Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 3:1, Ecclesiastes 3:4

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Focusing on the first part of verse 4, ask the Holy Spirit for the freedom to weep and to laugh in every season of your life.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4:
There is an occasion for everything,
and a time for every activity under heaven:

a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance

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68 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Haven Bruner says:

    In the uncertainty of my life right now. I can rest on the truth that, while life has many seasons and facets. God, nor his love for us never changes!

  2. Abby Wagner says:

    My pastor’s son and daughter-in-law whom i am very close to just lost their first child at four days old. i was there with them when it happened. i am 18 and have never been that close to death before. i have never been this heartbroken. seeing a family i love in so much pain is excruciating. but i have never been closer to the Lord. i am learning that even in the midst of this storm in my life, i can worship the Lord with everything i am, for he is the one who sustains me in all this. i am learning that it is okay to laugh and have my good days, and it is also okay to break down and have my bad days. this is all part of the journey to healing. i may never be fully healed from this wound, but i have a hope that one day, i will get to meet little Abel for the first time in heaven. thankful for this study and the opportunity to grow closer to Christ.

  3. Beth Hinson says:

    Even in this moment of rest through the holidays, my anxiety about returning to daily life is overwhelming. This scripture brought me so much comfort in knowing that right now, is my time of laughter, dancing, and spiritual fulfillment so that I can have the encouraging words of the Lord and my family to make it through the more challenging times. I pray that I find bravery this year in the times that scare me or make me weary and that I am able to fully indulge myself in the moments of joy. You are so good to me Lord for providing a community full of joy and laughter when I needed it most.

  4. Melissa Mcronney says:


  5. Susan Merritt says:

    Thanks be to God because we have Jesus Christ who understands all of our struggles. He knows how to succor his people because he went through it all in Gethsemane.