Day 46

The Last Supper

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Mark 14:12-72, John 16:16-24, Psalm 41:7-13

BY Lindsey Jacobi

I am always astounded that this is how Jesus chose to spend His final hours—with His friends, around a table, sharing a meal. No pomp and circumstance. Just a simple guest room and this ragtag group of followers that had become family. This was, of course, a meal most of them had partaken in every year. They would have known well the familiar cadence of the Passover. The lamb slain. The prayers spoken and songs sung. The food and wine. Each and every movement calling them to remember their rescue. They joined with generations of their ancestors who were called to regularly remember the exodus event—God lifting His people out of slavery and leading them to freedom. This was a familiar meal. 

But this time, it was different. The tone shifted as the cross loomed large. It was no longer any other Passover. The familiar liturgy, as rich as it was, had never meant this much. As Jesus broke the bread and blessed it, it was no longer just bread to remember the exodus, but His own body. Taking the wine and giving thanks, it was no longer just wine, but His own blood poured out. 

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.” —Mark 14:24

Just as the blood of an unblemished lamb sealed the covenant promises of God to His people, even more would the blood of Jesus—soon to be spilled on the cross—seal this new covenant. 

This is the blood that would change everything. 

Week after week, year after year, generation after generation had offered sacrifices in the tabernacle and temple. The blood of animals was poured out as an atonement, a covering and payment for sin. Here, in this upper room with His disciples, Jesus declared that His blood was going to be enough. They wouldn’t fully understand it then. Not even in the days to come. But He had been preparing them for His death. He knew how heavy with sorrow they would be—how distraught they would be at His departure. But soon their sorrow would turn to joy (John 16:20) and they would tell the world of the sacrifice, resurrection, and new life found in Jesus.

This meal of remembrance, now memorialized in the Lord’s Supper (or Communion or the Eucharist, depending on your tradition), calls to mind the even greater rescue from our bondage to sin and the eternal liberation we find only in Christ. 

What a kindness that we have this tangible rhythm of remembrance to recall the body and blood that changed everything for us. For all who have trusted in Christ, and come to the table, we remember and recount His sufficient sacrifice, His death that brought us life. 

Post Comments (39)

39 thoughts on "The Last Supper"

  1. Traci Gendron says:

    I have a prayer request. A mom messaged me today. I have been following their story on Facebook. Joanie has Cystinosis. I believe she is near the end. Her mom Portia is struggling. She did tell me that she has prayed for either Joanie to have some life left without so many hospital visits and so much pain. If not to take her quickly. If you all could lift this family in prayer, I would greatly appreciate it. I know exactly what they are going through. As a matter of fact, I’m quite emotional just thinking about them. Thank you

  2. Mercy says:

    Such a rich passage with emotion filled details. Thankful for many deep revelations through the insights many have shared. I remember when going through labour and about to give birth, the fear of suffering pain overwhelmed me, as birth pains increased, my mind was somewhat paralyzed. But truly the joy once my baby was born safe and sound forever replaced the anguish. Praise God for providing us the joy that no one can take from us. In a little while. In a little while we shall see Him. The world is rejoicing while we have sorrows but our sorrows will turn to everlasting joy. May we all be reminded of this great Hope. When we are still on this side of eternity, lets hold on to this hope that we shall see Him again and this joy shall remain. Just a little while. Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Lori Lackey says:

    Traci, this was the first time I noticed it too.

  4. Gwineth52 says:

    Our reading today packed a punch! Where to start the conversation? How’s it not to ponder the importance of EVERYTHING!! How each disciple at the Passover meal declared he wouldn’t be the one to betray Jesus. How they were singing a hymn on their way to the Mount of Olives. How Jesus had to admonish Peter, James & John three times, for falling asleep in the garden of Gethsemane. How Jesus revealed his being fully human …distressed, troubled, grievous to the point of death… fully knowing what was coming. How Jesus wasn’t arrested while in the temple preaching but like a common criminal. How a young man ran from the scene naked. (I love believing this was Mark’s cameo!) How witnesses at His trial contradicted their own fabrications. How Peter denied knowing Him three times. What drama, pathos, tension. All of this within about 24 hours, Thursday evening through Friday morning! (See “Jesus’s Final Hours”, page 89, our 2021 Lent study book, the Gospel of Mark.) But hold on to your Easter bonnets, Dear Shes, Resurrection Sunday is Coming! We know how His life ends, and His life in us begins. Thanks be to God.

  5. Dorothy says:

    In the main Scripture from Mark 14 verse “26 Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.” I never really noticed the part about them singing a hymn. Isn’t it strange how when you read Scripture at certain times certain parts catch your eye and you realize — God MAKES YOU AWARE — that part of the Word seems new to you. This also may have to do with which one of the four Gospels I’ve read the account of the Lord’s Supper in — I’m not sure I’ve read it in Mark before.
    Have a great Maundy Thursday and if you go to services I hope you enjoy them.
    Be blessed and remember the Lord is always with you sisters.

  6. Julianne Pictou says:

    All I can say is mercy. This is the kind of love that the Father bestows on us. Giving his only son to shed his blood for us. To be the sacrificial lamb. To rip the curtain of the tabernacle and allow us to have a deep and personal relationship with him. He longs to abide with us. To once again, be rejoined with his people and the kingdom he designed for us.

  7. Kristen says:

    I found these links about Gethsemane. They both have short videos. We can’t even fathom how He suffered. He was sweating blood because of His distress. One of the sites that I found talked about how He suffered as a human, but that wasn’t the worst of it. He drank the cup of God’s Wrath. How can we even fathom what He endured? None of us could ever endure what He did. In Your mercy, God may this change us forever and for those that aren’t saved, may they hear and not be able to deny You. May they repent and be changed, saved and serve You here and until You call them home. Amen.

    Here are two on the Cup of God’s Wrath:

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you anyone who prayed for me, yesterday. I reached out to an older friend in Christ and we prayed together. I also spent time in my church briefly walking through our live/interactive Stations of the Cross event. But mostly, I just feel the love of God so present. I don’t know what to say, but that God is amazing. God bless you all. <3

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