Day 7

Weekly Truth

Jeremiah 31:33

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of the gospel of Jesus with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize the key verse for the book of Jeremiah, a verse that describes God’s plan to establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah.

“I will put my teaching within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God,
and they will be my people.”
—Jeremiah 31:33b

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

Post Comments (36)

36 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    So happy that God’s law is on our hearts!

  2. Churchmouse says:

    Dorothy, will add your requests to my daily prayer book. Grateful you are bringing these particular needs to all of us who gather here so that we might all go to the throne room of our beloved Jesus on their behalf. I eagerly anticipate His intervention in such a profound way that all recognize His mighty hand.

  3. Dorothy says:

    Praying for you Churchmouse, Mari V, and all the rest of my sisters in Christ.
    I have to prayer requests, I mentioned on day two about my friend Rhonda falling and hurting her back, I found out she has to have surgery in three areas — two in her neck and one in her mid-back, her surgery is tomorrow so if you can pray for her I would appreciate it.
    Also, the little girl I take care of is going to have multiple surgeries on Thursday — she is four years old — please pray for Finley and her parents.
    God is good all the time and all the time God is good. God bless all you, my dear sisters in Christ.

  4. Meghan says:

    I just discovered this community a few days ago and I am beyond excited to join in. God is good! I am so grateful that He provides people who are gifted and skilled to create resources like this. I finished reading through the Bible in a year and a half about a month ago and it kind of burnt me out on Bible reading for a while, but I don’t want that to be the case anymore. I want to get back in the Word, not as a check list, but to be more plugged into my relationship with God and seeking out His truth for my heart and mind.

    1. K D says:

      Glad you are a part of the community Meghan!

  5. Erricka Hager says:

    I love the tips that are shared to help with memorization. I love writing things on multiple post-it notes to serve as constant reminders throughout my day.

  6. Tracie Nall says:

    Day 7 ✅

  7. Mikki says:

    Happy Sunday ladies! Love and praying for all of you!

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Erin, I get the SRT study guides (I’m a paper and pen person) and the verses are on perforated cards in the back. I memorize them weekly as suggested, doing the best I can given my “old brain,” as my 5 year old granddaughter tells me. She has a Bible verse to memorize every week from her school so it is good for her to see me memorizing as well. On the back of the memory verse cards is the SRT website so when I’m done with the card I can give them to friends or leave them in various locations, praying that someone might pick one up and become a woman in the Word as well. I use it as an evangelistic tool of sorts. I give them out at church also.

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