Day 9

Crossing the Red Sea

from the The Life of Moses reading plan

Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14:1-31, Psalm 77:14-20

BY Andrea Lucado

Text: Exodus 13:17-22, Exodus 14:1-31, Psalm 77:14-20

In college, I worked at a summer camp that had a massive ropes course. Every once in a while, I was put on “zip line duty.” The zip line was at the very end of the ropes course. It was the fun part that came after climbing and wiggling and jumping and leaning on your partner through a somewhat rigorous series of obstacles, all beneath the hot Texas sun.

Though the campers had tested their harnesses and carabineers to the extreme by the time they reached me at the zip line, they were often afraid to jump off the platform. It was my job to reassure them.

“Don’t be afraid,” I’d say, “Look back there at that obstacle course you just did. Did you fall? Did your equipment fail you?”

“No,” they’d whisper.

“So why do you think it will this time?”

Though I was confident on the zip line that summer, I am not always so confident in the face of scary things. I understand how easy it is to forget God’s steady hand and His faithfulness.

I forget how He’s brought me safely through the obstacles behind me when I’m staring down the big, seemingly insurmountable one sitting right in front of me.

When God parted the Red Sea in Exodus 14, His people had been through a series of events in which they witnessed God’s power and protection: plagues, the first Passover, and finally, delivery from Egypt. But then, just as they thought they were home free, Pharaoh’s army was chasing them.

Forgetting God’s power and protection in their past, they protested, “What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? … It would have been better for us to serve Egyptians than to die in the wilderness” (Exodus 14:11-12).

But Moses, who trusted in the God who had promised to deliver them, reassured the Israelites, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation will provide for you today” (Exodus 14:13).

And the Lord did provide. He parted the water. He carved a path in dry land for His people to walk through. And once they were safely across, He crashed the waters back together, destroying Egypt’s entire army, bringing glory to His name by protecting His people. “When Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and believed in Him” (Exodus 14:31).

Our lives are marked with similar Red Sea moments—times when God carried us through an obstacle we deemed insurmountable. Each time He does this, our faith is deepened and our view of God and His goodness and power is broadened.

These are the times we ought to remember when we’re standing on the platform, knees shaking, palms sweating. Like the Israelites with Egypt hot on their trail, we stare at the expanse of the valley before us, doubting how or even if God will bring us through this time.

At camp, almost every kid eventually attempted the zip line. After I reminded them about the strength of the cables and counted to three multiple times, down they went. The more they did it, the more they trusted, and the less afraid they were.

If you’re standing on a platform today, instead of focusing on the fear in front of you, look back and remember the path behind you. When has God parted the sea in your past? When has He made a way when there seemed to be no way?

Remember, ours is a God “who works wonders” (Psalm 77:14). Even the sea obeys Him. Trust that the One who provided for you yesterday will provide for you today.

Post Comments (85)

85 thoughts on "Crossing the Red Sea"

  1. Kim says:

    Something that jumped out at me today was Ps 77:19 … the last line in my NLT says “a path that no one knew was there.”
    I love this thought because it reminds me that God’s ways are not mine. What I expect or want as an answer to prayer or deliverance from a problem isn’t necessarily what God has planned for me. Especially when things seem impossible or insurmountable, this line reminds me that “all things are possible with God!”
    Praying for all of you waiting to cross through the path that God has yet to reveal!

    1. Jamie says:

      This is so good!

  2. Misce says:

    I could totally relate… Just like the Israelites, God has chosen a different pathway for me and my pregnancy… 4years since my miscarriage, God allowed me to be pregnant again.. but this isn’t the easy and simple pregnancy that we’ve prayed for… my husband and I are now standing on our Red Sea, holding on to every miracle that God has done for us in the past, and letting them guide us in this unknow journey as we go through complicated procedures and treatments to keep our baby’s heart beating inside my womb…

    It’s not easy, but we see God using our situation to display His glory to the people around us… such a privilege and we couldn’t be more thankful… asking for your prayers sisters, that that this baby inside my womb (almost 10 weeks) will continue to have a strong heartbeat…

    To read the full Story of my condition:

    1. Cortsa says:

      Read your blog! Your faith is beautiful. Prayed for you and the baby ❤️

      1. Jennifer says:

        Praying for you! I almost never comment but your story touched my heart. I had two very different pregnancies and based on two different situations (one child was premature and the other had a congenital heart defect) was told that our children would die. Both are extremely healthy and happy little boys. I can tell you from experience that God can do great things. Believing that He is going to work a miracle for you!

  3. Misce says:

    I could totally relate… Just like the Israelites, God has chosen a different pathway for me and my pregnancy… 4years since my miscarriage, God allowed me to be pregnant again.. but this isn’t the easy and simple pregnancy that we’ve prayed for… my husband and I are now standing on our Red Sea, holding on to every miracle that God has done for us in the past, and letting them guide us in this unknow journey as we go through complicated procedures and treatments to keep our baby’s heart beating inside my womb…

    It’s not easy, but we see God using our situation to display His glory to the people around us… such a privilege and we couldn’t be more thankful… asking for your prayers sisters, that that this baby inside my womb (almost 10 weeks) will continue to have a strong heartbeat…

    To read the full Story of my condition:

    1. Abby says:

      Praying for you and your sweet little one!!!

  4. Sophie says:

    My favourite part is Exodus 13:19 and the faith of Joseph. Even though he did not share in the event of God saving his people, he did not physically live to see it, he still had complete faith it would happen, to the point that he asked for his bones to go with them when it did happen – that is amazing. That is a faith I strive for.

  5. Michelle of Los Angeles CA says:

    “Trust that the One who provided for you yesterday will provide for you today.”
    Amen and Amen that you for reminding me of this today .

  6. Melinda Wright says:

    Praise the Lord for His goodness!! I have really felt like Moses through this study and my work overseas these past 10 months. Such truth that the Lord has always taken care of me, but I have to REMEMBER that. I am that girl caught up in fear, always looking down and very unwilling to jump. But He always has me and that I should not fear! I am praying for removal of fear, and more boldness and remembrance of ALL the good works and things He has done in my life! Praise God that we have a God that cares for us, no matter who we are as we trust Him!

  7. Hayley Thomas says:

    Loved today’s message. Reminds me that sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith. This was a perfect message for me today. I get anxious about the task before me and forget to look behind and realize how far he has brought me. What a blessing.

  8. Elizabeth says:

    I am 25 years old and moving to Fort Collins Colorado in May. I am a Veterinary student and will be completing my fourth and final year at CSU. I have lived in the Caribbean for the last 2.5 years. I am newly single and still heart broken, and I have the most challenging part of my schooling coming my way. I would like to find a church in Fort Collins and meet women my age. If anyone knows of one that sounds good for me please let me know!

    1. Megan says:

      Elizabeth, I’m so sorry you’re hurting. I don’t know if any specific churches in Ft. Collins but there’s a Christian organization there called Camp China which sends Christian English teachers to teach abroad. I don’t think the program would be something you’re looking for but the ladies who work there are wonderful Christian women who live in the area. I’m sure if you reached out to them, they would know good churches in the area and maybe be a support system for you. The organization is called ELIC and you can Google their info. Hope this helps

    2. sloane says:

      Hi Elizabeth!
      Mill City Church. I bet you will love it. Keep your head up and and remember you are not walking this path alone.

    3. Diane says:

      I lived in Fort Collins while attending CSU for several years. Timberline Church is a big church but has some great smaller options to get connected. The women and staff of CRU ministry were wonderful too and helped me get connected and grow so much in my relationship with God. You will love Fort Collins. I pray it will be a time of healing and excitement for you.

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