The Risen One

Open Your Bible

John 20:1-31, Daniel 10:5-6, Acts 2:24-32

My husband dropped to his knees on our living room carpet and cried out, “Why, Andy? Why?” His brother ended his life after battling depression, and the grief struck with crippling weight. My husband stayed on the floor, his head swaying back and forth from the ground to the ceiling—and wailed.

I imagine this kind of debilitating grief as Mary Magdalene cried at the tomb, dropping to her knees, sobbing, “Where? Where?” She came to visit the remains of the miracle-worker who delivered her from seven demons (Luke 8:1–3). All she found was the stone rolled away, His body missing (John 20:1–3). The religious leaders killed the good Teacher and now someone stole His body from the tomb (John 19:1–42)?

Grief sometimes veils what’s right in front of us. When my mom died, I missed simple details like putting the milk in the fridge instead of the cupboard—and big details like paying rent. So, I cannot judge Mary Magdalene for jumping to conclusions when she saw the opened grave (John 20:1), looked into the tomb (v.11), talked with the angels (v.13), even when she asked Jesus for the body, mistaking him for the gardener (v.15). Maybe the veil of grief blinded her from recognizing the power of the gospel right in front of her eyes.

But her heart sought the Lord. She stayed and wept. She walked closer and looked. And Jesus met her right there.

I relate to Mary Magdalene. I find myself on my knees these days, grieving painful and uncertain challenges raising a rebellious child. I cry private tears, seeking the Lord. I know there are answers—probably right in front of me—but all I can see sometimes is empty space. 

Jesus saw Mary behind her veil of grief. He spoke Mary’s name, and immediately her shroud of blindness lifted. She beheld the Holy One who would not undergo decay (Acts 2:24–32) and burst into exuberant joy, “Rabboni!” (John 20:16). 

She wanted to stay with Him, but He told her to proclaim His resurrection and soon ascension, so she went to the disciples and announced, “I have seen the Lord!” (v.18). Then the Lord from Daniel’s vision (Daniel 10:5–6) appeared to them face-to-face (John 20:19–23). Even Doubting Thomas believed after he saw and touched Jesus for himself (vv.24–29).  

Seeing the Lord changed everything for Mary, for the disciples. But sometimes we have a hard time believing without seeing. Life cripples us with all kinds of grief—and we weep as with veiled faces. 

But God sees us behind our veils of grief like He saw Mary. He whispers to us through the Word (v.31) and calls us to faith (v.29). We are not alone. He is “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23, John 14:15–31).

(70) Comments

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70 thoughts on "The Risen One"

  1. Emily McGhee says:

    ❤️❤️❤️unconditional love we can always count on

  2. Jules D says:

    Jesus meets us in our pain and confusion, and calls our name, lifting our eyes to Him.

  3. Stacey Maines says:

    I had a miscarriage in June of this year and it has been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever experienced. I never know when I’m going to cry about it. I’ve been trying to process it and tell myself, God has his reasons. I still haven’t figured those out yet but I know our God is an awesome God and he does EVERYTHING for HIS good. But I know through it all, Jesus wept with me.

  4. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I know you got me at all times as I cry silently lord I know you hear me and wipes my tears Lord you are good and your mercy is everlasting Lord you are good!

  5. Desiree Harris says:


  6. Portia Strange says:

    I love the detail & emphasis that John places on the sense of sight & touch in Chapter 20. Mary says she has ‘seen the Lord’ in v. 18, the other disciples proclaim ‘we have seen the Lord’ in v. 25, & Thomas proclaims that unless he ‘sees in his hands the mark of the nails…that he will never believe’ in v. 25.
    Thomas also says that he must ‘place his finger into the mark of the nails & place his hand into his side’ in v.25.
    Seeing & touching Jesus obviously had a deep impact on the disciples believing that He had indeed been resurrected. They encountered the risen Christ & not only were their convictions about Jesus solidified, but they were truly transformed by His Presence!
    God I want this in my life!

  7. Misti Paulding says:

    I lost my mom on January 15, one month today. That is the reason I am behind on this reading but isn’t God merciful?! He knew I would need to read this TODAY! It also hit home for me. As a believer, and my mom a believer, I am surprised at the extreme grief I have felt over her passing. I know where she is and that she is now made whole but oh my it’s been hard. She was my best friend and I miss her so. I know that many others have walked this path, and in much more tragic situations. And then my 42 year old cousin was killed in a car accident yesterday. Thank you Jesus for hope and life and peace and comfort. But most of all because of Your death and resurrection, we will see our loved ones again!

  8. Janie Diffly says:

    Beautifully tendered!

  9. Sarah Morrison says:

    Amen risen savior

  10. Rebecca Woodall says:

    Seana (& anyone else who needs to hear this), don’t you give up on that rebellious child you’re raising. The Lord is faithful to His Word. You have to trust that The Word you planted in his/her heart will NOT return void! I lived through the same trial with my oldest and after she grew past her rebellion and returned to The Lord she told me ‘thanks for not giving up on me Momma’.

  11. Rebecca Woodall says:


  12. Yoshikawa says:

    TO Ms. Gendron, I feel your heartache in losing your son, I lost my 14 year old son too. I love the book of John, and Jesus’s words are starting to penetrate through the overwhelming pain. That He (Jesus) loves me, that He weeps with me, that He suffers with me, that He is with me. I hope that is a little encouraging through this tremendously painful journey we are called to walk through.

  13. Sarah Morrison says:

    – praise God!!

  14. Cassandra McKinney says:


  15. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Between reading yesterday and today’s devotionals, I cried. I always cry when I read of or think on Jesus’ crucifixion. He was the Son of God- all authority was His but He emptied Himself and became human. Even as all God & all human, He didn’t call on angels or exercise the authority He could have. He created this world- it is held together by Him…yet He allowed Himself the most humiliating & horrific death ever. He was beaten, mocked, His beard ripped out, His back ripped open, He was nailed to a cross, hands & feet. The Word says He didn’t even look human anymore. Wow. All that for me…for YOU. It’s beyond words. But because of all this, we can know & be friends with GOD. We can be free. We can have an abundant life & eternal life! It’s all just so amazing!

  16. Ali Adair says:

    I am so glad that we serve a Living Savior. Amen!

  17. Jamie T says:

    I just want to say how much I love Mary Magdalene. For staying at the tomb. Weeping just as many of us did while reading this week’s Truths. She is so faithful and I think if we follow her we are also following Him. ✝️

  18. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    I have found myself tearful more times than I can count these past two reading days recounting the crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus showing perfect obedience to death on the cross….for sinners like me. His blood poured out for me, crying even typing this….then reading today’s devotional….I too am raising a rebellious child who I pray returns as a prodigal some day….I pray I can walk in faithful obedience like Jesus….that I can release my son into God’s hands and have faith in His perfect will and timing. DOROTHY thank you for sharing your experience….I pray that God places people into my son’s life as he did with your son to bring him back to faith. Praying for all of you sisters and as always thankful for this beautiful community of Godly women. I have learned so much from the wisdom you all share here ❤️

  19. Alayna P. says:

    Despite being quite emotional reading this, I did get a little giggle when John mentions that he outran Peter and got to the tomb first. Something that really stood out for me was how Mary knew exactly who Jesus was as soon as he said her name. It made me think of John 10:3-4 “He calls his own sheep by name….and they follow him because they know his voice” ❤️

  20. Alayna P. says:

    Despite being quite emotional reading this, I did gif

  21. Rhonda J. says:

    Isn’t it amazing, Amazing Grace, that our God gives us? His compassion and love He gives to his people?! The more you read the word the more overwhelming it all becomes, how it all lines up, the prophesies, the new the old, the timelines, it just fathoms me how people don’t get it!! Yet I was one of those, and now all I want to do is know Him, and please Him, and tell about Him, our Lord Jesus and Savior- saving us from death, from sin, from sadness to love, and more love. Hallelujah! I cried while I was praising at church this past Sunday because of this Amazing Love and Grace.

  22. Traci Gendron says:

    BY HIS GRACE – I want to thank you for the job you do. We had the sweetest ICU nurse take care of my son. I don’t know how you all do it. She said that so much death has been really hard on her. She came in on her day off to help us through the passing of my son. I couldn’t have thanked her enough for that.

    Grief is a very lonely road. My heart literally felt like it broke when my son died. I had physical pain in my chest. I don’t know how anyone would get through it without having faith in God. I’m so thankful for my faith.

    Today’s reading touched me. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the sacrifice Jesus made for us. It makes you want to try harder. To Put Him first.

  23. Sky Hilton says:

    If Mary never saw Jesus.. then there’s a good chance we would not be talking about Him now! The disciples might have given up believing.. but Mary was there! I just think it’s amazing how our God puts us in the right place in the right time!

    But yes, God does know our suffering. I cannot speak for anyone else, but when I was in college I went through a very rough “God doesn’t love me” phase and would sometimes self harm before and after bible study meetings I had with my Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group. It was during a time where I didn’t believe in spiritual rebirths like I do now. I was so scared of going to sleep at night sometimes then because I thought I would die and God would tell me He doesnt love me anymore. There was a couple times where I even said to Jesus “You don’t love me” but… now… I totally understand why that suffering that I went through was in a way- a good thing. This suffering allowed me to open my heart to Jesus more. And now, I am so happy. Now my heart is on fire for Him and I look for every chance I can get to make myself totally His. All of this is to say that God is so much closer than we think He is. I love Him so much.

    “His body was like chrysolite, his face had the brilliance of lighting, his eyes were like blazing torches, and the sound of his words was like the noise of a crowd.”

    Our Lord is so beautiful. I’m so glad that we can serve Him.

  24. Dorothy says:

    I know what Seana is talking about when she refers to raising a rebellious child. After George’s, my older son, death Andrew became rebellious. He strayed from the church and started to stray from me but thanks to my dad and my former sister-in-law and brother-in-law (my ex-husband’s sister and husband) Andrew realized mom was okay. Yes he got in trouble with the law but nothing Grandpa and Aunt Trish and Uncle Larry couldn’t help him through.
    I’m thankful these days that this same child of mine, now a fine young man, has found a wonderful, God-fearing woman to share his life with.
    Through all the many ups and downs God has sent me, I have been blessed and I know it. My son has turned his life around and is starting to come back to the Lord.
    Praise the God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit for all the blessings and sadness. We learn from everything that happens in our life.
    Sisters be blessed and PRAISE GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!

  25. PamC says:

    Thank you all for your uplifting comments. I highly recommend popping over to HRT to read that devotional by Alex Florez. I felt like it was written just for me.
    Hugs & love to all y’all. Praying as I go through the comments.

  26. Patricia Stewart says:

    I love love ❤️ that God chose Mary to share the good news. Thank you Father.

  27. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Thank you all for sharing your stories. I have lifted your requests you’ve made know, and those you haven’t, to the Lord. Just like He heard Mary at the tomb, he hears us. Glory!

  28. Tash P says:

    Seana Scott – thank you for this beautiful devotion. I will be praying for you as a mother and for your child. I’m in the thick of teen years in my home and this has been the hardest parenting stage. Jesus, we just want our children to follow you.

  29. Trish says:

    I am feeling the same way, I feel like at times why would God Love me so much, when I screw up so much,and keep coming back. My hear is heavy.

  30. Trish says:

    I am feeling the same way, I feel like at times why would God Love me so much, when I screw up so much,and keep coming back. My hear is heavy.

  31. Victoria E says:

    By His Grace- thank you for the work you do. I am a physician but in research and I hear from my colleagues about the dire situation in all the hospitals they work in. Praying for you and everyone else in our overburdened healthcare system.

  32. Victoria E says:

    Liz- I am so sorry for your losses. Death, while the world calls it “natural” is so unnatural in that it was never part of God’s original plan for us. I pray that God will show you glimpses of the eternal life He has in store for us and that you experience His grace. GramsieSue, praying for you and Steve. Brooke P, praying for you my sister as well. I am so thankful for this reading, after yesterdays despite knowing exactly what was coming today I was depressed! I feel like the enemy was shoving all my past and current failures in my face and telling me I was unworthy and lost beyond hope bc I still fail on my walk with God. Praise the Lord for Jesus’ victory which is ours now too!

  33. AZ Walker says:

    We are not alone. God is with us. Praying for everyone this morning. Thank you Allison Mitchell for your sweet prayer for all of us ❤️

  34. Jenn Burris says:

    I just want to thank you all for such encouraging and life giving thoughts on this passage. The devotion was amazing but so were yours! I have always loved this account of Mary first seeing the risen Lord. She recognized him when He called her name which tells me she heard it often. For the others it took seeing the scars or touching them (which Jesus graciously did). But Mary knew the voice of her Savior! That is how I want to be…able to recognize the sound of His voice and go and speak of what I have seen.

  35. Jenn Burris says:

    I just want to thank you all for such encouraging and life giving thoughts on this passage. The devotion was amazing but so were yours!

  36. Lindsay Cook says:

    Thank you for sharing this!

  37. Amber Trimble says:

    I am hurting so much right now, for many reasons. And I needed this today!!

  38. Erin Carr says:

    Praying for you and your student, Abby!

  39. GramsieSue . says:

    @Heidi V – I love that verse as well. I have clung to it during Covid. And now as Steve and I go down this road of brain cancer treatment that doesn’t promise a cure, I know I will be clinging to it more than ever. And clinging to God. He is already showing me the joys in the sorrows. I thank everyone here for your prayers and support. Hugs ❤️

  40. By His Grace says:

    Wow – What a powerful phrase in the verses in Acts today: “having loosed the pains of death… (KJV).” As a nurse, it’s been a difficult two years. While the rest of the world sees the politics, the restrictions, the various doctors and scientists with their claims about vaccines, in the end we as nurses see the people. As an ICU nurse, I tend to see the sickest of the sick. It is not easy to watch people slip into eternity, especially if we know they did not choose to trust Christ as their Savior. This has been a terrible weight, but today’s verse reminded me that for those of us who believe, God has loosened the pain of death for us. Praise God, He is my strength.

  41. Deonna Courtney says:

    God be with Abby and the parents of the child today. Give Abby comfort in your presence and confidence that her words will be guided by your wisdom and spoken with grace. Give the parents listening ears and understanding. Make their next steps for helping their child clear. Keep them filled with hope and patience as they travel this difficult road.

  42. Abby D says:

    @JENNIFER MARTIN Praying that God will provide the space for you to grieve and wrap you in comfort as you process the death of your mother. May God surround you with people who will lift you up during this time. God bless!

  43. Abby D says:

    Please pray for a difficult conversation I am having with a parent of my student during parent/teacher conference today. The child shows many behaviors that point to needing medical help. It’s for the child’s safety and well being, as well as the safety and learning environment of the other students. Pray that my words are delivered with kindness and show God’s love. Please pray that the information is received well and that the parent will be willing to get the help the child deserves.

  44. Kinesha Cox says:

    Praying for you Jennifer!

  45. Heidi V says:

    Beautiful scripture and such meaningful insights shared here this morning that enrich our understanding, further comfort us and challenge us to grow. So grateful for this. Romans 12:12 has really helped me learn to see/feel/acknowledge joy in the midst of sorrow and grief. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, be persistent in prayer”. By beginning with rejoice in hope we are reminded that our hope is in Jesus and his promises comfort us here and now and extend far beyond this life on earth because he has overcome the world and we have the good news. Be patient in affliction reminds us that he is already at work on whatever problems and issues we’re going through at the moment. We’re never going through these things on our own and don’t have to have all the answers. Be persistent in prayer, being obedient to this portion of the scripture is ultimately so beneficial to us. The more we talk to Jesus and include him in every part of our day our relationship becomes stronger and more intimate. This intimacy allows us to see the joys however large or small that are woven throughout our days. so grateful for this scripture!

  46. LuAnn Fischer says:

    Jennifer – praying for you today. Praying you feel the nearness of Jesus, the love of the father and the comfort of the spirit.

  47. Angie says:

    Sometimes we just know, deep in our soul, there is more.

    Experience teaches us. Fire is hot, snow is cold. Sugar is sweet, vinegar sour. Cold feet need socks. Hot skin a cool cloth. We live and we learn.

    Mary had lived.
    Mary had learned.
    She knew Jesus was the Messiah. She had watched Him feed, heal, and raise to life others. Deep in her soul she had surrendered her heart and mind to the knowledge that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah. But, she also watched His suffering, and death on the cross, unable to do anything about it. That, she did not understand.

    People respond to shattered souls differently.

    Early on the first day of the week. In the darkness, before anyone or anything could via for her attention, she went to the tomb. She didn’t understand, but the pieces of her sold-out-soul knew where the answer was. Always go to Jesus. So she went. Danger in the darkness didn’t detour her. Fear did not hold her back. She did not know that the pieces of her shattered spirit would become a mosaic at the hands of her Savior. She only knew to run to Him.

    When she got to the tomb and it was empty, she went for help. Peter and John came to investigate, running. Could it be? John immediately believed. Yet he and Peter returned to the house. Mary remained. Weeping. The shattered shards of her soul still broken. She only knew she needed Jesus. Her persistent presence brought victory. The angels picked up the rubble of her soul. Her Savior called her by name, and placed the pieces back together, even more beautiful than before. She didn’t have or need, all the answers. The shattered-soul-shards had been cemented together by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, for all eternity. Jesus was exactly Who He said He was, exactly who she knew Him to be. He commanded her to tell the brothers. He was ascending to His Father, their Father, His God, their God.

    Yes, in Jesus, there is more. So much more. Creator God, Savior, Friend. Like Mary, may my sold-out-soul persistently come to You. The shattered pieces are all I have to offer. Thank you for holding them/me in your hands, cementing them together, binding them in You, and sealing them with the Holy Spirit. The mosaic of a life lived for You. Will it one day be the crown I lay at Your feet? Breathe on me. Blow in my face Lord, as You did your disciples. May the honor, the glory, and the power only be Yours. Amen.

  48. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Amen to all the prayers father God let it be! according to your will let it be here on earth as it is in heaven. The tune to Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker came down from my husband this morning, crank that one up! I never realize the depth of the story behind those lyrics. Singing that song at the top of my lungs this morning, brought tears and joy, and all of your names lifted HIGH!!

  49. Annelyn P says:

    Praying for you, Liz, in your grief. So much to bear. May you lay this burden of grief at the cross. Jesus loves you and will help you.

  50. Jennifer Martin says:

    This message hits home for me because I lost my Mom two weeks ago today and I have been really struggling with grief. I am thankful for the reminder that God is with me in my grieving and sadness

  51. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Two times in this reading Jesus says, “Peace to you.” He is peace, He wants us to know His peace. In the midst of their grief – Jesus comforted them. He was so gentle with Thomas who earlier, boldly stated to the other disciples that unless he saw, he wouldn’t believe. When Jesus appeared appeared to him, He didn’t scold or judge, He offered His peace and Thomas accepted it.

    God offers us peace to. We will grieve losses, we will mourn – and that’s ok, but Satan wants us to remain in our grief instead of accepting the peace of God and moving forward.

    Praying for all those who have lost someone and are grieving. I too have lost some close friends recently – one to covid, one to suicide. The grief is real, the pain hurts…But God! The God of all comfort, the God of peace, the work and presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for not leaving us alone in our grief, but for Your presence and walking through the pain and sorrow with us.

    @Liz – praying especially for your you today. ❤️

  52. Churchmouse says:

    The last two years have not been easy. My husband is a physician and I’m immunosuppressed. Our grandchildren have had health issues (not covid) requiring hospitalization. Family members have died and weddings have been postponed. BUT GOD. He heard every prayer, every cry and saw every tear. His presence has never left. His Word has brought comfort, encouragement, strength and hope. I worship in our living room, our current “sanctuary,” and I attend Bible study via Zoom. I treasure family more and am grateful for the technology that keeps us connected. I have amazing health care providers close by. The challenges have persisted but God is greater than our circumstances. My eyes are on the Lord. Sometimes they are teary but they stay fixed on Him. He holds me. He holds you.

  53. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    *LIZ* I hear you, lifting you and all of the lovely SHE’S here to our beautiful Savior Jesus, May he meet you in your places of grief, darkness, sorrows AND joys. It was in the darkness, before dawn, that Mary Magdalene was searching for Jesus. I can only imaging her grief by my own in losing my Daddy and Mom in law. These were the ones in my life who’s love felt so life giving. They poured delight into my soul and heart. Losing their presence here still feels so heavy at times. And yet, memories lift me to joy and gratitude of having known such love. I have longed for friendships or experiences with others for years hoping to know that kind of human relationship again. Jesus met me in that space. He continues to come to me in my darkness, He is the Deer of the dawn (Ps 22). Faithful, steadfast, and true. He pours the best delight into my heart. And my soul knows the eternity of it all. Jesus brought his followers and friends such richness to their lives. The thing they were most missing, that “God shaped hole”, was actually living with them, walking and talking with them, enjoying meals together. This is just “wow” for me to imagine. And then they saw him crucified. Buried in a tomb. The few days that followed were heavy to bear. And then, He rose! He came to them, Mary recognized his voice through the veil of darkness, and it was lifted instantly. He came through locked doors of fear. He came through the grief. He came through the doubt. He always comes directly to us, right where we are. And our ready, searching-for-him hearts, will see Him, His light, His love. Keep our hearts ready Lord. Keep our lamps full of oil. Help us forgive. Help us receive Your peace. Let us see the path you have made known to us. Help us follow you and dwell in your hope. Amen.

  54. Taylor says:

    Joining other in prayer for you Liz! Also Kasey I agree! One of my life mottos is “Sometimes the soul just needs to weep.” I had a patient who once told me tears are cleansing and that has stuck with me.

    Also asking for prayers, I have a short procedure tomorrow at 9am that I had last year and it’s more just preventative this time but it’s still going to be painful and now that I’m on my own health insurance I’m going to have to pay a few thousand dollars out of pocket for it which is a big expense and stressing me out. I appreciate your prayers! I hope everyone has a blessed day and feels Jesus near to us <3

  55. Kasey Deschaine says:

    What really resonated with me this reading was the image of Mary weeping. I think it is so easy to try to live life through a veil where we keep thinking to ourselves, I’m okay, this is okay, I can handle this, everything is okay, I can do this…but we’re missing the point here. The things in this life are hard and we can’t go through them with this unauthentic veil. We need to pray for Jesus to lift that veil and in doing so I think we need to weep. During my own personal struggles over the last year I’ve put way too much of an emphasis on ME trying to do and manage everything in my life, instead of WEEPING to the Lord and admitting that I CANT do this on my own standards and that is the very reason HE willingly laid HIS life down for us, so that we can come to HIM when life gets hard and burdened, because we weren’t created to do it alone.

  56. Kasey Deschaine says:

    Liz, I am praying for you by name that this veil will be lifted and you will experience the joy you so desperately desire during this period of grief.

  57. Sarah Nunneley says:

    This message truly hits home for me today. I couldn’t tell you why though. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice. Thank you Holy Spirit for touching my heart this morning.

  58. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Jesus came into the room even when the doors were locked. Jesus called Mary by her first name. A reminder that Jesus can access any part of my life if I believe that he can and that he too will call me by name, desiring to know my heart.

  59. Heidi says:

    Loving the attention given, again, to the marginalized and otherwise “looked over” in this account… when Christ came into this world, God chose the shepherds to be the ones to see and believe and announce He’s Here! The lowly, unimportant, looked over shepherds. When Christ was risen and had fulfilled the entirety of the law, he chose Mary- a woman, culturally unimportant, lowly, looked over- to see and believe and announce He’s Here! His attention to the value and worth of every human on this planet, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, past mistakes, CURRENT mistakes… it’s mind blowing. He had a platform of inclusivity that is so lost by our current Church Culture. And so many are remaining lost because of our Pharisaical-eyes. May He lift this veil as well, that we can SEE people and LOVE people right where they are- not IF they choose to move into a “religious space” that makes us more comfortable.

  60. Allison Mitchell says:

    I’m so touched by Jesus’s love and patience with Thomas. I’ve had moments too, when I doubt. But Jesus accommodated Thomas’s requests and helped him have faith. Jesus is willing to meet us where we are and wants to help us have faith- how wonderful! He is risen! Hallelujah!

    I’m praying for you LIZ, and everyone else’s requests. Dear Lord, may all of my sisters in this church community rest in Jesus’s promises of a kingdom everlasting, where every tear will be wiped away. Nourish our seeds of faith to blossom into full flowers of belief. Help us submit ourselves to You in gratitude for the life You have given us. Amen.

  61. Lonette Belizaire says:

    Praying for you as well.

  62. Linda Branch says:

    I praise you LORD an lift your Name on high.

  63. Rhonda Hendrix says:

    Praying for you. I understand trying to learn how to experience joy in the midst of sorrow.

  64. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

    Right there in red letters, Jesus is calling me “blessed”

    Thank You, Lord.

    LIZ – I’m so sorry for your losses. Death is truly a cruel enemy. Praying the Lord will bring you peace and comfort.

  65. Searching says:

    What a moving devotion. I am so thankful we are seen in our grief and comforted through our grief, He is always with us.

    I feel you, LIZ. Sources of grief have been a constant in my life and in my family for several years. Some of us function better than others and life seems ok most days, while others in the family are just going through the motions. There have been many days of asking why, why, why and begging for an answer that makes sense to me. Young children that have lost a parent, unexpected widows, “friends” whose betrayal still haunts me, why? I see signs of healing in some and pray for healing in all. On the days when tears are flowing (like yesterday and into today), I still ask why while also reminding myself that His ways are not my ways, and like you, working to have joy in the Lord through the tears.

    So thankful for today’s Scripture, Hallelujah! He is Risen!

  66. Jamie Lewis says:

    Help me to see you in the midst of all of the pain in the world. You are faithful. You are greater. You conquer fear.

  67. Mary Ann Graves says:

    God is always with us. That is soooooo amazing. We just need to remember it.

  68. Sheila Ezell says:

    He is alive!!

  69. Arina says:

    Jesus showed Himself to all His disciples. To Johnwho believed when he saw the empty tomb. To Peter who had denied Him. To Mary who couldn’t without her Lord. And to Thomas who would not, could not believe. Jesus made Himself known to them all. All of them needed to know He was risen. For Thomas, it took a week before it happened. But Jesus came to him, showing them all His power.

  70. Liz says:

    Beautifully written. I’ve been drowning in grief for several years now… death of my brother-in-law, 2 uncles, my aunt, my sweet gramma, my precious dog, my friends.. and I’ve lost others not to death but to distance or choice (their end). All I see right now is death and aging and rotting. I so want my veil to be lifted and want to be brought out of my grief. I’m trying to learn how to both be grieving and also have joy in the Lord. Such a hard thing to do.