Day 31

Zedekiah’s Final Meeting with Jeremiah

Jeremiah 37:1-21, Jeremiah 38:1-28, 2 Kings 24:8-9, Psalm 40:1-3

BY Melanie Rainer

I have two daughters, ages five and two. My two-year-old loves to eat and doesn’t understand boundaries, and my five-year-old likes to be busy, which means she leaves her food lying around in her wake. I’ll let you guess what happens more often than not. And despite my repeated warnings to my eldest—that if she leaves her uneaten food lying around, her sister will likely find and consume it—she continues to do the same thing, over and over again. Needless to say, tears ensue. I realize it’s probably not great parenting to say, “I told you so!” But really, what else is there to say? It’s a cause-and-effect problem, a black-and-white (and no gray) situation.

When Jeremiah speaks to Zedekiah in today’s passage, there’s a similar sentiment behind the message, one in which a half-hearted response just won’t do. There’s really no gray area to wonder, Well, maybe that’s not really what Jeremiah meant, or Maybe the consequences won’t really be as bad as he says they will. But what did Jeremiah actually say? Surrender to the Chaldeans, and you will live. Don’t surrender, and you will die (Jeremiah 38:2,18,23). Over and over again, Jeremiah relays this message, then gets thrown down a well for saying it, only to then say it again.

I find myself wishing that God always spoke this clearly. I couldn’t possibly count up all the seasons in my life when I have prayed desperately for clarity, for a sign in the sky, for a prophet to appear and speak with such thorough conviction. But even if God were to act in this way, would I actually believe Him? Would I, like King Zedekiah, come up with a list of reasons why I might possibly do the thing I was so clearly instructed not to do?

Zedekiah listened to the officials who said Jeremiah must be wrong, allowing them to throw him down the cistern. Later, Zedekiah was afraid of how the Judeans would treat him if he listened to Jeremiah and surrendered, and so he told Jeremiah to not tell anyone about the conversation. You can probably guess the outcome. The Lord spoke with conviction, but the king did not listen.

While I wish I were more like Jeremiah, the truth is, I probably live my life a lot more like Zedekiah. I’m able to read God’s Word and then turn around and act in the complete opposite of its instructions. My conversation is not always gracious nor is it seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6). I love money (Matthew 6:24) and put my hope in all sorts of things other than God (1Peter 1:13). I have very little self-control (Proverbs 25:28), and my heart is often bitter and angry (Ephesians 4:31).

The reality is that I want God to be clear in His instruction, but only when it benefits me, when His Word aligns with my self-interests and goals. When He is clear and it stings a little, or when He asks me to sacrifice or change for my good and His glory, I pretend that’s not really what He’s saying. But even though I see myself in the willful, self-justifying defiance of Zedekiah, I can rest assured knowing that his fate is not mine, because of the person and work of Jesus Christ. When I look to Jesus, there is no cost too great to follow Him.

Post Comments (75)

75 thoughts on "Zedekiah’s Final Meeting with Jeremiah"

  1. Alisha says:

    I just wanted to say, that even if what Jeremiah said sounded crazy to them at that time, Jeremiah was already proven to be a true prophet to the people. If you read in between the lines, even at their final encounter Zedekiah asking Jeremiah to speak with him alone and ordering him not to tell anyone what they spoke about is evidence enough that he believed what he was saying. But Zedekiah chose to save face instead of obeying the word of the Lord and suffered the consequences.

  2. Margaret Terry says:

    I have a question, that keeps coming to my mind and especially after reading today’s verses. What Jeremiah was telling them would have seemed insane, like telling us to give up to the Nazis in ww2. Their trust had to be as much in Jeremiah as in God. How did they know he wasn’t deranged and telling them a complete lie? That’s what is hardest for me most of the time. Discerning what God is saying, is it God or is it just something my head is saying…thankfully we can dig into the word, but those people didn’t have the word. If that had been you back then, how would you made the decision to believe Jeremiah? Anyone?

  3. Margaret Terry says:

    My take away is not to judge Gods trustworthiness on what is happening to us at any given moment but to trust in the never changing sovereign love he has shown us in who he is, what he has done and what his word says. Jeremiah must have wondered why all these thing were happening to him but he remained faithful and trusted God. In these times it would be so easy to say where is God, why is all this happening, even to faithful believers. But there is a bigger picture and of course faithful believers will suffer in this world, that is not a testament of Gods trustworthiness! I am trying to look carefully and see God working in the midst of this worldwide disaster and submit to trusting him no matter what. It’s so weird to be reading of the upcoming disaster for the Israelites as we brace our selves for a possible huge peak in the upcoming weeks of sickness and death.

  4. Sara Gamboa says:


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