When my husband and I welcomed our first child, naming her felt like the most sacred duty we had. We wrapped our baby girl in a soft hospital blanket and the names of our paternal grandmothers. And now, at almost age seven, she carries their names, their stories, and a healthy dose of their shared stubbornness. A few years later, when our second daughter was born, we gave her names from our maternal lines, matriarchs whose gifts we hope she will bear into the next generation.
Our girls’ names act as bridges from the past to the future; they remind us we come from somewhere and someone, and that the story of our families will continue long past us. Their names fill us with emotion: with love for those long-gone, and hope for those yet to come.
In John 1:29–51, Jesus is given seven names or titles by the various people He encounters. Throughout our study in John, we’ll look at several descriptive names Jesus uses for Himself. For today’s reading, we’ll focus on these twenty-three verses in John 1, in which Jesus is given seven names which all give us specific information about Jesus’s origin and mission. Each name represents the past, present, and future of God’s plan for redeeming the world. Let’s look briefly at each name in this passage:
The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
John the Baptist, Jesus’s relative and a prophet who prepared the Jewish people for the coming Messiah, called Jesus the “Lamb of God,” a reference to the Passover event in Exodus 12, Isaiah 53:7, and several other passages in the Old Testament Law. In the Mosaic law, lambs were a sacrificial option for sin offerings to God. Jesus was the ultimate sacrificed lamb who died once and for all for the sins of His people.
Son of God (v.34)
John the Baptist also calls Jesus the “Son of God” in this passage. Jesus is called the Son of God throughout the Gospel of John, which emphasizes His deity. Jesus was fully God and fully man.
Rabbi, or Teacher (v.38)
Two of John the Baptist’s followers, or disciples, called Jesus “Rabbi” when they saw Him. Rabbi is the Hebrew word for teacher. This title was given to official teachers of the Jewish law as a way to show respect.
Messiah, the Christ (v.41)
In verse 41, Andrew (John’s disciple who became Jesus’s disciple) told his brother Simon Peter that Jesus was the Messiah. Messiah (the English translation of a Hebrew word) and Christ (the English translation of the Greek word for Messiah) both mean “the anointed one.” This title referred to the promised savior of God’s people.
The One Moses Wrote About (v.45)
Philip, after believing in Jesus upon meeting Him, calls Jesus the “one Moses wrote about.” By doing this, Philip recalls the Old Testament prophecies made incarnate in the person of Jesus.
King of Israel (v.49)
In verse 49, Philip also introduces Nathanael to Jesus, and Nathanael believes and follows Jesus. Nathanael then calls him “Son of God…the King of Israel.” This name points back to Old Testament promises of an eternal king.
Son of Man (v.51)
Jesus calls Himself “Son of Man” a dozen times in the Gospel of John.
In these verses, seven names give us a rich tapestry of Jesus: His purpose, His nature, and His power. Jesus, the Lamb of God. The Son of God, the Teacher, the Messiah, the King, the Son of Man, the fulfillment of Old Testament promises. These names teach us about Jesus: they remind us who He is and why He came, and what hope we have for the future because of Him.
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164 thoughts on "The Lamb of God"
I love how all of His names reflect His purpose, nature, and power. I have known He is called these names, but I have never thought about how they each reflect one of these three aspects of Him.
His purpose- the Lamb of God, to take away our sins! & to teach. How amazing is it that He became man, like us, to save us.
All Mighty, Yahweh, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace ❤️
I love to read about the power of Jesus and the power of His words. He says “follow me” and no one hesitates to follow him because of the power he holds. It’s also amazing to me how he just casually changes Simons name to Peter. I’m in awe of the works of God.
I’m reminded that Jesus’ purpose, nature, & power transcends time. He was, is, & always will be who He is. He wasn’t more powerful during his time on Earth than He is now. And he isn’t any less powerful ever since He has ascended back to Heaven, at the Father’s right hand. Since He is the same yesterday, today, & forever, the same must be said of His power.
I love how humble John is. No bells and/or whistles. No “Look at me! I came first”. He’s simply a man, relative to Jesus quietly making his way around and lifting up Jesus. His words and deeds are only to announce Jesus’ arrival.
This was a big eye opener
I’d never noticed the many names of Jesus in this portion of scripture before.
Thank you Lord for reminding us who Jesus was, is and will be – forever
I really like the seven names of Jesus and hope to memorize then one day.
My thoughts exactly! There’s always something we to learn ☺️
It’s so fun! The more and more you read His word, the more of these beautiful little nuggets of truth (like Easter eggs in a movie) you get to see.
I’ve read John 1 so many times and had never noticed how in just one chapter Jesus’ identity was being revealed in 7 different ways. This amazing! To God be the glory!
I also very much loved the explanation of the seven names of Yashua ,It was very lovely .
I love bringing awareness to the 7 names and learning more about them and their meanings.
I enjoyed the explanation of the seven names and how that tells us who Jesus is
Only catching up on this study now, and this reading had some new insights. I love how I’m dissecting scripture and seeing the treasures that are in it . The 7 names Jesus is called by. What a God that can be all things and fulfil them all perfectly. The more I read about Him the more I want know Him.
Great reminder of who Jesus is.
I love the explanation of the 7 names! So good to learn about those!
So thankful for this study, and the ability to learn and grow in Christ. I LOVE how Jesus said to Nathanael, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree, ‘do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
It was like, just watch, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
So thankful for this study, and the ability to learn and grow in Christ. I LOVE how Jesus said to Nathanael, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree, ‘do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
God will provide what you need Mari V. Being a single parent is no easy feat, but continue to pray to Jesus, continue to come to him with your worries and just breathe through it. I’m a single momma of 2. So much love and prayers your way!!! You’ve got this! GODS GOT THIS!
I am praying for you Mari V! I’ve been in a somewhat similar circumstance. Look for God’s hand in even the smallest of things to keep yourself encouraged that He is with you and will come through in ways far and above what you could imagine. Timing can’t be promised, but His time is always the right time even when it doesn’t feel like it as we live in our day-to-day real life struggles. I will be praying with you!
Thank you for this, Kristen!
Amen, Jesus is my Great Redeemer!
It’s amazing how you can read scripture for years and miss so much!! Grateful for
I love the way you explained this , thank you
Same here.
I never payed attention to the many names in this chapter. It really does give insight to His deity. He is everything. Who was and is and is to come.
I’ve never thought about the names laid out in this one chapter, bit isn’t pretty amazing!
Love how you explained the 7 names in John 1:29-51. What a blessing to read this.
Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude from today’s lesson. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God, who takes away our sins. Wow. Thank you Jesus
I’m watching season 2 now! ❤️
Hey Sarah, according to my study Bible it says Isaiah prophesied around 740 BC. To at least 681 BC. It also says that scholars believe there were more then one author of the book. Chapters 1-39 were Isaiah 40-66 another anonymous author, Jewish traditions claim Isaiah was a part of the royal family the nephew of king Amaziah, Isaiah was a husband and father.
This continuous invitation to “come and see!” is so exciting! I feel like God is going to do big things for all of us this year. We just have to follow Him diligently and invite others to follow along as well.
I’m feeling so positive in reading this study. I pray it continues to make me feel empowered in my faith!
Anyone know when Isaiah was written? Or the history of the author?
Enjoyed todays reading an diving in deeper into scripture!
Praying for your daughter Julie
It’s only day two and I am already feeling so spiritually invigorated by this study. I can’t believe there’s so much I didn’t recognize about the nature of John’s gospel. Also..anyone else wanting to go read Isaiah after the Advent study and this one?! I know all of scripture points to Jesus, but I never realized just how much that is the case with Isaiah. Praying all of you are receiving beautiful things from this study, and praying healing over those afflicted with Covid. May each of you and your loved ones fully recover in Jesus’ name! ❤️
It’s only day two and I am already feeling so spiritually invigorated by this study. I can’t believe there’s so much I didn’t recognize about the nature of John’s gospel. Also..anyone else wanting to go read Isaiah after the Advent study and this one?! I know all of scripture points to Jesus, but I never realized just how much that is the case with Isaiah. Praying all of you are receiving beautiful things from this study, and praying healing over those afflicted by Covid. May each of you and your loved ones fully recover in Jesus’ name! ❤️
I loved that the devo pointed out the 7 names! I didn’t even catch that! Reminds me of a song we sang this past Sunday.
@Julie Roberson, praying for Ashley right now.
Ok, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, fled to Egypt for his early childhood years, and then raised in Nazareth. John’s parents lived in the hill country of Judea (Luke 1:39), so they may not have grown up together or seen each other often, if at all. Plus, John’s parents were very old when he was born, so perhaps he was orphaned at a young age. Food for thought.
The seven names of Jesus that were explained in the devotional are really enlightening. There’s something else that stood out for me in the readings. These men recognised Jesus for what/who He was (Messiah, Son of Man, Rabbi, etc.). They didn’t need to be convinced because they knew in their hearts. Jesus also recognised them for who they were, calling out their true characters. How wonderful it is to know and to be fully known!
That’s what I want to know. It doesn’t make sense. OTOH, my kids have cousins that they don’t really know or remember, so…
I was gonna post about this too! It’s such a classic human-judgment and he was immediately proved wrong for judging harshly based on where someone comes from! So beautiful
Nathanael has always been my favorite disciple. He’s not well-known, but Jesus saw him. I love that so much.
What really stuck out to me today was how John described who was seeing whom in vv. 29-51.
v.29 ‘he saw Jesus coming toward him’
v.36 ‘he looked at Jesus’
v.39 ‘they came & saw where he was staying’
v.42 ‘Jesus looked at him’
v.46 ‘come & see’ ‘Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him’
v.48 ‘I saw you’
It just seems so very intimate! John sees Jesus BEFORE he proclaims Him to be the Lamb of God. It just makes me think of people in this world that feel unseen & how their lives would be transformed if they’d just see Jesus for who He really is & realize that He sees them. We as Christians need this truth as well!
I think of Him and John being related and that John knew he was the Son of God by the spirit descending upon Him. I can’t help but think of them before that point. Did they know one another, did they grow playing as kids? I wonder did he think he was just baptizing his cousin Jesus and then when the sign he was given was fulfilled did he then think Wow, Jesus is the One I have been waiting for. Makes me think of a coming out ceremony for a girl of age to court in old days. Idk of that makes since to anyone but I wonder. God is good, loving, mysterious and full of wonder. He made me a curious woman and I wonder if that wasn’t His way of giving me natural attributes to seek to find Him.
So powerful. Love that we go over the different names of Jesus. And that so many of them happen in such a short snippet of scripture.
I was pondering that same verse. What really stood out to me was that their answer started with “Rabbi”. As if they were seeking for him to teach them.
Asking for prayer for my daughter Ashley- the Lord knows her need and she is having a crisis of faith right now. I’m asking Jesus to show up big in her life and show her how much He loves her.
I love how Jesus says, “You will see greater things than these,” to Nathanael. For how many of us is Jesus effectively whispering, “You haven’t seen anything yet”? ♥️
Wow seven is the number of perfect divinity and is very important number in the Jewish faith.
Jesus, the Lamb of God ❤️ I’ll never tire of that statement of our Lord.
And I love the devotional for today’s message.
Today’s reading is powerful and reminder of who Jesus is. I’m enjoying it so far and love the breakdowns.
Loved today’s reading and getting to better understand the 7 names Jesus was referred to by and why he was called each title.
Mari V, Brooke P and others who prayed for me, thank you! Appointment went well, praise God! Lisa May thank you so much for that in depth explanation! That really enriches my understanding of the reading for today. Bless you all!
I enjoyed going though and recognizing the 7 names/titles of Jesus’s within the John scripture of today. I have been a believer my whole life but never actually studied his word. Gaining this knowledge has helped my walk with God tremendously!
I adore every name of Jesus mentioned in today’s study, but the one my heart connects to most is “Lamb of God.” There is just something about the imagery of shepherding and tending to lambs that makes me think of hard work and tenderness. I am so thankful that our Lord humbled Himself to become a lowly “Lamb” and become the ultimate sacrifice. Because He endured it all, we (also sheep) have the greatest Shepherd/Counselor in our times of need! Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!
Churchmouse, I just went back and read that devotion it was 4 years ago not 5. I glanced through the comments and your name stood out. Any other long time SRT readers?
This is the 2nd visit to the book of John from SRT we did one about 5 years ago. You can still read it on the app. I may re-visit that one as we read this one. So glad everyone seems excited for this study. Prayers for the SRT’s group, may your petitions be heard.
I am so thankful for this study and for this community!!! Victoria E. I have been praying for you daily, thank you for your prayers & continued prayers for me on this topic too. SO THANKFUL FOR YOU SHES!!!!! ❤️❤️ praise God for the gospel of John!
“You get a fresh start with God”
I love how “The Message” encourages us from the John passage for today, especially considering this new year He’s given us.
“You get a fresh start with God” I love how “The Message” says it from the John passage for today:
This is my first bible reading like this and it’s so easy to just read the Bible and not fully comprehend everything however, todays reading was just so beautiful and seeing how our lord and savior is called so many names. Amen, amen!!
So beautifully put! Thank you for this
The thing that stood out most to me was when Nathaniel was skeptical until Jesus was able to tell him He had seen him sitting under a tree. That was all it took for him to believe. Jesus goes on to say that Nathaniel will see more miracles. The reason this stood out is because we see miracles everyday. We are each a walking miracle to be honest. Yet, how many times have I asked God to prove himself by making something happen in my life instead of seeing the miracles that are already there. For me, it was food for thought.
Victoria E. It’s 9:30 AM I’m praying for you. And thank you for praying for me.
Looking forward to many morning/nights with you ladies. I recently moved and still haven’t found a church. I’m in need of community and loving this one❤️.
Praying for Cannon! Also praying for each of your requests as I scroll.
Looking forward to many morning/nights with you ladies. I recently moved and still haven’t found a church. I’m in need of community and loving this one❤️.
WOW!!! Seven names for my Lord and Savior in one chapter of one book of the Bible and that’s just the beginning. And I really found Melanie’s explanations of the names enlightening. To think the Lamb of God came for me and my sins — to die so I could have everlasting life. I believe He is the Son of God and I will let others know. Will you join me sisters of the Messiah?
Be blessed this wonderful day the Lord has made and SPREAD The WORD sisters.
Praying for Cannon! Also praying for each of your requests as I scroll.
Victoria, yes! Part of the reason Jesus refers to Himself as Son of Man (more than any other title He calls Himself in the gospels) is to show His humanity alongside His divine nature, exactly as you said. But it is also a very clear statement that He is the Messiah and every Jew who had studied his/her Scriptures would know Daniel 7:13-14:
“I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.
And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.”
“One like a son of man” is a messianic title. When Jesus tells Nathanael that he will see angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man, He is referring to Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28:12. Jesus is saying that the messianic Son of Man in Daniel 7 is on a mission to reunite heaven and earth. And when Jesus calls Himself the Son of Man, He makes it clear that He is that Messiah that will reunite heaven and earth! This is why everyone who heard Him teach either loves Him or hates Him in the book of John! Jesus doesn’t leave room for people to be ambivalent about Him!
Thank you for this study! I currently have Covid and these words of the Lord today have encouraged me spiritually as I heal physically! Thank you and Blessing to all in this New Year!
I thought of the Chosen episode when I read today’s reading as well!!! Isn’t it cool that we may never know the real story behind Nathaniel at the fig tree but Jesus still made him feel seen? Love that
I thought of the Chosen too as I read today!
I love the OT scriptures given here! Reading them alongside John gives so much depth. I never noticed all the different names here, what a great devotional. Sorry for my ignorance, but does anyone know why Jesus calls Himself the Son of Man? Is that to show His humanity alongside His divine nature? Mari V thank you for sharing your request I am honored to pray for you and I believe God will provide. Praying also for Cannon’s hemispherectomy. If I can ask for prayers as well I have a routine OB appointment today at 930 am PST, many of you know my history leading up to this pregnancy. I know God is faithful, and I know prayer is needed and powerful. Thank you sisters !
I’ve often thought this…were they close? Did they play together or were their lives not intertwined? JtB leapt in Elizabeth’s womb over Jesus…so weird that he doesn’t seem to know…
“What hope we have for the future, because of Him.” Thank you for the reminder of who He is. Sometimes in the everyday moments of life I forget to remember all He has done for me. Being here in this community makes the everyday parts of motherhood and life in general feel less lonely.
Jesus asks..”what do you seek?” and the disciples respond…“Where are you staying?” That has always struck me as an odd answer. I spent some time this morning dwelling on Jesus’s question. What is it that I seek? Seems like the answer I give to that question on any given day is as odd as the disciples. I came to this morning’s reading requesting clarity and finished frustrated and confused. Then I settled down to contemplate Jesus’s question and was surprised to to discover order and a measure of understanding. The devotional also focused my thoughts further. I went into today’s reading with my own agenda….but God wanted me to hear something different. Praying for Cannon and for Mari V.
Thank you Jesus!
ANGELA R, this is from Barnes commentary on Biblehub: “I knew him not – John was not personally acquainted with Jesus. Though they were remotely related to each other, yet it seems that they had had heretofore no personal acquaintance. John had lived chiefly in the hill country of Judea. Jesus had been employed with Joseph at Nazareth. Until Jesus came to be baptized Matthew 3:13-14, it seems that John had no acquaintance with him. He understood that he was to announce that the Messiah was about to appear. He was sent to proclaim his coming, but he did not personally know Jesus, or that he was to be the Messiah. This proves that there could have been no collusion or agreement between them to impose on the people.”
Apologies for the multiple posts today ladies!
As I read the passage today, I imagined John’s excitement when he saw Jesus coming toward him. He had been telling others of Him, proclaiming His name and the gospel message – and now, there He was! Kind of like when we’ve been telling everyone about a really special person and we can’t wait to introduce them – “This is Him! This is Him! There He is!!
…May I have that same kind of excitement and enthusiasm to tell others about my Jesus!
@Melanie – praying that your husband will be drawn closer to the Savior, and that God would place in his heart a desire to join He Reads Truth, to know Him better.
@Julie – praying for Cannon! May God guide the doctors, all go well and the surgery be successful – and peace and comfort ford his parents.
@Breanna – welcome to SRT!
TAYLOR, I was happy to see you here today as I was just thinking of you yesterday and hoping you would be back!
Praying for Cannon and his family and medical team, for healing, compassion, and peace.
Melanie B, praying God will touch your husband’s heart in a special way.
Thank you, Melanie for this great lesson!
Okay, real talk: Why does JtB not know his own cousin?
Praying for Cannon and his family. Please keep us posted!
Sisters, if it’s OK I would like prayer and guidance. Most of you here know I am now a single parent. With no financial help from my children’s father. I’m grateful I live in my mothers home and my rent is not high. I have some high medical bills I have incurred. My daughters asthmatic and requires medication and as you know I had an injury incurring more medical bills and my son really needs to see a specialist. Needless to say I applied for medical financial assistance through Kaiser. They ask all sorts of questions and I need to submit documents. Please pray that I qualify so I can take care of these high medical bills. I am grateful I have insurance but it is a high deductible insurance because that’s all I can afford. I guess no one plans to be injured or have a high cost medical medications. I am not worried because all this time God has been taking care of my children and I. So I’m trusting HE Will provide. So as humbling as it is for me I’m coming here to ask for prayer.
Hello everyone I’m new to this community , coming from Houston, TX! Excited to grow deeper in my study of the word this year !
…He is all I need.
I love this ! Great idea!
John 1:51 “Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you will all see heaven open and the angels of God going up and down on the Son of Man, the one who is the stairway between heaven and earth.* ”
I loved learning about the 7 different names/titles of Jesus. I learn something every day. I’m glad I come here and learn with all of you no matter our ages. I to have a unique name, unique in a sense it’s not a Hispanic name. My legal name is Muriel (Mari is my nickname). When my parents came to the US my dad worked for these amazing people. The wife took my mom under her wing and gave her a bridal shower and then a baby shower when I was going to be born. I’m so grateful for this couple that loved on my parents. Her name was Muriel. My brothers and sisters and I grew up calling them grandma and grandpa. I’m so glad we had them because our grandparents lived in Mexico and I never really got to know them. God is good!
I love how I started writing questions in my journal about why John used the term “lamb of God” for later study, then Melanie explains it in her essay! Evidence of the Holy Spirit at work :) just wanted to record that Holy Spirit moment here!
I prefer the NLT version so I chose to re-read a couple of passages there. I love these verses in Isaiah:
11 “When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish,
he will be satisfied.
And because of his experience,
my righteous servant will make it possible
for many to be counted righteous,”
And in the last verse in John in the NLT , Jesus refers to Himself as the “stairway to heaven” – another name we can remember!
I loved learning about the 7 different names/titles of Jesus. I learn something every day. I’m glad I come here and learn with all of you no matter our ages. I to have a unique name, unique in a sense it’s not a Hispanic name.
How good is our God. Does the Holy Spirit thrill your heart when you read all the names that Jesus is, the Son of God, the Lion and the Lamb, rhe Good Shepherd, Savior, Messiah, my Spirit loves rejoices at the name of Jesus and soars at every name that speaks of who He is. Yes, that is Jesus, thank you Lord for all the telling of You. Again He Reads Truth is also beautiful a d will bless you if you get a chance to read it. Our God is moving mountains. Julie G thank you for the prayer request. Lord God, we ask your miracles for Canon Murphy. Be with the surgeons, touch this young boys brain, his life, heal Canon Jesus, be with his family give them peace and hold them in this time. You Lord heal more than just our flesh, you heal our heart, give life to our Spirit. We ask knowing you are more than able. In the Name above all names Jesus. Amen. Hugs Sisters. ERB, thanks for your encouragement. Expectant, such a good word, with faith in it.
What really stood out to me today is what Jesus said about Nathanael in verse 47. These words remind me that Jesus knows the heart, character, and intentions of His people. Just as he knew Nathanael, He knows me – all of me. He came and sacrificed His life for mine because of who He is, as demonstrated by the seven names revealed today.
I’ve studied the names of Jesus years ago. I haven’t considered his names representing the past, present and future rerelationship
have with him
Also Isaiah 9:6. For a child is born for us, a son will be given to us and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Might God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Good Morning SHE’s! I appreciate the studies that read through a whole book and break it down for us! I have a sticker from The Chosen that says “come and see.” The series has been so good, and really helps these “simple” statements in John come alive. The episode with Jesus seeing Nicodemus under the tree is really touching. Isn’t it overwhelming when all these things are so incredible that you want to scream to the world “How can you not see how amazing this story is…the greatest story to ever know??” But yet, we talk more about movies at the theater, or what is the best show on netflix… I want people to come and see. I copied what you said @ Searching! Love that!
@ Taylor- Good to see your name this morning!
Let’s let our lives be a testimony of the light!
After His anguish He will see light and justify many! Thank you Jesus for taking my sin and giving me the gift of eternal life in heaven. ❤️
Whenever I hear “the Lamb of God” I am immediately transported to the Nativity— God sent his only son as a human baby, the most fragile human form, with one purpose: to redeem us for our sins. He came to us as a sacrificial lamb. I always wonder if Joseph and Mary, who knew Scripture, took one look at their baby, and their human hearts broke a little, knowing what his destiny would be— death to pay for all our sins. I always find the Nativity such a bittersweet moment, but it always leaves me in awe of the immeasurable love of God for us.
It is a blessing to be part of the community of followers of Jesus! Praying for Cannon!
I love reading the names of Jesus — it thrills me every time. This reminded me of when I was a young teenager, and my Mom had a brightly colored poster of all the names of God. I can remember standing in front of it, saying the names in my head, and just feeling joy, comfort, and really the magnitude of God. When I started Bible journaling years ago, I did a couple of Old Testament page with the names of God. I’m excited about journaling through John, and I’ll definitely start with this list of the names of Jesus. Anyone else do illustrated journaling? I’m no artist, for sure, but I enjoy the process.
Good morning dear sisters! I pray that we can have God’s word wash over us today. jesus is always with us ❤️
I too have both of my Grandmothers names!! I have cherished my name for most of my life— knowing it was an honor!! I listened to the full book of John yesterday. Beautiful Book. Full of so much information!! No matter how many times we study a book of God’s word I find new nuggets— so much like God— always our Rabbi!!
Ditto! ❤️
Praying for Cannon!
Thanks for pointing that out!!
Praise God, you take away all our sin.
Praying for Cannon. Praying that his surgery will be successful and resolve his seizures, praying that his family would be flooded with God’s love today, and that his medical team would feel God’s presence. Thank you for sharing that request.
Love the different names of Jesus!
Very cool to see each of these names explained more in depth and the purpose behind them.
This is so awesome
Love this idea!
Joining in prayer for Cannon.
JULIE – praying for Cannon, skill and wisdom for surgeons and healing from the seizures.
Reading Melanie’s words this morning about the connection to and history of names reminded me of a wedding I attended years ago. The minister spoke about the importance and impact of where we came from and who influenced us, then asked those attending to speak the name of an ancestor (grandmother, etc.) who had impacted us or shown us love. Overwhelming emotion caught me by surprise, how long had it been since I had said my grandma’s name out loud, or mentioned her to anyone? Told someone how important she was in my life, how much I loved her?
How long has it been since I’ve said the (or a) name of my Savior out loud, or mentioned Him to anyone? Spoken to someone about how important He is to me, how much I love Him (and that He loves me even more)?
Lord, help me to remember the power of His names, especially the name of Jesus, and to recognize opportunities to share about Him. If you wonder about the power of His name, think about it being verboten to say His name in schools, in public prayers, etc. Vile, ugly words can be spoken out loud (which do have some measure of effect/power) but nothing like the power of Jesus’ name.
It’s been way too long since I gathered here with you all but I’m so glad I decided to wake up early enough to open my Bible with you all <3 I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year! I definitely needed this reminder today of who Jesus is and the HOPE we can only have through Him. Jesus is our light shining in darkness and I want to cling to Him in the seasons of joy and the seasons of hardship
I have been digging into my personal relationship with God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit over the past year. One thing I find to be a sticking point is how to address God in prayer. It seems silly but it is something that feels like it is holding me back from growing a deeper relationship with him. I am so thankful he is showing me he has so many names! My prayer today is that he guides me to the name that will help me take the next step in growing deeper in relationship with him.
I love how easily these men follow Jesus…why do I struggle so when I know the full story? Oh Lord, give me a heart that drops everything to follow.
I’m loving the Old Testament cross referencing! Jesus was always there and he’s still there reigning at the right hand of our good Father.
Praying for Cannon and all concerned in his situation.
I love this breakdown! I underlined all these names in the passage to help remind me. I love digging into scripture like this!
Lord you are good
Praying for Cannon
There is a little boy in our community, Cannon Murphy, who is undergoing brain surgery (Hemispherectomy) this morning to help correct issues with seizures. Please be praying for little Cannon, his family and his medical team. Love being part of this wonderful community! ❤️
I’m moved by the repeated phrase “Look, the Lamb of God.” He is the one the world is looking for. No one or no thing will satisfy. Only Jesus. I’m also impacted by the disciples who went and invited others to meet the One they found. No hesitation. No reluctance. May I be as they were.
Jesus, I want to love You even more. Open my heart and fill me with Your presence. Amen
I have grown my faith lately through she reads truth and I have been asking God to show/give me ways to share his word with others. Last night one of my good friends texted me about my devotional and wanting to grow her relationship with God more and I got the chance to share what this devotional has given me. God is always working!
Excited to study John! I’ve asked my husband to “come and see” using He Reads Truth, as well. Please pray that he’s stirred to join me with an open heart. He believes in God but is skeptical of Christian claims of Jesus as savior. Also please pray for my patience and relying on the Holy Spirit to guide my words and actions. Thanks ladies!
Oh Angie I love your idea, due to Covid I wssn’t able to meet with my family over Christmas. I tested negative twice but have had all the symptoms and not been out of the house since the 23rd. On the 23 we met, all were well, our grandson didn’t feel well the next day, all ended up with Covid , I was the only negative and the only one who is really ill. But God is so good, I plan to leave my tree up and start putting specific home made ornament about Jesus on it so we will be able to celebrate not only Jesus birth but His life. Thank you!
I noticed that John (in his everyday) points out JESUS twice to those with him! May I be a person who sees Jesus in my every day actions, and then calls it out and points at Him for others to notice too. That’s my prayer for today. ❤️
What is my name for Jesus? Who is he in my life? That is what I am going to think about today.
I love how in the reading today Jesus is so eager to have the company of the men who cross his path. Andrew, Peter, John, Philip, and Nathanael. He wants to engage them in conversation and shower them with a deeper understanding of who he is. I pray that I can remember Jesus still desires that type of intimate interaction with me as well as his desire for me to engage others with kindness and truth the way he does. I was able to speak truth about God twice yesterday, as little as they may have been. Praying today for courage to continue with one person – to be inviting and loving like Jesus.
Good Morning and welcome to all that are new! I found this article about nicknames in the Bible and the importance of these. The article is called: Why is John called the Disciple that Jesus Loved. I thought I’d share since Melanie talks about names in her devotional and since we are studying the Book of John. Here is a link: https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/why-is-john-the-disciple-whom-jesus-loved.html
I’m also reading another study that is starting next week. This is the foundational week. The study is called: Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament. Today’s reading was John 1!! I participate on the First 5 app. They also have a study book, but you can study along without the book or the app by going to their site. https://proverbs31.org/
They want to show how Jesus was all through the Old Testament. They write that Jesus was never absent and we are never alone. Prayers for you all today!
I love to read the OT scriptures pointing man to a coming messiah. It’s so interesting to see how all of scripture points us to Jesus. He was the fulfillment. We are so blessed to be able to see the whole picture from prophesy to his perfect sacrifice and resurrection.
Come and see !!! … thank you, JESUS. The lamb of God.
Welcome new Shes to 2022 and to opening your Bible every day! I am rejoicing that so many women are making a commitment to open God’s gift so that faith is deepened and transformation can begin.
I noticed several new “Kellys” too, so I’m adding NEO (northeast Ohio) to my name to keep us straight.
JO – I noticed the same thing. “Come and see” It is the same invitation we recieved. May we invite others to come and see for themselves who Jesus is. Even better, may they see Him in us and be drawn to Him.
Fantastic breakdown of how the names applied to Jesus show us more about Him. Thank you, Melanie Rainer!
A few asked yesterday about the “I Am” statements. These seven (?) statements from Jesus are special in that He is equating Himself with a “thing” (ie bread or light). They will be obvious when we get to them in the study.
MK – praying for you and your husband to quickly recover from COVID and that you will rest in God in the process.
SISSY – praying for your friend’s open heart surgery – keep us posted.
INDIANA ELAINE – how is your son’s COVID recovery coming?
TINA – how is your friend and her newborn?
LIZZY BUTTERFIELD – glad to hear Nate’s testing is going well. Will continue to pray. Would he be open to seeing a counselor to help him? Sometimes an “outside” voice can help get over the wall we have run into. Or there is a national ministry called Griefshare that may help. Check for locations/groups near you at their website
I have ornaments with the names of Jesus hanging on a tree in my home. My plan is to leave it up through Easter. Studying His name, getting to know Him better, truly priceless.
Praise God
My name for Jesus is Savior
Amazing to see so many new people joining us. Welcome!
The word that comes to my mind when reading these passages is humility. I see it in John the Baptist who pointed others to Jesus, even when that meant he would loose disciples. I see it in the discipledwho don’t keep their knowledge for themselves, but invite their family and friends. Even more so, I see it in Jesus. How He welcomes those who come to Him. How God send His Son so that we can listen to Him without fear. How Jesus came and willingly lead down His life. May I have the same posture. Coming to God, pointing others to Jesus, in humility.
So amazing how descriptive the Name of Jesus can be thought about from Father-Teacher so amazing! Such a sweet start for my first she reads truth reading plan!
So amazing how descriptive the Name of Jesus can be thought about from Father-Teacher so amazing! Such a sweet start for my first she reads truth vivle
Jesus, the Lamb of God, tells the disciples to “Come and see” and then Phillip tells Nathanael to “Come and see”. May we draw close and see Him at work in our lives today and have opportunity to echo His words and invite others to “come and see” that He is good! Hallelujah