Day 30

The Coming of the Son of Man

from the Luke reading plan

Luke 21:1-38, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4, Hebrews 12:25-29

BY Claire Gibson

One of the great perks of being a novelist is the research. Recently, for reasons that are not fully apparent to me, I’ve been devouring anything I can read about Italian orphanages during and after WWII. I’ve even connected with an eighty-year old Neapolitan man through Facebook. Through Google translate, he’s shared about his experience growing up under the care of a Christian family, the Santis, who ran the only Protestant orphanage in Southern Italy, a place called Casa Materna.

Though Casa Materna is now closed, I immediately ordered every book on Amazon about the place. In reading about the Santi family during WWII, I was struck by one situation in particular. Under constant surveillance by Mussolini’s fascist spies, Papa Santi, the founder of Casa Materna, was arrested for his activities and his preaching. At the trial, the judge asked him what he preached every Sunday at the orphanage. In response, Papa Santi began reading directly from the New Testament! His unjust persecution turned into an opportunity for unparalleled witness.

From my position of safety and wealth, WWII might seem like ancient history. But I am really just two generations removed from that reality—a reality that may have looked a lot like Jesus’s prediction of the end of the age.

Jesus doesn’t sugarcoat the truth for His disciples. He explains that the future is going to be full of war, famine, plagues, and natural disasters. He describes the destruction of the temple, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the persecution of believers. It is a picture of great chaos. And yet! In the midst of that chaos, His followers are to stand firm and lift their heads.

Much like Papa Santi in the midst of the chaos of WWII, Jesus’s followers are not to be distracted by the chaos of the kingdoms of the world, but to keep their eyes focused on the kingdom that is coming, one that cannot be shaken. Jesus is our only hope, our only comfort. Despite the chaos of the world, He will still come back. The Son of Man will not leave us as orphans. He will come with power and great glory. He is coming back to rescue us. It is a certainty. He promises, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Luke 21:33).

We shouldn’t expect our future to look much different from what Papa Santi faced in his lifetime. But what Jesus told His disciples is still true for us. We do not need to prepare our defense against the world; we need only to draw close to the Defender.

Post Comments (33)

33 thoughts on "The Coming of the Son of Man"

  1. Beth Hinson says:

    I am so thankful for his calming light in the chaos. It is nearly impossible to espace negative events that are occurring in the world because they are on TV, radio, social media, etc. and for me it is easy to get discouraged at the evil in the world. But Jesus tells us to “Stand firm and you will win life.” v. 19 I am so thankful that this earthly life is not

  2. Stephanie S. says:

    Being “hated” because of Jesus is a fact of my Christian life I need to better accept and better understand. Dare I say embrace? I need not ever act surprised by this truth. Not only will I be hated, the word of God promises my protection and safety in the midst of it. I can walk in peace through the hate.

    I think it’s important to recognize how often I strive for the approval of strangers, family, friends, and colleagues. Sometimes it’s not even “hate” that I experience, it’s the absence of verbal reassurance and overwhelming outward validation. Translation: They hate me. Lie. In reality the Lord of my life is the only one who matters. He is the only one worthy of my efforts, the only one who can impact my future, and the only one who can save and protect me as will seasons change. He is my constant. Who am I trying to prove myself to? What am I even trying to prove?? It ain’t cute. None of this is cute.

    Lord, help me to care less and less about the opinions of this world as I chase more and more after you, the One opinion that actually matters most. -Amen

    1. Rhonni_l S says:

      ❤ so true – thank you for this life changing reminder x

  3. Sarah says:

    I actually have a review copy of Claire’s book sitting in my to-be-read pile! Very exciting!

    1. Becky Kuiper says:

      What is the title? I want to read it!!!!

  4. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I’m so glad that God can fight these battles, because right now I just feel so tired. I’m so glad that I can turn it over to my Father and He will fight for me.

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying for you Tricia!

  5. Lisa S says:

    Read “Beneath A Scarlet Sky” it’s right up your alley and it’s incredible!!

  6. Kilee Ruggles says:

    “We need only to draw close to the defender.”
    It’s not in our strength but his. What a comforting thought that God doesn’t need our help in fighting his battles or ours. All we need to do is trust in Him.

  7. Juli says:

    Will SHE READS TRUTH share when Claire Gibson’s book is released?

    1. Bethany Slocum says:

      Hi, Juli! I just looked on Amazon, and it is available for pre-order there. It shows a release date of April 2.

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Do not be deceived.
    Do not be alarmed.
    An opportunity to bear witness.
    By your endurance, gain your lives.
    Stand up and lift up you head.
    Redemption is near.
    The kingdom of God is near.
    My Words will never pass away.
    Be on your guard.
    Be alert at all times, praying.
    You, brothers and sisters are not in the dark.
    We are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
    Be thankful.
    Serve God.
    With reverence and awe.

    And that is how we believers are to live until He comes again.

    1. Angela Johnston says:


    2. Crystal Ann says:

      Love every word of it

    3. Debbie Mace says:


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