This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Pentateuch into the second section of the Old Testament, the Historical Books.
What Is 1 Samuel? The book of 1 Samuel documents the reign of Israel’s first king, Saul. It is also a history of the nation’s pattern of sin and repentance, as well as a history of the prophet Samuel’s spiritual leadership during Israel’s transition from theocracy to monarchy.
How 1 Samuel Fits Into the Story: God raised up Samuel as a final judge to rule over Israel and call His people back to the Lord, speaking on His behalf. As Samuel advanced in age, the people of Israel continued to reject the Lord and demanded a king like those of other nations. God granted their request, and His covenant faithfulness continued to prepare the way for the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Reflection Questions:
1. What does the rebellion and rejection in today’s reading reveal about Israel’s posture toward God?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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61 thoughts on "1 Samuel"
We think bad of Israel, but we too follow other things instead of God. This is a reminder of God’s loving, corrective care, even as He works His will
I’m convicted of the times I’ve desired what the world has rather than the righteousness and goodness of God and that He offers us. He is the only true and wise King and yet He still chooses me to be His ambassador. Why would I follow anyone else…or even myself as I often have a tendency to place myself in a position I have no business being in. Praying for my heart to continue to be surrendered to Him to lead me into righteousness.
The people of Israel thought life would be better if they had a king like the other countries around him. But they were so so wrong. God proved that to them by giving them what they wanted, not what they needed.
Love how you worded this.
I’m behind in the reading (started late) but am catching up and just wanted to share that this verse spoke to me. In a literal way (king, president etc), we should not place any ruler above our God, but also what else do I let “rule” my life besides Him? What am I a slave to? What do I place priority on and focus on and strive for most? It just really made me think about what rules my life.
Loved the simple line in the summary about Israel moving from a theocracy—literally, ruled to God—to a monarchy. How can we be so naive, so stubborn to reject rule by God in favor of an monarch, who sets himself above all others. God even had Samuel warn the people what they what getting into. Alas, like people of today, the Israelites refused to believe & insisted they knew what was best for themselves. Isn’t that the root of all sin: setting ourselves above our precious Lord?
Lord forgive us
@Kristine Purcell
I think you’re absolutely right! Which is why I also think this portion is prophetic of the Tribulation period. God will be giving the whole world exactly what it’s been clamoring for; a world with no God and no Christians and a “king” like they want aka:the Anti-Christ. Saul is a type of the Tribulation king before we get true king, a Son of David, to come and rule and reign from the throne of David-Jesus Christ.
I think this passage is showing us that God sometimes give us what we ask, even though he knows it’s wrong, so that we can learn from our mistakes
@Jennifer Collings, I’m so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you!
We must be careful as a nation—God must be first!!! Let’s get back to Christ—a nation without God will perish. Choose Christ. Choose LOVE!!
Today, as then, we as a collective “people” tend to look to somebody else to lead the way, take charge, make the big plan. We do not always want to be bothered with the hard stuff. But then we get sidetracked with somebody else’s plan, problems, beliefs. And we don’t stand firm in what we know to be the Truth.
I love this translation of this passage too Kathy!!❤️
We do not choose kings here in the USA. We do choose the President as well as others to rule over us. Let us pray for discernment and wisdom before we vote. Let us be thoughtful in considering the consequences. We answer to God not political parties. He is sovereign. He is our King. Let us be good citizens in His kingdom, loyal and trusting in Him alone.
@Audren. You are so right. We don’t know how much we offend God. I heard R. C. Sproul teach about the Holiness pf God. This is the only attribute of all God’s attributes that is repeated 3 times. He is Holy, Holy, Holy. He said that it is not written that God is love, love, love or fill in the other attributes. This stood out to me. May we remember who He is. We can only approach Him because of Jesus astonishing sacrifice. Here is a link to the teaching. There are 5 parts in this link: However, I remember there being 6 parts. You can search on YouTube too. I did see one with 15 parts, but the teachings may be broken up more. I’m not sure. I heard that Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship ministry, was brought to his knees by this teaching. I can’t remember the exact words, but this definitely impacted him. Hope you all can listen. Hope everyone has a great day!
I love JESUS!!
@Mari V – I was born and raised in Fresno. My husband and I moved to Oregon almost 7 years ago, but the Central Valley holds many great memories. I don’t miss the heat, though!
At times I struggle to have faith that God will provide for me, just as the Israelites did.
1. They didn’t have full trust in God or else they wouldn’t have felt the need and desire for an earthly king because they would have known they had a spiritual king greater than any. They wouldn’t have cared to be like the other nations because they would have had confidence in the fact that God set them to be apart and different.
2. The Israelites chose to have an earthly king and rebel against God and his plan. They chose to be like other nations and not be set apart. Yet, God still saved and redeemed them time and time again. He still redeems us when we rebel and choose our own ways over his.
1. The Israelites saw fitting in with the other nations as being more important than following God. With God as their king they felt like they were missing out, being deprived of something good. This is really the crux of our problem, starting back in Eden. We don’t believe God, though we may believe IN him. Therefore, we don’t trust that his plan is the best plan for us. We feel like he is keeping something good from us, so we rebel and seek out worldly pleasures on our own. Even after we flounder and “cry out because of the king we have chosen for ourselves” God still comes near to us. There are consequences for our rebellion but he never punishes us with permanent separation. He is found by us when we seek him.
2. God has a good plan for us but we don’t believe his plan is best so we go after our worldly desires. We replace other things as king of our lives. Even though we do all of this God is still waiting for us to come home, to come back to him. “…but while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him.” Luke 15:20
First and second Samuel are to of books I have always enjoyed reading. There are several reasons, first it shows how the under dog can prevail, second it lets me know God doesn’t expect me to be perfect, third it has romance, and last but I guess this is the main reason it shows that God will never give up on me so I shouldn’t either.
Sisters be blessed.
Oh how often we don’t put our trust in God like the Israelites and probably don’t even know we’re doing it! I’ve definitely been learning about put all my resources in His hands this week. Have I been doing that? No. Should I? Absolutely. Because that is the only place where my resources are best used. I also came into this study today after just being told something really hurtful by a loved one, and even this fresh God is speaking to me about that. I need to be forgiving, patient, and merciful toward her, because we offend God so much more than we could imagine. It is expected that I do nothing else except forgive because of how much I’ve been forgiven.
And how God redeems is anyway!
Great discussion all! I could not agree more with those who see the Israelites behavior in their own lives- about 6 months ago I was reading through the OT and was also aghast at their behavior, over the past few months I’ve been in situations where I find myself acting exactly like the “stiff-necked” Israelites and have to catch myself and pray for help and repentance. So powerful the examples of how we can go wrong
Yes! Danielle great comment, I fall prey to this as well.
Jennifer, praying for you as you walk through the loss of your grandmother. <3
Ladies, I am so grateful for all that you share! I have been reading along, praying for your requests, and processing scripture since January along with you. Grateful for all the Shes in this beautiful, world-wide Bible study! Such a gift! @Kathy I had to comment to thank you for posting Romans 12:1-2, I prayed this over my children, my husband and myself today. ❤️ Thank you ladies for helping me grow!
@Ashley-I am considered in Central Valley. Modesto. And my son is still attending Biola online. I am so thankful for this. It’s saving him so much money. It’s good to meet you Ashley. Please pray for my son that he will continue to attend Biola. I so wish and so does he but he could be there in person but it’s just too expensive.
I went to college in Turlock! And now I live in Texas.
Day 11 [1 Samuel] The people had a judge, guiding them, and yet they wanted a king?!? Their blindness and selfishness enrages me. And yet, I begin to realize, we are not much different today. No matter how much God guides, leads, protects and promises us, we always want more and we think we know better. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive me.
1. I believe it came down to trust. The Israelites do not trust the very God who delivered them from Egypt. They wanted to be like everybody else. Unfortunately not much has changed today. We find ourselves wanting to be like everybody else. I pray I can catch myself and turn from my ways and turn in God‘s direction the only true way to go. so thankful God allowed to U-turns.
2. Today’s reading shapes my understanding in that God does not push Himself on us, on me. Or demands us to follow Him. He wants it to be our decision. Hopefully will get it soon and realize that there is true forgiveness through Christ Jesus and Him Alone. And hopefully we can realize that no matter what we done in life, our God awaits us with open arms.
Amen Mari!
I look at the Israelites and how Good saved them over and over again. Then over and over again they rejected Him and wanted their own way. My pastor spoke about idols recently. Israel had many idols: envy-wanting a king like everyone else, selfcentered-wanting their own way as if they knew better than God, time-not wanting to wait on God, and on and on. I shake my head and wonder how could they wander so far from God after all the great things He did for them? Then the Holy Spirit spoke. I do the exact same things all the time! I am no better. For instance, I am too sensitive to what others think of me even though God has already chosen me and sent a saviour to rid me of my sins. I let things people say and do to me steal my happiness. I am dissatisfied, because I have forgotten that the creator of the universe chose me and pursues me and will never let me go!
Father, I pray I will focus on You today and not me. That, just like Christ, I will be your hands and feet to others no matter what they say or do to me. Thank you for loving me first and bringing me to you!
The Israelites desire to be like everybody else made me think of Romans 12:1-2. I like what the Message translation says.
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking-around life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from You and quickly respond. Unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings out the best in you, developing well-formed maturity in you.”
This chapter shows Israel turning away from God even though he gave them clear warning. It can be so easy to get caught up in wanting to be like everyone else. Lord help me to follow your ways and stand strong in my faith. Your presence is always with me even though you are not here in the flesh. Thank you Lord for forgiving me u faithfulness at times.
So many times I’d ask God what I want, may it be someone else over me or someone to be fighting my battles ahead of me. But God knows what I need and, most importantly, who I need: Jesus.
I serve in the youth ministry and currently we are without a youth pastor. I’m so thankful that I serve with an amazing team of other adults and youth leaders. We pray for the search of a youth pastor, but please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our ministry with or without a youth pastor. May the youth and us serving the youth see our need for Jesus above all other needs.
Q1: For me, can be summed up in 1Samuel 8:7 …we are continually choosing to put God in second, third, or an even lower place, yet HE is always faithful to us!! Very humbling!! I am so grateful!!!
Q2: redemption is us being FULLY restored to God. That we would desire NONE but Him!!! May it be so Lord…
Proverbs 1:20-33 stood out to me today… I also looked up the definition of the words:
Glutted: filled to excess
Apostasy: refusing to obey, follow, or even acknowledge previous beliefs
…when put in the context of these verses it makes a really bold statement!! Definitely made me stop and ask myself some things…
MAURA, Isaiah 36… this was a hard read for me…until I read Isaiah 37 along with it!! What I took away was how IMPORTANT it is to listen ONLY to what the Holy Spirit is telling you!! There are a lot of things out there that like to cause doubt and then tickle our ears, whether it be with intimidation, flattery or logical reasoning… and the moment we give in to any of those things we lose the insight, power and confidence that the Lord gives us!!
Here are the verses that stood out to me:
Isaiah 36:4-8 … the Assyrian spokesman tries to use logic and fear to manipulate. v8 reflects this “now make a deal with my master…”
Isaiah 36:11-21 …there is SO much in here!!
v13 I found it interesting that Hezekiah’s servants wanted the Assyrian spokesman to speak in Aramaic and not Hebrew…I’m thinking this was a protection thing?
v16 encourages doubt by hanging a good looking “carrot”
v18 intimidation by fear of making the wrong choice
v20 love this question!! Because we KNOW the answer!!
v21 found this verse to be AWESOME!!! They listened and kept SILENT. They didn’t respond to the fear and intimidation in front of their enemy, but instead they returned to Hezekiah openly grieved by what they heard.
There’s a LOT here!!! And I am so glad that I read 37 with it, for clarity!!
May all you wonderful ladies have a wonderfully blessed day!!! ❤️
Thank you Allie for sharing these comments. Expressed beautifully and wanting to continue reminding myself of wanting to always turn toward Jesus , my very life-giver! All I need!!
@CARLEIGH – that hit me between the eyes. We think we know what is best for us, and we pursue it. When God gives us what we don’t want, often it ends up being so good!
The Israelites were seeking out a fleshly desire to have a king who would judge them and fight their battles for them but left God out of their desire. God shows over and over again, giving chances to his people, forts with Israelites until they were left to their own devices then to future generations sending Christ down to save all of the sinners, all of us and me.
1. Scripture continues to show the pulling away and unfaithfulness of God’s people despite how much he continuously pursues them. Israel continued on in their unfaithfulness to God and their Own self righteousness, despite Gods continued faithfulness to them. However, don’t let it full you; we should strive to be imitate the faithfulness of Samuel but we probably (atleast speaking for myself) imitate the faithfulness of Israel more. My prayer is that I can be more like Samuel and less like Israel.
2. Today’s reading shapes the story of redemption because we know that despite their unfaithfulness God eventually gives them the king they think that don’t want but that they need (David). This of course comes after they get the king they think they want but does not serve them well.
How often are we filled with our own self righteousness? How often do we think we know what’s best for us more than God knows what’s best for us? For me it’s much too often. Thanks be to God who continues to fill me and continues to give me what I need and forgives me for my unfaithfulness.
Thank you all for your insightful comments. I am also loving the weekly She Reads Truth podcast that goes along with each week of study. Thank you SRT
I think we can find one word themes from each of the three main scripture readings. Risk, consequences (in a negative sense), and reward. Not necessarily one after the other, but in their own respect. In 1 Samuel we find the risk the people of Israel are willing to make without fully realizing what may come regardless of God’s warning. In Proverbs we read about the consequences that follow that risk and in 1 Timothy we see what could come from not taking the action that follows the risk to begin with. It’s not so much teaching us to never take a chance but to realize the consequences of our actions should we chose to act in a way that does not follow God’s word. He very clearly laid out what is to happen to those who choose not to fear God and he also laid out what we can gain from choosing to walk with him. We have the option and we have the pro’s and con’s. God will love us regardless but it is much more rewarding to walk with Him and love Him and fear Him.
Emily W. Yes! Love your thoughts. It’s so easy to get caught up in what others are doing & think that that’s better than what you’ve got. But a life without God, is a sad, destructive life. I loved proverbs 1:31. It must definitely is relatable to today’s society. Our country needs Jesus, desperately. So many have put Him to the side to do whatever the “cool thing” is at the moment.
Also, Jennifer, I will say a prayer for you as you celebrate your Grandmothers life today. I’m sorry for your loss, but Rest In Peace knowing that she’s finally home & you will someday join her. ❤️
Interesting and insightful thoughts, ladies! Thank you for sharing so thoughtfully. ❤️
About 6 months ago, God prompted me to read 1 and 2 Samuel. I have many beautiful and precious notes written in my Bible. I started typing them and realized there are too many. But they are so, so good. God is so, so good, and fully invested in us. I want to share them all with you ladies. I pray that God will direct you, in 1 Samuel, exactly where your heart and mind need to go. I pray that you will be challenged, encouraged, and affirmed. I pray that your awe for our Savior and God will pour out in your praise for our Lord. And I thank You, my God, for directing me to read this earlier, and reminding me today, for my heart needed it. I love you Lord. Amen.
Thank you for sharing, ladies. Have been really appreciating your thoughts, Kelly. Thank you for being faithful in sharing ❤️
Praying for you today @jennifercollings
Reading this today, I was struck by the ENDLESS patience our holy God has for us! Time and again, we fail Him, yet He still refuses to abandon us. His provision sustains us through all things. Thank you father!
What caught my attention is that the Israelites already had a King, but he wasn’t physically visible to them. The Israelites needed/wanted a physically visible God. It made me wonder how often to tell God I need to see something to be obedient? God is always present I may just need to be still to sense his presence instead of having to search for the visual.
My comment today is a request for prayers. I lost my grandmother this week and the funeral is today. My grandmother and I were very close but I am not close with the rest of my family. Today will be difficult for multiple reasons as we celebrate her life. My grandmother was a strong Christian example and I know she’s with Jesus and I will see her again but I feel like a piece of me is gone. Humbly I thank you in advance.
Ladies thank you all for your prayers and responses to me and Hope yesterday. @Munchkin lifting you up in prayer as you also mentioned recently ending a relationship! Also fun to see another Taylor on the site who commented later in the day :) @Sarah D praying for your relationship and conversations with your friend, your relationship with your sister, and your physical health in the 24 hour period after getting the vaccine you will most likely be tired and achey. Clinging to Proverbs 1:33 this morning as I woke up feeling anxious and missing my ex boyfriend.
@Allie S thank you so much for your insight I wrote down much of what you said in my journal. How often I am like the Israelites: discontent, wanting control, and wanting God to work on my timeline. It is a daily sometimes hourly surrender of His will to mine. But I believe that God is who He says He is! He is faithful, He is loving, He is all-knowing, He has my best interest in mind. May I stay close to the vine so that I can bear good fruit and rely on Christ alone to be my sustainer. One of my patients is a 92-year-old believer and her and I had a wonderful conversation about God in my session yesterday. It was such a blessing to hear her wisdom. Today is my last day of work before I’m off for a week!
What I find so interesting is that when the Israelites cried out for a king, one who would go before them and fight their battles, they are completely rejecting the reality that God already does that. His already that King. And yet how often do I do that when I look to government laws to fight my battle for me? I am no different than the Israelites much of the time…but am so grateful that Jesus as King has redeemed me, even in spite of my rebellion.
Israel was chosen and set apart but they wanted to be like everyone else. Ouch! God used this rebellion however to demonstrate the downfall of a worldly king and the need for Jesus. God help me see clearly your way in a world of confusion and questioning. Help me to follow You and resist the desire to look like everyone else
Prov 1:31
31therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
and have their fill of their own devices.
Really speaks to the culture of today too. People turn from God bc they want to do their own thing but they don’t realize that God’s way is so much better.
How often am I like the Israelites? Often I’m tempted to say, “No, God, I’d rather be like the world in this instance.” But God! I am so thankful for seeing the Holy Spirit work in my life as I mature in Christ. What tempted me before (hello social media and the ensuing envy/discontent/etc), is no longer as much of a snare, thanks be to God. The rebellion and rejection of God by the Israelites started with discontent in their hearts. Just as Satan tempted Eve to be discontent with not being able to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil, the temptation to think that what God has laid out before us is not enough is a downfall for myself and many other Christians today. Oh how sweet it is to TRUST that God’s grace is sufficient, His ways for me are right and that His presence alone will sustain. May I not turn from the left or the right but stay close to my Savior, turning my face away from what the world says I need and toward Jesus, who says He is the vine and all I need for fullness of life.
1. EMILY W. – well said! Amen and amen.
The other thing that struck me about Samuel was that even as faithful as he was, his sons followed the rebellion of Israel. (LYNN PAINTER & LAURA – praying for your wayward children) As with Aaron and Eli, God’s leaders cannot pass relationship with God to their children; it must be sought individually.
2. God’s heart is to be with us. He wants us to want Him above all else. His kindness toward us in our rejection of Him is nothing less than amazing. Regardless, His plans and promises will come to pass. Thank You Lord for Your unfailing love and lavish grace poured out through Your Son, Jesus and sustained in my wondering heart by Your Holy Spirit
I was struck by verses 19-20 in 1 Samuel 8, “The people refused to listen to Samuel. “No! ” they said. “We must have a king over us. Then we’ll be like all the other nations: our king will judge us, go out before us, and fight our battles.” The Israelites were tired of being “set apart” and different than all the other godless nations that surrounded them. They just wanted to fit in and be like everyone else! They failed to realize that any battle fought without God, is a battle fought against Him, thus making it a losing battle! Their need for control over their own lives and conformity is what ultimately led to their downfall and many years of unnecessary struggle. God will not stay where He is unwanted. He will not push His way into our lives and force a relationship with Him. He loves us and desires that we will follow Him, but He wants us to come to that decision on our own. In Jesus, is a safe landing and life “without fear of harm” (Proverbs 1:33). As the Israelites will find out, a life without God on their side, is no life at all.
Commenting late in the day, instead of early, as tomorrow morning is busy for me. ERB, Isaiah 36 is the field soldier of the King of Assyria elevating this King and what he promises to do for the people above God and Hezekiah, their current King. But, they listened to Hezekiah and came back with their clothes torn after listening to the field soldier’s irreverence of God and Hezekiah. Praying for power to always speak up against lies and stand up for our Lord and Savior. This was mainly what I got ERB. A long day today, very tired. Goodnight Ladies, may tomorrow bring His Truth, His Way and His life and the peace that surpasses our understanding. I know He is blessing, restoring and healing. Goodnight!