This is the last week of This Is the New Testament! Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we will finish reading the General Epistles and move on to Apocalyptic Literature.
What Is 1 Peter? The book of 1 Peter was written by Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples, to encourage Christians living in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He calls them to stand firm in their faith, abandoning their idolatrous behavior for righteous living in Christ. First Peter centers around the living hope and new life offered to us in the resurrected Jesus.
How 1 Peter Fits Into the Story: First Peter proclaims that believers have a secure heavenly hope and eternal inheritance. Peter’s message of encouragement in the face of suffering calls us to live lives of love and holiness, glorifying God by imitating Jesus no matter the circumstance.
Reflection Questions:
1. What is the “proven character” of our faith described in 1 Peter 1:6–7, and what does it accomplish in Christ?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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47 thoughts on "1 Peter"
I like to post this verse at Christmas time. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, – 1 Peter 1:8 At Christmas We encourage our children to believe in Santa, with hope and wonder. I challenged society to believe in Christ with that same level of awe and expectation. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, – 1 Peter 1:8
Lord we thank you lord for you are good
The Word of the Lord remains forever ❤️
Prayers for Afghanistan
Hold on to hope!
Thank you, Tina. I too have ranted and raved repeating scripture at God that said “ask”, you can move mountains”, the “faith as small as a mustard seed” but with no immediate return. I was forgetting Jesus’ words to His Father “But Thy will be done”. I still wonder at the why’s especially as I look at the Middle East and around the world at the in human acts man puts upon man. But God…His will not mine, His time not mine.
I love that God brings good out of trials. I pray I would remember this truth even when I am going through trials. I want to put my hope in Jesus and his never failing love.
My inheritance is in heaven and can never fade away. It is secure with Jesus waiting for me. It is hard to try to live holy and be like Jesus and not go along with the world. I keep trying and messing up and he still gives me peace and blessings! ❤️ Oh Traci I got teary eyed when I read your post – praying for Tanner. Love and prayers for all.
I rarely share comments on the daily readings. I’m usually content to read the devotional and other’s comments and to glean from those without feeling the need to add my own. Today’s reading was different. I was quite dismayed to read the description of 1 Peter as, <> I couldn’t believe that you had gotten it so glaringly wrong! 1 Peter was NOT written to Gentile believers.
First of all, Peter, as the Apostle to the “Circumcision” (Galatians 2:8) wrote both of his letters to the Jews. In fact, so was the book of Hebrews, James, and Jude. That’s not to say that we, the in-grafted wild olive branches, can’t glean rich treasure and nourishing sap from what was written in these letters to the Jews, but to claim they were written to “Gentile Christians” is just wrong.
Peter uses the term “diaspora” in Greek when he says “dispersed”. This is a term that had a specific meaning, as Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum writes, “The term Diaspora is a technical term for Jews who live outside the Land of Israel. To deal with problems of persecution in the Land of Israel, the book of Hebrews was written. To deal with persecution in the Diaspora, the epistles of James and 1 and 2 Peter were written…” (The Messianic Jewish Epistles: Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, Jude by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D)
Peter also uses two other terms that were Hebraisms which his readers would’ve known and recognized. He calls them the “chosen” or “elect” in some translations. This is NOT a Reform theology term referring to all the saved. This is a Jewish term referring to the Jews as God’s chosen people. This term was used countless times in the Old Testament to refer to God’s people, the Jews.
Peter also refers to them as “exiles” living abroad. Peter wrote to the Jewish believers who had been scattered abroad because of the persecution of Stephen. This letter was meant to encourage them because as Jewish believers in Messiah Jesus they were being persecuted by their own brothers. But also, as believers in Messiah Jesus, they didn’t fit into the Roman world either and were persecuted by the Romans in the areas where they had scattered. They were literally a people who were “nationless.” So, not being accepted by the pagans, nor by their own fellow Jews, they were “exiles” in the truest sense.
Again, I am not saying that Gentiles are excluded from benefitting from this nor was Peter intending to exclude them but he was focusing on the Jewish Diaspora in this letter and in his second letter, NOT Gentile Christians.
Victoria, I pray you have successful ultrasound. Throughout scripture we see God say over and over ” Do not fear.”
He knows we are fearful and frail. Do not be overcome by the evil. Overcome evil by good (faith). I pray he is with you in your situation and will continue to hold you even when you’re scared. Hugs.
Thank you Irina ! I am so blessed by your prayers.
Trials of grief bring about praise, honor and glory in Jesus Christ according to what Peter said in his first letter to the gentiles. At times I wonder about this but then when I turn to God and Christ I feel much better. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Sisters be blessed this week.
This devotion reminds me that I can face the future with confidence and certainty, because my inheritance is secure in heaven. Nothing I do or say can take my salvation away. I am His. And He is guiding my steps, He is my lantern leading the way ahead of me.
I love Romans 5:3-5 to help me understand the purpose of trials. They are not fun and it is not natural to rejoice in them. Despite growing up in the church I was always skeptical of this teaching , feeling it to be disingenuous- how could these people rejoice in suffering? Having struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life, my I also felt that I couldn’t be a “real Christian” because of the sadness that inexplicably went with me wherever I was. I still struggle with this from time to time but I am praising God that He has begun to show me what it means to rejoice in sufferings. As I deal with anxiety in a pregnancy after loss I seek Him continually and He is molding my character through this. Sisters can I please ask for continued prayer for this baby and for my faith? Our eight week ultrasound is tomorrow and I am looking forward to sharing the good news with you all who have been walking alongside me on this journey. Thank you!
Prayers right now for a happy day of encouragement ♥️
Thank you Claire B!
When my son was in kindergarten, he said to me, “Mom when I die I won’t be sick anymore. I will have a new heavenly body.” Wow…out of the mouths of babes. I pray that we are an example of proven character through this illness. I don’t know how I’d make it through without my faith.
I am just starting FLOODED by Nicki Koziarz and saw a quote that fits today’s reading perfectly:
“Godly strength comes from deciding to rise above the hard and pursue the holy.”
I think that answers the study question above!
I liked 1 Peter 1:12 – I don’t have to understand. My suffering does not just have to be mine; 1 Peter 1:7 says it is to result in the glory of Christ, which means Christ has to be in the midst of my suffering! This does not mean He created it or likes it but that He is in the fire, with me trying to lead me out. Sometimes it takes longer to lead me out because of the refining that only He can see. Only He can see that process, and that is why 1 Peter 1:12 I don’t have to understand. I have FULL rejoicing in what I do know: that I was dead in my sin BUT Christ came and I am now alive in Him. That is my hope, my full assurance, and even in my darkness that hope lives in me not because I am strong but because Christ lives in me. Amen, let it be so.
Our character is refined as we go through trials and we show JESUS to others when we draw our hope and strength from HIM during difficult times.
Oh my, sometimes it is so hard to lean in to instead of lean away from the Lord in the midst of a struggle, But God…
“…but we also boast in our afflictions, because we know that afflictions produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 5:3-5
Happy Monday Sisters!
TINA, God bless you, sister! I had a similar revelatory moment a few years ago.
ERB, I noted Romans 3:3-5 also! I hope to commit it to memory!
This passage reminded me of an earthly example that helps me understand the promise. I have a deed to my house/land, BUT that deed is being held at the local courthouse until the final payment is paid. At that time, we will see the deed and hold it in our hands. Usually there is a feeling of joy and celebration. As we are faithful to pay down our real estate debt, we must be faithful to follow God’s design for our lives in obedience to Him as we wait to receive our inheritance at the end of our lives. What a JOY when we ‘see’ our inheritance!
1 Peter 1:4 – and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay
This touched me so and tears flood my eyes and run down my cheeks because my heart knows this is all True and you have sung it for me. Amen. And Amen. And Amen.
Praying for you Kristina. You are loved here.
What is the proven Character of faith when facing trials? Our God remains faithful. No matter our circumstances even the hard ones our God does not change. Our God is the same yesterday today and forever. That is a promise and I believe it. It’s what keeps me going knowing that He’s got it all under control. “He’s got the whole world in His hands”.
I really needed to hear this, thank you!!
Thanks for this reminder that we can have the “proven character of our faith” because of who God is and what He has done! I was definitely thinking of it as a works-based, mustering-up-as-much-faith-as-I-can proven character, but that is not the true gospel. Praise God for being the One who allows me to have this faith!
As I am sitting here, reflecting on the reading this morning, it is so challenging not to be overwhelmed when you think of all the trials and struggles and hurts that happen in this life. My life has been going along easy, and I hold my breath, for I feel sometimes there can be something right around the corner that could knock me to me knees. Who wants to be in the valley, we want to be on our mountaintop. But God, He WILL meet us there, and hold on to us. And we have to hold on to that truth.
I had a client/friend that was diagnosed with ALS and I worked with her throughout the battle, and that dear friend was the epitome of a servant of God. She wore a smile and praised the Lord even in the depths of this horrible affliction. I still am in awe of her these years later, and know if she can literally soak up the Lord in such a situation, losing her ability to move, slowly, until she could only lay still in a bed. She was only 52.
We could name so many people that have suffered as well, and it breaks our hearts, but we, those that have the faith in eternity, know that all things will be made new, and that is our hope. I will praise the Lord, whatever may come, just like my friend Jacquie, and others that are a true testimony.
If you struggling today, we are lifting you up in our prayers.
I’m happy to report that I’m finally caught up after a whirlwind few weeks. Looking forward to completing this study alongside you all!
I’m praying for a sensitive heart this morning, that God would help have His perspective on any “trials” I face. I want actually learn from each one and be more like Jesus. God, craft and reshape who I am.
Amen, thankful for the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Praying that hope in me shines through these trials, that God shines in His mercy, forgiveness, compassion, strength, and glory. Feeling like my energy is coming back this morning. Thank you for your prays Sisters. Praying His joy over this day that the Lord has made. May we Rejoice and be glad in it. And sing our Hallelujahs. He is good.
Our “proven character” is how we respond in the trials we face. I will be honest and say that I have not done a great job at this lately. No matter what we face, we constantly can have joy because of what Christ has done for us. He has given us redemption and love and forgiveness every single day.
Tina, beautifully said! Thank you. You took what I have experienced and felt and brought to words. Praise the living and true God who’s mercies are new Every Day!!
Through the trials and tribulations I will remain confident in this. I will see the goodness of the lord
Our proven character is our response in the trials. This reveals our genuine faith. The genuine faith brings praise, honor and glory at the time of Christ’s return. So often in the midst of the storm it is challenging to see what lays ahead. We can get bogged down by the circumstances, but what gives me hope is I know who is at the helm of the boat, while I can only see out my porthole window. As long as he’s manning the ship, I will get through the storm.
Really loved our readings today!! Romans 5:3-5 specifically stood out to me and encouraged my heart!!!
Blessings to all you dear sisters!! Wanted to let each of you know what a blessing you are and that I am lifting you and all requests (spoken and unspoken) up to our ever-loving and faithful Father. ❤️❤️❤️
I echo what Kelly said that I feel like trials really show where our allegiance lies, in God or in ourselves. Perseverance in trials produces character and character produces hope in the ONLY ONE who can satisfy our souls.
Have a blessed Monday sisters! <3
1 Peter 4:7-11 is one of the areas highlighted in my Bible. Jesus is coming to get His children, His return draws closer every day, and I believe world circumstances (more than I can understand) point to that soon rapture of the saints. If I believe that to be true, I will live it out. How exactly in the world of today, Peter tells us. Verse 9 be hospitable, serve in God’s strength for His glory and power, and vs. 8 above all, consistently, sincerely love.
1 Peter chapter 1, blessed by God’s mercy. ready for action, sober-minded, with all hope in Jesus. Remembering this land is not Home, but while here we will live holy, reverent, redeemed lives foreknown by God through Jesus the spotless Lamb.
Chapter 2, chosen, a royal priesthood, holy nation, people for his possession, proclaiming the praises of God for we have been called out of darkness into His marvelous Light.
Chapter 3, face undeserved suffering as our Savior did. Be ready, gentle, and respectful, living so that we may have a completely clear conscience.
And skipping to chapter 5 (since I started with 4 :) Elders, shepherd God’s flock, willingly, eagerly, as examples for the glory of God. Humbly, casting all our cares of Him
What does that look like for me? Today? I could give examples realized and those missed from last week, and even yesterday but, this is a day by day step of faith. Today could be the day Jesus returns, but what if it is not? Then tomorrow, I will look back on this day and KNOW I lived as a servant in God’s strength alone, for His glory, pouring out His love, humbly grateful to my King.
1. It is through the trials that we learn whether we truly trust that God is good and loves us. The trials purge us from the self-reliance that tells us that we can make it in this world and makes our focus on the truth – we are nothing without God’s work on our behalf (Just like Tina explained above). This faith that is purged of self them brings God the glory His deserves.
2.Peter gives us an impprtant key to remember about our redemption “You are being guarded by God’s power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this”
The ALMIGHTY God is guarding my faith. I can rest in knowing that the fulfillment of my salvation is and will be complete and eternal.
Thank you Tina, you are so open and honest. I feel so honored to enter your world, praying that you will have a peace filled day.
I was in my forties when I began to truly believe that God was real. Not just a someone we wished to!
I was brought to my knees, (and still do as I remember, fall to my knees..) but a picture God gave me after some serious ranting and raving at Him, because He had SERIOUSLY failed me! He had not answered the prayers of a mother whose heart was breaking, He had not, in my mind, deemed my prayers worthy of His attention or response..
Until that day…
But God..
When exhausted from all the weeks of just throwing all I had at Him, accusing, yes, abusing (I am not proud of that) disrespecting, and truly being rude to Him in His house, I fell asleep tired, so so very tired, it was there in my weakness, He showed me a picture, that eased the pain in my heart… that gave me hope.. and I hold tightly to, as a reminder..
You see, from that day, I learnt to breathe differently, I learnt to hear in a different way, I learnt how to dance to the beat of the heart of the One who saved a mother from living in the deepest valley, from suicide, from being in a heap on the floor for the rest of her life.. I learnt how to live in faith, in trust, to believe that God is faithful. He is true. He is worthy… everytime! He is the One that gives me hope… always..
But God..
He gave me a hope, I never believed I would have, let alone see ahead of me.. He gave me a hope for a brighter tomorrow, no matter the journey, the heart ache, the sorrow, the illness, the confusion, the valley we find ourselves.. the change of direction..
But God…
Though this mommas journey has had its ups and downs, it’s swings and roundabouts.. God has been the constant that has kept me safely grounded to know that though grass may wither, and I will, one day leave this earth…its okay. It really is! Most importantly, as I am richly blessed here on earth, so in heaven are the richer riches that do not decay, spoil or fade away… absolutely and eternally forever!
I love the New Living version
‘..and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.’
1 Peter 1:4 NLT
Beyond the reach of change and decay..
My heart sings in praise..
Amen. And Amen. And Amen.
Running late now, but before I go.. sending love and hugs wrapped in prayers for all.. those asking, those needing and those who just could do with a touch from above.. blessings for all!
I love you guys..❤
You are loved Tina. And I know you love us too. Have a blessed day yourself❤️
Amen Tina, thank you ❤️