Our Eternal Transformation: Who Are We Now?

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Romans 6:1-11

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Romans 6:1-11

The idea of summer camp has always been idyllic, adorable, and… decidedly not for me. This is probably due to the fact that the mere suggestion of talking before 10am deeply offends me. A morning person I am not.

The one time I allowed myself to be sucked into the bizarre vortex of sleep-away camp, a chipper name-tagged counselor welcomed me by shoving my bags onto a mothballed bunk bed and explaining that, for him, the best part of camp was all the cheers.


Of course I was fully prepared to fake a pom-pom allergy. But oh-what-bliss to learn that fate aligned those cheering sessions for ALL campers with the rising of the sun each and every morning. And here I was, thinking I would avoid sunrise altogether as per usual. No such luck.

Somehow, the happy-clappy counselors and campers arose every morning with spirit just surging through their fingertips, while my hands searched for the closest cup of caffeine.

I was in awe of their energy and became convinced their beds were hiding springs to help propel them from the warm sheets I couldn’t seem to leave. No matter how many times they spelled “S-U-P-E-R” or high-fived for friendship, one thing was clear: cheering was for the morning people, and I was not one of them.

After reading the incredible details about Jesus’ ascension, I’m the first to claim my role as the story’s spectator, taking a step back to watch “The Resurrection and the Life” do His thing. Because that’s what you do with a miracle, right? You stare, applaud—maybe even cheer—and retell the tale to your wide-eyed grandchildren. It would seem our place is to stand in awe and wonder at what it might feel like to suddenly spring forward, being catapulted from death into life.

But because His grace toward us was not ineffective, we don’t just marvel at the power of the resurrection; we feel its rumble in our own hearts (1 Corinthians 15:10).

Christ doesn’t want us to be courteous bystanders of His work on the cross. His hope is not for us to watch and wonder what it would be like to be raised by the glory of the Father. He came so that we could join Him and go wading in the resurrection waters with Him.

Christ’s eternal transformation isn’t just a miracle to be proclaimed—it’s a change we get to feel and experience. Because we are joined in His likeness, when He is raised, so are we.

“For if we have been joined with Him in the likeness of His death, we will certainly also be in the likeness of His resurrection… if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.”
-Romans 6:5,8

We join Him in defeating death.
We join Him in a heavenly home.
We join Him in grasping grace.
We join Him, and He transforms us.

We can find ourselves there with Christ in His resurrection, actively walking out the newness He purchased for us. He died and returned to life so that we can too. Christ’s resurrection purpose is to make us resurrected people.

If there were ever a reason to cheer, friends, this is most definitely it. May we be resurrected people today, seeing ourselves as we really are: dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.


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80 thoughts on "Our Eternal Transformation: Who Are We Now?"

  1. Keirsten Rogers says:

    YESS!! Amen!! I’m dead to sin but ALIVE in Jesus Christ!!!!!!

  2. Keys says:

    This inatrmfoion is off the hizool!

  3. Daniel Edge says:

    Ive been resurrected with him in this life and sin has lost its hold on me and my scales have fallen from my eyes i see the great lie of the enemy have you experienced this as well?

  4. Amanda C says:

    I have always struggled with finding the joy of mornings, but when you look at the true resurrected life it makes you remember just how sweet God’s grace is. PRAISE JESUS.

  5. Untidy says:

    I’ve been challenged to feel the excitement of the resurrection and let it bubble over at home with the kids.

  6. Marilyn says:

    “We don’t just marvel at the power of the resurrection; we feel its rumble in our own hearts. …He came so that we could join Him and go wading in the resurrection waters with Him. …Christ’s resurrection purpose is to make us resurrected people.” Love these words. Hallelujah!

  7. Andi says:

    God brought me out of a terrible lifestyle that I developed in college. I did a lot of things that I was ashamed of and felt dirty and unworthy for a very long time. It wasn’t until I truly grasped the truth that I felt alive in Christ. I can remember the moment and it changed my life completely.
    Satan is the father of lies and deceit. He will follow you around all day trying to knock you down because he does not want you to give your shame and sin to God. He doesn’t want you to have deliverance. We do not get into Heaven by doing bad or good works. We get in and are forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross. Always and in every situation. Don’t let Satan pervert what Jesus did out of love for you! He loves you and wants you to tell him about every struggle, addiction, pain and temptation you have. He helped a dirty person like me and he will you too! Keeping diving in!

    1. Abbigail says:


  8. Sarah Crane says:

    I read a similar statement on a local church sign recently, and it so cheered my heart:

    “Do not despair. We are resurrection people. Hallelujah is our song!”

    Take heart sisters!

  9. Renée says:

    Although I completely agree and think this is great and so true, I’m finding it hard to believe when I feel sin gets the best of me and I seriously don’t feel worthy… But I’m glad I’ve read this today. Praying that God will show me how I am forgiven by meditating on this.

  10. Dead to sin. Alive in God through Christ Jesus. PTL!!

  11. C says:

    What version is the 1 Corinthians 15:10 verse? I love it but it seems so different from what I have. Thanks!

    1. candacejo says:

      I think that phrase is the thought of the writer in reference to the scripture, not a direct scripture itself. If I am wrong, forgive me, but it isn’t any version of scripture that I could find, I believe she is just referring back to 1 Corinthians 15:10 ♥

      1. Jordan Lopp says:

        I think you’re right!

  12. Sarabeth says:

    “…actively walking out the newness He purchased for us.” This spoke to me. Reminds me of a newly hatched chick or a baby trying to learn how to walk. They fall but get back up. When reading today, I had the thought that though I’ve been on this journey for a while, I’m still so young, still so new. Thank the Lord he gave us this Life and walks it with us. Even when we fall. Praise God.

  13. Dara Perreira Balmores says:

    Today’s scripture reading for me is not so much about sin as it is about our worthiness. I am overcome with humilitto be

    1. Dara Perreira Balmores says:

      I am overcome with humility and gratitude that Jesus’ love is steadfast even for those who did not believe after His resurrection and those who continue to persecute Him. Like Paul wrote that he is the least of the apostles because of his persecution of the church, at times I feel so unworthy of His love because of my shameful past and it’s at those times where it is easier to turn to sin. Yet He still invites me to the grand banquet. What love!! How many times have I written off people who have persecuted me? Lord Jesus, take me into Your heart so that I may have a heart like you. We are all worthy of your grace, no matter how difficult it is at times to accept that fact.

  14. Kari says:

    His Resurrection, changes me.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      SO grateful for this truth, Kari!


  15. Caroline says:

    Thank you Lord that you have made us alive to YOU!!!


  16. Pam B says:

    Love love love today’s devotion! I really needed to hear this today. Also, I join you Kaitlin in the not a morning person crowd. If I can sleep till at least 8:30, I’m a happy person. :-)

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Pam, I am all about that rule too! Thanks for joining us today, friend!


  17. Rachel Wagner says:

    Today’s devo is timely for me. Loved this quote, “Christ resurrection purpose is to make resurrected people.” I just read an article late last night about how God wants more than your Quiet Time. One of the statements made in the article was,

    “Seeking the Lord in secret is vital, but Jesus didn’t wrap himself in flesh and die on a tree so I could have a nice quiet time in the mornings; he died and rose to redeem the ENTIRETY of my life.” – Matt Moore

    The resurrection isn’t a story to be shared and gushed over between believers, it’s a life changing solution to a sin bondage problem. It’s a solution that I should be living out, talking about and reflecting. If I only reflect on and praise Jesus for His resurrecting power during my daily quiet time and I neglect to live out the gospel, my spiritual walk is only two-dimensional. His purpose is people.

    1. Carly B says:

      Great quote! So true- it should affect the whole of our lives.

      1. Hannah says:

        Thank you for this reminder

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Love this, Rachel! Thanks for sharing encouragement with us today!


    3. Tamara B says:

      have to remember that statement!

      1. Makaela says:

        Way to use the internet to help people solve preoblms!

  18. Keri Underwood says:

    Thank you SRT for this reminder today! I LOVE 1Corinthians 15:10, “His grace towards me was not in vain.” Ouch, how many time have I let His grace be in vain? Everyday probably. Such a great reminder to NOT let the overwhelming love and unending grace be in vain! Thanks for this, I needed it!


  19. Jodi says:

    We join Him in defeating death.
    We join Him in a heavenly home.
    We join Him in grasping grace.
    We join Him, and He transforms us. – How are we defeating death?

    1. Betz says:

      I believe this is referring to The Second death?DeathPermanent Death due to Sin.

    2. Betz says:

      We don’t die the second death, but have eternal life

      1. Jodi says:

        oh ok

    3. churchmouse says:

      Death was defeated by Him on the Cross and through His Resurrection. We believers also defeat death because we have eternal life with Him after our physical death on earth. We don’t stay dead. We live again and forever. This is the inheritance we have because we are in His family.

  20. Angela says:

    “Christ’s resurrection purpose is to make us resurrected people.” Amazing. Christ sees us at our worst and does not want us to stay that way. I fall short of His glory everyday, but I can honestly say that since accepting Him, my life has never been the same. I pray that I will hold these words close to my heart and claim the victory that I have in Him. I am dead to sin, but alive in God through Jesus! Amen!

  21. churchmouse says:

    Thank you Kaitlin for recalling old camping memories of my own… (note, whittling wood involves knives. And not good to put in the hands of the mean ones. Too. Many. Pokes. Ugh. The reason our daughters never went to camp!) Your devotion touched my heart which really needs to remember the truth that I am dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Unfortunately I have a ways to go to be dead to sinning. The old habits are hard to break. They slither up and try to strangle the new life right out of me. But I can pick up the knife that is the Word and slay that old deceiver. Each day I can walk in the newness of His Resurrection. Each day I can sin less. It is His Resurrection power in me. Grace. Forgiveness. Renewal. Life in Christ. Every day.

    1. cindy says:

      Slithering sin. . So true. Only the truth of His Words can over come.. A work of God in our hearts to believe truth. Amen churchmouse. Amen

      1. Cherlin says:

        Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very imortpant.

  22. Kristine L says:

    What a relief to know that, thanks to our death and resurrection in Christ, we are new creations! The old has passed away, the new has come! Oh how I need those life-giving words tattooed on my wrist so I don’t forget. There are times in my Walk where I need to claim those words daily! Sometimes multiple times a day, haha! But the truth remains, thanks to Jesus, I’m no longer who I was. Praise Him!

  23. April L. says:

    As I was reading towards the end of the passage in I Corinthians, I kind of felt bad for Paul. He was saying he wasn’t good enough, but then turned it around by saying God’s grace made him good enough. I know I’m like that. I’m not good enough to have God’s mercy, grace, and love, but because I’m His princess, I receive it anyway, everyday. I hope this makes sense, I am a middle of the morning person, not a 6:00am person. Ha.

    1. Keri Underwood says:

      I think we all do that! There are many times, especially those moments when I give in to sin, when I think “I’m TOO sinful, I’m TOO bad, etc.” But isn’t it so amazing to hear Paul confirm that His grace is bigger and better than our sin. His grace makes us holy!

  24. Carly B says:

    Such an encouraging and hopeful message- “we don’t just marvel at the power of the resurrection; we feel its rumble in our own hearts.”
    Sometimes I look back and am amazed at how God has changed me. Other times I feel old habits and thought patterns creeping back in and I want to despair. I’m grateful for this reminder that we are no longer slaves to sin. We have been changed and we will continue to be changed as we grow in Him. We are dead to the power of sin and alive in Christ!

    1. churchmouse says:


  25. Megan Gilley says:

    Amen sister!

  26. Tina says:

    Christ’s eternal transformation isn’t just a miracle to be proclaimed—it’s a change we get to feel and experience…

    I was going to write about something totally different. ..But God…Oh but God..
    I went to get a cup of tea to have as I wrote my comment, but when I returned Candacejo had commented…I was so filled with joy and excitement, I forgot what I was going to write…lol
    I reread the post, and these words ….. Christ’s eternal transformation isn’t just a miracle to be proclaimed—it’s a change we get to feel and experience…. seemed to fit so very well… .I mean..
    Lives changed, 9 months ago when the great news arrived of an impending birth…but as of Saturday. .lives have now, for sure and without a doubt, been transformed..Candacejo, I hope you don’t mind, but the arrival of the God given miracle, Nora Jayne, will and shall be proclaimed…For from across the pond, I feel the joy in hearts of this family, I feel it for myself too..
    This journey alongside each of you is amazing, your stories, your histories, your hearts…are so precious to me…
    ..We are joined by Him, and He transforms us…

    All Praise and Glory to God…Amen..

    Love, love, love to you all this great God given day…rejoice and be glad in it…xxxx

    1. candacejo says:

      You made me cry tears of happiness! Thank you for your sweet, sweet words and the congratulations from everyone. We are so overjoyed. I agree with you, Tina, I love sharing in the joys of my SRT friends/sisters. We laugh together, we cry together and we rejoice when another rejoices. We even grieve when another is in mourning. We lift one another up in prayer to the One who makes all the difference in our lives. Your words are beautiful today. And you are never far away!! ♥♥♥

  27. candacejo says:

    Oh, my goodness. The dreaded camp memories. I was you, Kaitlin, only in another lifetime. I wasn’t a morning person either back in the early 70’s when I went to camp for the first time. My mother had created such a germophobe in me that I was terrified of everything at Camp.

    “Christ’s eternal transformation isn’t just a miracle to be proclaimed—it’s a change we get to feel and experience.” Loved your analogies today and so thankful that we can experience that transformation on the inside, the outside and one day soon we will rise to be like Him, forever to be with the Lord!

    On another quick note, to all who have prayed for my son and dil, their miracle arrived Saturday morning! Norah Jayne is beautiful in every way, 6 pounds, 1 ounce of take-my-breath-away perfection. Both Mommy and Baby are doing fantastic. After over ten years of being told there would never be a baby in their arms, ONLY God could have done something so miraculous. Thank you for your prayers! ♥

    1. Tina says:

      Dearest Nanette. ..my heart is leaping with joy at this the very best news…I feel I am the long distant, across the pond, counterpart to you…what an amazing and faithful God we serve…Praising God for the safe delivery and this precious gift of North Jayne. .may the Lord God Almighty continue to walk along side your family as you enjoy this God given miracle…
      Hugs and love from the friend across the pond, now also to be known as ‘excited’across the pond…xxxx

    2. Buttercup says:

      I don’t believe I had the honor of praying for them but I’m so happy for all of you. We serve a mighty God!

    3. JessHH says:

      So happy for your family! Praise God for new life provided by God!

    4. Carol says:

      Congratulations!Truly a gift from God. Blessings to all.

    5. Carly B says:

      Congratulations, that’s fantastic news! Prayers and best wishes to you and your family.

    6. Megan Gilley says:

      How incredible! Congrats!

    7. Patti says:

      Congratulation, Grandma!!! What a miracle and what a privilege to pray for my SRT. Thank you for this study.

    8. Brooke says:

      Amazing grace!!

    9. Brandi says:

      I’m so in awe of our Father’s awesomeness this morning! Tears in my eyes, so joyful! Rejoicing with you my sister in this miracle! In this blessing! Continued prayers for you and yours! Congrats!

    10. Carolyn says:

      What an awesome God we serve! So happy for you and your family!

    11. churchmouse says:

      Rejoicing with you and praising God that you have a bona fide miracle right there in baby Norah! How wonderful!

    12. Jennyb says:

      Congratulations and thanks be to God. He us faithful and able. Praying for the same miracle in my own family. Your words bring hope and encouragement.

    13. SusieT says:

      Congratulations to all! Welcome, sweet baby Norah Jayne! May our Lord bless her lavishly!

    14. Kam says:

      Wonderful! Praise God for this and for the life your Grand baby will have.

    15. Joanna says:

      Such happy news! Praise God!

    16. Sherri says:

      Praise God! What an amazing testament to how awesome our God is. All the best to the new parents & your entire family. What joy! ☺️

    17. cindy says:

      Woowhoo! :)

    18. She Reads Truth says:

      What a tremendous joy! Praising the Lord for sweet Norah Jayne today! Love to you, sweet friend!


    19. Beverly says:

      Oh, what a happy day! God is so good. (I recall watching their video!) Grateful to read your words of this great answered prayer by our faithful Father. Congrats to you and your family, friend!

    20. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      Congratulations Nana!!!!!!!! :) What a sweet, sweet miracle Miss Norah Jayne is…..may her life continue to be a testimony to God’s miraculous power!!! Love and hugs to you my sweet friend!!! (sorry – I have been a day behind in our studies for awhile now…..I feel so out of the loop! )

    21. jessiechatchat says:

      What joy! Thank you for sharing it.

  28. Sarah says:

    I sinned yesterday. I gossiped. Sin that I have always struggled not to fall into in my relationships with girlfriends. I immediately felt guilty that I would fall into rumors and starting drama. I wondered if I will ever be transformed. I feel like it’s something that I don’t want to do, when it happens I wonder how I can go from praising him in the am to sinning in the pm. It’s hard to walk in transformation when sin enters our lives, but it’s truth that he paid a price to release us from sin. That it’s doesn’t have to have power over our lives anymore. We can have forgiveness and move forward in a transformed life.

    1. candacejo says:

      Paul said he had to die daily to the flesh in order to keep it under subjection. The Bible also says IF we sin, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous! We come back and ask for forgiveness and pray that the Lord would help us with the fleshly sins we struggle with the most. You aren’t perfect yet, Sarah, but you are striving. ♥

      1. Sarah says:

        Thank you!❤️

    2. Megan Gilley says:

      Sister, it’s ok. I think what you need to be reminded is greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. Get back up and forgive yourself just like He already has. And come up with a plan to stop that pointy tailed seducer called gossip when you see him lurking. Like we’ve heard over and over again in elementary school, just say no. Tell him he can go kiss the curb and turn the other way. Greater is he that is in you. :)

      1. Keri Underwood says:

        Love this :)

        1. Flora says:

          That’s a wise answer to a tricky quostien

    3. Keri Underwood says:

      We will sin every day. EVERY. DAY. But that is what is so beautiful about God’s Grace. His grace is not a one time thing. He gives us grace every day. Every moment of the day. One thing I have learned is that gossip will always be there. That temptation will always be there. Sometimes we will fall into that temptation. But striving to live for Him and love like Him is part of our journey. That hit hard for me. Loving like Him. Am I loving like Him when I talk about someone else, when I listen to others talk about someone else, when I laugh at someone else’s expense? It’s hard. But thinking about how He loves me helps me love others. I try to walk away from those conversations that are full of gossip. If it’s a continuous problem we should be looking at the company we are keeping. Are they pointing you to Christ or are they always pointing you towards sin? Gossip is a tough one! I’ll be in prayer for you Sarah!


      1. Autumn says:

        Great advice, Keri. I even wrote down some of what you said just for a reminder if I struggle with this again! I have a group of friends that sometimes starts gossiping during a group fb message. I usually just don’t comment and stay away from the message til some time has passed. I admit I’m not sure what the correct response is for when your friends or aquintances start gossiping. I just know I don’t want to be apart of it.

      2. Sarah says:

        Thank you so much!

  29. Dana says:

    Yes! AMEN!!!!