Day 1

What Is Worship?

Deuteronomy 6:13-14, Isaiah 40:18-31, Matthew 14:22-33, Joshua 24:14-15, John 4:21-24

BY Amanda Bible Williams

I was five years old, standing with my mom and brother in a pew near the front of the sanctuary. We were singing a hymn and I had my eyes closed, my hands held in front of me with my palms facing up as if carrying an invisible tray. This is my earliest memory of worship.

I didn’t know to call it that. I was just responding to the reality of who God showed Himself to be. Somehow—maybe through the Scripture read from the pulpit or a truth proclaimed in that hymn, or maybe through whispers from the Holy Spirit to my heart—I caught a glimpse of God, big and strong and holy, but also good and loving. I felt connected to Him, like I knew Him and He knew me. It didn’t matter that I was small; I knew right then that I was His, and my heart responded in kind.

That moment in my memory marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of worship, of learning to respond to God with all of myself. There are times this resembles that day in the church pew, my heart swelling in worship as the pipe organ plays and the congregation sings. More often it takes a subtler form, a different shape of surrender for each circumstance and season. Sometimes my worship is misplaced; like a train without tracks, I give my awe and reverence to something other than my Creator.

Scripture makes it clear that we are to worship nothing and no one other than the one true God. He is the only one worthy of our worship.

“To whom will you compare me,
or who is my equal?” asks the Holy One.
Look up and see!
Who created these?
He brings out the stars by number;
he calls all of them by name.
Because of his great power and strength,
not one of them is missing.”
–Isaiah 40:25–26

But if worship is indeed more than singing on Sunday morning, what is it? Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that true worshipers worship “in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). How do we worship with a heart tuned to the Spirit of the Lord and tethered to the truth of His Word?

These are the questions we will explore in this study of what it means to worship God. Each day we will read about an aspect of worship from Scripture, spending time reflecting on what it looks like in our lives. While these two weeks will not give us an exhaustive look at the topic of worship in the Bible, our prayer is that we’ll walk away with a fuller understanding of what “worship in spirit and in truth” means for us and the God who made us.

Like that little girl with hands stretched out, I am still learning how to worship. Join me as we learn together, and may our lives reflect more of God’s goodness and glory as a result.

Post Comments (161)

161 thoughts on "What Is Worship?"

  1. Nicole Miners says:

    I love the Lord so much and am so grateful for everything He has done in my life. I don’t know that I take enough time to just think about who I am to Him though and just get flooded with emotion. I know faith isn’t all about emotion but I also want the reality of His love for me to hit me deeper. I pray that as I learn to better worship in Spirit and in truth through this study that I would also better learn to meditate on who i am to Him and how much He loves me. That I might feel braver and even more quick to enter His presence just as I am.

    1. Suzie McRae says:

      Love this!

  2. Lacey Mollel says:
  3. Michelle Turner says:

    This is my first time on this app and I’m excited to explore more and see how these studies impact my daily worship!

  4. Mary Stilin says:

    I am looking forward to each day of this study. Whenever I read the word I feel so close to God. I’m excited to dig into what worship truly is and grow my relationship with Him more. ❤️

  5. Kyrie Thomas says:

    Excited to experience all forms of worship ❤️

  6. Kyani Elliott says:

    Worship is when I truly feel the closest to God. It’s in those moments of worship that I let everything go and fix my eyes on the Lord and really feel that I am encountering his presence.

  7. Jessica Locke says:

    I just love the story! I have often said Jesus give me hands open do what you have for me. Help me to always have my hands open to receive you and then give your love freely.

  8. Paige Cassidy says:

    I absolutely love worship! Music is a big way I feel God speaks to me and I love it, but one question I do have is how can you continually worship God and feel his overwhelming love in that? Sometimes I feel when I’m worshipping in church it’s not authentic, even though I truly want it to be.

    1. Jenny Meyers says:

      Such a great question! One time when I was trying to develop a new godly habit I felt so fake because I did not feel on the inside what I was acting out. Someone told me that if I just kept “practicing” the inside would eventually align with the outside. That I should not get discouraged because the new creation in Christ needed to be formed within and this was connected with the action. I wonder if engaging in authentic worship is the same?

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