Day 42

Weekly Truth

1 Corinthians 15:3

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week, we will memorize a verse from 1 Corinthians containing a fundamental truth of the gospel: that Christ died for our sins.

For I passed onto you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures…
—1 Corinthians 15:3

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

Post Comments (7)

7 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Mari V says:

    Happy Sunday to you all my BEAUTIFUL sisters! May you are enjoy your places of worship as you sit around with your families whether in your living room, in your kitchen, maybe even outside in your garden, some of you at your church outside on the lawn, or a drive-in service. Wherever you find yourselves we will all worship our Jesus in one accord!

  2. Linda says:


  3. Churchmouse says:

    How important it is to remember that which is most important. So often I’m distracted by things that aren’t. I can major in the minors, make mountains out of molehills – all to my own detriment. Oh the necessity of praying for discernment and focus! All of 1 Corinthians 15 is worth reading this day. It’s so easy to wander off, to linger too long in the weeds. The entire chapter points us to true north. Vs. 2: “It is this Good News that saves you.” Father God, help me to keep my mind on this most important fact: Jesus saves. There is hope! It is also the only news that is also always Truth.

  4. Anne Jones says:

    Tina thank you, I have been thinking the same as far as looking back at choices i made. Trying to understand why was I so weak and easily mislead away from God. I am sad for time I lost and pain i caused my Lord. I praise him for loving me now and always and dying for me…All of us.

  5. Tina says:

    Having spent these last few days looking back at some awful, stupid, ‘what was I thinking’ mistakes and choices i made years ago, this verse, this verse right here is so heart warming, so so welcome, it’s like a letter from home!

    Thank you Jesus. Thank you for dying for my sins, my mistakes, my stupidity. Thank you for carrying my sin to the grave and being risen from the dead to be my advocate and my Hope..
    Thank you Jesus, thank you.

    Blessed Sunday wrapped in love, Sisters. ❤

    1. Nancy Stinson says:

      Tina, we all do this, because satan has made it his mission to remind us and keep us bogged down in guilt; but God… God in His mercy has washed us white as snow and clothed us with His righteousness. Thanking Jesus for all He bore for us on the cross, and looking toward the day we will see Him face to face. Love & prayers, Nancy

      1. Mari V says:

        I, too do this BUT, I remind myself I am a child of God! He loves us!
        I believe this is true of all of us, the hardest person to forgive is ourselves! I am so glad for this community a beautiful sisters to hold each other up with encouragement reminding one another how we are dearly loved by our God! Tina, can’t wait to meet you someday!

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