Repentance (3 of 3): Walking in Obedience

Open Your Bible

John 14:15-21, Deuteronomy 5:33, James 4:7-10, 2 John 1:6

Text: John 14:15-21, Deuteronomy 5:33, James 4:7-10, 2 John 1:6

Growing up in the religious South, I’ve too often thought of faith as one of those moving walkways in the airport. The point was not the walking or the journey along the way; the point was getting to the destination—heaven. Or, to put it bluntly, not hell.

Being a Christian meant picking the correct lane and facing the correct direction. No deviating to the left or right, no passing Go or collecting $200. No obvious need for a Savior or real understanding of grace. Just a beeline for the pearly gates, with a little tithing and a lot of church attendance thrown in for good measure.

Aren’t you thankful Jesus didn’t come to give us empty religion? He came to give us Himself. The invitation Christ extends is an invitation to a relationship with Him.

Repentance is not a box we check so that we end up on the right side of eternity; repentance is an everyday event, a manifestation of an ongoing relationship with God. We turn from our sin and turn to God, and we walk with Him. The turning is the first step, but the walking is a continuous motion. And, contrary to what we may fear, it is not something we do on our own.

The night before Jesus was crucified, He sat with His disciples around a table and said to them, “If you love Me, you will keep My commands” (John 14:15). Those twelve men could not have known the full weight of Jesus’ statement at the time, but in hindsight, we can see just how hard that would be. Like them, you and I know how difficult it is to walk steadily in the way of Christ. We know how often we fall, just like Adam and Eve and every generation after them fell, and just like the imperfect disciples sitting around that table. When we hear “if you love Me, you will keep my commands,” we may wonder if we do.

We aren’t perfect. That’s why the perfect Savior came. Jesus came to give the Father glory and to give us Himself. And what He gave, the world could not take away.

They took His life, but He gave us His Spirit. They buried Him in the ground, but He rose out of that grave and later into the heavens, where He lives so we might also live (John 14:16,19). Yes, Christ calls us to walk in obedience and love, but we do not walk alone. “I will not leave you as orphans,” Jesus said to the disciples that day. “I am coming to you” (John 14:18).

Our command-keeping is not about proving to Christ that we belong to Him. It is what happens when we are His. When we repent of our sin and turn to God, we receive the Holy Spirit as His never-leaving, always-living gift to us. “He is the Spirit of truth”—a Spirit the world cannot receive or understand, a Spirit that teaches and reminds us of the things of Christ (John 14:17,26). He is our Helper, our Counselor.

With hearts so prone to wander, we may be tempted to stand still in our fear or uncertainty. But repentance is not a passive position; it is an active and humble pursuit. It is turning from sin, turning to God, and walking in obedience—all by the grace and mercy of a good Father who loves His children.



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118 thoughts on "Repentance (3 of 3): Walking in Obedience"

  1. Sandi Hagans-Morris says:

    This is so timely. I am grateful for the author and glad it showed up in my search on fasting.

  2. Clyde Jones says:

    Thanks! I am so glad I ran across this m!!

  3. Clyde Jones says:

    I am so thankful that I came across this! Thank you very much!!

  4. Ann Marie says:

    I grew up Catholic and until these past few years, I didn’t know what it meant to have a relationship with Christ. Since I began that journey my life has been changed…I am finding my purpose, following the path that God has for me, blessing others as a normal, and truly enjoying my life and my walk with Christ!

    1. Ana Willis says:

      That’s so exciting!! :)

    2. Bek says:

      awesome news! he has indeed come to give us life to the FULL. Praise God :-)

    3. Carrie says:

      Im sorry you didn’t get that from your Catholic upbringing!! (I’m Catholic )but-happy for you!

    4. Charlene says:

      I too grew up Catholic and was not taught about having a “relationship” with Jesus. I have since become a Christian and my new life is so filled with joy at my new relationship with God. Everything has changed, and I have a much greater faith in Him. It is so awesome to know that He will provide my needs. And all I need to do is trust his great plan. What a great Father we have, such a blessing!

  5. Bianca says:

    Repentance is such a sweet gift!!

    1. Birdie says:

      Way to use the internet to help people solve prleboms!

  6. Charlotte says:

    This year has been such a “turning” point in my life because, in the 24 years that I have been on this earth, I finally chose to turn to God. It took me some time to realize that He will save me and love me but I now turn to him each and every day. I give him all of my love and I am returned with so much more!

    1. That’s beautiful Charlotte. May He continue to fill you with love, grace and purpose!

  7. Turning from sin to Jesus. Continuously reminding myself to turn my eyes to Him.

  8. Tina says:

    We aren’t perfect. That’s why the perfect Savior came. Jesus came to give the Father glory and to give us Himself. And what He gave, the world could not take away….
    I am so so very thankful for my Jesus, that what He gave and continues to give, no matter what, who, where or how….it cannot be taken away….
    Praising you God…Thank you…

    Hoping today is a good day..for

    1. Sarah says:

      Love reading your thoughts throughout these studies Tina. Seeing your little picture on the comments stream is like running into a familiar friend. Even though we have never met, I am encouraged by you!!

  9. Erin Slonim says:

    I was recently “instructed to leave my cchurch”

    1. Mary Margaret says:

      What? Why?

      1. Nicole says:

        Yes … Why ?
        That’s impossible . You’re in church right now with us women .

  10. jen says:

    Wow, this really hit me. I was taught legalism and the whole “personal relationship” was unheard of or mocked. I struggle daily with grace. Even though I have a wonderful earthly father, I am realizing that I do not see God that way. Always waiting for him to drop the hammer on me. Checking those boxes off seems so much easier but it isn’t effective. I can not save myself. I hope that one day I will grasp grace.

    1. The world doesnt want us to know the beauty of grace, Jen. It wants us to work hard and struggle, and do everything on our own. But Christ said take my yoke and my burden for its light and easy to carry. God is a God of knew chances, endless love and beauty. I pray that your eyes will be opened to that beauty and freedom from our Heavenly Father who gives us so much more than we could ever deserve.

  11. Yen says:

    This has completely changed how I look at repentance. I previously thought it was something I should do when I know I have done something significantly wrong. However when you say it’s something we do everyday when we turn away from sin and turn towards God it gives the word a whole new meaning. It now seems like an everyday act, rather than a when things start to crumble kind of act. Thank you!

  12. sarah says:

    Trying to learn more and more about repentance and what that looks like on a practical level. Can anyone share what that looks like for them day to day? Thanks sweet sisters

    1. Maria Baer says:

      Repentance for me involves a lot of “talking to God” meaning just talking to Him through the day, asking for His guidance so that I can live a faithful life. True repentance is pretty new to me, I am sorry to say, so I always thank God for helping me see that true repentance is not just saying “I repent” but more importantly that it is heartfelt and honest. Basically I ask Him to guide me and walk with me during my day even though I know He is very busy with an entire universe.

    2. Tara Condon says:

      This may be more basic than what you’re looking for, but repentance to me means asking for forgiveness as soon as I am aware that I need it. I ask God to forgive me, and I ask the person I may have offended. Sometimes I need to repent from an action and other times it is a wrong attitude or thought (for example, worrying instead of trusting God). I often have to remind myself that I trust Jesus by saying it out loud. When I believe the lie that I have to do any part of life on my own, I pray this scripture: “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:19

      1. Gabriela Bogea says:

        Lord, I need to be constantly reminded not to do life on my own. Help me to not compartmentalize You in certain areas but to walk in the Spirit and allow You to permeate my heart and mind at all times. Thank you Tara for this post today!

      2. Megan says:

        Awesome insight about asking for forgiveness for others!! Thanks hun.

    3. Lalo says:

      I’ve also been wondering what repentance means. I’m not sure but to me, it’s not only confessing to God but also turning away from self and turning towards God. What does this look like in our daily life? Admitting that we don’t have control over sin in our lives and can’t “will” ourselves not to keep doing it, but trusting that God has control and is able to liberate us from that sin.

    4. Megan says:

      Hi Sarah! I too am on a journey learning what repetance looks like. A couple of suggestions include memorizing and saying the Lord’s Prayer each day(Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us) and from James 5:16 “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other” . Community is a really important aspect of our faith and part of the beauty resides in being able to confess our sins to trust worthy Christian women. Women that will keep you on the straighted arrow and not just tell you what you want to hear. Hugs and much love sista

  13. JennyBC says:

    “Our command-keeping is not about proving to Christ that we belong to Him. It’s what happens when we His”. I have had this backwards for some time. I’ve always said that if we live God we will do things with excellence. While I believe that doing things well is a way we worship God, I’ve left out the fact that when we don’t do this in our own strength -God’s presence is with us because we obey so we are empowered to show off in a way that brings Him glory. My disobedience not only robs me of His Holy Spirit, it robs Him of the glory due Him.

    1. Sara says:

      I feel like I often depend on my own strength in striving for excellence. How have you overcome this and just relied on your dependency on God to excel through you?

  14. Linda says:

    Amen! Needed this today

  15. Sanaya says:

    Thank you father God.

  16. Jordan says:

    Oh I love that we are not orphaned but fathered. So loving <3

  17. Madison says:

    I have lived for so long, trying to obey to earn His love. But He is calling us to love Him – to simply love Him – and out of that deep love for Him, to let our obedience flow. When we are His, when we love Him and when we are confident of His love for us, obedience is our desire.

    1. Brittany Blalock says:

      I really like what you said Madison. I have been trying so hard to obey an earn his love. I question if I’m saved all the time. After reading more in the Word I have realized that first of all, I did nothing to save myself, so I must trust in the Lord my God that he has done it all! Secondly, if I’m by confident or feel “worthy” enough to be His, I’ll never grow with Him! I have accepted His love and acknowledged His power and LET GO. My desire is to be His, only His, and live for Him. And that is so freeing to know that He knows my heart and I can trust that he is working things together for our good and His Glory!

  18. Katie says:

    Such a good reminder that repentance is an active, everyday act. Sometimes I forget this and feel guilty for “repenting” so often. But true repentance shouldn’t bring a sense of guilt, it should bring a sense of freedom. I’ve gotten really good at the whole turning to God part of repentance, but feel like I’ve been failing lately at the whole turning & continuing to walk away from sin part of it.

  19. Grace Castro says:

    Powerful devotion. “If you love me”? just meditate on those four words for one day and the next day meditate on the words “you will keep my commands”. I think it will change my life.

    1. KM says:

      I think for so long I have read this verse in the right order but reversed the statements in my mind..thinking that keeping the commands will somehow prove my love..instead of loving and letting the keeping come as a result. Thank you for breaking it in half and causing me to pause and think of this verse the way it should be thought

    2. Michelle says:

      Grace! I love this idea. I’m taking this concept, starting today: “if you love me…”

  20. Rachel says:

    This might be my favorite post yet. “Being a Christian meant picking the correct lane and facing the correct direction. No deviating to the left or right, no passing Go or collecting $200. No obvious need for a Savior or real understanding of grace. Just a beeline for the pearly gates…” Thank you for the reminder that a relationship with God should always be the goal.

    1. Nicole says:

      This part was really powerful to me too. I feel as if we’re taught that Heaven is the goal, and while it is, in a way, we can be with Christ before Heaven because he is with us. He is in us…

  21. Hayley Thomas says:

    “Repentance is an every day event” yes, it is. I mess up every day but am thankful for God’s grace . I do not walk alone, I walk with my Savior.

  22. Rochelle says:

    So blessed and encouraged by today’s message…”I turn from sin / i turn to God / I walk with Him

  23. Nicole says:

    In repenting and turn FROM sin, TO God I have gained a new focus. Instead of focusing on my sin and guilt associated we are now able to focus on our Almighty Father!!! By shifting our focus this allows us to really press into all He is. We get to know Him more, allowing Him to reveal to us who He is in our sins. This shift of focus has freed me of guilt and shame and helped me to strengthen my ‘ongoing relationship with God as a continual motion.’ I am so encouraged knowing we’re never alone or left as orphans, for Christ comes with us!! (John 14:18) Really leaning His Spirit today praying He leads me supernaturally into a life of renewed peace, glorifying Him and His kingdom

    1. Kaite says:


  24. April says:

    “repentance … is an active and humble pursuit.”
    Repeatedly. Daily. Not alone. He expects this from me, He’s not disappointed when I mess up *again*. What a beautiful picture of repentance, I’ve never thought of repentance as something beautiful, relational, or as an encouragement.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for joining us, April! We love having you in our community!


    2. Kaite says:

      Wow thanks for summing that up and helping me see the beautiful side of repentance as well!

  25. Kelley says:

    I love reading about His promise of not leaving us as orphans. It made me wonder about God adopting us. I think he had to. Even as orphans, we were rescued and redeemed, and that would have been more than enough. But without a family, we wouldn’t understand the true unconditional and forever love of a family. Without that, it’d be about good works…trying to prove we’re worthy of His sacrifice. But with His adoption, we know we are His and our actions are born out of that love.

    1. Sydney says:

      Jesus didn’t leave us as orphans (Matt 14:18) because he knew what it was like to not have a place to rest his own head (Matt 8:20)!

  26. nellie says:

    “repentance is an everyday event”

  27. Beverly says:

    Yesterday’s reading and reflecting helped me to face my pride and the weight of my own selfish grief. To face them straight on – rather than justify them or be led away by distractions – was good work, is good daily work. Grateful that today I am reminded that I do not work through these feelings alone. God’s Spirit is with me, always.
    I am never alone.
    As long as I believe, His Spirit goes with me.
    In the turning, He is near.
    As I arise, He rises with me.
    I am not alone, He is with me.
    Writing this truth again and again, rolling these words over in my mind, holds my soul steady. Postures my heart right where it needs to be: humbly before Him, with a repentant heart, knowing He is here with me. Always with me. By His strength, I can walk forward in love.

    1. Laci says:

      Love this, thanks for sharing. Hope you’re having a peace-filled day

  28. Miranda says:

    This study so far has been so convicting to me. So often I’ve always confessed my sin but forgotten (or maybe even on purpose, out of guilt or shame) to turn to God and then submit to Him. I loved the verses in James about SUBMITTING to God but then also RESISTING the devil and then he will FLEE from me. how awesome is that?! Our God makes the devil flee! i don’t have to be afraid about the bondage of sin because with the gift of the Holy Spirit and by submitting to God, it will have no dominion over me. That just frees me up from a whole lot of anxiety and guilt.
    i really hadn’t planned on giving anything up for lent but am realizing more and more everyday how social media has made my brain crazy. Always wanting to “keep up” and for what? that stuff has no earthly value. Thank you SRT for this study!

  29. Marlaena says:

    James 4:8 tells us that the first action is ours. We have a choice (because God is loving) to either follow Him or not. If we want more of God and draw nearer to Him, He will also draw near to us. That’s a promise. But like the devotional said, we can’t simply stand still, paralyzed by uncertainty or fear. We must live it out, act on our faith, purposely draw near to God. This is definitely something I struggle with in this day and age. So many things draw our attention and time and energy away from where it initially should be focused on-drawing near to God!

  30. Caroline says:

    Thank you Lord that you desire for us to be in relationship with you!

  31. Dorothy says:

    Sometimes I forget in my mind and add I go through the day the Holy Spirit is fully God. That fully God lives in us. And then Jesus says we are in him and he is in us. We do not have to do this whole Christian thing alone. God lives in us and helps us to do his will. And the greatest commandment, which seems so small, but is really so big and hard, is to love. We are called to love, but we don’t love alone. We love with fully God living in us. And that is powerful stuff girls. #mindblown

    1. Dorothy says:

      *as I go through the day

  32. Jordyn says:

    Thankful for the Holy Spirit that constantly reminds us of the words God has given us. It makes walking in Christ much more doable. Oh, how He loves us.

  33. Nina Kitchens says:

    I absolutely love how much you were able to say in such a short read! God bless you for helping others see how Christ is for them and not against them. I love your analogies because I too have seen my walk as a destination, not a wonderful journey. Heaven is definitely the goal but getting to know Jesus daily is the best goal! Thank you and GOD BLESS!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So grateful to read these truths together, Nina! Thanks for joining us, friend!


  34. J says:

    Thankful this morning for the realization that fasting or giving something up for Lent is sacred to the Lord. I get to follow commands because I am his! I don’t have to do it alone….I have a helper and counselor. How easy it is to forget that I have been given “the spirit of truth” to walk with me! He is with me in my everyday process of repentance and obeying the Lord.

  35. Morgan ❤️ says:

    We do not walk this day alone. May we be incredibly aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence within us presence

  36. Molly Jenkins says:

    “Our command keeping isn’t about proving to Christ that we belong to Him. It’s what happens when we are His.”

  37. Kara says:

    I am so thankful that our command keeping is what comes when we repent and walk with God, not a means to get to God. I get tripped up with works and just pray that God would see my heart – because I am prone to wander but my heart does desire God, even in the midst of my sin. I am so glad he gave us his spirit to sustain us in the search.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Yes! I love this, Kara. So grateful for this encouragement.


  38. Abby Andrews says:

    I love that she notes that repentance is a daily action. I often need to be reminded of that.

    1. Barb Miller says:

      I love that reminder of repentance is a daily walk as well! God is great!

    2. Kelsi says:

      Me too! I needed this reminder, especially in Lent. I am always so thankful of God, but this made me realize that I also need to engage in repentance when I’m speaking with Him.

  39. MAH says:

    This is such a good study and I am so incredibly thankful to be able to participate.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So glad you’re joining us, friend! Grateful to spend Lent with you.


  40. Shea says:

    I have forgotten the beautiful grace that comes alongside repentance. I have been struggling in my walk for about a year now. I’ve been moving so much that community has been hard to come by, but I love the reminder that I have already been given the Holy Spirit as my counselor! He is already with me daily, I am not alone. Praying that I can pursue repentance with humility. I feel down in spirit, but I know the Lord will accept me and remind me that it is not I who decides my worth. It is Christ’s finished work that has already spoken and placed a seal upon my heart!

  41. LesleyRyden says:

    SRT Sisters, you are such a blessing to me every morning! My prayer is that my thoughts on what I am “Laying Down For ” will bless you all as well.

  42. Kathy says:

    I need this whole season of repentance. When I would turn from sin, I wouldn’t turn to God. But something clicked this time, and after reading this I feel better knowing I’m not doing this alone. And Jesus is holding my hand every step of the way!!!

  43. Elizabeth says:

    This morning I am tired. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. Yet it is Christ who lives in me, and I will not walk through this day alone. I give praise and thanks to the Lord, who is always so good to me, who never leaves me, and who forgives, loves, and strengthens me for the journey. Let us walk in obedience today sisters, with renewed strength that can only come from our Savior.

    1. valerie says:

      “I will not walk through this day alone”
      Thank you Lord!

  44. Churchmouse says:

    “Our command keeping is not about proving to Christ that we belong to Him.” How often I condemned myself for not keeping His commands. How could I call myself a Christian when I failed so miserably? What a pitiful witness as others were sure to point out : “And you call yourself a Christian?!?” Day after day I thought I’d just try harder. I’d prove myself worthy of His love by my actions.
    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
    At the first time I bowed my knee to Him in confession and repentance, I became acceptable to Him. Not perfect, but wholly acceptable. Not by anything I had done or would do but because of what He did on the Cross. He knew I’d fail in trying to follow Him. He knew of the many bad habits that would need broken. He knew it would take time, lots of time. It would take daily time with Him. And because He knows how I am, He gave me (and you too!) Himself to be with me and in me. “Jesus came to give us Himself. The invitation Christ extends to us is an invitation to a relationship with Him.” It is not an invitation to follow a rule book. It’s an invitation to follow Him, to get to know Him more and more, to walk with His presence in me as I live here where He’s placed me, doing what He has chosen for me. And that is all Right. Right. Right. Praise God!

    1. Haley says:

      Amen! Your words speak right to my soul. Breaking the chains of legalism and perfectionism in our walk with Christ can be so difficult & take time to overcome fully. I’m so thankful that Christ covers over our imperfections and accepts us wholly. Jesus is our righteousness!

    2. jessiechatchat says:

      Me too metoometoometoo. Thank you. I feel like my giving up “striving” for lent is impossible for most to understand and wouldn’t be relevant for another believer perhaps but it is just right for me, in this season. But your words really speak to that.

    3. Kaite says:

      Wow amen, your words take my understanding a step further! “The first time I bowed my knees in confession and repentance, I became acceptable to Him. Not perfect but wholly acceptable.”
      How I wrestle with being accepted without being perfect — how my heart stirs at your reflection of His understanding and provision. If I were already perfect I would have no need of Him, my imperfections draw me to Him in dependence!

  45. Joanna says:

    They took His life, but He gave us His Spirit. Today’s reading spoke to my heart. Thank you for the reminder that we have Jesus to walk alongside us.

  46. Janet says:

    Am so thankful we have a helper. Thankful that when we get too comfortable He will send someone or a word or a message to nudge (or bump or sometimes slam) us out of our complacent “I’ve got this” mentality.

  47. Angela says:

    “Aren’t you thankful Jesus didn’t come to give us empty religion?” – Amen and amen. This reminds me of one of the SRT lock screens from a long time ago that I have used ever since. It’s a quote from G.K. Chesterton that says “Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” Love it!

    1. Marriah Cummins says:

      Love GK Chesterton!

  48. Mejo says:

    I am so convicted by the verses today. Through this Lenten season, I’ve been called to repent of my disobedience. To surrender my plans to The Lord. So often He will call me to do something different from what I have already planned- I set myself up for easy disobedience by not coming before God WITH my plans BEFORE I commit to them. “If you love Me, keep my commandments… He who does not love Me does not keep My words.” “But why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to Me and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like…” And He goes on to tell the stories of he who has his house built on sand, and he who has his house built on a solid foundation.” In Sunday school I was taught that the rock is Jesus, but this passage is about obedience! Our obedience to God lays a solid foundation on which we and our families can stand. Thank You God for Your Holy Spirit who is my answer to repentance from disobedience!

  49. Suz says:

    walking is a continuous motion–I’ve never imagined the Christian walk like that ❤️

  50. Bailey Ashlyn says:

    Today my one goal is to walk alongside God, to journey through this life with him!

    1. Rachel says:

      Amen! That is my goal this year. To walk with Jesus daily, trust him moment by moment. For the achiever in me, this is much harder…it’s not an easy check the box accomplishment. It’s a real relationship. And it’s what Jesus died for. Every day is a new day to repent and turn to him and keep walking and obeying his ways. Thankful his mercies are new EVERY morning. Have a wonderful walk with God today everyone!!

  51. ~ B ~ says:

    This is a great truth; “Christ calls us to walk in obedience and love, but we do not walk alone.” So incredibly thankful we do not walk this life out without Christ!

  52. Kristine says:

    I’m guilty of plodding along, patting myself on the back because I’m avoiding major sins, on the path to Heaven, as though the end goal was all that mattered. But following Jesus is so much more, a lifestyle requiring daily course correction. I should be constantly checking my road map (the Word- thank you SRT for helping in that regard!) to make sure I’m not just walking in His will, but living deeper, loving deeper. I don’t want to just blithely skip through this life. I want my eyes and ears open to my Savior’s heart.

    1. Janadawn says:

      Me too, Kristine. I loved that this study points out my struggle with “end game” thinking versus relational walking and growth. ououststruggle

      1. Janadawn says:

        Sorry – not sure what that crazy end word is! Lol

  53. Ivey says:

    These readings today were powerful for me to remember that we are not alone in walking in repentance , obedience, and love – we have the Holy Spirit with us as a Gift from God to help us be river of love and grace to also show others – this is what I feel we are born to do to “walk in love.” I ask the God reveal to me my dark corners of my sinful heart – that I may have more room to love after I repent and turn more towards Him –

    1. Shea says:

      Gorgeous Ivey! I love that idea…the deeper we allow God to carve out our sin, that much more room is left that he can fill us to overflowing with His love and grace. What a beautiful love story we are written into!

      1. Karen Probasco says:

        Ivy & Shea, Mind if I tweet this-I paints such a clear pic of what it means to have a relationship with God?
        The deeper we allow God to carve out our sin, that much more room is left that he can fill us to overflowing with His love and grace.

      2. Ivey says:

        No problem

  54. Sooz says:

    He is indeed a goo good Father!

  55. candacejo says:

    He came to give us Himself. Yes! Thanks Amanda for this reminder and for making me think of this beautiful song, He’s a Good, Good Father. He knows what we need before we say a word. ♥

    You are perfect in all of Your ways!
    Love so undeniable I can hardly speak
    Peace so unexplainable I can hardly think
    As you call me deeper still…into love!
    You’re a good, good Father, it’s Who You are!
    And I’m loved by You, it’s who I am!

    1. Kelly S says:

      Love that song! It really does emphasize the relationship God wants to have with us.

    2. Megan says:

      Love this song! I have it on repeat everyday.

      1. Lynn says:

        I found just what I was needed, and it was entgrtainine!

    3. ~ B ~ says:

      Yes, love love this song!

    4. Joanna says:

      Love this song!

    5. Annie says:

      It’s probably no coincide that I woke up this morning with that song stuck in my head. After spending time in His word and then reading your post it feels undeniable that he meant for me to be right here with Him this morning.

      1. Amanda Juul says:

        I woke up with this song in my head this morning too! Haha! God is so good :)

        1. Annie says:

          Amazing! :)

          1. Maryellen says:

            Sulnrisipgry well-written and informative for a free online article.

        2. Eternity says:

          A really good answer, full of ratainolity!

    6. Sue says:

      Thank you!! Beautiful song.

    7. Janny says:

      I’ve had this song stuck in my head, but couldn’t remember enough of the words to find it. Thank you!!!

  56. Rosemary says:

    I loved the devotional today — it reminded me strongly of one of my favorite verses in the bible, which is Philippians 2:12– “you must work out your salvation in fear and trembling.” Walking with God is a process and a journey that never ends….

    1. Jessica says:

      Yes! And I love the next part of that verse – “for it is God (the Holy Spirit-Counselor!) who works in you- both to will and to work for His good pleasure!”

  57. Amber says:

    I love the connection between walking in obedience and repentance – a new way to think of it for me. He came to give us Himself – so profound, so true, so thankful!

  58. Megan says:

    Hallelujah so thankful Jesus did not come and give us empty religion!!!! Very thankful this morning for his grace. We are not perfect and we all have failed, but Christ came and died for us that we may be set free. Thank you Jesus for your abundance of love, mercy, and grace every single day.

  59. Eahartog says:

    Enjoyed this study today!