Day 5

The Father of Lights

James 1:16-18, Genesis 1:14-19, Psalm 136:1-9, Isaiah 59:1-2, Isaiah 59:9-16, Jeremiah 31:35-37, Hebrews 13:8

BY Jennifer Redmond

Scripture Reading: James 1:16-18, Genesis 1:14-19, Psalm 136:1-9, Isaiah 59:1-2, Isaiah 59:9-16, Jeremiah 31:35-37, Hebrews 13:8

Section 1: The Light of the World 

I appreciate that in the United States, we recognize and celebrate Thanksgiving before the Christmas season. I’ve found the order of events to be helpful for my heart. “Gratitude before gifts” might be an oversimplification, but the posture of a thankful heart is best suited to spur generosity of spirit. Today’s passages bear this out. 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17). James tells us this truth while Genesis 1 provides some specifics on a few of these gifts: evening and morning, seasons, time, sunshine, stars, and moonlight. The beauty of nature and its rhythms are gifts from our heavenly Father, and though we are surrounded by them every day, do we appreciate them? I know that I often don’t. 

Here is where the psalmist’s directives are significant: “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good” (Psalm 136:1). He repeats variations of this multiple times: “give thanks to the God of gods…give thanks to the Lord of lords” (vv.2–3). Perhaps we need such a reminder to make this practice part of our daily rhythms. To live in the truth that God is good, we must orient our hearts in a posture of gratitude. Much like a physical posture, it’s a conscious decision to practice. 

Scripture commands us to do so because He is worthy of our thanks, but a “gratitude attitude” (as my dad frequently intoned) is something that, in God’s wisdom, also changes us. Living in obedience and proclaiming our thanks for His good gifts adjusts our hearts—another gift in itself. Some recent studies also suggest that gratitude may improve our physical bodies as well. In one recent study, participants wrote down something they were thankful for once a day for a mere two weeks. In that brief interval, they reported improvement in general well being, as well as a reduction in stomach pain, headaches, and sore throats. Remarkable! 

The loss in forgetting God is great. Isaiah depicts it as “grop[ing] along a wall” in darkness (Isaiah 59:10). But, praise God, we don’t need to be controlled by “shifting shadows” or darkness, for Jesus is our hope. This Advent season, we remember that our greatest gift came to earth from the Father of lights (James 1:17). Don’t be deceived, distracted, or dissuaded; this Advent, let us endeavor to give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, for He is good!

Written by Jennifer Redmond

Post Comments (136)

136 thoughts on "The Father of Lights"

  1. Sharon Dancer says:

    It’s so easy to lose sight of God’s goodness…I’m thankful for this reminder to stay in a posture of gratitude. Not just in word but also in deed.

  2. Andrea Shamburek says:

    Goal for the week: gratitude attitude!

  3. Alice Swearingen says:

    Love the reminder to keep my heart bowed before God in thanksgiving and praise. While my sin separates me from God, I have a Savior who has redeemed me. May I stay focused on Him – and walk in Light before Him. Alleluia!

  4. Rebekah B says:

    As a science teacher I teach about the expanding universe. I have never read Jeremiah 31:37. “Only if the heavens above can be measured”… It is amazing to me God prepared for a day of technology to make the heavens unmeasurable because of the love he has for us.

  5. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I’m grateful that God is faithful even when my brain is very distracted. I don’t know why but the last couple of days it’s been hard to focus on my devotions.

  6. Sarah Zillmer says:

    I love how impactful having a grateful heart is on our hearts, bodies and minds. It makes me excited to practice gratitude and see how God really moves in my heart!

  7. Rachel McKib says:

    Love this! “Gratitude attitude!” Also “…the posture of a thankful heart is best suited to spur generosity of spirit.”

  8. Rebecca Telfort says:

    So comforting to serve a God who never changes and has incredible consistent love for each of us.

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