Day 96

The Bible In A Year 96

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Numbers 29-31, Mark 5:21-43

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78 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 96"

  1. KK says:

    With the Numbers 30 passage, I looked up some commentary to better understand the ideas in the verses.

    I was particularly struck with Numbers 30:15 – “But if he (the husband) makes them null and void after he has heard of them, then he shall bear her iniquity.” So, if the husband or father out of spite, overbearing authority, or immaturity denied his wife of a vow that was pleasing to God, the husband had to answer for it. This verse shows that God holds men accountable when they misuse their given authority and provides justice for women.

    1. Amy m. says:

      Thanks for this, KK!!

  2. Marley says:

    I struggled initially with the Numbers reading and found it difficult to accept what was said and what was done, especially when I read the parts seeming to explicitly demean the women and their personal vows. But then skipping to Mark to witness the difference that sending Jesus meant for the representation and compassion really spoke to me in a meaningful way. I am definitely nervous for this study because it will mean accepting it all as truth or at least a representation of what was truth, but I think that’ll come with the juxtaposition of life after Christ came to show the selfless love of God. Anxious, unsure, but willing and ready.

  3. Kaleigh says:

    Why does the lord encourage the oppression of women in These chapters?

    1. Emaleigh says:

      Kaleigh I don’t think He really does. You have to remember the context He is working in. For most of history women have been oppressed-it’s not until recent years, in 1st world countries, that we have been able to attain any type of real equality. Change doesn’t happen all at once, it’s a slow, step by step process. You can usually only work on a few things at a time, and I think God has to “pick His battles.” We see the same thing with slavery in the NT. Is it wrong? Yes. Yet the NT seems to “encourage” it by telling slaves and masters to remain as they are. Major cultural changes, like the treatment of women and slavery, have to happen over time, and they have to begin with individuals. If you look at stories with individuals, I think it’s pretty clear that God values women highly! Just look at the passage in Mark – a poor, suffering women, and a little girl, yet Jesus’ compassion for them is so clear.

      1. Kaleigh says:

        Emaleigh, thank you so much for your understanding and guidance. This helps me a lot!

  4. Whitney says:

    Very excited about this study! Just started today!

  5. Lauren Bourgeois says:

    I loved this reading! It was so difficult to initially grasp, but reading comments, and meditating on it revealed so much perspective to me! I’m so thankful. God is always working for our good. Though it’s difficult for our human minds to process death, imagine how many lives were saved by these deaths! He was/is making a way for many to come to the Kingdom. God is hard to relate to, as He is too complex for the human mind to fully comprehend, but as He gives life, sometimes He also takes it. Hallelujah! We have a God wise beyond words, and the way of this world. Though we may not always be able to make sense of what He’s doing by our earthly standards, we are able to find unending peace in fully trusting in His plan.

  6. Kylee says:

    Yep Shelbyrae I’m lifting you up right now!

  7. Shelbyrae says:

    hey sisters will you be praying for me in dealing with some pretty big personal stuff and need all the prayers I can get!

    1. Kortney says:

      You got it!

    2. Nallely says:

      Praying for you!

  8. Kylee says:

    Bummer to see Balaam got the sword, after all!

    1. Blakers says:


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