This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll continue reading the Pauline Epistles.
What Is Colossians? Colossians is a letter written by Paul to counter false teaching in the city of Colossae. In it, Paul encourages Jewish and Gentile believers alike toward a proper understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the practical implications of salvation: because they have been made new in Jesus, their lives as believers should look different from their old lives.
How Colossians Fits Into the Story: Colossians provides one of the Bible’s fullest expressions of Jesus’s divine identity. This is most evident in the hymn of praise in Colossians 1:15–23, which presents Jesus as the image of the invisible God, the Creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the head of His body, the Church, and the One through whom forgiveness is possible.
Reflection Questions:
1. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. How does the hymn of praise in Colossians 1:15–23 encourage you to celebrate this truth?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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65 thoughts on "Colossians"
19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, – Colossians 1:19
Emily – I’m so sorry to hear about the broken relationship with your friend. I had a similar experience earlier this year, and I can tell you you’ll get through it and you’ll find peace and happiness again. Draw closer to Jesus and rely on his help through his Word and prayer. Lifting you up in prayer today.
This is just a beautiful reminder to me that Christ is all knowing from the Godly things to the earthly. He gets our pain and feels our joy. He is perfect.
The evil in this world that brings my heart so much despair… one day it will all be made right. We will all stand before a mighty God in judgment. No matter what war rages around us…GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE.
Our lives must look different and be changed when we turn our lives over to Christ our Lord
Love each one of you so much, happy and blessed to see so many people joining in on the comments! Your prayer requests are heard and being lifted up to our Heavenly Father that hears them! I hope we are able to love the unlovable ones as well, those in our communities, the ones that are hard to love, the ones that live by the world, that don’t care about our Jesus, But God… Let me tell you about my Jesus! Have you heard that song? I just love it! Let us tell the world about My Jesus!! Easier said than done! Easy to say in a community of believers!! I pray God will use me to shine his light and let me give my testimony to the ones put in my path! Amen!
@Victoria! So, so happy for you!! Continued prayers for you precious one!
So happy for you and your husband! Wonderful news!! ❤️
Hi Sisters, just an update for all who prayed for me we got excellent news!!! We saw our precious baby and heard the heartbeat even! God is so good! I was put into the same room we were in at the doctors office when we got the devastating news about the miscarriage 3.5 months ago, God really turned the mourning that happened there into dancing (figuratively) today! Praise Him and THANK YOU to all who prayed !
Oh, I am so thankful! I came back tonight to see if you had good news♥️
What stuck out to me was “setting my sights on the things of heaven.” So often I get distracted by the rings of this world. I pray that I would make the kingdom of heaven a priority in my perspective.
Love you, dear sisters. Got behind on my reading last week as COVID swept through our home but think we are on the upswing now. So grateful for the beauty and comfort and truth of God’s Word. Lifting up your requests as I read them or God brings them to mind.
Hi Jen! So happy to hear for you I have been praying for you!
I love that verse, that by Him all things hold together. Because I feel like it is only by God alone that I haven’t absolutely fallen apart! We as a society (especially as women) strive for the look and feeling of being/looking “put together”. But God never said that through Him all things will look aesthetically pleasing and tidy for others to see. He said that He will hold us together, maybe with mess everywhere, and loose ends sticking out. The growth of a walk with Christ is messy and seemingly inefficient, but nevertheless we grow! And He promised to hold together our mess through it all! Just a little something I picked up from reading this morning!
❤️ Audren I thank you for sharing this it is beautiful!
I’m about 2 days behind and trying to catch up today. BUT.
Victoria, I’m praying for YOU today.
Thank you Mari V! Appointment went so well I thank you for praying for me !
God. Jesus. Has always been. I don’t need to look anywhere else.
Yes the hymn in Colossians 1 was beautiful but this is the verse that stuck with me, “Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us.” Colossians 3:11. When I read this I said AMEN Lord AMEN!! If the world could realize this we would be it would be a far better place. Having the world realize this starts with me and you, my sisters.
Praying for all who need pray. Praising God and Christ and the Holy Spirit for all the good in this world. Be blessed my sisters.
I have not done my study yet this morning. I wanted to ask for prayers for my husband, Tom. He has been having some bleeding issues from radiation. Last night he passed out and hit his head. His blood pressure has been dropping. I called 911 and he is in the hospital. Please pray for us. Thank you
Traci I am praying right now.
Friends, praying for your requests as I read and scroll through. Today I will continue to pray for you as you come to mind but will be lifting you up @Victoria E, @Tina so sorry for your loss, lifting you up as well, so very grateful to have you back here. I work a little today, our school district is going through some very difficult changes, (not even Covid related!), trying to remain hopeful knowing Jesus is before all things and fully knows what’s going on and how this will play out. I forget who mentioned it, but agree that you all bring out so much more than I get from the reading on my ow . Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Good morning sisters!! I’m usually MIA on the weekends I apologize but I have kept you all in my prayers. Today’s verses are so awesome! God KNOWS all of the evil wickedness and temptation we face on this earth and calls it all out right there in the passage. It’s so comforting to know that even though Jesus is SO holy and divine that we as blood stained scarlet sinner can run to his arms with all of our ugly and unspoken sin and be made white as snow! His unconditional loving nature towards his children amazes me.
This weekend was so great I got some much needed family time after the very stressful summer I’ve had with my boyfriend and his liver transplant. My sister came in from out of town with her family and my brothers family and me met up at my parents for a swim bbq and it was so great and felt like old times when we were younger—they’re 10 and 11 years older than me so it’s hard to get everyone together nowadays. I thank God for blessing me with such an enjoyable and relaxing weekend before law school starts again. My sister is lost in sin within her lifestyle and I believe she is starting to push me away because I can’t shut up about how God is and he’s not blessing her to wants right now so she is angry with Him and as such sees God in me. Please pray for her heart to be softened and opened to truly hear the voice of God. She is very religion centered not so much relationship with Christ centered. As we are called not to judge others I am not all I can do is pray for her and for her relationship with God to grow. Derek is doing so great! He has been home almost a week and is getting around very well. His schedule throughout the week is very hectic with appointments so please pray for peace and loving hearts when trying to sort out schedules with his parents. They are so happy to help out but I never want to take their kindness for granted which I may tend to do when law school gets stressful.
ERB—continuing to pray for you dear sister, your posts have brought me such peace and joy to read all summer. I pray God’s healing hand over you and that all is moving towards a positive direction with your medical issues.
KATHY—I am praying that as you go back to school that God will give you such strength and patience especially with the uncertain times we are living in. You are truly a blessing, and I admire you teachers for all that you do. I pray that God’s light will shine through you to these students.
ANGIE—I am praying for your teenage girls group. Falling victim to alcohol and sex in high school is so easy. As you did, my parents also had very strict rules for me. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t a typical teenager and I snuck around sometimes, but it definitely kept me WAY MORE on the straight and narrow than it would’ve been if not. Are these parents you could maybe discuss your concerns with? It breaks my heart for children to have parents not invested in their child’s life like that. I will be praying over your’s , the parents, and girls’ hearts. I pray if the girls even think to make a poor decision God will not give them peace and convict their hearts. Sometimes we need the Lion side of God to set us straight when Jesus’s gentle lamb nature has failed to truly reach their hearts.
MELANIE—I am praying over the uncertainty of your kid’s school situation. I am one who also needs structure in life and school so I can only imagine what these kids are going through today, my heart truly goes out to them. I pray for patience and peace over your mind in trusting even if they cannot be in person. Because, God can see ALL that we cannot and it may very well protect them from either getting sick or anything from Satan that may come their way if they were in person. Keep up the good job mama, God will give you patience throughout this uncertainty. I am also praying for your son that God has his hand over the Christian school situation and that he might open doors where they need to be opened to further his will for his life.
KRISTINE—I developed my ED around the same age. I remember how cruel girls were back in my day with social media just coming out so I can only imagine how heavy the pressure must be on them today to look one way or the other. It’s truly a haunting sin that you quietly live with and it breaks my heart looking back to my little girl self knowing I was broken at such an early age. But God restores all! Father God I pray that you allow this daughter of yours to see her true beauty from within. A true man who she will want to be her husband will admire the beauty from within before the beauty on the exterior. My boyfriend first and foremost fell in love with my heart and those are the true relationships built in Christ that will last. Read to her proverbs 31:10-31 it is such a beautiful verse that I see SO much of myself in. God bless her.
EMILY—I am praying against any and all sin and evil that is dividing your friendship. God loves nothing more than division in lives and to tear people apart especially those that have a person with God so strongly in their life. Continue to feed this friendship with biblical love and truth and be the strong one right now for him! He needs to hear more of the word God is laying on my heart right now. Prayers for peace over all.
SARAH JOY—praise God!!! He is truly a chain breaker and can heal the most broken relationships in a way that will never be broken again. I am so happy your brother and his fiancée were able to seek God so strongly that they were able to move past the sinful past and move towards a true union and commitment with them and God. I am so happy for them and you!!! :-) God restores ALL!!
MAURA—I am praying for you dear sister. Your posts and prayers throughout the summer have also brought me such joy and peace. God is so pleased with you and your obedience to him as a daughter of Christ. The saying that keeps coming to mind is that Christ’s light just shines so strongly through and within you! I am praying for blessings and peace to come your way as (for lack of a better word) a reward for your obedience to God in being a prayer warrior over all of these women.
@ Bonnie, thanks for sharing your small testimony here.. Encouraging God can save at any age!! I love that.
@ Kristin praying your daughter would be honest and open in her struggle and seek guidance & support, in Jesus name.
@ Emily may God guide and heal you both in the places of pain… May His will be done and bring you to a new place in time.
Thank you!
“In Him all things hold together.” Thank you Jesus ! May this truth sink in and change all of us today! If I may ask for continued prayers, my first ultrasound is today and I believe we will receive good news. Thank you for all who have been praying for me on this journey, I am blessed to have you prayer warriors praying over me and this little one.
ANGIE, so thankful you were able to shine God’s light last night and bring Him into the minds and hearts of those present. You are also such a tremendous mentor for your girls! I came across this study (Flooded by Nicki Koziarz) yesterday and watched the first study video which is free. It may be an option for your girls, especially the older ones. They are so blessed to have your example!
Thank you all for your wonderful insights and encouragement. My grandson starts middle school soon and I share many of your prayer concerns. I thank God for the godly teachers in our midst and join in your prayers that the seeds planted will prosper and multiply!
May God strengthen us and protect us in these uncertain days as we rest in Him and His constant love.
I just love reading about the restoration of all things. That is what stuck out to me, today. The reminder to keep my eye on that which is life. It is hard to always keep the mindset that Christ is returning. Sometimes, it feels far away, even though I truly believe. Lord, please help me continue to see and work as if that day is today. May I not be thrown aside by pleasures or problems that pass. Help me live with a ministry of reconciliation and love. In Jesus’s name.
This verse from Colossians 1:23 stood out to me today: if indeed you remain grounded and steadfast in the faithan and are not shifted away from the hopeao of the gospel that you heard. This gospel has been proclaimed in all creationap under heaven,aq and I, Paul,ar have become a servant of it.
Thank you all for your prayers; so thankful to have a community of ladies to connect and pray with!
ERB – Dear Friend, Such goodness in the word of God, it chokes me up sometimes. I am thankful to be back in Isaiah with you. Love the verses you highlighted. Just the opening verse of Isaiah 60 give joy to my heart.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
And I think, even though there is darkness over the people, our light has come. There is one way out of the darkness and that is embracing our Lord Jesus. :) Many promises of good things for Israel in the middle verses, I love the poetic words throughout. And I feel these promises culminate in Isaiah 60:19-22 The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory. 20 Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.
21 Then all your people will be righteous, and they will possess the land forever.
They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendor.
22 The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord;
in its time I will do this swiftly.” Here I love again that He says He is our everlasting light even though the sun never sets again and the moon will not wane, or maybe because He is now that light, He takes the place of the sun and moon and this is why it never leaves. Our sorrow will end, don’t you feel those words, that when we come to glory oh sisters all our sorrow will END. Done. And all the people will be righteous. The shoot He has planted brings to mind the shoot of Jesse. I also love that the shoot and the work of His hands are for the display of His splendor. May our God be glorified by the work of His hands, all He is doing in us and through us may we add together as we sing His praise, and love those He gives us, and reach out as you do as teachers, nurses, doctors, mothers, daughters, sisters, in His love and work may we be a glorious display of His splendor. Hugs ERB and all. Praise to our King.
@Kristine, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I have been bound by this for years. This has stolen so much and has caused pain and ruined things and times that should have been happy. Those around me have suffered as this effects them too. Eating disorders don’t ever bring happiness or freedom, only bondage. I am crying as I write this. May she not have to go through this or the consequences that come from an eating disorder. I pray that God leads you to who ever or where ever you need to be to get her help. I pray that she is set free from this and doesn’t have to suffer or be bound by this ever again. I pray that she is healed and delivered from this totally and completely, so that she walks in freedom and her mind is able to focus on things that are pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. Amen!
My family has been going through a time of uncertainty with jobs and possibly moving across the country. I’m experiencing and seeing so much turmoil in our community over vaccines, masks, mandates, etc. so much hurtful language seems to be the norm these days. And reading all of these passages reminds me, God is above it all, seated on his throne, with arms open wide to EVERYONE who comes to him. How can I show his love to others today without my biases? I want to be in the moment where I am shining a light because ultimately HE is all that matters.
Good morning, SRT sisters! I didn’t mention yesterday that Philippians is one of my fave NT books… we memorized it at church a few summers ago. (Martin Luther said everyone should memorize Romans… too much for this old brain to memorize!) I love Hebrews 3 and the reference to His RADIANCE and POWERFUL WORD… may we always see it!
Friends, Sisters, how blessed I am to pray for all of you. There is much I have been praying this morning. I don’t have time to list my prayers this morning, but please know you, your families, loved ones are being lifted up in prayer. Please know more than that, God loves you and He will meet you right where you are, you can release it, lay it before Him and know that the Holy Spirit is with you. Our God is right there, He provides, He heals, He makes us strong in the battle. Be still and know. I send love and hugs to all of you this morning. Turn on some praise music – I also love Lauren Daigle, forgive me I forget who mentioned her this morning but let the music remind you, of Who He is and how treasured you are as his daughter. Colossians always encourages my heart. Such joy in the reconciliation, the freedom we have in our Jesus. Colosians 3:3 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Raise a Hallelujah my Sisters. He hears, pour out your hearts to the One who knows and longs to hold you His child close.
Colossians 1:21-22 really stood out to me. “ Once you were alienated and hostile in your minds as expressed in your evil actions. But now he had reconciled you by his physical body through his death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before him. That Jesus would do this for me continues to amaze me and fill my heart with such gratitude and love. I was saved at the age of 53, I’m 70 now. All things are possible with God!!
Hello SRT friends, yesterday, a good friend (who I’d been on a few dates with) expressed that challenges and sin patterns in his personal life had led him to a place where he get he was no longer able to lead the relationship well. He said he wanted to serve me well but was not in a place to do that. I’m hurt more by his pain and suffering that our inability to move forward in relationship. I feel like I lost a best friend…a best friend who I can no longer support due to the complexity of the situation. If you could pray for me in this position, and for both my friend and his mentors that they can support and encourage him, I’d really appreciate it!
This morning as my mind ran ahead to the to do list, I choose to read these passages out loud. Why don’t I do that everyday? The section from Daniel was so powerful! Truly every section rings so strongly with truth that makes me long for the day when we will be united with Christ physically.
Sunday the message was about the Holy Spirit, and we were reminded that Jesus said it would be *better* for them when He left. Do I believe that we have it better than when Jesus walked on earth? We have MORE access to God through the Holy Spirit IN us than the disciples had with Jesus next to them. All of these jaw dropping things that are true of God the Father and God the Son are offered NOW. His kingdom comes through us through the power of His Spirit! Wow.
Another miracle- my brother and fiancé have worked through the unbelievably difficult struggles they had and announced that they are going forward with getting married in November. My heart is bursting! It is only God that can bring one to true repentance (a full turning away) and another to forgive and trust God in future regardless of past betrayal. It’s more than I could’ve asked or imagined!
P.S. I try and scroll back through the requests and pray for you all as I do. So thankful for this space!
Sarah Joy, wonderful news about your brother! Praise God !
Reading the comments strengthens my heart. I always don’t get the meaning or the depth that some of you do. Thank you for your comments. Thank you to all the teachers who are going back. My school has been silent which makes me uneasy. My kids need to be in school. They need the structure and I need to be at work. Our son is interviewing at a christian school. It was to much for him so God is making a way for that situation. I didn’t sleep much again due to my pain so praying In His weakness I am strong. Blessing sweet sisters
I love Colossians 1:15-23 because we are not only reminded of the divine nature of Jesus but how it effects us as sinners
He is before ALL THINGS and in Him ALL THINGS hold together! I love this verse, so much that some students gifted me artwork of it at the end of the year. Thank GOD he’s holding it all together. I can let it go into His capable hands. Clinging to this verse especially in this season as my preteen daughter shows signs of disordered eating and I’m at a loss as to how to help her.
I am sorry to hear about this happening with your daughter. Have you thought about counseling?
Kristine, I don’t know if this would be helpful but look up Meg Flower on YouTube. She is early 20’s Christian who struggled with eating disorders among other things. She is lovely and Australian so would have a strong appeal to a young girl. Obviously check her out yourself. Praying for you and your daughter.
Was, is and forever will be. Amen
He Holds All Things Together
My teenage group of girls is struggling. They are being pressured for sex and alcohol, and some have given in. My heart is breaking for them. I am thankful for those who have been honest about it with me. They are ashamed of choices they have made and are asking for support to help them stand strong. They deal with so much. They have so many more choices than I had or my children had growing up. We (my husband and I) set boundaries and we were the “mean” parents who said no to things that would put them in bad situations. We also had a code way for them to ask to go to things. If it was something they were feeling pressured into doing and they needed our help to be strong, they would ask in a specific way so we knew to say, “No.” Both of our children have thanked us for being the “mean” parents and the help it gave them. My girls have few or no boundaries (depending on the family) and it is hurting them. They are crying out for help, help that is only found in Jesus. Tonight we will watch The Passion of Christ together. We just finished reading the book of Luke and felt it would be a good time. A week from Wednesday they start their senior year of high school.
For those who lifted up the school gathering last night, thank you. It was nice. God was honored. I was able to pray over our staff and the coming year for our public school. It was a blessing.
As always, I went through yesterday’s requests stopping to pray at each one. Maura, thank you for the depth of your sharing. Victoria E. you are specifically in my prayers today as you prepare for your ultrasound. I wondered if your husband is still gone and you are going alone? I am praying my friend. Jennifer Wing – you and your little boy are in my thoughts and prayers. And Gina, praying for your husband’s doctor visit today…just to mention a few. Blessings over you and your year Kathy.
I read today’s verses. The Daniel ones make me long so much for the Ancient of Days, and the Son of Man, and for evil to be ended. I love when the books are short to try to make time to read them in their entirety. I want to take time today to do that.
Angie thank you so much for praying for my ultrasound today! My husband is still away, but my best friend (who is not a believer) will be coming with me! I pray that we will receive good news from the doctor and that I might be able to witness as well !
This portion of Colossians 1:22 just settled right into my heart- because of Jesus we are presented… “holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation…” When I don’t feel at all presentable to God, I need to remember I have nothing to do with my “presentable-ness”, God sees me through the lens of Jesus’ sacrifice. We are holy, unblemished and free, Hallelujah!
@Kathy…I have prayed intentional prayer over you, your classroom, and your school. I pray for all the requests on SRT, but as a teacher myself, I realize how weighty the idea of shaping young minds is. I always see my classroom as the mission field, and that my kids (students) always know they are loved for themselves, not necessarily who their world wants them to be and that each day is filled with the same grace from me as I receive daily (sometimes hourly) from our God who is stronger and greater than anything else we could imagine. We return to school next week, but know that you have sisters who have your back here as you reflect the light of Jesus in your classroom this year.
Jesus was as John said at the beginning. His first appearance was not in the manager. He is before all things. If Jesus paved the way then with his strength, I too can go through it.
Jesus started it all, continues to keep it all, and he will rule over it all for eternity. And yet he invited me to have relationship with him. It’s too much to comprehend!
I was struck by “in Him all things hold together” so often my actions say that I believe that I hold all things together.
The Colossians 3 passage really stood out to me today. I feel like God is teaching me in this season that my life as believer SHOULD look different from the worlds. For so long I was no different. For so long I believed that I could live however I want because I knew I was covered by grace. But I think I’m starting to grasp the depth of Jesus’ love and sacrifice and I WANT to live in obedience to Him and follow His will for my life not my own. Obedience is a word that was on my heart a lot during my last relationship because I knew that relationship was solely my will and not God’s. I pray for strength to hold onto the HOPE that is found obedience and walking in God’s will for my life, that I would continue in this path and avoid any traps or distractions. He is able!
Everything I need to know about God can be found in Jesus. The words of verses 11-20 leave me speechless. Jesus was completely God and He gave it all up to come to earth and be just like me, but without sin. “For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, but making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” (v. 19-20) I have been reconciled through His blood and He has made me holy, faultless, blameless.
On the good days, this truth makes me dance and sing with the greatest joy, and on the bad days, it brings me to my knees seeking His forgiveness and knowing that He is always ready to give it.
Sisters, I go back to school today. Students don’t come until next week. Please pray that I will walk in the light of the kingdom of the Son God loves.
Have a blessed day.
“HE is before ALL things, and BY Him ALL things hold together.”
…this verse is a treasure and a much needed reminder!!! God, please imprint this on my heart and never let me forget it!! Amen! ❤️
MAURA, dear friend, I would love to pick up Isaiah again! And you are right, there is SO MUCH in there!!! What I saw as I read chapter 60 is the loving FAITHFULNESS of our awesome Heavenly Father. May we keep our eyes solely fixed on Him, for He is the only one who can deliver!!!
Here are the verses that I highlighted…
Isaiah 60:1-5 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. 4 “Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. 5 Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.”
Isaiah 60:9 “Surely the islands look to me; in the lead are the ships of Tarshish, bringing your children from afar, with their silver and gold, to the honor of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor.”
Isaiah 60:17-22 “Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler. 18 No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise. 19 The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. 20 Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end. 21 Then all your people will be righteous and they will possess the land forever. They are the shoot I have planted, the work of my hands, for the display of my splendor. 22 The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.“
May you have a truly blessed day my friend!!! And here’s to drawing ever-closer to our Heavenly Father!! ❤️
Jacob’s vision comes to mind, from Genesis 28:12. Jesus Christ is our ladder, our path to redemption and access to the fullness of God. Direct access! It sometimes blows my mind. Colossians 1:20 “and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.” Thank you Jesus for making peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding for us, who don’t deserve it.
Praying for this SRT community if women, may we not shift from the hope of the gospel (Col. 1:23).
Jesus knows and understands my struggles in this life and has made a way for me to rise above them enabling me to be able to celebrate the freedom He purchased for me by His perfect obedience.
To think of what the Son set aside to put on flesh is beyond what I can imagine, yet He did it so that I may draw near to Him and spend eternity with my Maker. Forever grateful!
NICOLE NORRIS – so sorry about the sudden passing of your father. I too lost my farher unexpectedly. Praying your Heavenly Father will bring you comfort.
May I TINA, continue to believe and stand firmly in the truth of who Jesus is… not just my friend,
But God…
My Saviour, my Redeemer, my Provider, my Protector, my Comforter, my Prince of Peace, my Wonderful Councillor, my Hope in all things..
This is my prayer today Lord God..
Continued prayers for all asking for prayers… knowing what I know, believing what I believe, and trusting what I know in my heart, as to who God is.. faithful and true, these prayer requests have been heard! Your struggles are seen, your pain is felt, your hearts desires are known, you are loved, sisters.. He hears your cries..He is working for your good..
Trust Him..
Hugs tightly wrapped in love, making their way across the pond…❤
As I read Colossians remember hearing that even as Jesus was being crucified, He was still sustaining all things and everything. The very men that were piercing Him, were able to breathe because He was sustains them. Jesus is amazing, and without Him, there would be no hope, redemption, or life. May we be more in awe and in love with Him each day! I’m thinking of the song: Jesus at the Center. Here are two versions: