The Proclamation of Three Angels

Open Your Bible

Revelation 14:1-20, Psalm 107:1-3, Hebrews 12:18-24

The thundering voice from heaven.
The new song before God’s throne.
The proclamation of the eternal gospel across the globe.

In reading Revelation 14, we begin to hear the echoes of hope, when each mighty angel from the heavenly realms announces that the final hour of judgment has come. We’re told there will be harvests—first the reaping of ripe grain and then the gathering of clusters of grapes for the winepress, God’s wrath. And while the image of God’s wrath and judgment seems unimaginable and terrifying, it’s actually good news: Those who’ve worshiped the beast, the embodiment of evil, and carried out his vicious schemes will one day drink the wine of God’s wrath (14:9–11).

Wine is an image reverberating out from Old Testament prophets (Isaiah 51:17–23; Jeremiah 25:15–31; Habakkuk 2:16), through Psalm 75:7–8, and into the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26). It’s there that Jesus, knowing full well what was coming, prayed that the “cup” might be taken from Him. Then in utter and complete submission to the perfect will of His Father, He said, “Yet not as I will, but as you will,” and took in the full cup of God’s righteous wrath (v.39).

But as the redeemed, we have hope, and this is where our hope lies: with the victorious Lamb who takes away the sin of the world and rescues us from God’s coming wrath (John 1:29; 1 Thessalonians 1:10). Until that day, we are called to remain faithful and endure (Revelation 14:12). Death has not yet been dealt its final lethal blow, but in the meantime, we trust in the promise that those saints “who die in the Lord” will one day find “rest from their labors” (v.13).

Looking forward, the author of Hebrews assures us that we are headed for the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. We are headed to the welcome of thousands upon thousands of the angelic host, as well as other believers, whose names are written in heaven. It’s there that Jesus, our perfect Mediator, faithfully intercedes for us, even today (Hebrews 12:22–24).

So let those who have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy—those gathered from all the lands, east, west, north, and south—give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! (Psalm 107:1–3). Let those from every nation, tribe, language, and people join in a mighty chorus of praise for the Lamb who has overcome. And let us join as a mighty chorus, praising and worshiping “the one who made the heaven and earth” and then redeemed them for eternity (Revelation 14:7).

Elaine A. Phillips received a BA in social psychology from Cornell University, an MDiv from Biblical Theological Seminary, and an MA in Hebrew from the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, where she and her husband, Perry, studied and taught from 1976–79. She holds a PhD in rabbinic literature, and teaches Biblical Studies at Gordon College. She also serves as a historical geography field instructor for Jerusalem University College. She has published a commentary on Esther in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary; a devotional book, With God, Nothing Is Impossible; and, most recently, An Introduction to Reading Biblical Wisdom Texts.

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44 thoughts on "The Proclamation of Three Angels"

  1. Andrea Ingersoll says:

    There is a lot to understand here but I know that God doesn’t want any of his children to go to hell, He gives us all more chances for salvation than we deserve. In the end, I pray many will turn to God before the trumpet call.

  2. Nicole Cope says:

    It is disturbing to read of God’s judgment, but I have to remember that God is completely good and just and this is the punishment that I deserve for my sin. It is deserved judgment. But I am also completely in awe of Jesus’ sacrifice and payment for my sin in ways that I never was before. To think of Jesus, the spotless lamb, who is in perfect relationship with God the father and the Holy Spirit..that he endured God’s wrath and judgment for me so that I never will, it gives me a deeper gratitude for my savior.

  3. Zoe Gonzales says:

    Gods thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways are higher than my ways. He is Good; He is faithful. His judgment is perfect and just. God give me the grace to accept your will and to live in Your freedom and love. Love casts out fear

  4. Monica Davis says:

    God is great

  5. Gracie Ochoa says:

    Although these devotionals are great there is so much more to uncover in Revelation. Yes, all this is scary but we have hope. Also, it’s not only believing in Jesus but also enduring until the end.

  6. Cindi HorstHaines says:

    How do I access He Reads Truth?

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi Cindi, you can access the He Reads Truth devotionals at Hope that helps! -Margot, The SRT Team

  7. Angie says:

    I read the Word this morning and then again tonight…as well as each of your posts.
    Thank you Sue, and others for the suggestion of reading the He Reads Truth devotional. I knew they had books, but never thought to check an internet site, nice. Another person earlier mentioned reading the devotional from the SRT Bible. I am super excited to have those options daily. I also can’t wait to show my husband. I am tickled! Thank you. Also, thank you Ashley P. for the suggestion for Beth Moore’s book on Daniel. Shawn Parks…I love the coaching analogy, that is powerful.

    In case I haven’t said so before, you ladies are a blessing. It is a delight to read your posts, pray for and with you, get new insights into the Word, and simply know that there are women, whom I wouldn’t recognize if I saw on the street, but whose hearts are united in worship and love for & through our Savior. Someday…someday…we will worship together at the feet of Jesus. So blessed!!!

  8. Bridget Vaschak says:

    I’m thinking about the people who don’t overtly reject God, who don’t worship the beast/don’t practice evil. But they don’t believe or have faith in Jesus and His finished work. They are as doomed as those who DO overtly reject God.

    1. Katrina Geurink says:

      Hi, Bridget! There will be no one caught up in the wine press of God’s wrath who has not knowingly outright rejected him. The first angel flies over the whole earth and preaches the gospel in every language so that all may have a last chance to accept God’s mercy before the winnowing begins. Even I. our day, God gives each person chance after chance before the end of their lives. I have spent a large majority of my life as a missionary in the Amazon. Even those in remote tribes are given many chances. God is just but also so very, very merciful!

  9. Yanna Filovets says:

    Reading about God’s wrath, one may see God as “harsh” or “merciless” – and it may really seem that way, if certain scriptures are taken out of context. But if we read just above those verses, we discover the chance after chance, and the warnings that God gave the inhabitants of the earth. Not only in this passage – but from Genesis through Revelation, we can see God constantly giving those who rebelled against Him another chance, and we discover that God is really a God full of mercy.

  10. Maura says:

    So much to ponder in this study. He reads truth did really help today. Thank you ladies. We get to choose to give our God glory and pray for salvation for the multitude. God has a plan, and because I believe in Jesus and all He has done, I must trust in His plan. His love is unfailing, it is overwhelming. My prayer is that I can continually worship Him who is so worthy and made the heaven and earth, the sea, and the springs of water. May our mouths pour out His praise. Love and joy to your day.

  11. Alexis says:

    Sue, thank you for the tip to check out He Reads Truth devotional. It helped bring a little more understanding to what I read :)

  12. Ashley P. says:

    Beth Moore has a women’s Bible study on the book of Daniel that helps explain a lot of this really well. The first portion of the study focuses on the first part of Daniel and centers on his life and on living with integrity, but the second part is largely on end times and brings in a lot from Revelation. I’ve done the study twice (once with a group of friends and then last summer alone) and there’s so much to learn, I’d do it again! I highly, highly recommend it!

  13. NanaK says:

    Sue: thank you for your suggestion to check-out HRT devotional–it was helpful. I love that the writer (John Greco) sums it up by saying: ” …The same decision stands in front of all the complex issues we face-theological, social, political, and everything in between. Before we can answer any other questions, we must answer the most important one: ‘Whose side am I on?'”
    And Shawn, I love your football analogy– :-)
    Sisters, though the imagery of Revelation can be daunting, the bottom line is the same as any other book of God’s Word: God is in control; we have a choice to make; and there are/will be repercussions (good or bad) from our choice. God is a loving Father, wanting all to be saved, but He is also just–and although it is sobering to read the result of choosing satan and the world over God, it is meant to be.
    Hold onto the Truth and Hope that is presented through God’s Word–“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

    1. Jill Browne says:


  14. Amanda Hoover says:

    Remember, the enemy wants us paralyzed and compromised by what ifs, opinions, accusations, and misunderstandings. Confusion, included. Focus in on Jesus. Endure. Persevere.

  15. Searching says:

    So thankful for my salvation! My heart is breaking for those who don’t know the Lord, especially those who have outright rejected Him – only eternal torment in the future for those who continue down this path.

  16. Shawn Parks says:

    For me, looking at Revelations is more of a consistent overview of God’s plan. It is like looking in a coach’s playbook. I don’t necessarily understand all of the signs and symbols but I am confident in the coach and trust Him to be prepared to see the game to the end to secure the victory. I am encouraged that in his plan book he has an offense and defense for whatever the opponent and other team may attempt to secure their own victory. But I realize that the coach has my best interest in mind and everything he does is for the ultimate gain for his team. All I need to know is that he has a plan, he prepares me for my part on the team and I need to the best in my power to execute his plan for me, and trust that the outcome is already secured in his plan. Forgive me, but my husband was a football coach for more than 20 years. This may be simplistic, but I trust my my coach his playbook, and I already know who wins! Amen! I do feel honored and blessed that coach allows me to look at his playbook as he reveals its meaning to me little by little as our relationship grows and my knowledge of the game increases. Amen!

    1. Jaime Lopez says:

      This is a great way to think of it! My husband is a coach too :)

  17. Felidian says:

    This is my take away from this study: Proverbs 3:5-6, “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct all your paths.”

    1. Sharon W says:


  18. L says:

    Does revelation 14:1-5 mean that those who live a more holy, undefiled life will have more exclusive VIP heavenly access?

    1. Theresa Zawalski says:

      I’m assuming you are saying this because the 144,000 sing a new song that no one else knows. If not, then my comments won’t mean much and you will have to share more specifics of why you made this comment for me to understand.

      I’m not educated so this is a lay persons response. In reflecting on your comment this verse came to mind psalm 40:3 – He put a new song in my mouth Praise to our God. My song of Praise is unique no one else can sing it because no one else has lived my life. I don’t think the 144,000 are holier because of the life style they live because no one is without sin Jesus died for all. They will just sing a song that I could never know because I have lived a different life, but they can’t sing my song either I’m the only one priveleged to sing my song to my Redeemer

    2. Colette Odom says:

      L I was thinking something similar!! I’m not an expert in the Bible but I remember my husband telling me about the crowns you may or may not receive in heaven based on the life you lived on earth. Which I thought of when I was reading this. Look more into the 5 crowns.

  19. Churchmouse says:

    When Jesus comes back, none of us will stand and say “this is not how this was supposed to go.” Pre, post or a- millenialist, none will argue their position when they see His face. He is sovereign over all time. We are speculating when it comes to much that is the end times. What comforts me is that there are no cold case files with God. All will be revealed. He will judge fairly. He is coming again. All who believe will spend eternity with Him. Those who don’t, won’t. We use the time we have understanding what we can and trusting Him for the rest. We love our neighbor as ourselves. We love God. We share the Good News.

  20. Anne Jones says:

    Thank you Jesus for dying to save us. He!p is to have peace and accept that we will never understand all of your Word while we’re here on earth. We will someday. I worship your goodness,love,grace,and forgivness.

  21. Sue says:

    Kathy and C, I have been challenged with Revelation as well, but have found that the last few days, He Reads Truth has done a nice job explaining what is going on in the Bible passage. I encourage you to check out todays He Reads Truth devotional and hopefully you will gain more understanding, as I have.

    1. Jyndia Ruff says:

      What a great idea!!! Thanks for the suggestion? I especially loved the one for this passage of Scripture!

    2. Kendra Purnell says:

      Thanks for suggesting this. I just popped over and read their content for today and think HE Reads Truth is doing a better job of explaining some of the metaphors!

  22. Allison says:

    C and Kathy, kind of feeling the same way. Confused. Not scared necessarily, but super confused. And, Kathy, I have always felt it doesn’t super matter, and is actually more harmful to get caught up in the pre/post/amillenial stuff. It just cause division and confusion. But, what we need to grip onto so very tightly here, is that our God is in control of it all. We are his daughters, forever! May He grant you each peace and clarity! Praying the Spirit in each of us can reveal what we are supposed to be getting out of this. Maybe Revelation is just too deep to do as an online study. Have a great day ladies!

  23. Kelly Chataine says:

    I hear you, Kathy, and have decided to be a pan-millennialist, as well. Whenever I don’t understand something or if my real-life struggle is too much, I simply keep on keeping on.

    Love Always ~ Give Generously ~ Forgive Anyway ~ Encourage Everyone

    1. Laurie Crary says:

      Well said.

  24. Kathy says:

    All of this is so confusing and sometimes so disturbing. All of these different views – premillennialism, postmillennialism, amillennialism. I’ve decided that I am a pan-millennialist – I trust God and I believe that it will all “pan-out” eventually. But, in the meantime, I’m struggling with what I need to be taking away from all of this. Anybody else?

    1. Linda G says:

      I’m of the opinion that the Lord allows us to suffer now, so why should we escape the tribulation? With you Kathy: it will all pan out in the end. Another thought: the early church wrestled with having Revelation included as a canonical book. In fact, Eastern Orthodox churches still don’t recognize it.

    2. Kristina J says:

      I agree with you Kathy, it is confusing. I’m also with you on trusting God that it will all pan out in the end :) But until He comes in glory, how should I be living now? vs 12 says “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints.” That phrase has been mentioned before in previous chapters and that is my take away – to exam my life now so I can walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel; to live like He is truly coming back and not to just live for comfort and pleasures; to remember that this world is not my true home; to run the race He has set before me, to live boldly for Him and to share the Gospel with as many people as possible because He is coming.

      1. Charlotte Meadows says:


    3. Rebecca Walker says:

      I’ve been struck by how the verses of God’s mercy are so, well, merciful. We are seen as blameless when clearly we are not. All because of Jesus’ mediation for us. Praise! Also it is confusing all the different imagery! But, have also been thinking about in our “enlightened” time we doubt the existence of Satan. Which is a pretty good strategy if you’re Satan. Convincing us of his non existence keeps us blind to his trickery and subtle weaving of evil into all of creation, relationships, and warfare. Keep alert!

  25. Indiana Christina says:

    Good morning, C.

    I read the devotional from He Reads Truth and found it clearer. Check it out here:

    I hope it helps. Hang in there, my amazingly brave friend. Revelation 21 and 22 are coming.

  26. BarbaraH says:

    C, it is difficult, I agree. I’ve found it helpful to read together with it, the commentary on Revelation in
    Though I can’t take it all in fully, I can do as Angie says, and “pray that God will give me WISDOM to discern what He has for me this day, and then COURAGE to live it out in my life.” It may only be one thing – such as the fact that God will have the victory over all evil – and I can rest in that.
    Praying for peace for you.

  27. C says:

    All of this is just super confusing I dont understand any of this. My anxiety is going a little crazy. Going to say a prayer for peace tonight

    1. Sarah Smith says:

      C, the take away should be that God wrath will be on those who choose the world instead of God. As believers, we have HOPE, knowing that Jesus died for us and we because we acknowledge and accept this, we don’t have to suffer Gods wrath. Jesus loves you, sister! Have hope and peace that you will be with our Heavenly Father if you love and bring Him glory!

      1. Mignonne Hollis says:

        Thanks so this Sarah!! It’s helps.

      2. Kim SalekHull says:

        Sarah…you took the words right out if my mouth. This has been so great for me to stop to remember just that. I have loved the encouragement that I have found in this book.