Day 3

The Reign of the King

from the The Kingdom of God reading plan

Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 28:1-10, Matthew 28:16-18, Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 1:15-23, Revelation 19:11-16

BY Bailey Gillespie

Jesus demonstrated His authority as the true Son of God, who now rules at the right hand of the Father. 

They sat on a mountain in Galilee, worshiping. There were eleven of them in total, not including Jesus, listening to His words as He drew close. Some of the disciples had their doubts, so Jesus had to reassure them that He was a trustworthy leader. “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth,” He said (Matthew 28:18). If the disciples were going to carry out the Great Commission, teaching others what Christ taught them, they needed to know He was for real. It wouldn’t have been enough simply to spread the sayings of a wise teacher around the world. 

When I’m weary of corrupt, worldly leaders and don’t know who to trust, I find so much comfort knowing Jesus is the true King with complete authority. It gives me the deepest sigh of relief. When we look to His leadership, we don’t have to worry about emotional manipulation or strategies to protect His self-image. His reign isn’t abusive or neglectful. It’s fully present and vigilant, just and merciful, all at once. He is the “King of kings and LORD of lords” who entered our world first as a servant and whose kingdom will never end (Revelation 19:16; Philippians 2:7). That’s a leader I want to follow. 

Some days, I confess it’s hard to picture Jesus as my King. I’m so used to the gospel accounts, which tell the story of an everyday-looking man in street clothes, who took strolls by the Sea of Galilee and enjoyed a good plate of food. I’m so used to talking to Jesus like a close friend. Praying to Him from my bed at night, as I pour out my sorrows and joys that only He knows. When I picture our Savior enthroned with a scepter, or some other sign of royalty, I get a little intimidated. Is He really the same? The same tender presence that comforts my broken heart and welcomes my very average piano playing as an offering of worship? 

The beauty of the gospel is that yes, He is. He’s both. Jesus Christ is our all-powerful King with unparalleled authority, and He’s also the risen Jewish teacher who still has scars on His hands.

What does it mean for Jesus to reign as King today—right now? Whether it feels like it or not, He is already King, and His reign is actively at work. He’s been “given dominion and glory and a kingdom” so all might know and worship Him (Daniel 7:14). But we also know that His kingdom is not fully as it will be when sin, evil, and corruption are weeded out for good. Once this happens, His reign as King will be undeniable by all. Together, we look forward with anticipation to His promised, never-ending rule and reign. I can hardly wait. 

Post Comments (98)

98 thoughts on "The Reign of the King"

  1. Amber W says:

    The Lord should have full authority in my life. Forgive me Lord, for disregarding your sovereignty and putting myself above you. I put my wants and desires above your instruction and your will at times. – help me to always seek your will and your purposes at the start of each day.

  2. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings! All authority was given to Him and He reigns now! What a wonderful comfort to all of us!

  3. Denise Harlow says:

    Bailey, I feel you. My parents were an evangelistic work but they were the real deal. And passed away the last year and a half. But they always said “people will disappoint but Jesus never will.” I am so sorry this man disappointed you. My husband is a pastor and we hold a serious job in leading people to Christ on and off the stage. I don’t want to be like the Pharisees – I want to have a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Keep your eyes & heart on Him!

  4. Claire Vasbinder says:

    I’m grateful that Jesus’ character is infallible and trustworthy. It’s easy to put our trust in things of this world, but putting my trust in Jesus is guaranteed to see me through the ups and downs… easier said than done, but I pray I never grow weary of working to grow and walk with him.

  5. TJ D says:

    This study fell right on a song I heard today and have played it several times . Crushing Snakes by Crowder . When the lady sings a chorus in the middle it just gives me peace and excitement that our Jesus , our King is coming in all his glory . He is King of Kings !
    We need not worry and put our trust in men , but only in our king and savior Jesus , he never fails, keeps his promises . Always ! For His glory !

  6. Dani Warner says:

    Such a powerful message all the way around. God is so good! Thank you Jesus for coming down to this world and making the personal sacrifices to save us from this fallen world!

  7. Mercy says:

    You are right Bailey. I did not know this about Ravi until I saw your post. It is heart breaking. His ministry is transparent about this devastating truth, which is the right and courageous thing to do. Truly Jesus is our only confidence in this world, not human leaders. There are so many things that are masked. Somewhere down the line sin crept in. But truly Jesus, only Jesus, Jesus is the only way.

  8. Catie Brooks says:

    I am so grateful that my almighty king calls me friend. That he doesn’t care how little my troubles are or how big my sorrow is. He just calls me to draw closer to him. Like Victoria and so many others I have suffered from miscarriages my latest one was almost exactly 2 years ago when I found out that I was pregnant with triplets but 2 of the babies didn’t make it. For the longest time I felt shame and guilt over the initial reaction and then more guilt and shame for the joy/sorrow I felt. It is never an easy situation but so glad that my God could comfort me when I needed it

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