God redeems moses | a personal fresh start

Exodus 2:1-22

BY Amanda Bible Williams

Text: Exodus 2:1-22

The early life of Moses reads like the Oscar-winning screenplay it would one day become. Nicely packaged into a single chapter of Exodus, it may not seem like much at first glance. But take a closer look. Do you see Him? God is everywhere.

He is waiting in the reeds as a young mother pries open her hand and watches through tear-filled eyes as the basket slips down onto the riverbank. It is His invisible hand that brings to that same riverbank the daughter of Pharaoh himself – the very ruler who seeks to destroy this child and each male Hebrew baby like him. It is God who softens her heart to gather an abandoned slave baby into her arms and send for a woman of his own people to nurse him. And it is God’s specific and tender care that allows that nurse to be none other than his mother.

Oh, to hold the child you let go and feel with your own hands and see with your own eyes that he is alive and well. I can scarcely imagine.

This is the kind of fresh start the God of heaven gives.

A child born into slavery and under threat of death is raised in a palace and educated in the high court. The boy grows into a man, a man who sees the burden of his people and begins, almost instinctively, to fight for them well before he receives the Call.

Moses fought for them because it was who he was. It was who God made him to be.

You see, God’s redemption of Moses began long before he could prove himself worthy. It began when he was just a baby! There was no merit, no qualification; only the nearness and goodness of God. God’s plan of redemption for Moses was broad enough to span history and yet intimate enough to meet his most specific needs. It was a plan to redeem a man, a people, a world.

Sisters, the redemption God offers you is specific for today. It is offered regardless and in spite of your merit, your performance, your best laid plans. Receive it. Let’s walk in the freedom of God’s plan for our lives today.

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83 thoughts on "God redeems moses | a personal fresh start"

  1. imperfectlyimperfect says:

    God is everywhere! & he knows exactly what he’s doing. I pray that I do better at accepting that I am where I am in my life because HE wants me here. & that I will be blessing to those around me.

    Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the L ord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

  2. Joanne Sher says:

    I love how specific and detailed God's plan for Moses was. Especially in the little details that seem to make no sense – or where it feels completely wrong and against his best interest. It reassured me that He is doing the same for me. My fresh start is in the works!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Even though this was meant to be a new years devotional, I needed a fresh start this week! Today my baby starts kindergarten. This story reminded me that God has a special life planned out for him. And my job is to raise him to love God, and love those around him and across the world. I struggle to understand my son and have to remind myself daily to rely on God for Wisdom, and not myself. Today I am giving my son to God again!

  4. Gewlz says:

    I have been falling behind constantly on my daily reading. I keep setting my app to catch me up and still failed to make time to read. All the while I have also been feeling more and more down in my spirit mind and in my heart bam trying to deal with my negative thoughts, uncertain relationships, finances, everything. And everyday I feel more and more guilty because I tell Gos that I wantvtivbe closer to him but yet I still find it so hard to let go of people and things that I am attached to because of the temporary comfort they bring me. Now I pick up today and resume my reading where I have been trying to resume for the past 3 weeks and it is exactly the encouragement I needed. Gods plan is definite even when I sidetrack myself, even when I constantly backtrack and so often fall short. While I’m beating myself up thinking God is tired of me asking Him for help but continuing to try to do my own thing, He still continues with His original plan. And because of that no matter how try to work thru things myself… The final outcome will always be exactly as He intends it to be. I am so thankful. Gid saves me even when I don’t deserve it.

  5. Tasha says:

    God is a good God,, my fresh start started the day when I first begun reading this plan. God helps and is always there we should gracefully praise his name.

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