psst—Don’t miss the next #SheSharesTruth writing assignment at the bottom of this post!
Text: Titus 2:1-5
“They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women.”
Titus 2:3,4
She stood at her kitchen sink, raised her eyebrows and rolled her sleeves high past her elbows. With a smile, she plunged her hands deep into the slippery, raw chicken, speaking gently as she separated the skin from the meat with her fingers and crammed citrus and herbs into every crevice. With aromatics and potatoes in place, she pulled a second, fully-cooked chicken out of the oven to make room for the new one.
We learned how to roast a chicken that day—and four different ways to serve it!
I was a brand new mom in a brand new town when a woman old enough to be my mother invited me into her home with a few other young girls—to love us.
Technically, it was a Bible study. But we didn’t just study God’s word. She taught us how to study God’s word. And not only did she serve us good food. She set aside time at the end of each study to teach basic feed-a-family kitchen skills: how to plan and plant a garden, and that lilacs in bloom are for clipping and sharing, even if it means wrapping the cut stems in wet paper towels and driving them into town for a friend.
Karen was my spiritual mother.
She knew what Paul told Titus about older women training the younger women (Titus 2:3-5). She had nothing to gain, but gave several hours a week to teach us with her words and actions how to keep home, love our husbands and children, and honor the Lord with our words and actions.
No shame. Just kindness.
I know what you must be thinking:
That sounds awesome, but I don’t have a Karen in my life.
I know just who I’d like to learn from, but I’d never have the guts to ask her.
I want to BE a Karen, but it feels so assuming to tell someone, “Hi! I’d like to be your mentor!”
Those thoughts? They’re all super legitimate. But also pretty isolating.
The point of this passage—of the whole book of Titus—is that we cannot and should not try to live and grow in the Gospel alone. This was never God’s design. And you know what that means?
It means asking the Lord to open your eyes to a potential spiritual mother.
It means humbly-yet-boldly approaching her after church, or by email, and simply saying “I’ve watched you and I want to learn from you. Would you consider being my mentor?”
It means approaching that young woman you’ve been watching with the new job or the little people or who is newly engaged and saying, “I care about you. What would you think about meeting once a week?”
We are afraid to reach out—afraid to be rejected. Asking for and offering help can feel super vulnerable. You never know how someone is going to respond.
But Sisters, godly women-training-women is absolutely a risk worth taking, whether it looks like roasted chickens and gardening, or coffee dates and spin class. Expect that blessings will follow!
How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you even now as you read this?
Whose name is He writing on your heart?
PS – a book I read and loved around that same time (at the urging of Karen, in fact) was actually called Spiritual Mothering, by Susan Hunt. There’s a lot of wisdom in there about loving older and younger women well, I encourage you to read it, too!

#SheSharesTruth Writing Assignment for Thursday, June 12—
How is spiritual mothering already taking place in your community? Has a godly woman influenced you in your growth in the Gospel, or has mentoring a young believer impacted your life? How would you like to see Titus 2 shape your relationships moving forward?
Share your story with the SheReadsTruth community in our #SheSharesTruth linkup next Thursday, June 12. (Yes, it’s on a Thursday this time!)
New to #SheSharesTruth? Here’s what you need to know—
As writers, we’ve found that one of the best ways for us to learn is to communicate what we’re learning back to someone else. #SheSharesTruth is an opportunity for you in the SheReadsTruth community to do the same! Simply study the assigned scripture passage and questions, write a blog post/journal entry/scrap piece of paper of your thoughts, and share it with us on the linkup day! (And don’t worry if you don’t know what “link up” means—it’s super easy, and we’ll have instructions in the post.)
We look forward to hearing your stories!
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143 thoughts on "spiritual mothers"
Love this message
oh well, American Dad is a nice tv series. my sixteen year old daughter just loves watching it,.
This was such an explanation of my heart! I have been craving a spiritual mother, yet leading other women at the same time.
I’ve had a few young women lately ask to go for coffee. I said yes, sure, we’ll have to do that. Inside I am wondering why they’d want to with me, the older 42 year old mom of 8. Maybe they just want connection. Hmmmm. This really made me think!
Just hearing you say, “mother of 8” makes me want to go out to coffee with you too! I can’t even imagine the amount of practical wisdom, insight and encouragement you have available for young mothers who are just starting out and overwhelmed!
I totally agree with this passage. I believe that the older woman, should be teaching and mentoring these younger generation of women. To show them how Real Women of God should be. God has a funny way of getting his word and message across to us and others by either his Word itself, or maybe music, and maybe even an unexpected person or event. I love this SRT Community, It gives you a chance to communicate to other women about what you read or what God may have shown you. I don’t really have a Older woman mentor, but I watch Joyce Meyers and I love her approach on helping and teaching women and girls everywhere how to love first, God, then ourselves, and last but definitely not least, our family. God Bless my Sisters in Christ. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Wow this came at a timely time : ) thankful for how God spoke through this today. This is something I’ve been longing for big time. It doesn’t seem right to be in isolated peer circles. Old with the young. Young with the old. Hungry for more of Jesus!
Yes! This convicted my heart too. I met with a few woman from my church last night and it seems like the conversations drifted from God and His word. It’s my desire and prayer to find a mentor and that God will equip me to be a Godly mentor to younger ladies. I read that woman set the spiritual thermostat in their homes and Id like my house to be warm and toasty for Jesus!
Charity I love your words about being a spiritual thermostat in the home! I’ve been praying to better create that environment in my home and that’s a perfect way to think of it. As a single mom of 3 in college full time and with two part time jobs it often seems like i let that thermostat drop in temperature due to busyness or exhaustion and I don’t want that to keep happening. Thanks for your inspiration!!
I’m in tears…this touched me so much and convicted me all at the same time. I have prayed and longed for a long time for a spiritual mother. But at the same time I’m convicted that I haven’t met that need for someone else.
I’m reading today’s lesson in tears and heartache. Praying for God to see and meet my needs as I follow His word in being a spiritual mother to others. Thanks for this study, SRT. I’m really enjoying it.
This is truly amazing information. Now I am really excited about the many changes I can make using your article information. Many thanks and I will be back often to give an update on my progress using your valuable information. Definitely Bookmarking.
I was blessed to have a mentor at the first church my husband and I attended together. Some of my co-mentored sisters now mentor at a weekly night-time bible study. We moved away from that community and had not found the same opportunities yet. My current church has leadership that prefers their agendas over needs but I pray for them. My plan and suggestion is to try to meet even just one person in the time of day/week they would need and go from there. I have been struggling with insecurity issues and prayerfully am finding peace and encouragement to reach out to others with any gift I have. I am so grateful for this study with all of you and have prayed for Steph for I know some of what she's going through and want her to know Jesus loves and knows it too. He has equipped her to be a good friend to a sister(s) and she will be blessed.
Yikes! Am I the only one cringing at this: "…working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands?" I'll definitely agree to kindness, but working at home never worked out for me, and being submissive to my husband is never going to happen.
I was just wondering how I was supposed to do the link up tomorrow…any thoughts?
How sovereign God is! I'm behind on this study and now I know why. God used this post to speak very specifically to me today and I just thought I would share. I e-mailed my woman's bible study leader about getting a mentor recently and it took all my nerve to do so! This is because the woman I was paired up with isn't quite working out (opposite schedules and etc). Anyways, I'm meeting with my leader today to discuss life as well as discuss a mentor for me! And I was nervous because that's just me and God spoke peace and comfort to me through this post. I'm excited to boldly pursue a "spiritual mom" knowing now that is exactly what He wants for me!
It is amazing what God can do in the span of just a few minutes. While reading this short devotional I went through a roller coaster of emotions and felt myself both convicted and comforted by God all in one sitting. I am not a domestic kind of girl. Standing in a kitchen roasting four chickens sounds absolutely awful to me. LOL. And even though I joke about this truthfully I often feel out of place in Christian circles because I am much more interested in art, writing, social justice issues, and fitness than culinary arts, gardening or interior design. And so I quickly decided this devotion wasn't for me. But then I felt God reminding me that this walk isn't just about me. There's no time for feeling sorry for myself. There's too much work to do! And then I felt God and reminding me that there are plenty of young women out there with interests similar to mine and it is my duty to be a mentor to them. And your mention of coffee dates and spin class simply confirmed that as those are exactly my ideas of a great time with my sisters in Christ! Thank you for this post!
Love this… We are a lot alike in our interest I too feel the same. Boy did I get convicted this morning on how I could mentor someone, but then my insecurities bust right in
I'm a bit behind (what's new?!?) and just got to this post. It was apparently planned that I would read this now though. Of course it was. I'm looking at you, God! ;)
But seriously, one of my prayers this summer was community. I have an AWESOME community at school, but I'm home for the summer. I work 8-6 every weekday, and am so exhausted on the weekends that I don't do much. I miss my community something fierce. That's the thing about college- in about everything I do, I'm WITH people. I'm an introvert, so this is sometimes exhausting, but when I'm home, it's the thing I miss most.
I've never had what I'd call a "spiritual mother", at least I don't think I have. I've had some moms I looked up to and spent time with, but most I've fallen out of touch with, or weren't as close to call a "mentor".
I do have two "spiritual sisters" though, one of which I made plans to see this week. I need to make plans with the other one soon. I met them both through my school community (one of them baptized me, the other one was my boss last year. Ironically, they both work/worked for my college in the same position. Kinda cool). While they aren't "mother" figures, they're more of what I need right now. I'll find a "mother" eventually, but right now I'm excited to reconnect with my spiritual sisters. I've missed them!
Happy day, SRT friends! :)
I pray that God show me who I can connect with around me as a spiritual mother and spiritual sisters. Great message.
Wonderful post amd one I need to pray and journal over. There's a book that I read early in my marriage that I have no doubt transformed me into a more godly wife. It's called Created to Be His Helpmeet. It made me mad and offended my flesh so many times but it pointed me toward his word and gave me a fresh perspective that I needed. It broke generational curses! It is not politically correct but it will help create a happy home.
I can't help but feel lost in the sauce. I have been primarily on this spiritual journey alone. I have a spiritual sister who us my age and we kind of lean on each other but neither one of us can teach each other. I have cried about this very thing many times. I wonder why I am alone. I don't think about it because it makes me sad. I am very glad that I follow SRT but todays devotional is one of the ones I kind of wish I didn't see. Its that part in the bible I would glaze over while reading. I am just being open and honest with you guys. "we cannot and should not live and grow in the gospel alone" but I do. What's wrong with me? I prayed to God about it but I just gave up. It is very painful but I've been on my own for a longtime so I just live with it. I pray for God's guidance all the time, I pray that I am walking in the way He wants me to walk. I truly do yearn for a spiritual mentor. I just go along with God is my teacher and that's it. Maybe this isn't for everyone.
I'm so sorry you feel so alone. I don't know your circumstance but I pray God places a flesh and blood woman in your path very soon. I have been clinging to Isaiah 41:10. Want to join me? "So do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." What a promise, dear sister!
If you are part of a church family, it might be helpful to ask the Leaders if you can meet with them and share your story so they can help you find community. Another option is to find a ministry that needs volunteers. I have found volunteering to be a good place to see the same people each week and begin forming meaningful relationships.
I'm so sorry you are lonely, that's a difficult place to be. I'll be praying for you this morning.
I have really struggled with this entry because I don't have a spiritual mentor. I pray God will provide a spiritual mentor and couple in our lives
This is my first study to participate in with SRT and I wrote today about how I believe that this was not a coincidence. I have been living in my college town for the past six years and, though it is the city of churches, I have been very spiritually isolated. While the school that I attended is a Christian university, I was very turned off by their presentation of religion. I went to chapel every day and took the required Bible classes, but they meant nothing. I very rarely chose to attend church. I wanted nothing to do with the spiritual community that was available. This summer, I am moving hundreds of miles away and this study is opening my eyes to the necessity of community. Up until now, my only experience with community has resulted in shame and guilt and judgement. I am excited about the new opportunities that await me in Dallas and am praising God for His timing with this study. Thank you, SRT, for being a part of this transition in my life.
Something that really stood out to me as I read this passage today was how not only do older women train the younger women but the older women need to be taught also to be reverent. When I looked up reverent, one of the definitions was deeply respectful. So older women need to be taught to be deeply respectful. From, it says that, "An example of a reverent person is someone who constantly gives thanks and praise to God." Wow! It goes both ways on what women need. Younger women need to be trained on raising the next generation and how to love their husbands. Older women need to be taught how to spend less time gossiping and more time praising God.
I am thankful for this message today and will be praying God sends a spiritual "couple" to our lives who can mentor us. Blessings sisters!
I ran across this site and my spirit instantly feel in LOVE with the amazing content and community! I found you guys on pinterest, and I am very glad I did!! I look forward to reading, learning, and growing with you ladies!! God bless!
As I read this, I immediately started wondering "Who can I mentor/mother?" when it hit me – It is good for me to think of that, everyone should be mentoring SOMEONE, but the Lord highlighted to me that actually I am in a season of being a "young" woman, and there is no negative in that! I don't have to know it all or have it all together! What a release of freedom and expectation – I love this. Thanks for the post!!!
I won't write this on a blog, or in an Instagram or Facebook post, but I will write it here today, because, well because I feel safe. When I was 28 I approached a women to be my spiritual mentor, and after prayer she gladly accepted. We had several mentoring dates, and she gave me versus to memorize and Book of Joy to write in, that she had written. One weekend I returned home from a camping trip to hear her husband on the telephone saying that he was so sorry, that he knew how special Janice was to me. Sorry for what I wondered. And then the message machine played the next message. And then I called the church and the person on the other end said, "Yes, it's true." Janice had tragically been killed in a high-speed chase, an innocent victim driving her babysitter home, as the police car chased a wanted person through an intersection. It was truly a Hollywood moment. I screamed in disbelief and truly thought that the Lord didn't want me to ever have a mother figure (having lost mine at fourteen).
Of course my own spiritual walk has matured over the years, and I have had several mature Christian women to come along aside of me, and one I have even let become very close, but (and there's always a but ;) I HOLD back.
Oh, my heart breaks over this, Valanne. That must have been so difficult – to live, and even to share here today. Thank you for sharing. And I'm so sorry! Praying that you will just continue to heal, friend. xo-Raechel
This reading today has me remembering, so fondly, my spiritual mother. Her name is Rev Reaves. And boy, did she pour into my life mightily. God used her to guide me in so many ways. She taught me about loving a military man. She taught me about divine, God ordained purposes. She helped me understand the bazillions of questions I had about who God was and what this saved by grace "thing" meant. She encouraged my growth, spoke a prophetic word so many times to count. And she counseled me when I prepared to get married…
It's been a while since we spoke. But I can often call the lessons that God used her to teach me. Ladies, we had so much fun. Even in the midst of some hard times, there was fun to be had. I know for a fact that her spiritual mothering has impacted every facet of my life. I'm so thankful that she and I both stopped and listened to the Spirit's unction in and were obedient to it. I was truly blessed… And you know? I am going to reach out to my sisters-in-the at home and see if we can find her contact information so I can say all that I've just shared with you all!
Thank you for this word today! God is good indeed! Amen! Amen!
I'm on staff at my church and we are reading a book called Discipleshift together, and we just got done discussing a section on mentoring others. There is a girl I feel like I am unofficially mentoring and I'm always so hesitant to ask her if we can officially call it what it is and be more intentional about it. This is such a good encouragement to read.
I also love the list of attributes of a godly older woman here. It's nice to know that I won't achieve every once of these while I am here on earth, but I love that it gives me something very specific to pray about, to ask the Lord to do in my heart and my life. Oh Lord, make me and my sisters reverent in our behavior. Keep our mouths from slandering others. Help each of us to teach other women to love their husbands and children and keep our homes. Thank you for stretching us constantly!
Ah, this was so beautiful to read! Thank you, Raechel, for your words! It brought to mind those women in my past whom have been mothers, and those girls who the Lord has shown me to disciple and be a big-sister to. The Lord has blessed me so abundantly with women, in every season of life, who have not only shown me what it is to be real, loving, and living abundantly, but have also shown me the Love of Christ in ways I never could've imagined. Every friendship He's ever sparked has been unforgettable, full of truth and raw, Agape Love for one another… they've all changed and molded me in ways I can't even fathom. Many of these women have been teachers, and I've been blessed to share close, appropriate, Godly friendships with them over the past few years. This morning, I was brought to sob when praying for one of those women… though I haven't talked to many of them in awhile, they are still so dear to my heart. I miss them.
I thank you all for being those spiritual mothers to me in this season. Hearing of your families/marriages, careers, and lives as a whole have shown me that growing up does not mean "having it all together"– that perfect will NEVER be attainable, and that being broken and honest before the Lord can (and should) happen no matter what stage of life you are in. Your comments and insights have more than encouraged my walk; your blogs have shown me countless things on the practicalities and spiritual matters of life; most importantly, you've shown me how to love the Lord more wholly, to discern His will for my life, how to fight back against the enemy, and how to live in His grace. I thank you all… your sweet, honest, BEAUTIFUL words have changed my life, and I only hope and pray that I'll be able to meet some of you one day soon!
To those looking for women to mentor and for women to mentor them, don't be disheartened. Keep this in mind: "O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! O fear the LORD, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good thing." (Psalm 34:9). The Lord knows the desires of our hearts… He does not let His daughters go hungry in anything, but He is faithful to bring us the desires of our Hearts! Father, I pray you'd show us all the communities you'd have us affect. Let us be bold for you in all things.
Blessings, sisters. Love you all!! xo
(Psalm 34:8-10)*, sorry! :)
I always enjoy reading your comments, AnnaLee. You are such an encourgament and I look forward to reading the things you say on here. I have been feeling disheartened about not having a mentor in my life recently. I've had mentors in the past but since our recent move (hubby is military), I have yet to make any connection. I thank you for sharing that verse with us today.
Lord, I thank you for this community of sisters who have greatly encouraged my walk with you. I thank you for the wisdom they share and kind words they offer to each other. I ask that each of us are able to find those spiritual mothers in our lives who can take us into their wings and be a blessing to our walk. I also ask that you will lay on our hearts the very people we can mentor and reach out to with all we know thus far. You are worthy, O Lord! Amen
Blessings, Carrie
Amen, CarrieLynne. Thank you so much. God bless you! :)
AnnaLee, you are truly truly amazing…..your words in your comments just touched my heart…..and my thought was…. This girl is on fire for the Lord….you are so beautiful in what you say….your heart, I can see is so for the Lord….a breathe of fresh air, each day, an encourager to all….I believe the plans the Lord has for you are BIG….and you know what? You will fill them beautifully…..God bless you sweet sweet AnnaLee….xxx
Tina, your words have touched my heart as well. Thank you so much for this encouraging comment… it can be hard to read and let the words absorb, thinking it's all actually about me… but reading it and absorbing how the Lord is blessing people through me is so humbling and beautiful. I love you, Tina. God bless you, big sis! I hope all is well! Praise God for you. :)
I don't have children of my own, but God has blessed me with a niece which has become my spiritual child. I pray for God to allow me to be a good example for her, to allow me to teach how to be a godly wife, a godly mother, and a godly women. I can only hope for God to place other young ladies in my life in which I can teach them the same things. I'm not perfect in my walk with God, but I try to do my best by always placing God first. I only pray for them to see him through me. Thank you for this great reminder. God bless you all my SRT sisters.
Gema, I love that you have your niece to be your spiritual child. Just imagine how you are blessing her life with your wisdom and belief in God. And I love that idea of mentoring a younger relative. I will have to do this with some of my nieces and nephews. Blessings, Carrie
Help us Lord! This passage of Titus is one of the reasons I fell in love with the Book. One of the main issues in our society today is we don't have enough spiritual mothers/older women helping the younger women on how to behave. Everyone needs a Karen or to be a Karen. We have to help each other out on this journey.
I agree Steph_Lilac. I think this is something that hasn't been practiced much in today's society. We really do need each other. Blessings, Carrie
A couple days ago my husband and I went on a walk. The sun was out and white fluffy clouds were in the sky. It was beautiful and we were enjoying each others company. We decided to sit down and relax in the Sun. In passing, he told me that while he was on the public bus some days ago, he had seen a familiar face. He had seen some one I used to be friends with. He laughed as he said that the other person tried to pretend not to see my husband. To him, it was simply an amusing happen stance. For me, it pricked my heart and made me sad. It made me realize that I had lost all my friends. I had finally chosen to follow God completely and lost all my friends. Though, I wouldn't change a thing and I love how much closer I feel to God & my family. Yet, I feel that loneliness of being without female companionship. This devotional also made my heart sad. Yet, God made us for communities, so I hope and pray he has a godly friend out there for me…some where.
Rebekah, you have me! You have us at SRT …..but I agree someone closer then an internet away….Lord, I pray that special someone is closer than rebekah thinks, and that , in boldness I pray Lord thAt this weekend, a connection will be made that will spell true friendship…. that the special someone smile will light rebekah.s heart….Lord I pray your blessing over her right now, in the name of Jesus…amen….x
*BIG hug* I too have had that happen to me, people I used to be close to left when I decided to leave bad habits and practices behind and try and follow the Lord better. I pray that you and I will both find wonderful new friends both online and in person to grow with and share our journeys with.
Sisters I encourage you to reach out to these old friends, to allow yourselves to be the spiritual mother they need. The best way to lead others to God is through frienships and God has already provided you with those prior relationships so why not take advantage of them. I must confess I also place my old close friends into the box of forgiveness and at times we don't communicate for months, but we make it a habit to meet up for birthdays and special celebrations. During these gatherings I've been amazed on how they look up to me, they ask me for advice and guidance in relationships and other womenly issues. They feel like I have my life put together lol, whe in reality God is the one that has my life in order. I pray today for you sisters and for myself, for God to use us to reach out to these other women and to lead them into a relationship with God.
I COMPLETELY understand exactly what you're going through, Rebekah. "I had finally chosen to follow God completely and lost all my friends. Though, I wouldn't change a thing and I love how much closer I feel to God & my family. Yet, I feel that loneliness of being without female companionship…" this past year, I've slowly let go of many friendships (in reality, about 90% of them) in pursuit of Christ, realizing that a LOT of my life was not focused Him. I've changed an incredible amount and am so blessed to have followed Christ through this whole season, but I feel that the friends I do have are not very close to me, and are hard to relate with in some ways. I've become okay with being alone, but it's come to the point to where my parents are concerned and urging me to joining a YA group somewhere– I know that the time has come to get back into community as well. I've given it to God, but it's still something I think I'm afraid to pursue.
Praying for you! It's comforting to know that I'm not alone, but I pray that the both of us would find beautiful women to share true, deep friendship with in Christ! Don't lose heart, dear friend. You have us– but I KNOW for a fact that the Lord's heart for you is to share close Godly fellowship with other women. May He give you the desires of Your heart; His commands are His promises, and He is faithful to prepare you and someone else for each other to bring you together at the proper time! Love you, sis. I'll be praying for you!
There's some statistic that says something like – within a year? Of becoming a born again Christian – you no longer have up to 90% of your old friends. And it is true — and IT IS OKAY! No, it's not because you're better, superior or holier – it's just that you no longer have the same interests. THAT IS DEFINITELY A GOD THING!
Eventually your old friends WILL know of hear of — the changes in your life. AND WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SEEDS WE ARE PLANTING IN OTHERS – JUST IN OUR DAILY WALK!
I also was a part of that daunting statistic years ago – and felt I had no friends. But it was the INTENTIONAL ACT of getting out, finding a church (where I actually "felt" God) – signing up for ladies studies, attending a women's weekend retreat (with 400 other women where I knew no one!) and getting involved in a "small group" — that has given me A FAMILY (and my husband as well) – of BROTHERS & SISTERS in Christ who would do anything for us if needed! Stepping out in faith is sometimes so intimidating – but be assured God knows the desires of your heart – and has your plan already in place!!!
Stacy, thank you for this reply!! It is so needed. If you see this– if any of you wonderful girls see this– can you pray for me? Tonight is a Young Adults study at a new church in a town not far from mine at a big church– I know very little people in the town and no one at the church. I've been questioning if I should go… if this is really a place the Lord wants me to go to… i'm going to curl up with God in prayer and talk with Him, giving it all to Him. Your comment about stepping out in faith is really what I needed… pray that if it's God's will I'd be there tonight and He'd give me peace about it as I step out! No more being afraid! Thank you sister.
Hi annalee! Praying for you dear sister tonight. You are so special and so loved! I pray you will meet a special friend that would be honey to your heart xxx
Loved this post – it brought tears to my eyes to read verses 3-5 because I could so clearly see how my mentor has been so beautifully living this. I am so blessed to have a mentor who teaches me by example! I pray for all of us looking for/desiring to be mentors, that we may feel the Lord's hand in our lives as we seek to grow his kingdom here on earth!
Amen…Abigail…..well said….Blessings…..x
I had a Karen in my life at just the right time, and what a blessing she was (and still is from afar). This is challenging me to think about who around me God has placed in my life so I can be a Karen to them. Both in my own local community, and in my baseball community (my husband is a professional baseball coach, and there are lots of very young men and women flowing in and out of our lives through that!)
God is awesome!! This subject of mentorship has been a running theme in my life here lately. Over the past couple of weeks I have been blessed to be in a mentoring relationship with a senior high aged young lady from my church. I have done church camps and worked with kids and youth at church for years, but this is the first time I have been formally asked to be a mentor. If a 17-year-old girl has the courage to walk up to a 30-year-old woman and officially ask "Would you be my mentor?" then what excuse do I have for not doing the same for myself?? I admit to having a moment of panic where I thought: "Me? Why on earth would you want me to mentor you? I'm no leader! I don't have enough wisdom. Surely someone else would be better equipped for this!" Completely the enemy talking, the "chatterbox" in my head going off at full strength!! Thankfully, my God is bigger than the enemy and my "chatterbox". I am so excited to share next week about how God has been molding me into a Titus 2 spiritual mother!
Fully expect the enemy to come at you full force. Put on the armor of God, especially the helmet of salvation – to protect your mind from Satan's fiery darts: feelings of fear, inadequacy, rejection, self-doubt, etc… In the past – when leading a study or "mentored" a less mature believer — I AM THE ONE WHO IS SUPER-BLESSED! No, I can't remember my license plate # – much less scripture…but GOD ENABLES ME WITH HIS WORDS & WISDOM!!!
As a youth group leader at church, I get to lead middle school girls and encourage them in their faith – which is a blessing and a delight. I am now learning the importance of having a mentor myself though and I am praying that God will provide me with one who can instruct me and be an example to me as I grow and mature more myself.
Wow… Just wow. My family and I have been at a new church home for about a year now and it has really blessed us. We are a young family and have recently put our focus solely on God’s plan for us. As I was reading this I was shocked! I have had several opportunities to meet with the womens ministry and I have passed them up because of excuses or fear of something new. I have wanted to meet with them so badly but haven’t taken that leap of faith. Every week I hear announcements about the “TITUS 2” womens ministry and think to myself…Titus 2… Why Titus 2?!? God was definitely speaking to me this morning while I read this. I need these wonderful women in my life! I must step out and meet with them, I will step out and meet with them! SRT has been such a blessing for me. Thank you for this amazing place to come and share in God’s word!!!
Go meet them Bria…..this is God moving in your life…..go take your place in that community of women, who can do nothing , but bless you… and you bless them….Amen…. x thank you Lord that today's study has spoken loudly to Bria, and Lord I pray you will guide her to take those first steps towards the community of women you have for her….Thank you Lord….Blessings dear sister….x x
Thank you so much Tina! I was just telling my husband the story and he said the same thing! I will be meeting with them as soon as they have their next gathering!!!!
It blesses me – to see you realizing that God is definitely "telling" you to DO something…and that you are hearing Him & are ready to action!!! God bless you!
Thank you Stacy!
Hi Gals! So I guess this will be my #shesharestruth only because I don’t know how to blog or anything, although I’ve always dreamed of having my very own YouTube channel (I tried and failed) but this will have to do. So, I am a graduate getting ready for the next step in my life, which will be Lipscomb University in Nashville! And I can not tell you how thankful I am that God provided what I needed to be able to go there! This verse just made me even for excited about it! There is a thing called the Joshua project, a upcoming freshmen gets pared with a upperclassmen to mentor then through college. I have never really had my no my own mentor. I mean I have my mom and sister bible teacher and thing like that but nobody who really knows what I’m going through. I guess nice always looked at God as my mentor. I can’t wait to see what he has for me at LU! Already I have met the most amazing people ever. Anytime she reads truth wants to stop by LU you’re welcome! I am writing this asking for prayers. I have always had a heart form missions and I don’t want to do them out of selfish reasons or wanting to travel. I work with kids all summer long and I will me majoring in Elementary Ed. With a minor in missions. Pray that God will keep me on the path he had set for me. Thank you all and I’m sorry if I didn’t do the right but I had fun talking about the future. Thanks she reads truth for making my day everyday
Praying for you on this journey! I wish I had a mentor in college, make the most of that relationship!
Hi Caroline! What an exciting journey you are embarking on. I love your enthusiasm! I'm praying God sends you a mentor and you both are blessed as you share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It sounds like God has liars the groundwork for you to take advantage of this lesson! What an exciting opportunity you have! God bless you as you step out into a new arena to develop your faith and see His direction for your life!
That should said "laid", sorry
My church is in our second season of a mentoring ministry and we use the slogan, "I have need of you; you have need of me. I believe that what we can accomplish together is much greater than what I can accomplish alone." It's SO true! What a blessing it is to not only have a mentor, but to BE a mentor. We are the women who are going to take hold of generations underneath us and show them the Gospel, what are we showing them? I want my legacy to be of a woman who stepped out when it was difficult and carried on Godly lessons to generations to come.
Loving the slogan…Erica….Thank you for sharing….x x x
I want that legacy too Erica! God Bless you Sis!
All the women in my present and past have mentored me in some way. I've been very blessed. Thanks for reminding me of that.
Amen..sister….and what a blessing for you….praise God…x x
I love this devotional this morning. This past year, I joined a women’s bible study that has truly blessed me! I would love to find a single mentor though. I am going to college in the fall, and I would love to have someone older that has experienced college to guide and mentor me. Pray that God opens a door for me and that he also helps me as I enter this new, scary (but exciting) chapter of my life!
Catherine, praying thAt this next stage of your life, is a real memorable one…..I pray Our God puts the right person your way who will walk, talk guide you through this gift we call life in Christ……God bless you abundantly in this next season……x
I needed this encouragement today. God has been working on me big time about mentoring a young woman in our church. We have spent a little time together but nothing regular. I haven't spoken with her in several weeks because in my head I said I was too busy with my own family. But really that's just been a convenient excuse to disguise what's really going on – my own insecurities. Whenever I start feeling God pulling me in this direction, my self-doubt about how I could possibly be a godly mentor to this young lady kicks in to overdrive. Questions like what could I possibly have to offer/why would she want to be mentored by me/etc. start swarming in my head. But God spoke to me through this passage and said it's time to jump in. I'm clinging to the truth that it's not about what I personally have to offer but what God can do through me. Prayers appreciated as I reach out to this sweet, young woman.
Angela, I began mentoring a young woman in my church but our schedules never matched up. I could have put more effort into it but I didn't think I had what it took to mentor anyone. I'm going to try again too, knowing that I'm not doing it for myself but to help the younger generation as God would want me too.
My mentor passed away several years ago and I have never replaced her…She was the best!
I am now HER age and as a Pastor's wife have mentored many younger women along the way, or I hope I have. But I realize you are not really ever too old for mentors. Lord, send one my way!
Oh, I love your heart and prayer on this, friend!! Praying it alongside you – and that you will be bold to invite women into your life! xo – R
That indeed is a bold pray Nanette….right there with you…..if only we lived closer……praying God blesses us with the right people, in just the right time and right way…..with love dear heart….xxx
I believe you'd make a great mentor yourself with all you've shared so far, Candacejo. I will pray for you tonight and that God sends someone your way to mentor you as well. Blessings, Carrie
The timing on this post is impeccable!
I was recently discussing mentorship with a woman thats about 10 years older than me. I voiced my frustrations at never having been able to find a spiritual mentor even though I've quite often taken on the role of mentor to girls younger than me (I love girls/youth ministry). She had some of the same disappointments as I had but very wisely stated that we often look to one person to encompass all of the traits we're looking for in a spiritual leader when sometimes that has to come from a few sources – and that's alright! The greatest part is that after our conversation, she had offered to step into that role in my life and meet with me and walk alongside me – the Spirit is so quick to move! Not only that, but I've been approached by a few other women in the community that simply said "Hey, I think you're great and want to hear your story. When are you free?" It's as simple as that!
One thing I love that my new-found mentor has done with me, and I encourage you to incorporate in seeking out a younger woman to mentor: ask what her expectations are. The disappointment in mentorship comes when you don't communicate. This is something I plan to do next school year with my high school girls. I want to know how I can best love them.
Sisters, I know it can be difficult to make yourself vulnerable but it is so worth it! There is something SO sweet about women coming together for Jesus – just look at She Reads Truth!
Great point about not one person filling the need. When that happens, I think I can tend to put somebody on a pedestal that they are sure to fall off eventually. Multiple mentors means that I understand there are different people for different seasons.
For some time now, the internet has been providing me with mentoring and spiritual companionship, but this series is already letting me know that I need a community of people in the flesh as well! My step-mother may be just the person I am praying for.
Praying for that to be so for you….Liz…great devotion today….don't you think…it's got us all thinking in ways we hadn't before…God bless your talk with your step mother…..x x
More than anything, I pray that I would have the openness of heart to realize that I am in great need of teaching. I honestly read this chapter and thought "Wonderful! I have these great, specific goals that I should be trying to meet. Now I'm going to go conquer them."
"I" was in that thought way too often, and I totally skipped over the part about the older women teaching the younger ones…
Lord, help me to be open to being taught more of You and the way You would have me live through the wise older women that are all around me. just waiting to speak truth into my life as soon as I will accept it.
This is so timely for me! Over the past month or so, I've had on my heart and even mentioned to my husband that I wonder if some of the younger women in church would want to come over and learn to cook, etc. I'm only 36; but in my church, I'm one of the oldest women. At my old church, they had an established program that you could sign up for (Apples of Gold) where this very thing happened: a cooking lesson and bible study for younger women led by older women. I could never participate due to the hours that the meetings were held, but I always loved the idea of it. But I have felt so presumptuous coming up with this idea to lead this at my church – presuming that I might know more than others or have something to teach, especially since I taught myself to cook and might not be as technique-focused as those who might typically train others to cook. Thanks, Raechel, for making it clear that this is a risk worth taking. You've definitely got me thinking about this more and inched me forward in making this suggestion/commitment at my church. Would appreciate any prayers in this regard!
You can do this, Jessica! It surely sounds ordered of the Lord since you have participated in one before. Praying for guidance and boldness in Jesus!
Thanks, Nanette, for your words of encouragement!
That sounds like an amazing ministry! I'm only a few years younger than you, but I know that if this was offered at my church I would jump at the chance to learn more cooking skills and spend time with older, godly women. I definitely encourage you to look into this and I'll be praying that you'll be able to start something amazing at your church!
Thanks for the encouraging words!
With God, nothing is an accident! Everything is done with and for a purpose. God could very well be building you up to be in a position to lead the young women at your church (and it sounds to me like He is!).
Awesome God, I pray that you give Jessica the courage to take the leap and jump into what you are calling her to do!! Give her the words to approach the leaders in her church about starting a LifeGroup for women. Jessica wants to glorify you and to share that with others, so help her do just that. Amen!
Thanks for the prayers and encouragement, Liane!
I wish my church had this program!! You should definitely start it!!!! (I would definitely come.)
Awesome. Thanks for the encouragement, Megan!
Spiritual Mothers, women I really admire. I desire to become a mentor myself. I love women cuz ofcourse im one myself. I love to see them grow in every aspect of life and wants to contribute however I can whether directly or indirectly. Ive always wanted a women's group and im working on it. I pray God wilk work it out in His timing. We should not go through this walk of the Gospel.alone so may we find mentors as well as become mentors for others. I appreciate you guys all and love you dearly. God bless you all.
This post is so timely, as God is literally in the process of birthing a new ministry from myself and one of my sisters in Christ. This gives me such confirmation for why we are doing it – who its for – and who is affected by it. Through this devo and scripture, I am encouraged and inspired to continue pressing into God for all He has to say.
For those of you looking for a mentor – pray pray pray – God will bring you one. For those of you who long to mentor – pray pray pray – God will reveal a disciple to you. For those of us afraid to ask either of the questions (should I get/be a mentor) – pray pray pray – God will make it clear what words you are to speak, and to whom you are to speak them. I firmly agree with what Rachel said "We cannot try and should not try to live and grow in the gospel alone. ….. Godly women training is absolutely a risk worth taking." We were never meant to live this life alone. Why are we all happy here? We're in community! We were born out of community (Father-Son-Holy Spirit) into community (man-woman-children). God never wants us to live an grow alone. Trust that He has someone chosen and trust Him to give you the words to speak.
Thank you Jane….for the encouragement……Praying your vision is also realized and so truly blessed by God…..for His glory….AMEN….big love…x x
"We were born out of community (Father-son-Holy Spirit) into community (man-woman-children). God never wants us to live and grow alone." That insight is really enlightening, Janee… Praise God for your wisdom! I never saw it that way, that the trinity itself is a community yet one person. Praise God for you– you've been such a loving sister, an inspiring mentor and reassuring spiritual mother in my life! I so appreciate the honesty and love with which you speak, and your blog is quite lovely. Thank you for lovingly pouring yourself out over the past few studies! May the Lord bless you in this new ministry! Have a great day. :)
I'm going to up the ante on this one. I've had spiritual mothers in the past – one year in college, and then my first year out of college – but haven't had one in the past 3-4 years. I loved that time with those older women, who spoke truth into my life and just poured out wisdom into my open heart. Right now, though, I'm in my first year of marriage, and of course I'm in the process of learning how to best love my husband, even when it seems like he may not want or need attention from me. (Has anyone else needed to learn how to give their husband space??? That's a lesson I'm learning now!) My prayer today is that the Lord would lead us to a couple older than us (a stage or two ahead of us in life, or old enough to be our parents – doesn't matter to me), but that He would do so gracefully and naturally. I don't know if my husband would be ready or willing to jump into an intentional couple discipleship relationship right now, so I'm praying very specifically that this process would be an easy flowing and natural sequence of building a relationship with another couple. I know of a few couples in my church, but I don't want to necessarily "limit" God if I'm asking for this process to come naturally for us. So, I don't often ask this, but would you all, my sisters in this place, come alongside me and pray this specific prayer for my husband and myself?
Thank you so much Raechel for reminding me of the rich relationship that is to be had with a spiritual mother.
Will be praying with you katsmith. May the Lord grant you and your husband the petition of your heart. May He lead you both to the right person(couple) that you may Him. God bless you sis.
Thank you so much Kimone. Your words and prayers mean so much.
Praying for you and your husband, sweet one! From everything I have heard, it is a huge blessing to be mentored be people who are, as you said, "a stage or two ahead" in life. I will certainly pray that the Lord leads you to exactly the people He would have you learn from!
So grateful for your prayers EssieJean!
Praying with you, sweet sister! As you pray, stand firm in the assurance that God will give you the desires of your heart. Your humble, heartfelt request for godly guidance while remaining sensitive to your husband's needs touches my heart. Surely God's granting of this request will honor and glorify His name. "Be confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer. So be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" (Philippians 1:6, 1 Peter 3:12, Psalm 27:14). Have a blessed day!
Jennifer, thank you for pointing me back to Scripture in this time. I know and love these verses well, and it's always a beautiful thing to be directed back to them.
This is great, Kat. Praying now for you and your husband, that the Lord would provide at just the right time, a couple for you to look to—who will, of course, point you to Christ! xo – R
Thank you for your prayers, Raechel, they mean so much to me.
Bless your heart! Thank you for being so open and honest! Know you are not alone, I believe we've all been where you are. And watching another couple from a distance could be good even until something comes… Just remember to grow in Christ first and foremost. At times you maybe ahead in your spiritual growth and other times the hubby might be ahead. Always always believe in what y'all have. Having a confident heart in Christ brings all the pressure off your mate. Stand strong walk bold and remember to always date your hubby no matter your age or how long you've been married!
Much love,
Thank you so much for your kind words Ashley. It certainly is encouraging to hear that other women know where my heart is right now – what a blessing to see others ahead of me! Your words of wisdom have certainly blessed me today.
Awesome God, I lift up Kat and her husband to you that you would lead them to the couple that you have picked out for them to be their mentors. I ask that you open up Kat's husband's heart to this idea, Lord. Help them both to recognize that couple when they meet them and to have the courage to seek that mentoring relationship with them. Thank you for Kat and her openness and honesty!! I pray that you will continue to work within and through her as I see great potential in her to be a mentor herself to some young couple one day. Amen!
Liane Michelle, I am so thankful for your prayers. The words you spoke/wrote over me have been just what I've needed. This place continues to make me incredibly grateful for the community we have here, that we're able to so openly and honestly share our hearts.
Prayed that prayer now, friend! May the Lord bring you people whom you could never just think up for a mentor– and may you be able to share and learn authentically with them in Christ! Praise Him for that!
Thanks for your prayers and praise, AnnaLee! You continue to be such a blessing in this place.
I hear you, katsmith1026. I am going to be spending time in prayer for a spiritual mentor in my life and husband's life too. Blessings, Carrie
Learning to be "married" isn't easy. I remember being in tears one evening when we first got married. We were watching tv and for the first time, brad didn't sit down beside me. It really hurt my feelings. That was 37 years ago and now I know my husband doesn't have to be stuck like glue to me! He loves me very much from a different chair! Talk. Talk. Talk. That is my advice to you!
The newlywed time is so tough. Everyone talks like it is the best time ever for your relationship, but honestly, I have liked 2.5-6.5 years WAY better than that first 1.5 year (and it just keeps getting better, in my book!) We still don't have a "formal" mentorship couple, but through involvement in church have continued to find other couples who love being married and work on their marriage. It allows for great conversations and learning as we walk the journey together. My advice to you would be to find another couple that is crazy about being married, loves the very "idea" of marriage, and wants to make it the best they can (vs giving up on certain issues.) I also echo the person that said "talk, talk, talk!" My husband and I had one ongoing issue for about 6 years. We never really understood one another's point of view (despite monthly conversations about it) until this year when suddenly, we said it in new words and it finally clicked. It's not so much an issue anymore–praise God–and we have learned a lesson about persistence and not giving up and settling for "less than" areas of marriage when we could keep working on it and get "great!" I pray right now that you will find friends that support you and your husband in your marriage and that LOVE marriage!
Beautiful truths, and so relevant to today. Lord, help me to be bold about my need for a mentor – as well as my willingness to be one. We aren’t meant to do this alone.
Yes, Joann! This!! xo-Raechel
I thank God that He provided my natural mother as my spiritual mother. She has been awesome in teaching me how to be a wife and a mother AND how to be a spiritual big sister and now as I grow older a spiritual mother to others. She has shown me how to love my sisters in the world, in spite of lifestyle, age or race. Our love for them helps them understand the love of God. It also teaches me patience and keeps me in the Word of God to ensure that I am in tune with Him as I share his love and wisdom.
Thank you for the reminder that we have a responsibility to share the love of Jesus with our sisters.
It's not just for us….it's for all of us….
Love this – it's not just for us . . . It's for all of us. . .
Thank you sister for sharing!
I feel the same way about my mother. It has been a true blessing from the Lord that she has been a spiritual mother to me as well.
What sweet and true words. Your mother must be a wonderful woman to have taught you so well!
You are well on your way to a beautiful post for next Thursday! I want to hear more :)
Yes, sweetdes. Thank you so much for all your commenting and insights… "…we have a responsibility to share the love of Jesus with our sisters." This is not just about me, and I pray that the Lord would continually open my eyes to girls around me who need guidance, encouragement and help. My mother has definitely been a help and encouragement, and her testimony is amazing, but I do feel the lack of a spiritual mother outside my own… praying for a spiritual mother, as well! Be blessed, sister. :)
Boy, could I do with a Karen in my life…
SRT, is probAbly as close to a Karen as I'm going to get…..for now…..Thank you for the journey, sister's, and walking alongside me, ………but Rachael is right, to have someone on hand, close by, physically present is important……I am passed being taught how to roast chicken in four different ways….but I am open to having a mentor who will lead me in my pursuit of the Lord, who will encourage me in my walk, who will guide me through the word, and show me by example …..there is so much to learn, aside from the basics….the ten commandments… much to unpack in each book of the bible… many hidden gems/nuggets…..sermons on a Sunday are good, talks at a conference are great…..but on hand, woman to woman handed down from experience, is a legacy not to miss….
This reminds me of the Maya Angelou quote, when you learn….teach….when you get….give….
Thank you Rachael for this, this beautiful sunny day…..I've been saying for a while now, I need a prayer partner, at the very least someone to be accountable to…..this just highlights it all for me….Thank you for being one of my spiritual sisters……
And to the rest of my cyber Spiriual Sisters in the highest, thank you too, for all the encouragement, wisdom, food for the soul thoughts, for your input from the studies, for sharing, love and prayers……it is an honour to walk with you each day!!!!
God bless you greatly today in all you are and do….with love, always…xxx
Praying for God to lead you to that special woman He has chosen to come along side You and be a spiritual mentor! I know the times I haven't really had one of those women in my life, like now, I think He is trying to get me to fully focus and rely on Him. Trying to draw me closer to Himself and grow my faith. Getting me ready to be mentored and/or mentor someone else. Really appreciate you Sister! Have a great day!
Amen. Tina. You are a blessing to me and others I can say. Appreciate your thoughts each day. May God grant you your hearts desire as you move to higher grounds in Him from this day onward.
Tina, I always look out for your comments each morning… you are a spiritual mentor to me! You love the Lord so much and are dedicated to this community. It is incredibly inspiring everyday! I need to be more like you! :D
Brandi, your prayers are very much appreciated….Thank you for your kindness and love, be blessed dear heart…xxx
As chairman of women ministries at our church and a member of the church staff, I would encourage you to speak with a pastor or staff member about the possibility of a mentor. There may be someone that you can be referred to or even a ministry for just that. Our church has mentoring opportunities for both men and women so possibly you asking might be the beginning of something great for others too!
Thank you Sonflwergal….Will ask the pastors wife….bless you for your kindness and stopping by with some encouraging words…Thank you…be Blessed..x x
Tina, I really like the quote you included I may move that to the front of my life and lists, especially the second part, "when you get…give…." During these two weeks of Titus, at home the word to inspire and think on is "give". This goes well with what I am trying to teach my kids. I hope you find that mentor to accompany you in your spiritual learning. I am learning a lot from all the comments posted by all the SRT women! You are all very supported, glad I found you.
Estela, this truly is an amazing place, SRT has been and continues to be a great community of like minded women, stretching, growing and encouraging each other in the word of God… Thank you for commenting and taking away something useful to you…God bless you and yours….x
Awesome God, I lift up Tina to you this morning and I ask that you lead her to a "Karen". I know that you have someone specially picked out for Tina who will be able to lead her and guide her into becoming the woman described in Titus 2. Whoever her "Karen" is Lord, I pray that you continue to work within her heart and give her the wisdome and guidance so that she is ready to mentor Tina. Amen!
Liane, thank you so so much for your awesome prayer for me…I very much appreciate your kindness and love….God bless you Liane….x xxx
Tina, not only do I see you as a very sweet sister in Christ, but I definitely see you as a spiritual mother of sorts. I'm not at the place in life where I'm getting married or taking care of a home, but every comment you have and the sweet encouragement you've given me throughout these studies has not gone unnoticed, and has many times been completely what the Lord has wanted to say to me. I just thank you for pouring your heart out and being a mentor to many here! I pray that the Lord would lead you to a group of women and a specific woman that you can come along side with, to encourage and minister to you as you've done to me and others! Be so blessed, sister! The Lord is consistently preparing you for things/people and people/things for you. Keep that in mind! His timing IS perfect, more perfect than we could ever think. Love you, sister/mother/friend (haha… weird, but you get it!). Have a great day. :)
I LOVE reading your comments Tina! You are a blessing to so many. Thank you for always sharing what is on your heart.
Beautiful post and a wonderful reminder that we are suppose to live out the Gospel alone! Now that I think about it, I have one spiritual mother and two spiritual sisters (besides all of you of course), all of whom have shown me what the Word and my relationship with Christ is really about. I am so excited for the next SheSharesTruth!! Have a wonderful day sisters!!
Amen Megan! The Lord is bringing to heart now who have been my spiritual mothers and sisters in the past, and who should be now. Praise God! Be blessed, sister. :)