Day 2

The Fear of God

from the Proverbs reading plan

Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 3:7-8, Proverbs 14:27, Proverbs 23:17-18

BY She Reads Truth

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

When the Bible talks about fearing God, it means we should revere God as holy. Revering Him as holy is not a posture of hiding but a posture of drawing near. 

Reflection Questions:

What do you think it means to fear God in a way that cultivates intimacy between you and Him? 

What does “Don’t be wise in your own eyes” (Proverbs 3:7) have to do with fearing God?

When you find yourself envying sinners (Proverbs 23:17), what specifically do you envy? What does that envy reveal about what you revere?

Post Comments (154)

154 thoughts on "The Fear of God"

  1. Tatiana Schweibenz says:

    I have been wrestling with the Holy Spirit and today’s reading made me really think and accept that I have work to do.

  2. Kemdelyn Moreno says:

    I envy the connection and intimacy others seem to gain from being liked and valued for their relatability to each other. Ironically, when I gain their validation I lose God’s. One connection is fleeting and one connection lasts eternally. I’m trying to focus of the connection that feeds my soul.

  3. Brittany Reimers says:

    When I envy someone, it is typically because I am jealous that they are getting more attention from my loved ones than I am getting myself. I find that social media truly is the root cause of this because if I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t care about where people’s attention lies because I wouldn’t see it. I need to be more mindful of the worldly things that capture my attention because they don’t matter. The likes and comments and views on a post don’t matter. The time spent with loved ones, making memories and reveling in gods glory is what matters. My husband and best friend both deleted their social media accounts a few months and they both talk about how liberating it was. Maybe it’s time I get rid of social media for good too. I will definitely pray on this over the next few days.

  4. Jessica Scott says:

    Same with me, Hannah! I used FB to feed my ego with praise and adoration and attention! I stopped posting due to the Holy Spirit telling me it was not healthy and He wants to be center of my thoughts and love. Social Media is an idol He wants us to smash!

  5. Jessica Scott says:

    Letitia, the Holy Spirit guided me to stop posting on FB, just use it for groups to get info for mostly church groups. It was a big thing weighing on me and I finally obeyed the wisdom. I feel more free as I am not comparing myself or having the idol of pride and happiness being posted. Privacy is good too!

  6. Jamie S says:

    I find myself envy wealth and success a lot. But I know now being in the industry for years the cost many of these “success stories” have paid in regards to relationships and sin. I pray God guides me and reveals himself to me more clearly.

  7. Brett Seay says:


  8. Letitia Johnson says:

    I am starting here today. 11/11. I was woken up in the middle of the night and heard the Holy Spirit say – there is so much evil in the world. Turn off social media and pour into me. And I do just that. And here this morning this was the message I was given in his word. That’s not a coincidence. Isn’t God magical? I’m amazed by his love and guidance and he always meets me right where I am.

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