The Life of Jesus Week 1

Episode 161 | The Life of Jesus | Released January 2, 2023 | Special guest: Dave Lomas

Happy New Year and welcome to the first She Reads Truth Podcast episode of 2023. Raechel and Amanda are joined by pastor and author Dave Lomas to help kick off The Life of Jesus series. Who is Jesus? Why are there four Gospels? How do you read them together? Tune in as Raechel, Amanda, and Dave talk through these questions and more as they discuss the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ. 

Read with Us: 

This episode corresponds to Week 1 of the She Reads Truth The Life of Jesus reading plan found on the She Reads Truth app and

Shop The Life of Jesus collection at

Open Your Bibles: (passages referenced in this episode)
CSB translation unless otherwise noted 

Day 1: Luke 1:1–38
Day 2: Luke 1:39–80
Day 3: Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 2:1–38
Day 4: Matthew 2; Luke 2:39–52
Day 5: Luke 3:1–22; Mark 1:1–8; Matthew 3:13–16; Luke 4:1–13

Show Notes: 

Reality SF Church
The Truest Thing About You by Dave Lomas

Upcoming Reading Plans: 

I Will Give You Rest—Plan begins on 2/6/2023


She Reads Truth on Instagram & Facebook
Raechel Myers on Instagram
Amanda Bible Williams on Instagram
Dave Lomas on Instagram