Day 272

The Bible In A Year 272

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Isaiah 65-66, Romans 4

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36 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 272"

  1. Debbie says:

    Romans 4:21 “He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.”
    Oh, to have that kind of faith…that’s what I want.

    1. Isra Dunia says:

      me too! complete faith!

  2. Linda says:

    Hard to understand Isaiah talking about a new heaven and earth but men living longer? There is to be no death, right? So how can dying after 100 years be mentioned? Or for that matter, infant deaths?

    1. Pam B says:

      Here is what the Matthew Henry Commentary says about Isaiah 65:20. “There will be new life. Untimely deaths by sword or sickness will no more be known as they have been. Through Christ, believers will be satisfied with life even if they only live for a short time on earth. Even the child will be reckoned to die a hundred years old, for they will rise again at full age: they will rise to eternal life. And as for old people, it is promised that they will fill their days with the fruits of righteousness (Php 1:11), which they will continue to display in old age (Ps 92:14). An old person who is wise, good, and useful may truly be said to have filled their days. Old people who have their hearts set on things of this world have never filled their days. Unbelievers will be unsatisfied and unhappy in life even if they live very long lives. Although sinners may live to be a hundred years old, they will still be cursed, and their long life is simply a reprieve. The important thing, therefore, is not whether our lives on earth are long or short, but whether we live the lives of saints or sinners.”
      Hope that helps. :-) The notes in my study bible said: “Comparable to the longevity of Adam and his early decedents. See the genealogy of Gen. 5

  3. Leah Swindon says:

    I loved this verse..65:23 They will not labor in vain,
    nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune;
    for they will be a people blessed by the Lord,
    they and their descendants with them..
    In the ESV, it says “they shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity.” My heart is wrecked for what some children home and around the world. The day that innocent children are free to be children is a wonderful thought. Praise God that He is “the God who sees” and that one day, all children will live free from fear.

  4. Katie R says:

    Love the reminder in Romans to cling to hope-

    “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him.” Romans 4:18

    When he had absolutely no logical reason to hope (he was 100! His wife was barren! He certainly couldn’t have a baby, let alone become the father of nations!)- he still hoped. Worldly logic means nothing in the face of God’s promises- I’m remembering that today and praying it for myself and friends full of hoping today!

    1. Brittany B says:

      I loved this part too! How awesome that God surpasses all earthly logic and understanding!!!!

  5. Tarnz says:

    Love Romans 4 as well it is solid and super encouraging! Righteousness or right standing with God comes only by faith you can’t earn it, or buy it by looking and behaving good… It is freely yours by faith trusting whole heartedly inspite of what everything in your life situation may suggest about you!

  6. maddygracehope says:

    Romans 4:20 “He grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God…” I love that!

  7. Tarnz says:

    I love this scripture! I was in an absolute place of brokenness and everything and person I was trying to find to fill this gaping void in my heart (except for our gracious n Heavenly Father) was unreachable. I finally lay on my bed crying and picked up my bible to read:
    “13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”
    14 When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass;
    the hand of the Lord will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes.”

    As a new mum at that time in my life and still today it really resonated with my spirit about the depth of our fathers heart for us; nothing my baby could do or ever will do would ever stop me from loving her without condition or rush to protect and support even from herself if she needs it. My love however is by far in-superior to the depth and beauty of our daddy’s love for each and every single one of us! It still perplexes me… The Beauty of it!
    My tears of brokenness in that moment turned to tears of joy seeped in humility because I was understanding this scandalous love and grace freely given. :)
    I am soooo ridiculously thankful!

    1. Leah Swindon says:

      So beautiful Tarnz..thank you for sharing!

    2. Christina D. says:

      Such a good word for me today. Thank you Tarnz…you spoke to my heart.

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