This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Gospels and Acts into the Pauline Epistles.
What Is 1 Corinthians? First Corinthians is a letter written by Paul to the church in Corinth. The Corinthian church was struggling to stay faithful to the gospel while living as a part of the larger, non-Christian Corinthian culture. With this in mind, Paul gave practical instruction on love and Christian unity, spiritual gifts and marriage, resurrection and the life of the Church.
How 1 Corinthians Fits Into the Story: First Corinthians contributes greatly to our understanding of Christian life, ministry, and relationships by showing us how the members of the Church—called the body of Christ—are to function together. Paul gave specific solutions to specific problems the Corinthian church faced. But the underlying answer to every question is the call to live Christ-centered lives in community, no matter the culture or circumstance.
Reflection Questions:
1. How has God called you into fellowship with our Lord, Jesus Christ? How does that fellowship connect you to other believers in the Church?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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62 thoughts on "1 Corinthians"
26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. – 1 Corinthians 12:26
If one member suffers, all suffer together…This verse speaks to me.
Lord you are good and I thank you!
God has called me into fellowship with Jesus Christ by forgiving me of my sins and showing me that they only lead to death and destruction. Today’s reading has shown me the story of redemption by helping me understand that our relationship with Christ is meant to be a friendly one. ❤️
With God everything is about relationship! When you have fellowship with Christ it means if you talk to him… if you pray before a decision, or just talk to him about what concerns you….. and wait for Him to talk to you… through the Bible, through other sons and daughters of God, through circumstances…. I have a notebook where I write my relationship with Christ…. Sometimes I can’t feel him… sometimes I can feel him next to me…. but as much as you seek Him…. The more you will learn that He is real and present in your life!
I can really relate to 1 Co, as I have grown up in my faith… God has placed a bunch of people helping me in my Christian walking….. I fellowship with Christ…. But sometimes you need “a human” side by side…. Praying for and with you, encouraging in moments of struggle… and God also has used me with other brothers and sisters….. so the body is Christ is fundamental for our growth in faith
God calls us into a friendship, a relationship (fellowship) defined by love with Jesus Christ. This can be through prayer, bringing all concerns/insecurities/uncomfortable thoughts/hard decisions/praises to him, loving the people in our communities well (loving others is a way we can show our love for Jesus), entering into church community (small group, serving at church, worshiping at church), following him and being obedient according to what His word states, or through baptism and declaring your love and faith to the world! There are so many ways we can enter into fellowship with Jesus, even small steps.
How has God called me to fellowship with Jesus?? I don’t understand what that even means
I have not been attending church regularly since Covid; and I’m feeling a calling to begin going to mass every Sunday again. I’ve also felt a calling to teach Sunday school. My youngest is a Junior in high school, and I think once he starts college, I will listen to this call and volunteer to teach a class. I also want to join a small group; but I don’t think my church has any. I may need to find one online (any suggestions??) and I definitely want to continue with SRT… I’ve learned so much about the Bible since the Advent 2020 study; and i have to admit, I did not even own a Bible until last year (cringe!) But since starting these studies, the Bible doesn’t seem so overwhelming to me anymore! And this sisterhood is just amazing!! ❤️
Loved the reminder that we are redeemed to be a part of Christ’s body – His family, the church and that fellowshipping with Christ is intimately connected to fellowshipping with His body. Thank you girls for your ministry to the body!
While I’m in the word every day, I’ll admit it’s been a while since I’ve physically attended church. So I think my call is just to return and start going again
Yassssss Ashley we need that fellowship. I pray the spirit helps you in guiding you to a church. We need to uplift and strengthen each other.
I am in fellowship with Christ through His word; reading it, studying it, learning of Him. Also through praying and talking to Him. Yearning to learn more about him and seeking Him has brought me to groups like this, where others who believe can connect and fellowship together in Him.
BRIDGET VASCHAK – lol!!! On Paul, well, thanks for bringing that topic up for discussion! I feel so much better now! I am so thankful for the openness and giving in this community!
GramsieSue! So happy to hear from you! I pray your CT scan will show improvement and healing. With our Great Physician we are in the best hands !
I love how our God uses all things for our good, always. The scripture talks about the importance of each and every part of the body/church. The last two months, since the accident, I’ve had to see and talk with lots of different people. I am blessed by a chiropractor and massage therapist that know Jesus. I’ve been blessed by the hand specialist who I believe does as well. But, as is so much like our God, even some of the insurance people for the man who hit me are believers. There is one particular lady, her name is Gina, and she handled the reimbursement for my car…that woman loves Jesus and it just pours out of her. This morning I didn’t have time before doctors appointments to do the 1 Corinthians readings so I started them when I got home around lunch time. I was thanking God for helping me drive safely to the doctors appointments and even 3 extra stops. I was thanking him for the kind, godly woman at the plant place who I was able to share my love for Jesus with a little bit and know from her response and blessing that she is a sister too. But then, God, as He so often does…He shows off for me. The lady, Gina from the insurance company, text me right in the middle of my thanking prayer. It is like God was saying, “Yes daughter I love you, and I am with you…in so many more ways than you even realize.”
So many people are a part of our lives daily. I have a saying on my wall – “Today is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place will be something you have left behind. Let it be something good. (and I add, Let it be something for God.)
We all have the opportunity to make a difference for Jesus, in the little moments and the big. Even that is a blessing. Let’s be the church for Jesus ladies. Blessings!
NanaK – May the walls come down indeed! Mau the world see Jesus through His church – unity in diversity!
Sarah D – peace to your heart; love through your words
@CEEGEE… lol my sister is named Brenda. I, too, use other translations for clarity. Sometimes, when I read Paul’s writings, I get bogged down in trying to digest each phrase, so I will just read out loud without stopping to get his overall meaning. I underline and circle and go back and reread. Anyway, I’m encouraged to know that others of you think Paul’s writing can be hard. Thanks so much!
God has certainly used you all to lead me into a deeper relationship with him. I’ve been participating since January, praying for your requests and learning so much from your comments, shared thoughts and discussions on our readings. I am so grateful for this community and truly feel you are my people and my Bible study group! Podcasts (especially Annie F Downs) and their guests have really helped me dive deeper into God’s word and continue on my Christian walk. I was a little bit stalled in my walk, (for years!!) when I was just thought I needed to “read my Bible”. It seemed overwhelming and I had no idea where to begin! Now I know I need community, discussion and a plan. So thank you, as a one-sided member, (only reading and praying without leaving comments myself) I would say my next step is to begin adding to the discussion, little by little! Sweet ladies thank you for sharing your lives here.
@BUFFY RENNIE- I love this: “Unity is diversity with understanding.”
@VICTORIA E – Praying for you and baby firmly in His embrace. Praying His hands supporting your hubby while he’s not with you.
Thank you Nads !!
DOROTHY & GRAMSIESUE – I hope you are continuing to improve.
DOROTHY – AMEN for never having TOO many supportive Christians around you!!
HEATHER HAHN – Praying for all of it…I struggle with it often but DO know it is in God’s hands to convict heart / minds.
MELANIE, (How are you feeling?!) – praying for a safe and fun journey home
MAURA – Praying you continue to see God working within your family as well as throughout your time together; safe travels
ERB – Praying for all you wrote; His hands holding your body and spirit
Lord help me to truly use my gifts, as ELAINE MORGAN described
NANAK – Beautiful… Yes!
SARAH D – Sooo much prayer! Praying Jesus is reflected in your words, body language, everiand that your hopes will be heard and your heart will receive greater joy than you can imagine!! I’m praying that any walls that are built up that are NOT from Him will start to crumble.
MARTHA HIX – How are you?! How is your son?
BLESSINGS to all my sisters, fellow members of His Body ❤️
Oh my, had it not been for my faith and my multiple, different Christian community almost 18 years ago I don’t know where I’d be now. When my older son, George, died my parents were out of town. I was lucky in that I had four groups of people that stayed with my younger son, Andrew, and me the whole time they were looking for George’s body. I had family, the girls I ran with, my church family and my Camino family. All of these groups were Christian, including the girls I ran with. Ladies, I’m here to tell you, you can never have too many Christian friends.
Sisters bless each and everyone of you and have fantastic day.
The body needs different functions if it is to live, grow, and serve. Each one should function according to God‘s will and help other members to function. God gives to each congregation just the gifts it needs when they are needed. It is not enough to have the gift of the spirit and gifts from the spirit. We must also have the graces of the spirit as we use our gifts to serve one another.
I’ve been praying for all of you and I’m excited to see how God has answered the prayers that we have given him.
Hugs ❤️
I feel I have fellowship with Jesus by reading about Him, talking to Him, and by having fellowship with His church. I had to think about that question but your answers helped me! Thank you for all who are praying for me. ERB I am glad to hear that you are on new medicine, I have to confess as a neurologist myself I thought that would be the next course of action and have been praying for God to give your doctors the wisdom to find a new drug that will treat your seizures better. Praise God for His mercies with your brother as well! So thankful to have fellowship with all you ladies here , this is just another reflection of how good God is to bring us all together !
Well since you’re a neurologist that’s why you were able to give me good advice about my SAH. I’m still struggling with headaches periodically, not constantly but a little bit each day as I recover. I should be hearing from my neurologist soon about the results of my CT scan. I feel as if I’m definitely better than I was but I don’t think they will release me to drive yet sadly. Thank you so much for your prayers
I feel that I have fellowship with Jesus through learning about Him by reading the Word, praying to Him, and by having fellowship with others
Unity is diversity with understanding. This is one of our sayings within our BrushFires Ministry.
Each has a perfect purpose within the community, The Church. Each of us is created by God, known to God, to be a part of the body in a specific way.
God has created you for purpose and wants you to experience the joy that comes when you find that purpose.
I am a nurse and can help heal other believers. I also love kids and volunteering at the church with them. I guess both of these are spiritual gifts of sorts to better the kingdom!
Thank you to each of you who prayed for me yesterday — I think the meeting went really great but, it is still early days to see what the “results” will be. I received what I believe to be wise counsel last night not to put too much trust in the person with whom I had the meeting yesterday to represent us fairly and effectively within a tumultuous situation…I’m trying to manage the posture of my heart and mind in the best way. I easily see the Good in every person and situation which helps me but, has also gotten me stabbed in the back (which often eventually turns into something that is “my fault”)!!
Again, thank you ALLLL for your prayers and please don’t stop:) WISDOM for all involved. Favour. Peace. Loving Relationship. Healing.
I’m praying for Victoria E and all who requested prayers.
ERB, such exciting news about your brother’s success despite his physical… Seriously, how can one not believe God is alive and for us in those moments ❤️
(KELLY, great verses from Peter re: Paul’s writings.)
Love hearing all your stories!! Also love that Kelly, that because of Jesus, we were brought into a restored fellowship with Him. The veil was torn! Praise the Lord.
Sisters, please pray for me today. I’m going to my sister and her family’s house today, and I’m planning to talk to her about our relationship. I have felt ever since we had those conversations last year that our relationship has been different. During the school year, I was always the one to text or call first. And when she did answer, it was always a couple word answers… So I’m planning tell her how that me feel like she didn’t care about me or wanted to keep up with my life or our relationship. Unfortunately she is upset that my parents didn’t get the vaccine, and since she has a baby and toddler, she doesn’t feel comfortable with them visiting a lot. But besides that, the other thing I want to say is the just because we disagree, doesn’t mean we cant have a relationship. That’s part of the reason why I think she isn’t reaching out. Anyway,leaving soon, but prayers appreciated for me to represent Christ and for him to speak through me. For her heart to be softened and ears open to what I have to say,and that there would be reconciliation …and that her family would ultimately trust in Christ and his word, not just in the parts they agree with. Thank you SRT fam!
I have recently returned from serving 5 1/2 weeks with Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief in Mississippi. The divide between ethnic groups was so extremely obvious when we arrived, even among believers. But after the community saw that we were truly there to help, “in the name of Jesus,” barriers began to come down. Hopefully, (prayerfully) the walls will continue to crumble and brothers and sisters in Christ will lean into what joins them together instead of what separates them. As a nation, I pray that we will do the same. I keep thinking of the old song:
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord,
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord,
And we pray that all unity
May one day be restored,
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.
Have blessed Tuesday Sisters.
Dear ERB, Indeed, our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is all. Hallelujah, He hears our prayers, He is faithful, He never leaves us, nor forsakes us, despite all the reasons He could. :) Praising God for your brother’s scores. How Awesome is that. Give my Congratulations to him!! Asking for His best for your brother and you dear friend. Your words and your prayers bless me so. May our Jesus strengthen your body as it adjusts to this medicine, know I will be praying for you and with you. Rest in His arms. I always ask Him as the great Physician, knowing that He knows the intricacies of these bodies, the systems, I sometimes wonder how incredible just the small things we do are, but He knows, but God you are our Creator, please strengthen, restore, heal, adjust, work in the way only you can for this child of yours my Sister in Christ. In Jesus name Amen. Hugs to you ERB. Joy to your day. Hugs to all of you my Sisters. Pray with me. I am heading home today. Corinthians encourages me always that we all together are God’s plan, and every one has a gift they bring to the body, the best gifts are those we give in serving, loving others with His love. Let those who are servants know how God sees the gifts they give. Claire B Thank you much!!
1. My “ quiet time“ is the most important part of my day. It’s a priority. It’s my lifeline. Just me and Jesus. I crave it and have to have it to start my day. And this helps me to connect with other believers because we have common ground.
Foster Mam, you’re so sweet! I saw your comment yesterday. Please know I am praying for you. You’ve got this because God has you.
I have felt for a long time that I have been called to work with christian youth. We have yet to find and stay at a church. We feel we have now been called back to a church we attended years ago. The pastor and his wife of this church also felt we were called to the ministry all those years ago. They wanted us to jump on board back then but we didn’t. I know it will take time to prove our worthiness again. We need to show them we can attend consistently and we can be counted on to stick to the commitment. All this coupled with the fact that my husband has chosen to request that I take our children to church each week on my own. He works 4pm-4am so he is very tired and he strongly believe in “the day of rest” that God has directed us all to honor. Please be in prayer that we can prove our ability to help the church youth, small children, young adults, wherever God feels we will do best. That he will equip us with all we need to do so and that my husband maybe chooses to take a different day off
***BRIDGET not Brenda! Apologies!!!
GWENDOLYN, thanks for your comment yesterday!
I just love The Message translation for 1 Cor. 10:17. “we become unified in him. We don’t reduce Christ to what we are; he raises us to what he is.” Amen.
BRENDA, to answer your question from yesterday, my favorite translation is the NLT, but I use The Message for clarity. For deep study, our pastor recommends the ESV. It’s the one they use in the Bible courses he teaches.
Each member of the body of Christ is SO important – we are all needed in order to be in good “working” order! We SO need each other! 1Corinthians 1:9 – praising God for His faithfulness, even when we are not faithful! Praying for each of you as I come to your requests…praise the Lord for answers to prayer! Have a blessed day my SRT sisters!
God brings me deeper into fellowship with him through His word. I grow when I spend time learning about what he has given us through the Bible
God called me into fellowship with him at a young age. I’ve been blessed over the years to have amazing Christian communities to be a part of to encourage my walk. I’m currently working in a faith-based practice where all my colleagues are also believers who encourage each other & pray for each other. It’s a huge blessing. Through various circumstances in my life the last several years God draws me into closer fellowship with him. I love my walks listening to praise and worship music and God ministering to my soul just as I need.
God called me to Jesus through His mercy and grace. He connected me to other believers in His church through small groups and gifted me with the gift of administration. I have been able to bring others into the fold through the gift I have been given. By developing relationships with others through the many roles I have had such as team mom, class mom, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, and Bible study groups. I have been redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus and I share my experiences with Him to those around me. People are drawn to Jesus and come to know Him by being exposed to my relationship with Him. It is amazing when you look back at all the ways God has used our walk with Jesus to draw others into the church and into a relationship with Him.
I love Corinthians. It seems like we are the church that needs to be strengthened at this time. To do good and not fall into evil. To love above all else and to be a light. Pray for safe travels as we drive from Long Island back to Michigan. Thanks sisters
God called me into fellowship with Him early in life through my parents who are believers. However, as I got older the Lord pursued me to make my own relationship with Him. He called me to transition from 12 years in Christian school to a Christian college where I formed deep relationships with other believers. I struggled in grad school no longer being so directly connected with Christian community and SRT became my life-line. Over the last year+ God was calling me to look for Christian community/build relationships with other believers. I found a young adult group through a church I had been to a few times in Philadelphia, and I feel God calling me now to get more involved at my home church. God’s love and faithfulness spurs us to share our faith with others and to experience all that God has for us in community with other believers. I’m so thankful for the various Christian communities I have in my life and pray the Lord continues to provide opportunities for increased interactions/relationships built with other believers. He is able!
God has called us into fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord, through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins. Because of His sacrifice and love for us, we mercifully have all of our sins forgiven and erased. We can pray and commune with God even though we are unworthy without Christ. He calls us to be mercurial and give grace to all those around us because of the mercy and grace we have recieved. Our church family should be the first ones to recieve our mercy and grace over and over and over again, just as we receive God’s mercy and grace over and over and over again! PTL!
Good morning. Gwendolyn Vincent…right now I read from the SRT Bible, but I also have a Quest study Bible and NIV study Bible…those are the ones I use most often. However, the diagram I tried to describe in yesterday’s post is only in them because I wrote them in them. I’m going to pretend I am presenting the plan of salvation to you ladies…typing what I would say and in ( ) putting what I would draw. For those of you not interested…this isn’t specifically about 1 Corinthians so feel free to skip.
In the beginning was God (read Genesis 1:1). He always was, He is now, and He always will be, He is eternal. (Draw a horizontal ray that starts with God and on the right side put the arrow with the word eternal.)
Man; Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden with God and everything was perfect. But then they sinned and ate from the only tree they were forbidden to eat from. God cannot be a part of sin so Man and God were separated. (At this point drop down and draw a horizontal line segment that has the word Man on the left. At the other end of the segment – about at the placement of the word eternal but on man’s line write Death.) Adam and Eve were the first to sin (You can put Romans 5:12 in here) but the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned” (read that verse and write the ‘address’ under the word Man. Then following the line segment write the address and read Romans 6:23). Romans 6: 23 tells us that “the wages or result of sin is death.”
Man, we are incomplete without God and we try all sorts of things to make our way back into God’s “good graces” so to speak. We try Ritual, thinking if we follow all the rules it will be enough. But following rules is not enough. (Draw a vertical ray from Man’s line upward BUT only about 1/2 way.) Man tried to get there by Works. (Draw another ray, similar to the last…still too short.) But, man could not do enough good things to earn his way back. The wages of sin was still death and everyone had sinned. Finally man tried Knowledge, maybe if he could have great intelligence he could figure it out. (Draw the final ray trying to get to God, unsuccessfully). Man could not in himself get back to God.
BUT GOD, God’s love for man was so great that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ (write Jesus name on God’s line in the middle. Draw a ray down from God’s line to man’s line BUT shape it like the left side of the cross. Slide over just a bit and draw another ray from man’s line to God’s line. At this point you should have the shape of a cross connecting God and Man’s line.) You see, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him could have eternal life. That verse if found in John 3:16 (write the address under Jesus name. In the middle of the cross write, ‘God so loved’). Only Jesus could make a way back to God. He was and is the perfect sacrifice. Jesus alone is our only way back to God.
That is what the conversation I would begin with as I was drawing the diagram. Maybe that will help a little more.
I have 2 doctor appointments this morning but will check back in when I return to do my 1 Corinthians study. Blessings ladies.
Thank you for sharing Angie !
I love that we are called into fellowship with Christ, and then fellowship with His body. No part of the body can be replaced, I love that Corinthians highlights the fact that the less typically honored parts of the body are indispensable.
God continues to call me into deeper fellowship with Jesus through the truths we sing in worship. Also, I often meet with God in the woods as I run. It’s a time when I leave the list behind, and I can hear the whispers moré clearly.
I have always been amazed how when you meet another believer the connection and fellowship we have becomes special within moments of sharing our common relationship with God. One of my new favorite people worked as a long-term substitute counselor in the school where I frequently sub as a para. She and I made made such a sweet connection, and it began when I found out we were sisters in Christ! ❤️
MAURA, dear friend I am so happy that you are enjoying your vacation and being present with/and for your family. It’s SO important!!! Awesome to hear that God is already answering some of our prayers!! I am continuing to pray for you & your family knowing that God will bring/allow only His best!! And, that best, will continue to come forth and make itself known!! Stay encouraged and keep your eyesight on God, He is the restorer, healer and answer to all things!!
Thank you so much for your prayers in regards to me and my brother!! It’s been a challenging time for both of us. But God is SO good and SO incredibly faithful!!!
This week my brother had 2 big tests (practical finals) and he feared not being able to perform the way he knew he could before all of this happened.. but in spite of drawing the HARDEST most difficult questions/actions in the entire class he was ABLE to do it, and do it WELL!!! He scored a 96 and 98 respectively!!! My brother was amazed and so stoked!!! YAY Jesus!!!!
I have had a difficult week.. my body is still transitioning and adjusting to the med changes.. the side effects have been very draining and challenging but as DOROTHY reminded and encouraged me…it just takes time! So I have been resting and sleeping and waiting… God is being faithful and is doing a lot right now (spiritually & physically) and I am so grateful!!! My body needed this little break we’ve taken as much as you did!! Love you sweet friend and when the timing is right (we’ll both know, there’s no rush!) we will pick up where we left off!! Many Blessings to you Maura!! Big (((HUGS))) xoxo
God wants us to do His will and follow the path He has for us because that will ultimately lead to the best possible lives for us. He does not ask us to do this for Him, it is for our own good that we follow God’s way. We have all tried to do things our way before and failed horribly, which is why we were able to recognize that we need a Savior. This fellowship with Christ has led to fellowship with other believers because we are all on similar journeys and we all share the same ultimate purpose.
1. The Lord calls me into fellowship with Him through His lovingkindness. He had torn down every wall and provided a bridge over the chasm of sin by the Cross. It is my response to His invitation that then brings me into His family. Under the Head, Jesus, I am a member of the Body of Christ.
2. God made the way for fellowship with Him to be restored. And He is the one who keeps me so that I “will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”