. We can see how He handles people and situations, and then can understand how He relates to us.

      1. Andie says:

        I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enltharling!

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Shelby, you are totally right! These passages of Scripture can be hard to digest at times, and we definitely encourage you to reach out to your local pastor or trusted spiritual mentor with questions and thoughts. We appreciate you sharing with us, and we’re so glad to have you here! – Abby, The SRT Team

    3. Shelbie Williams says:

      Oh Shelby! I love your heart here.

      So many of the physical “I will bring you back” promises that God promised to Isreal are fulfilled now in Jesus. The heart of God revealed here is for repentance, forgiveness, grace, and restoration–all things that He does indeed bring to His people today as well. While He is not promising here to redeem all of Michigan or any other current physical location, He does promise to redeem those who cry out and turn to Him. We are now the ambassadors of this reconciliation. I pray, Shelby, that He will give you wisdom as you seek how to apply His word deeply and transformatively in your life. May He bless you and keep you, sister.

    4. Nicole McKinzy says:

      God’s methods of dealing with humanity have changed (from the Old Testament to the New), but His basic character & attributes have never changed. He will always be a God of mercy & grace, but also will always have a plan for ultimate judgment for those who will not repent & turn to Him.

  3. Ronni Jarmer says:

    Hi ladies, my name is Ronni and this is the first time ever posting on she reads truth. But I do want to bring a message that I have just learned after being gone from Jesus for a long time. It correlates with the mercy and the graciousness of God. After being gone for years, ladies, years… it pains me to write this, but how wonderful is our Maker that He accepts us with open arms. As the prodigal son came back to his father and his father accepted him so does our Father. What a great and wonderful comfort we have. That He will never forsake us even when we sin. I answered the knocking on the door of my heart and let Jesus in. I pray that all you ladies let Jesus come into the house of your heart to clean and redecorate how He might want to. I am very excited to see what’s in store for all of us in the next few weeks.

    1. Catherine says:

      Welcome Ronni, I’m so glad you are here. Yes the Lord is indeed good. Always giving us love and ready to welcome our return to Him

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Ronni, welcome to She Reads Truth! We are so glad to have you here, and thank you for being willing to share a bit of your story with us. We pray that you will be encouraged by the Word of God and by being a part of this community! – Abby, The SRT Team

  4. Mari says:

    Welcome Charlene! I just happened to check SRT as I am in need of prayer at the moment

  5. Charlene Weaver says:

    Good Evening Ladies! This is Day one in this group for me. I look forward to strengthening my relationship with my Lord and Savior and building new ones with you all!

    1. EarlyBird says:

      Welcome, Charlene! May God bless you richly and abundantly through faithful study of His Word!

      1. Esther says:

        Now I feel stdiup. That’s cleared it up for me

    2. Karen From Virginia says:

      Welcome Charlene.

  6. Janet says:

    I don’t think living in repentance is living in condemnation. I hope that’s not how my comment came across. But I do think we draw close to God by seeking to become more like him and the older I get the more i see my need for a savior. Yes we do live in grace and forgiveness and I am so very thankful for that.

  7. Mari says:

    I need some of that steadfast love. I need to be slow to anger. I also need to trust in my God that he has it all under control. Facing extreme anxiety this morning. It’s hard because I’m still in the unknown. I’m thankful for all the godly women around me, MY mom for one. And last night I felt like maybe I shouldn’t have said something to a dear friend when she herself is having some hard times in her life and here I am vomiting my life to her. She even took the time to pray with me. She’s a lovely woman and I felt selfish. I’m hoping to see her this morning at church to apologize.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Mari, thank you for sharing, and we will be praying for rest, comfort and encouragement for you as you walk through this time. – Abby, The SRT Team