This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish the Historical Books and move into the genre of Wisdom Literature.
What Is 1 Chronicles? The book of 1 Chronicles provides a history of Israel from a priestly perspective, focusing on David’s kingship through the start of Solomon’s reign.
What Is 2 Chronicles? The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles were originally one literary unit. What is now known as 2 Chronicles continues recording the history of Israel from a priestly perspective. It documents the history of Judah from Solomon’s construction of the temple in Jerusalem to the Babylonians taking Judah captive and destroying the temple.
How 1 & 2 Chronicles Fit Into the Story: 1 & 2 Chronicles bring together historical events, temple rituals, accounts of sin and judgment, and even some psalms. Together, these books give us the big picture of the Old Testament, capturing the Davidic covenant (2Sm 7:9–16) in light of Israel’s history, while pointing to the eternal continuation of that covenant through the reign of the Messiah.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does God’s response to Solomon’s prayer and the dedication of the temple in 2 Chronicles 7 demonstrate what God values?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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44 thoughts on "1 & 2 Chronicles"
God loves to be near to His people. The way He demonstrates his power with the all consuming fire shows that he desires to be with us and he loves when we are obedient to him (but also provides a way when we mess up). Thank you Lord that you never give up on us and continually pursue us.
David’s prayer echos the Truth of God’s character and goodness that He invites us to be a part of. There is wholeness to be found in Him and we rejoice in that. I pray that I would walk in accordance of His goodness and righteousness.
He never antes perfect, He just wanted our hearts. Like what the lord spoke to Samuel… man looks on the outwards, god looks on the heart. Oh father create in me a clean heart.
It tells me that God and his desires for us never change. He desires all of us and not to stray away and do the things He told us over and over not to do. Remain steadfast in Him.
Thanks Heather, I’ll will check out the website. God bless you.
What I read is that God wants our heart. He wants us to willingly be obedient. Have faith and remember “he is good, his faithful love endures forever”
I really like 2 Chronicles 7:13,14. It really saus a lot about our response to the Lord and how he will responses to us.
Thank you for posting your reading related comments, we enjoy hearing your thoughts .
Praise Jesus! This devotional helped remind me of the presence of the Lord and to look to him. I have to do something challenging tomorrow so please pray for me.
Praying for you LindaK
God wants his people to obey his laws. I believe he wants obedience, because he knows what is best for us. Just as a parent leads their child, so God leads his people.
ERB thank you for your comment I enjoyed reading it and knowing more behind the scripture.
Angie I so agree with you. I pray for my son and his fiancé daily.
Claudia Stewart I so agree and feel the same way.
Phoebe wow what you said really rings true and hits home.
Anna Cyr thank you for sharing this I always like to learn more about the Word of God.
Melody Bates your comment is so true and I believe you are on the right track.
Mary Desandro I never thought of being a temple for the Holy Spirit but you are so right.
Praying for all those who need prays.
Being a person who loves history, I would love to study 1 and 2 Chronicles in more depth. First and Second Chronicles seems to be the basis of many of the other books of the Old Testament after the Pentateuch. Between 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles we get most of the story of how Israel fell from God’s grace and why God sent Jesus Christ, at least that’s what I gather.
Loving and enjoying this study.
Sisters be blessed.
If you go to Dallas Theological Seminary website, they have tons of studies for free. They’re online videos that were taped during class sessions. I’ve learned so much from them.
I have never commented before but couldn’t resist after reading these passages. David’s wonder and acknowledgement that all of the blessings on the Israelites had come from the Lord made me think of how blessed I have been and that I should always be thankful to God. I am generally thankful to God but I know that I can often attribute good coming from myself and what I do. Then with the temple dedication, I so longed to be a part of the assembly when the glory of the Lord filled the temple and the people worshipped and praised the Lord. Then v. 16 where God says that His name will be in the temple forever I was reminded of how we are the temple of the Holy Spirit! He says that His eyes and heart will be there at all times! God help me for I know I am not worthy!
God’s response to Solomon’s prayer and the dedication of the temple may appear harsh and strong but God abhors sin. Solomon. And believers today, needed to understand the importance of obedience and the consequences for disobedience. God desires for us to be a part of His kingdom. But even if we are disobedient. Like the kings that followed Solomon, His kingdom will still prevail and His redemptive story will be fulfilled.
I struggle with answering the questions because I’m not sure if I’m a the right train of thought. I would appreciate some feedback from you ladies.
The intro pages of 1 and 2 Chronicles in my study Bible point out that 1 Chronicles is a commentary on 2nd Samuel and 2 Chronicles is a commentary for 1st and 2nd Kings. So helpful to see how this all fits together! I also appreciate the Revelation passage and seeing how it ties in and Ultimately completes what was started in the OT.
Today the presence of God really stood out to me when he inhabited the temple. His presence and his desire to be with his people is consistent – in the garden of Eden, promising Abraham & Isaac & Jacob “I will be with you”, his physical presence as the pillar of cloud and fire in the desert, the ark of the covenant, and now Solomon’s temple (those are just off the top of my head, I’m sure I’m missing many!)
This week’s podcast also reminded me that while yes, God uses sinful people (because he doesn’t have the option to use perfect ones!), the true story is about God! Not the people he uses! Through human triumph and failure the story remains the same – God himself working to be close to his people. Praise the Lord!
MAURA, such a joy and encouragement to read your message this morning! I had a message all typed out to you about Isaiah 39 but it seems to have disappeared…maybe I forgot to hit send?
Anyways… I hope you are holding up ok…my thoughts and prayers are with you dear friend ❤️
Isaiah 39 was super short, but I gleaned a lot of wisdom from it!!
…when God makes a promise to us it doesn’t mean it will turn out the way WE think it will…
…The treasure/s that God gives to us aren’t always meant to be displayed and/or shared…some treasures are intimate & specific gems meant to be seen/shared only by you & God in your relationship with Him. He ALONE knows the heart of man, how it operates and who that heart is serving.. so it is very important to LISTEN, HEAR & OBEY!!! Doing/showing ONLY what God has specifically prompted you to!!! Otherwise it leaves you open and vulnerable…without the protection of God. Pretty serious stuff!!
All of this reminded me a lot of Mathew 7:6
The “listen, hear, obey, consequences” thing seems to be a common theme throughout Isaiah and throughout my life right now!! It’s definitely shifting my “eyesight”, my thoughts, my responses and my actions to a much healthier place!! I need this adjustment and am so thankful for it!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
SO BLESSED by ALL you SRT ladies and am praying for all of you and your requests!! Much Love to each of you!! ❤️❤️❤️
My prayer after today’s reading is to really know what it looks like to walk humbly. I can get so caught up in being “a good person” but I need the Holy Spirit to change my heart so I can have pure and humble intentions starting from my heart so my actions follow.
@carleigh Bright thank you for you vulnerable and honest post! I too can feel God is being harsh but the perspective you gave about God knowing what was to come helps. It’s like when you are warning a teenager about upcoming temptations you see on the horizon, it can seem harsh but it comes from a place of love and concern.
Praying for all the SRT community today ❤️
Thank you for sharing such great insights every day.
@Shaena Elizabeth amen. I have the same prayer. I will be praying for al of us here to know what this looks like for each of us and to do it.
Hello ERB, Hoping this day blesses you. Isaiah 39 is short, but such implications of it seems perhaps Hezekiah maybe boasting of all he has in his kingdom. Showing off all of his riches and treasures to the envoy from Babylon. It makes me wonder, how often do we, well I really, show others things about me, instead of Him, who is my true treasure. I wonder, if God’s response had something to do with Hezekiah pointing to his wealth, instead of the One who had blessed him. Just my thoughts. How is your brother? Praying. Hugs to your heart and day. :) Foster Mama, your comment on Hezekiah made me smile.
Good morning sisters, I am one who does not comment but I always look forward to the comments in this community and I pray for those asking for prayer. Today I have a prayer request. I am seeing the retina specialist. He’s been watching my eye for about 6 months. I am on a new medication to see if that will alleviate the problem without surgery. Please pray for me this morning. Many thanks!
Good Morning Sisters, I always get a little overwhelmed by the thousands of animals sacrificed, so really appreciated your research and insights dear ERB. How great is our God, who sent, Himself/His Son, to be the sacrifice that was needed, Once and for All He shed His blood that we could be forgiven, again and again His mercy pours out on me and how much grace He has. Praying that my heart can remember this as I am called to have grace. God gave so much to Solomon, the greatest of which was wisdom, and still he warns Solomon what will happen if he turns away and abandons the statutes He has given. This struck me in how well God knows our hearts, and how easily tempted we are to put self, the world, things, circumstance above Him. We are divided in our hearts so many times. As you pointed out Angie. And, as always you bless me with your words. So good, wondering how you are doing, please let us know if you read this. Praying we find our rest and peace only in our Lord Jesus this day. Praying for your brother and his fiance, Sarah Joy. God’s peace for your heart, that He hears your prayer and knows all the details and is there. Hugs and Love Sisters.
@Claudia I made the same connection about how God’s promise to the Israelites is the same for us today!
Thank you all for your prayers yesterday. We threw roses and purple water-soluble packets of her ashes in the ocean (purple was her favorite color). There were lots of tears shed but comfort in the way the whole family (and extended family) has come together and become more close-knit through this grief.
@Sarah D praying for your upcoming date!
@Hope praying for your broken heart and walking this road along with you!
Lifting up all the other prayer requests that have been mentioned yesterday and today <3
I honestly struggled at first with this passage but as I sat and meditated the promise God makes in this passage kept coming into my mind…. “ I will HEAR from heaven, FORGIVE their sins, and HEAL their land.” God promises to hear us, he promises to forgive us, and he promises to heal us! What an amazing image of the Gospel! ❤️
Miri am, Well said sister!
Amen, Angie! May it be so! I am reminded to pray for our leaders. First, they must be His people. So I am asking God to have mercy on the leaders and all not following Him to be drawn to be His people. May they/we repent, turn from from our wicked ways, and may He heal our land. May the Bible be our standard for laws and living. May we hate what He hates and love what He loves. May all come to repentance and be saved for eternity in Jesus Name Amen.
I thought of this song when reading Revelation !
God’s way is always best.
Thank you @MAURA and @SEARCHING for bringing prayer requests / support into the next day and to all who pray. It means so much. I woke up to a quote about the importance of bringing our “problems” to God… lovely that we can do it for one another.
@SARAH D, I agree with @SEARCHING that it is important to know your TRUE deal breakers…as a woman who shares your ability to “get ahead of myself”, I would tell you to pray throughout but do enjoy and be yourself…and then pray some more!
Praying for you all…God bless.
OH, how I love the story of Hezekiah/Isaiah…and all the more after having read Lynn Austen’s series. We must remember we worship that same God TODAY!
Oh Lord, humble my heart to seek YOUR face and Your healing that I may do YOUR will!
If my people who bear my name! That is us, Gods children. This is my sacrifice, to humble myself, pray and seek his face, and turn from my evil ways. What a great read today, I’m drawn to bow and worship the one true God who is head over all. Who loves us with an everlasting, faithful love.❤️
God’s Word has been given to us to help us to know the Savior, teach us truth, guide us in righteousness and holiness, lead us to redemption, comfort us, lift us up, humble us…it is living and active. As we read I am thinking about how people’s lives, successes and failures, good and bad are recorded. Then I think, what does the recorded record of my life, successes and failures, good and bad, say? For our God is all-knowing and every moment of our lives is recorded.
David’s prayer for his son, Solomon to have an undivided heart struck me this morning also. I have prayed for my children for so many things, all their lives, daily…and yet, prayer for an undivided heart, is that not the most important thing I can pray. Prayer for faithful devotion to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, undivided. Is it not the most important thing I can pray for them? For my spouse? Anyone I love and care for? For myself? For everyone.
An undivided heart, living a life chronicled for Jesus. May it be so Lord Jesus. Amen.
1. To be fully transparent, I had a difficult time reading today’s passages. Gods response in 2 Chronicles seemed so harsh; but knowing what we know through yesterday’s reading regarding the behavior of kings who came after Solomon, we can understand the why on God’s response to Solomon. We know the nation of Israel under upcoming kings would turn away from God; worshiping false gods and themselves. God made it very clear to Solomon how he was to behave as King. That he was to worship Him.
2. We see the redemption story in this; we know that the kings following Solomon didn’t follow God like they were supposed to. Yet, God’s covenant to David to bring about the one true King to walk the land of Israel would be upheld. He would keep his side of the covenant and for that I am so thankful. ❤️
Today’s reading was so good!!! All praise and be to God forever and ever!!!
For some reason 2 Chronicles 7:7 (the fat of the fellowship) really stood out to me, I had no idea what that meant, so I looked it up… I learned that the fat of a sacrifice was considered to be the BEST part, and that the aroma of it was SWEET and PLEASING to the Lord!! I also learned that fat in Hebrew has MANY different meanings….and that is defined as the stored energy of the animal and it is a way of offering one’s energy and work to God. So, it is an incredible way of HONORING God, because it showed how WELL you took care of (followed God’s statutes) what was given to you/oversee. The fellowship connection with fat and sacrifice was really awesome!!! I learned that the meat wasn’t burned like the fat was, but that it was divided up…
*There is no mention made of what to do with meat portions of the animal. This is because the meat portion was to be SHARED, with a part given to the priests and a part given to the one who brought the offering. That one ate his portion of meat as part of a FELLOWSHIP meal with God, normally with a gathering of immediate and extended family.
“Think of this blessed feast with God. We who were once far off in the wicked and hostile imaginings, are now made nigh; we SIT at God’s table as His children and hear Him say. Let us make merry and be glad; this My son was dead and is alive again.” In other words…
We can feast (have fellowship) because we have peace WITH God.
We can feast (have fellowship) because we have the peace OF God.
We can feast (have fellowship) because we have THE God of peace.
*Source: Enduring Word Commentary
This all made me think of Jesus and The Lord’s Supper… how the wine and the bread are His body, His sacrifice! And how He desires US to sit at HIS have FELLOWSHIP with Him!!! A LOT to take in!!! But when you do… WOW!!! I love seeing the connections between old and new and how God intricately weaves it ALL together, for ONE outcome: that we may be fully restored back to HIM!!! So GOOD!!!! To God be all the Glory Honor and Praise!!! Amen!!!
Thank you for sharing your research with us!
Oh my goodness this was wonderful! I struggle often to find the answers to the questions so I look at the comments for those of you who have that ability. Thank you so much. It filled my heart ❤️
I love what you found and thank you for sharing! ❤️
SEARCHING – thank you. I was humbled and thankful to see my name on your list this morning.
My brother and fiancé are in a bad spot that I just heard about last night. I love them both deeply, and my heart breaks as they navigate this difficult situation. My brother is in the special forces and is temporarily stateside between deployments. I want to go fix it or be in person or SOMETHING. However, I am praying. I am pleading with the Lord that He would do what He does and redeem it somehow. Thankful for this space to share with you praying friends.
1. The Lord responded not to the lavish sacrifices but to the wholehearted worship. He knew it would not last, yet committed (again) to faithfully forgive when the people earnestly repented.
2. “Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all.”
God wants us to be a part of that kingdom. He has gone to great lengths to draw us to Himself. Thanks be to God, His mercy endures forever!❤
The tears started at 2 Chronicles 7:14, if my people humble themselves . . . Lord, we turn to You in the midst of the violence, sickness, misguided paths and overall craziness of this world. Help us to humble ourselves and to be a light to others, that they too will seek You.
Praying for
SarahJoy & for your family
Taylor – for your time with your friend’s family
Foster Mama – that indeed what is best for the children will be foremost in everyone’s minds and hearts as this transition continues
Maura – you and your husband,
Hope -as you grieve the end of the relationship and seek the Lord’s comfort, wisdom and guidance,
Sarah D – how wise of you – you likely avoided many of the mistakes that are made in the teen years. I get that you don’t want to date for the sake of dating though you’ll have to get to know someone to figure out if there’s a possibility of something more. It’s always good to understand what things (beliefs, traits, etc) are non-negotiable/deal breakers for you. Everyone is (or should be) putting their best foot forward and in their best behavior during the dating phase …
and others.
TINA – praying for you and your family.
I love you Jesus, please bless this world with healing and love
In 2 Chronicles 7, Solomon made large sacrifices and organised a lavish ceremony to dedicate the temple. But God’s response called for humility, prayer and seeking God in all circumstances. Nor did he promise the Israelites would be spared trouble. In fact turning to him in times of trouble is when he suggests he will hear. How often do I think about the “sacrifice” I am making for God instead of just turning humbly towards him! Lord, help me just simply turn and seek you today.
I love You Lord. Help us to know how much You love us.