Day 29

Deborah and Barak

Judges 4:1-24, Judges 5:1-31, Deuteronomy 20:1-4

BY Melanie Rainer

About ten years ago, my husband and I, newly married and eager to serve, volunteered to teach the preschoolers at our little church. Most Sundays were a blur of crayons and goldfish crackers, and our primary goal was for each child to take home a scribbled-on coloring sheet as proof that we tried to teach them something about Jesus.

But I remember one Sunday morning, we arrived to teach a lesson plan about Deborah, Barak, and Jael. I skimmed the story and shot a worried glance at my husband. We were supposed to teach this story? About a woman who drives a tent peg through the head of a military leader? To three-and-four-year olds? I had not had enough coffee for that.

I actually don’t remember what we did that day in class, but I don’t think we read the kids that part of the story. It’s the part of the story that most of us remember, because it’s wild and gruesome, though full of strong women. All of that is true, of course, but at its heart, the story of Deborah and Barak and Jael and Sisera is about God and having confidence in Him.

A lot can be said and unpacked about Barak and his trepidation, the seemingly impossible battle he faced, and how his attitude contrasted with Deborah’s, and later Jael’s. But this story offers us more than a study of human weakness overwhelmed by the glory and power of God; it offers us a picture of a woman, strong and wise, counted upon by the whole nation of Israel and chosen by God, who walked in obedience to Yahweh.

Deborah heard from God, shared His Word with Barak, and supported Barak as he reluctantly followed God’s order. Deborah rebuked him when necessary but still went with him into battle. And then, after the victory against Sisera’s army and Sisera’s gruesome death at the hands of Jael, Deborah and Barak sang of praise.

Their song is a rich poem, full of beauty and truth and focused on the glory of God—how He delivered His people and destroyed His enemies. Deborah was a woman inspired by God’s Word and His faithfulness to her people. She was unafraid because she knew that come what may, our God fights for those who trust in Him (Deuteronomy 20:3–4). May God’s Word so fuel us to stand for His truth, to support our brothers and sisters in faith, and to sing His glory for the rest of our earthly lives.

Post Comments (33)

33 thoughts on "Deborah and Barak"

  1. Churchmouse says:

    I would pray for the same qualities if I had sons or grandsons. May all our children know the Lord and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. May all of our children have the Lord as the Source of their strength.

  2. Melissa Graves says:

    Deborah and Jael remind me of characters you might find in the Lord if the Rings

  3. Allison says:

    Churchmouse, Amen! I’m not sure if this will reply directly to you or not, I haven’t figured out the comments here very well, but I hope you see it. I am not yet 40, with a daughter of my own, but feel like so much of this “strong woman” stuff that seems to be so prevalent these days is just really not great for our young women. Yes, be strong, but like you said in the Lord and His strength, not your own. Women are not to do everything, simply what God calls them to do and to be in His strength! And that is a beautiful thing! And we don’t have to be sassy or rude or overly abrasive to do these things either, I feel like so much of our culture these days says otherwise.

  4. Churchmouse says:

    I’ve had several friends tell me recently that one of their goals is to raise their daughters “to be strong women.” They want their daughters to be confident, out-spoken, assertive. One said “I don’t want my daughter to be a push over for men.” Having two daughters (and two granddaughters) I get that. Today’s reading is timely, coming on the heels of those conversations. Today’s reading has me looking at a strong woman, a female leader in a male dominated society. I see a strong woman, yes, but what impresses me is the Source of her strength. Deborah knew and heard the word of the Lord and was intent on fulfilling the Lord’s command. She called out Barak for his reluctance (really, his disobedience) and shared her confidence and strength by accompanying him into battle. Yes I want our daughters and granddaughters to be strong, confident and assertive. But more so I want them to know and hear and follow the word of the Lord. May they be full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. May they recognize God moving in their lives and may they be quick to give Him praise. May they be strong women who recognize their strength comes from the Lord.

    1. Traci Baudin says:


    2. Sue Edmonds says:

      Yes, Churchmouse. I pray these same words over my daughters and granddaughters as well as my son and grandsons. To be strong in the Lord and quick to give Him all praise. And there is a strong line of stubbornness that runs in our family. A wise woman told me when my son was a strong-willed toddler to pray that God would develop that strong-will for His work and His glory. And this son certainly kept me on my knees…but now he is a youth minister leading young students. God had a purpose for giving him a strong will and I have to remind him of that when I see his three littles displaying that same strong will. ❤️

    3. Diane Smith says:

      Amen. May all our daughters, etc. know, hear and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ out Lord.
      Our society today is so into personal fulfillment,entitlement which is opposite what the Spirit is saying. May I as a Gr. Grandma model the beauty of a submissive spirit, waliking in truth and strength!

    4. Gina Glennon says:

      Amen indeed!

    5. Mari V says:

      I agree with your prayer for your daughters and granddaughters. I agree that for my daughter as well. She is a strong willed child BUT she loves Jesus. My prayer is for her is that she will use that will for the glory of God. She’s been through a lot and has a lot of hurt inside. Thankfully she has her mentor. A godly woman who fears the Lord who is speaking into her life

    6. Shea Lasiter says:


    7. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you for sharing Churchmouse! I am currently pregnant with a little baby girl and I want her to one day find her strength and confidence in the Lord. In our society where woman think they have to give up there femininity to be leaders, I pray that we can embrace who God has made us to be and that is where we find our strength.

    8. Blake Ennis says:

      ❤️. Absolutely !

  5. Kristen says:

    Tricia, when you were talking about your words/fears, it reminded me of a great study I read today. However, this from Psalm 141. Here is the link: @First5App @Proverbs31org We’ve likely all been there: The conversation turns a little gossipy, and we wrestle with whether to join in or keep quiet. It’s really good. Words are definitely powerful. The main scripture has David asking God to put a watch on his mouth. I need that! Hope you can check it out.

  6. Kristen says:

    I was up and watching CTV, a Christian station based in Pittsburgh, but can be seen elsewhere. You can even watch shows from YouTube and at their website. The movie they played was called: Allison’s Choice. It is a great movie. Jesus, in the form of a custodian, comes to her and the others to try to save them from getting an abortion. Obviously this is a serious topic, but the movie mixes the seriousness with very likable, funny characters. The day before, i saw people holding signs at a very busy intersection that showed babies that have been aborted. When Melanie said that we should let His Word fuel us, this came to mind. I know there are lots of Christian based pregnancy centers that help woman to change their mind by showing them an ultrasound. Focus on the Family also has a Ministry that helps save lives with ultrasounds, and there is the Pro Life organization. I don’t know all the ways we can help besides donating and helping to let others know the truth about abortion. However, those places would probably guide anyone that wants to help protect the babies. I’m not condemning anyone that has done this. Two of my old friends had abortions years ago. There is forgiveness for them just like us when we repent. I just felt like I should write about this.

  7. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    As I go through my day today,I need to be reminded that it’s not flesh and blood or often physical things that I am going to be dealing with but spiritual things. If I look at the scripture in Deuteronomy it is telling me not to panic or be scared (my words) because the Lord will fight for me. I pray that I will remind her that today. I pray that I will remember that the Lord is my savior and is fighting for me and there is no harm that can come to me, that isn’t under His control, if I put my trust in Him. At the end of the day or even at the end of this life I know who is in fighting for me and I know who my savior is.
    Blessed Monday, Sisters!

  8. Janice says:

    I’ve recently gone through a lot of changes in my life, moving house internationally, leaving behind the security of my church family and friends. I’ve felt anxious and afraid at the thought of trying to recreate what I had, but maybe that’s God’s plan I need new challenges. Then I read today’s verses especially Deuteronomy 20:3-4 as a reminder that every day I engage in some type of battle and to remember and be reassured that God is always with me, guiding me. Thank you Lord for this reminder, Amen

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