Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.
This week we will memorize these words of Jesus before He raised Lazarus from the dead.
“Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
—John 11:26
Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.
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14 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Yes I Believe
Do I believe the words He said, including every promise that has been spoken? Certainly a question to meditate on daily. Grateful for this study for bringing this question to the fore.
This study has meant so much to me and i really wish it was longer than 3 week. I always saved the podcast for the end of the week so i can continue to soak in what i had been reading throughout the week. It is such a warm blanket…
Your ministry has blessed me and i thank God for it.
Thank you,
p.s. i didn’t see a survey, lol, but i listen on my phone while i’m hiking!
Churchmouse I like how you said what you said. You have a way with words.
Amen, Lizzie, Taylor, and Doris, Amen.
Oh yes, Angie, I do believe, oh yes I do.
Today my son’s pastor made the statement, “God’s operating manual does not need an upgrade.”
The gospel is all it ever needs to be. No improvements will ever be needed. Jesus is.
Our purchase price was already paid on the cross of Jesus Christ. If this life is a race, it is like we are at the starting line…or anywhere in the race actually and God comes to us and puts the winners medal around our neck and says, “You’ve already won child. It is done. The covenant is yours. Now go run, for you’ve got this in Me.”
Lord, we are in a covenant relationship with You, because of You. Through faith we are sons and daughters of God through Jesus Christ. It is personal. It is relational. It is eternal for always. My DNA is daughter of the King.
Do I believe Jesus has defeated death? That I am His? That in Him we have life eternal? Yes!
Thank you Lord.
I believe and I want to shout it from the mountain tops. Even in the tough times, I believe. My belief and faith has gotten me through God. You are the One and Only. I will never understand why do You do everything You do while I’m here on earth but I believe You have a reason for everything You do. I believe You sent Your Only Son to die for our sins. I believe He rose and now the Holy Spirit is here on earth. I believe Christ will return. I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE. Lord thank you for all You have done for me and my SRT sisters. Heal those of us who need healing — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — and be by the side of those of who need comforting. In Your name, Amen.
I believe according to 1Corinthians 15:1-4_ For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Eternal life promised!
Amen. ❤️
Yes! I believe this!
John 11:27: “Yes Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”
May our response be the same as Martha today and every day. Happy Sunday sisters!
Lord, I pray for perspective as I go through this life, I pray you will grow my faith. I believe in you, that you rose Jesus, the Messiah, from the dead. I trust that you will keep my life, and hold onto it for eternity, by that same power. Thank you for loving me and preparing an eternal life for me that is beyond what I can comprehend. Please carry me through this day, you are Lord over all. True life is found in you. Please help me to love all, as you love.
As we learn about the promises of God:
Do I believe Jesus is who He says He is?
and do I believe He will do what He says He will do?
Well said! Happy Sunday All!
Every time, as I open my Bible, I am reminded of this one question, “Do you believe this?” My answer to that question is the lens not only through which I read the Scriptures, but how I view life, both now and for eternity. All is viewed through the lone lens of absolute Truth.