Night of Separation Before the Wedding

Open Your Bible

Song of Songs 3:1-5, 1 Kings 4:20-34, Isaiah 55:1-13

Text: Song of Songs 3:1-5, 1 Kings 4:20-34, Isaiah 55:1-13

Friends, we are so close to the wedding scene, the main event of this beautiful poem. But first, before he details wedded bliss, Solomon details the night before. After all, before the morning must always come the night.

Out of the entire Song of Songs, this passage might be the one I resonate with most. Many commentaries suggest this portion represents a dream Shulamith has the night before her wedding in which she is separated from her beloved. She resolves to get out of bed and seek after him. The repetitive language shows the desperation of her quest: “I sought the one I love; I sought him, but did not find him… I will seek the one I love. I sought him, but did not find him” (Song of Songs 3:1-2).

That frustration of knowing what it is like to be united with your love, and then being suddenly separated—it is anxiety-inducing. It is frightening. The night feels dark without him. You feel lost without him, and you are not at rest until you are in his arms again.

This, I would say, is what most of our time here on earth feels like—like the night before the dawn, the night before the reuniting. We feel afraid and lost and desperate. We feel like something—someone—is missing, and we begin this search until we find it.

Christ, our Beloved, has come and He is coming again. But until He does, the night feels long.

Something I like about Shulamith’s quest is how focused it is. She is looking for one person and one person only: her beloved. She doesn’t get sidetracked or distracted; she knows her heart only beats for one man.

I cannot say so much for myself. Though I know what I ache and long for is actually my Savior, I have often set off on quests in the wrong direction, believing maybe this relationship or that person’s approval is actually what I need. I spend money on what is not bread and my labor on what does not satisfy (Isaiah 55:2), instead of going to the living water that has promised me life. I get confused in the night and restless, and too often this results in seeking the wrong person, place, or thing.

Shulamith eventually finds her love, and when she does, she holds on to him and does not let him go (Song of Songs 3:4). Think about that. When your desperate nighttime quest leads you into the arms of Christ, and you recognize Him as what your soul has been longing for this whole time—as the redemption you are so undeserving of, yet so in need of—you do not let go. You cling to the cross and thank God that the night is almost over and the morning is near. You’ve been reunited with your love, your Savior.

For now, we cling to Christ in the night. His return has not yet come, but it soon will. And when it does, the final union between us and our Bridegroom will be even more wonderful and holy and beautiful than Solomon’s poetic words can capture. Until then, may we continue our quest in the night, and may it lead us to the arms of Christ.



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52 thoughts on "Night of Separation Before the Wedding"

  1. Erin Dillard says:

    This really spoke to me today. I’ve been holding on to the pain of my former love for so many years. My first husband. He divorced me almost 9 years ago after our first daughter was born. The pain and trauma of it has never left me, despite being remarried and even having another child, a son, with my current husband. I have managed to put a cap on my feelings over the years and have learned how to hide them but last night was bad. It doesn’t happen often but last night I wept and wept for my first love. Or at least the memory of him. It only lasted maybe 10 minutes. And I managed to dry my tears and hide the remnants of grief from my face before my husband came to bed, but when it does happen, it’s so forceful. The part in Song of Songs that says “1 On my bed by night
    I sought him whom my soul loves;
    I sought him, but found him not.” Particularly spoke to me because that was me last night. And sometimes I hate myself for it. I hate myself for not loving my current husband that way and I hate myself for not loving Christ that way. I beg God every night to break me free of the burden of love for my first husband. I beg God to fill me with love for my current husband and for Christ. I know that I need to focus on Christ and loving him truly and deeply first before I can truly love my current husband but sometimes I just don’t know how. It is so hard. I just don’t know how to let go of my first love, and it continues to break my heart.

  2. Tiffanie says:

    This resonated with me so much today . I look for acceptance and approval in all the wrong places . I look for it from my children and my husband constantly and I let that dictate my happiness and self worth . God is the only one who can feel all the empty places in my soul . Thank you for this !

  3. Kim says:

    I find myself searching like shulamith for my bridegroom in the places that he is not. Not that God is not a part of the people or the places in which I am looking. But the most frustrating place I think I search for him is in my earthly relationship with a man. I search for the the things only my God can give me, the kind of love that God is longing to give me. I am then left disappointed by the imperfections in that man and the fact that he could not provide all that I needed. I do this with a boyfriend, with my dad. I am also left disappointed in God at times. I need to remember with my whole self that God is the one for whom my heart longs.

    1. Gabby says:

      You should think about reading Levi Lusko’s book, “swipe right” I think it will bless your life! Can’t wait to get a copy. Look him up ..he’s a great pastor who God is using in a big way! God bless you :)

  4. Megan says:

    Really frustrated because the verses from song of solomon are not included in the reading, it is so hard to know whats going on in the devotional!

    1. Zoe says:

      Are you reading on the app or website? As I see it, the verses are at the top and can be expanded if you click on them :)

    2. Cheri says:

      Yep, that’s what I see, too. Just click on the verses at the top and it will open them in Biblia :-)

  5. Julie says:

    I have been learning recently what it means to eagerly await The Bridegroom, as I have been eagerly awaiting my fiances return from deployment. I have been in this ‘night of separation’ for months now and it can be very anxiety-inducing. This whole deployment process has been very difficult for me, but God is reminding me that while I’m in this season of waiting and preparing for my earthly wedding, I should also be preparing for Christ’s return.

  6. Sarah D. says:

    I didnt think this study would be appropriate for me, since I’m a senior in highschool and am not in a relationship. But wow, this speaks so much to me. I constantly get confused, worried, and angry over the things of this life and the way of the world. I wish it could be different. I search in the gutter for things that will not satisfy. But thank you Jesus, that you helped me find you, the living water. I’m so undeserving, yet you call me worthy. Help me to hold on to You Lord for the rest of my life. Help others to search and find you Jesus. We need you so much. Show us our need for you. Show us how empty we are without you. Help me remember that nothing and no one comes close to you. You and you only.

    1. SB says:

      Yes, amen! ❤

    2. Barb says:

      Well said Sarah!

    3. Cheri says:

      Very well said!! Thank you for sharing your heart!

      1. Shelby says:

        I am a sophomore in high school and don’t really relate to this story either, but I have always thought this book was just so sweet, so I decided to do this study and I am with you on so may levels Sarah. Thank you for sharing your heart!! <3 I know we don't know each other but i would love to get to know you!!

  7. Terri says:

    what spoke the greatest to me was from isaiah, “let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. let him RETURN to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” God continues to be faithful to us, allowing us to RETURN back to him ABUNDANTLY. I am so grateful.

  8. Kim says:

    I am with Katie, I’m curious about the 1 Kings passage, I know god gave him great wisdom but I don’t fully grasp what this passage is suppose to communicate to us alongside the other two.