This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture.
What Is John? About 90 percent of the material in the Gospel of John is unique to this book of the Bible. John, a disciple of Jesus, highlighted Jesus’s identity as the Son who reveals the nature of God the Father. He also points to how Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy, festivals, and institutions.
How John Fits Into the Story: Of all the New Testament books, the Gospel of John most clearly teaches the divine identity of Christ. Rather than focusing on the miracles, parables, and public speeches that are so prominent in the other Gospel accounts, John emphasizes the identity of Jesus as the Son of God and His invitation to respond in faith.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does Jesus describe His relationship to God the Father in today’s reading? How do these passages broaden or change your understanding of who Jesus is?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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66 thoughts on "John"
I am really enjoying John 1:14 – And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – Revelations 1:4,7,14
Jesus was mirrored God. He did what the Father did. He could not do anything apart from him. The same way we can’t do anything apart from Christ. He was united to God. Christ offers us the same relationship with God through his sacrifice on the cross for our sins. That sacrifice allows us to be reunited with God the Father.
Thanks for sharing the sun analogy.
Thanks for sharing this thought. I needed to remember and I completely feel a huge YES in my spirit! Lately I feel like the the Lord has been repeating the phrase “I am the LOVER, you are the LOVED”. I feel a deeper sense of quiet worship as I slide into this more and more.
Thank you for this Elizabeth! I have always wondered about John being the one whom Jesus loved, so this really does help thinking of John identifying himself through the love of Jesus.
Ok, so I’m behind and this isn’t responding to the question or even today’s reading explicitly, but it is a thought that came to me while reading. John identifies himself as the disciple whose Jesus loved. In a book that’s largely about identity that’s probably not an accident. Maybe it wasn’t that John was more favored than the others. God is not a preferrer of persons. Maybe the point is that John allowed himself to be identified by Jesus’s love for him, and maybe he understood and internalized that more than the other. Maybe that’s what led him to be at the foot of the cross next to Mary on the day Jesus was crucified, because when you really understand how much you’re loved there’s no other response. Maybe John was given the responsibility of caring for Mary because love wouldn’t let John do any less. Maybe the muscling through the life of faith that we do is because we don’t really understand or allow ourselves to accept the depth of God’s love for us. Maybe when we finally do, it won’t be work. It will be the response we could ever give.
Jesus describes his relationship to God as one of mutuality. They separate, but the same. Jesus and God, along with the Holy Spirit, are one in the same. Separate and distinct, yet the same and together. To accept one is to accept the other, but reject one and you reject the other.
Its nice to be reminded that Jesus was there at the beginning and this helps me know that he is with me now as well. We all have to be reminded of that sometimes.
The book of John used to confuse me as a new believer. Over time, I have grown, learned and treasure it’s riches. I love that my understanding grows and changes. V 22 stood out to me today- how have I missed so many times that the Father gives all judgment to the Son?
I also was taken by surprise by v 22! It’s possible that the translation I usually read doesn’t use those words.
What an awesome reminder that God is present, he was here from the beginning, and will be coming back. Jesus was the way to salvation through God.
No matter how much I search, it’s hard to find a “perfect” analogy for the HOLY TRINITY. I think it’s just one of those things we need to strive for but, know we will never have a full understanding on this side of Heaven (just like Jesus being 100% human and 100% God, His divinity never parting from His humanity is impossible to FULLY appreciate).
As such, all the analogies I have found in my life are flawed (some even heretical)… including this one (but possibly still my favourite):
“This analogy explains that the Father is like the sun. The Son is like the light rays that visibly reveal the sun, as Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). The Holy Spirit is like the heat that the sun produces, unseen yet powerful and effective in making the sun felt.
This analogy sounds pretty good, but it is fatally flawed in that is describes the Son and Spirit as creations of the Father” (which they are of course not).
With my limited mind, I think of my own self that I am mother&daughter&wife in a single moment…each a slightly different role but, all a part of me. (I am NOT comparing myself to God, of course!!!)
@ DOROTHY, As far as I know Matthew was one of the 12; Luke was not but, I’m not sure if he was one of the 70…I think we know most about him from his connection to Paul.
@ GRAMSIE SUE & PAULA EVANS, that’s great news!! Praying for tomorrow’s CT scan and Paula’s husband’s continued improvement
@ JEN BREWER, praying!
Jesus and the father are connected yet distinct individuals. The Holy Trinity is such a mystery. I pray I would u sweat and it more.
Jesus and the Father are separate individuals, yet they are connected as well,
Lauren your comment made me laugh because I am the youngest of four and I can remember hearing my parents saying things like that to my brothers and sister. It would always make them made when my punishment was a severe.
Danielle I would have never thought of it that way. You have enlightened me.
Ashley Taylor WOW love what you.
Heidi Churchmouse hasn’t commented since half through the Old Testament study and we have been trying to figure it out. No she didn’t say anything.
Erica Chiarelli what you said just blew me away, sooooo GOOD.
Kaitlin Schroeder just love what said and it’s sooooo true. I’m so happy Derek is doing better, I’ll be praying for both of you.
I just started this new community series today! Coming out of the Old Testament, we saw God’s nature as a lion. Roaring and violent, because of his love for us. However, He became flesh so that He might walk among us and show that love in a more gentle way as a Lamb. The contrast between the Lion and Lamb is just so cool to me. God is so many things, He can have a strong hand of discipline or give a loving embrace from His son. His nature amazes me.
Update on my boyfriend who recently received his liver transplant. He was moved out of the hospital and into a physical therapy rehab last week. He could barely get out of bed when he first went in but now he can and is even walking without a walker. He is set to be released to FINALLY come home on Tuesday. I am so excited to have my love back home but am scared because it’s going to be something new. I am so scared Satan is going to return 7 times stronger as Luke 11:24-26 says. My spiritual mother, my mother, and I are cleaning house tomorrow casting out any remaining demonic spirits and sealing the house the a stamp of God. Please pray for my anxious heart and peace and that nothing may enter our household. I am starting law school soon again so things will become very hectic with Derek home still recovering and me being gone for school. His parents are pitching in and that’s going to be a huge help but still please pray I do not get overwhelmed with everything.
Grammie Sue: praying for your brain pain and that there will be NO more bleeding. May God’s healing hand be over you
Jen Brewer: praying that God places you in the position that He has planned for you and gives you that wisdom and insight to know that that is the job he has chosen for you. Also praying that he lines up the perfect nanny for you, I pray that she is a believer and will bring God’s love and joy to your children as well as being a fun lovable nanny to them!
ERB: praying for guidance for you brother that the lord may give both you and him insight as to what path he needs to take
Martha Hix: praying for your son as he loses a childhood best friend. I know the feeling all too well and it really sucks!! But, I pray God gives him peace in knowing that his dog lived a nice long life full of your family’s love and she needn’t suffer here any longer. I like to believe God will reunite us with our pups in heaven as they steal our hearts like no other, I mean dog spelled backwards is God, soooooo :)
Love you ladies and prayers over anyone that I missed that God be with you today and that you find favor with him. So excited for this new series!!
John is my favorite book of the Bible. Here’s a young man, maybe even a teen, who leaves his parents home and goes with his brother to follow a stranger — Jesus. You have to really believe in something or someone to do that especially in those days.
I have a question and I don’t know if anyone of you can answer it, we know that Mark wasn’t one of the 12 Jesus called and John was but what about Matthew and Luke were they part of the twelve Jesus called to be with Him originally?
I am learning so much through these two studies. Between what SRT puts out and you my sisters tell me, my knowledge of the Bible is advancing by leaps and bounds.
Have a great Thursday and may God and Christ bless and be with all of you my sisters.
You can see all 12 being called in the book of Mark. I have notes on it somewhere, but can’t remember the chapter.
It’s so beautiful how John focuses on Christ’s identity while the other gospels focus on his actions.
Jesus describes his relationship with God the Father as being one of love and mutuality. He was completely in step with His Father. They are distinct and separate yet totally the same and together… and THAT is the beautiful mystery of our faith.
The story of redemption is God’s story. He offers redemption and we either accept and receive it or not. Jesus is God’s beautiful offer of redemption. Redemption Incarnate.
Love and mutuality. Well-put. I was struggling to find the words, but you did. Thank you
While other Gospels start with Jesus’ birth, John recognizes before Jesus’birth, He still was. And Jesus first sacrifice was stepping out of heaven and becoming man. Imagine Jesus in Mary’s belly, the Son of God who created all there was & is & ever will be. He put the stars together, holds the universe & all there is, in place, yet became a humble babe, born to some “nobodies”. The angels announced His birth to shepherds, more “nobodies”. To be our Savior, so we can know our God! So so amazing!!!!
What great insight you sisters have. John has always been one of my favorite books in the Bible and I ve memorized many passages. Thank you SRT for these studies in both the Old and New Testament.
I have felt your prayers, pain in my brain is almost gone! Still have a bit of brain scramble but I’m told that will improve. Tomorrow morning I will have a CT scan to determine if the bleeding is over and blood drained away. I would appreciate all prayers. ❤️
I recommend Abby Ross Hutto’s book, God for Us. She takes us through the book of John sharing different ways we may have felt in life and how through Jesus we have the heart of the Father.
I am replying to your post from two days ago Angie. I have not posted before but I just had to tell you that God has used you to help my husband who has been suffering from severe muscle contracture following a stroke he had a year ago. Like you he has been unable to sleep for weeks due to severe pain waking him up every two hours or so. He is exhausted both from the pain and trying different remedies to no effect. After showing him your post he asked his physiotherapist about a muscle relaxer and she is in agreement. We are so thankful to have found a solution but more than that we are so grateful that God is leading us step by step and not leaving him in pain. I know that it was God that prompted me to read your post two days late on the very day he was to see his physiotherapist. Thank you Lord and thank you Angie!
Great news Paula Evans!
I did the Romans study and Psalms of Rest study instead of the Old Testament study and am noticing that Churchmouse seems to be missing. I have always valued and enjoyed her contributions very much. Has she shared any information or prayer requests that anyone could pass on?
Thanks! That was helpful, that verse stood out to me as well-
15(John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) – I’m not going to lie. Each time I’ve read “The last shall be first and the first last” it has always stumped me. I’ve read that it generally pertains to the rich and the poor but as of today I have a new take on it. Reading the scripture I listed, that was the first thing that came to my mind. Jesus was first and he gave it all to become last for us which there again puts him first – where he always has been and always will be. I might be way off here but that’s how it has resonated with me today. To me, this is so beautiful and redeeming! I praise God today for redemption. I praise him for my waking up and being honored with another day with my family. Things here are in peril but we serve a God that is full of Grace and Mercy! That is the reason our daughter is named “Mercy Grace”. I cling to that today. Especially as I look at her….& our son Lyric. Hold tight to him today, dear friends! I can’t begin to explain how God’s timing has been for this study at this time in my life. I’ve needed it more than ever this week! I’ve also never really interacted with you ladies on here. Please forgive me for that. I am going to be more involved moving forward. May God bless each of you abundantly today.
Heather, I rarely interact on here as well but I do read thru the comments and am truly blessed by some of the comments and responses.
This was a HUGE message today about how much God loves us and how much Jesus loves us. And how they are both one in the same, then along with the Holy Spirit, the Trinity.
John 5:22 stopped me in my reading today. All judgment is given to the Son. Jesus will judge the unbelievers and the believers. My Bible study ladies and I were just studying the judgment of believers. We will be judged for what we have done with the gifts and talents God has given us. But not for our salvation but for our reward. Romans 14:10-12.
Would you please pray for my daughter, SRT sisters? She went back to college to get her master’s degree, and now the college is mandating the vaccine. She hasn’t been able to find another school that will accept all her credits and offers an internship during the summer to continue working. Please pray that God would direct her steps and give her peace.
Miri am,
reading further John 5:24-30 helped example that God has granted Jesus the right to pass judgement v27. Then v30, I can do nothing on my own. I judge only as I hear and my judgement is just, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
I hope this helps, it did for me.
I don’t have many tibits this morning my friends…just a couple from John (although I love the book of John).
John was the only disciple still alive at the time he wrote the book. It was written nearly 30 years after any of the other books.
He wrote about Jesus from the inside, how He felt and who He was as a person. He made it a point to show Jesus as fully human and fully divine.
I didn’t realize that it was a big deal to follow a “rabbi” in those days. Since Jesus called his disciples from men who were working in their family occupation, it meant they had been turned down by the local Rabbis.
One other thing…Jesus calls himself the “good shepherd”. A shepherd’s sheep recognize his voice but, sheep are known to be dumb, defenseless, and easily frightened. PET sheep however are not. They are actually super smart and fearless. The love of the shepherd makes all the difference.
We certainly have the love of the shepherd.
Be blessed today ladies, our Shepherd loves us!
I love this! Thank you for taking time to share it ❤️
Angie what great insight !
@Angie I LOVE that! I didn’t know those things! How insightful!!
Jesus and God one in the same
v 23 whoever does not honor the Son does not honor Father who sent Him. Thank you Jesus thank you for leaving your heavenly home, coming to earth, and paying the ultimate penalty with your life so that we may have eternal life so that one day we will be in heaven with YOU! I can’t wait!
I am sitting here overwhelmed with the realization of just what Jesus willingly gave up to become flesh and dwell among us. He was in the beginning and He was with God and He was God. May I never again be complacent and take this wonderful truth for granted.
1 Peter 1:20 says, “He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you.” This is the note I have written out beside that verse. “In the beginning was the Word. The Word was Jesus – He was God and He was with God in the beginning. Jesus was never Plan B. He was always Plan A. He is the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being God and thank You for being good. And thank You for being good at being God. I love you. Help me love you more.
Well said Kathy, I love your statement “he is the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together”❤
Love this so much!!!
I think the judgement referenced in here is two fold. If we love and surrender ourselves to Jesus
I was struck with how difficult (emotionally) it must of been for Jesus to leave the Father and come to earth. His love for us is immense!
John has always been a favorite of mine. He writes about such intimate interactions with depth where some of the other stories in the gospels feel like a quick summary. My story loving heart enjoys the dialogue with the woman at the well, Nicodemus and Mary and Martha. The opportunity to eavesdrop on Jesus’ prayer life in chapter 17? Amazing.
Reading John 1 reminded me of a sermon I heard recently. Jesus IS God, and He is not my buddy. Personally, I’d like to interact with Jesus as someone who can just hook me up when I need a deal or help finding the remote. However, Jesus is fully God, and we would miss the awesomeness of His coming without that. I want to come with the appropriate response, not forgetting who He is and the He is fully God.
Also, John 1:5 is evidently in what is called double present tense, which means it’s happening right now. “The light SHINES in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.” When I contemplate the darkness in this world and in our lives, it gives me hope and courage to remember that the Light SHINES (today, right now, this minute) in our darkness. May we see the evidence of the Light shining today.
Please pray for our sweet Selah. She had to come home yesterday from camp due to some of the counselors testing positive for COVID. She’s so sad because the week had been amazing. And I’m sad for her and my youngest sister who was one who tested positive. Such a hard way for things to go after 5 weeks at camp without an issue.
Also, update for those who have prayed for my brother Nate and his fiancé. They are hopeful after their intensive counseling, but there’s still hurt to work through and direction to be sought.
Jesus is fully God who always was and is to come. And also fully man made of flesh and came to be one with man. When he was here he was still fully God but experienced the human existence in its entirety.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for ALL of your wonderful supportive and life-giving prayers!!! I feel and am encouraged by every single one of them!! May each of you be blessed today and always!!!
DOROTHY, I too have experienced this (side effects/meds) and am hoping for that outcome.. but as you probably know it takes time, rest and patience. Grateful for your prayers!!
An update on my brother… the next 4 months will be crucial for him and the way his neurologist wants to tackle the diagnosis… he will not be driving during this time, which is incredibly challenging for him, (we live in a state that is pretty spread out & requires a lot of driving to get places) especially with school, but better to be safe than sorry! He has decided that he’s going to finish out this semester (2 more weeks) and then reassess everything… he has some big decisions ahead of him (should he finish his degree? how should he do that? Etc..) and needs LOTS of prayer!!! Please keep PRAYING for him!!! Thank you ladies so much!!!
Hey SRT family—looking for a part time job now that we are more settled in TN (moved down here last summer from MA). I have a 3.5 year old son and 1 year old daughter. Have loved being home with them this last year and excited/nervous/sad and lots of other emotions about going back to work. I’m a PA in healthcare. Interviewed with one job this week and will hear back tomorrow (Friday) if I got it. Would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and peace and insight. We also need to find someone to be with our kids when we both work; God helped us find a wonderful nanny in the past. Praying we may find someone again who will bless our family as she helps care for our kids and to whom we can be a blessing in return.
Thank you for letting me share. Pray for all of you as I read through the comments and as you come to mind.
Love the book of John—-I memorized the section from Chapter 1 some years ago and makes me want to review that again. We are going through Deuteronomy and Psalms in our church reading plan and community group and just love seeing God’s Father heart woven throughout Scripture. Thank you for your love, Father. Thank you for Jesus and your sweet Holy Spirit. We love you.
Jen Brewer I will be praying for you and your family !
What part of TN are you in?
Hendersonville, just north of Nashville!
The passage in John 5 discusses how the father and son are equal. The son does what the father has taught him. I have to say the verse on the son being the sole judge of man is the first time reading this passage that caught my attention. During his earthly ministry Jesus needed to be able to judge the heart of those he was interacting with so he could know those who believed and had faith and those like the Pharisees who acted like they had faith.
My previous comment refers to @MIRI AM post.
I think this means that, when Jesus suffered, died and crushed the wages of sin at the cross, God now sees us through the lens of His gracious redemption. I think this verse refers to eternal judgement and not accountability, how we conduct ourselves as believers. In 2 Corinthians 5:10, Paul says that we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ…for the things that were done while in the body. I think of it this way, as the oldest of three, my mom used to say to me “You’re older, you set an example.” Or when I’d broken a rule, “As the older sister, you should know better!”
So much of my reading lately has caused me to dwell on the life of Jesus. And to try to conceive what it must have been like to be fully human and to become cognizant of the “mission” so to speak. The more I think about it, the more I realize I have so much to learn still. Father, my prayer this morning is that you would reveal to me more about your character and about the life of Jesus. Lord, feed me the spiritual food I so desperately need. Thank you for your faithful love. Amen.
Many prayers lifted up this morning!
@ERB – for your brother’s health and stress and for your health and side effects of the medications
@Martha Hix – prayers for your son and you as you grieve the loss of a sweet pet
@Victoria E – praying against the fiery arrows and for the strength of your shield to increase exponentially!
@Mari V – prayers for your daughter at camp and your mama heart
@Heather Hahn – lifting up prayers for you and your husband
@Sarah D – prayers for your move and your new job!!
@Melanie – prayers for a blessed trip with your family
@Maura – lifting up prayers for you
@Tina – hope all is well and praying for you!
@Churchmouse – prayers she is okay and will come back to this community soon!
@Anyone else who’s prayer requests I missed or those that aren’t mentioned. This community is truly so special
So thankful that God was willing to come down to Earth to reveal Himself so intimately through Jesus <3
Your so sweet Taylor! Thank you for praying for us.
Taylor thank you so much for your prayers!
LISA EMILY – celebrate your exams are over!
Miri am, this is from the commentary section on the Bible Hub app.
“Judgeth no man – Jesus in these verses is showing his “equality with God.” He affirmed John 5:17 that he had the same power over the Sabbath that his Father had; in John 5:19, that he did the same things as the Father; in John 5:21 particularly that he had the same power to raise the dead. He now adds that God has given him the authority to “judge” men. The Father pronounces judgment on no one. This office he has committed to the Son. The power of judging the world implies ability to search the heart, and omniscience to understand the motives of all actions. This is a work which none but a divine being can do, and it shows, therefore, that the Son is equal to the Father.”
Hope this was useful. Blessings for a great day!
Hello, Miri. On a similar note, John 5:19 says “Truly I tell you, the Son is not able to do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing. We the Father and the Son are one. Yet here, they are presented as separate.
MIRI AM – when reading the next verse “so that all people may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.” I think it reinforces Jesus’ equality to the Father. When He returns, He will judge the earth, fulfilling this statement of John.
1. Today’s passages reminded me that the eternal Son limited Himself by stepping into time. Just another way Jesus sacrificed to come close so that we could draw near.
2. John’s emphasis on Jesus’ divinity shows me that only God Himself could bridge the divide if sin that is between us. There was nothing I could do to be righteous or holy enough, He had to make the bridge for me.
Praying for the requests.
Have a blessed day, ladies.
Thank you so much for your prayers for me and my son as he prepares for his 14-year-old precious dog to be put sleep on Friday due to her acute renal failure. She is so loved and has brought such joy. I will be flying home on Thursday so he can spend the last few hours with her alone as per his request. Please be praying for God’s comfort as he appreciates her life but also has emotions that are raw. ❤️
Today’s reading really highlighted the equality of the Father and the Son. I am interested to hear what people think about J5:22 “the Father in fact judges no one but has given all judgement to the Son”. In everything else they seem described as equal so this stood out to me