Day 18

Peter Rescued by an Angel

from the Acts reading plan

Acts 12:1-25, Isaiah 42:8, Mark 10:35-40

BY Abby Flynn

Herod’s death is one of those Bible stories that the little boys in Sunday school love to talk about. A greedy, self-consumed king who attacked the followers of Jesus gets eaten by worms. Worms, of all things. Can you imagine? But if we just chalk this story up to being gross and weird, we’re missing the point.

In Acts, we see the followers of Jesus enduring persecution and hatred from the world, just like Jesus said. In chapter 12, Herod imprisoned Peter, intending to kill him, simply because he saw it pleased the Jewish people (Acts 12:3). Yet despite Herod’s evil intentions, God’s plans prevailed.

“But the word of God spread and multiplied.” —Acts 12:24

Herod’s earthly power and influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people (v.5). We see this when, despite being kept under heavy watch, Peter is suddenly rescued by an angel. Even Peter himself could hardly believe what God had done (v.9). 

Rhoda, a servant, is so amazed to hear Peter’s voice she can barely even think of doing the next thing! So she runs into the house, where everyone else tells her she’s out of her mind. But she knew what she heard. Meanwhile, everyone else still had to see to believe (v.16).

In this story we see different responses to the work of God: Rhoda, a lowly servant who gave witness to a miracle. Herod, royalty, who was consumed with his reputation and power, and struck dead for not giving the glory to God. He wanted all the glory for himself and was willing to do whatever it took to get it. 

Maybe the Lord wants to remind us through this passage that glory and honor look different in the kingdom. Here on earth, those who work hard and know the right people often get an honored place and position. In the kingdom of God, position and power do not equal glory. I don’t know about you, but that’s a reminder I need again, and again, and again.

Lord, make us willing vessels today, not for our good, but for your glory. Help us to focus more on what you’re doing than receiving places of honor. Remind us that you have not called us to be impressive, you’ve called us to be available as witnesses to your work. May your Word and your truth flourish and multiply through us. Amen.

Post Comments (48)

48 thoughts on "Peter Rescued by an Angel"

  1. Victoria E says:

    Angie thank you for sharing the reading from HRT. And ERB! Wow so powerful I needed to hear that too! Mari V I too am going to pray the prayer from the devotional today, I need that. Brooke P thank you for your continued prayers and thank you to everyone who is praying for me! I am praying for you here as well. Praise God !

  2. Brooke P says:

    May I be looking towards heaven as my hope and knowing that what comes after this life will make this one pale in comparison because we will be face to face with the Lord and all will be healed. Praise God. While here, may I be faithfully humble, fervently prayerful, and obeying the Lord’s Word through the Spirit. The Lord is so holy and righteous, His ways are higher than my small minded comprehension. He rescues Peter and in the same situation James was executed—I do not understand the ways in which God is working but I do pray that I am focused on who God is rather than my clouded & sinful understanding of what I think He is doing. Because I know & trust that He is good, and through it all, everything is for His Glory. || Thank you for your comments ladies, thank you Angie for bringing in HRT, ERB thank you for your insight that was spot on, Melanie I’m praying for you & thank you for your insight, Hope—yes!! Rhonda J, thank you for sharing what a beautiful example of being a neighbor & showing Christ to others & im praying for your dad. Linda Gilbow—my thoughts exactly ! Nanak praying for you! Sharon, Jersey Girl–your thoughts are spot on, thank you!!! Victoria E. I’m praying for you still & others who have asked for prayers, I’m praying❤️ have a great day ladies !

  3. Mari V says:

    BTW The trailer for “Redeeming Love” is out. It opens in January 21, 2022!

  4. Mari V says:

    Loved, loved this devotion this morning. I made this my personal prayer this morning reciting it with “me.”. Have a lovely day my dear sisters.

  5. Traci Gendron says:

    Rhonda J – praying for your dad!
    Nanak – praying you have relief from your back pain and can enjoy your visit with your family.

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    I feel that this speaks loudly to me: Herod’s earthly power and influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people. The POWERFUL PRAYERs of GOD’s people. Thank you so much ladies for continuing to pray for my son, Tanner. My heart is full of gratitude for your prayers. I have always believed that God would give us something. When Tanner was diagnosed life expectancy was 10-12 years old. He is now 33. We also have a life saving stem cell transplant in trial stages. Tanner was supposed to be patient #3. His respiratory is not good enough to withstand the trial. It was crushing to Tanner. Since then he has gone down hill. I believe his spirit was broken. So let us all pray for Tanner’s spirit to be renewed! No matter what, his body will be healed, whether it is here on earth or as he sits with his Father. I believe God has kept him here as long as he has with a purpose. Even if that is to help others have faith. Or to help young parents that receive this terrible diagnoses for their little ones. I waver between being strong and falling apart. My focus has to be on GOD and God alone or I will not make it through. When we pray, God hears! He has allowed me to be Tanner’s mom for much longer than I expected. Praise be to God!

  7. Maura says:

    Rhonda J, I am and will be praying for your Dad and Mom. That your Dad feels the Holy Spirit with him and peace for your Mama and you. Hugs to you.
    Nanak, praying for healing for your back, a comfortable plane ride and joyous time with your Grands.

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Rhonda- your neighborhood story touches me. That is a beautiful example of Christ in community. Goodness. I’m touched by her life and I don’t even know her! I hope to be someone like that in the community I dwell. I love in the Pocono Mountains (PA) and neighbors are so spread apart. I often go for walks and runs and try to be friendly with whoever I see. I pray they are Christ in me!
    Also, praying for your dad. May he feel the Lord near to him and be strengthened. May he trust in God during this time of pain. May he feel loved and seen. May he be healed.

    Nanak– I am so sorry for your back pain. I pray God heals your back and gives you peace to enjoy your time with family. May He bless you richly so that when you leave them, you leave with a grateful heart.

    One of my questions today was- what happened to Peter? I wonder where his ministry shifted to- now that he was a wanted man. Or did the search end with Herod’s death? I think now Paul is a bigger focus in Acts, so we hear less of Peter.

    I was touched by “Herod’s earthly power & influence were nothing compared to the powerful prayers of God’s people.” – Abby Flynn. Earthly power < PRAYER
    That's an awesome reminder!! My own prayer is to always believe that God is more powerful and our prayers to Him shake and break prisons and chains!! God, with that, I pray for those who are in prison. For reasons of persecution or simply lost, Jesus, make yourself known! Glorify yourself in those cells. May people see and know You. May they know You as Lord and Yeshua/Savior! Thank you, Lord.
    Thank you for my freedom. As it says in Romans 6, we are free from sin! It is no longer my master.

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