Day 23

The Downfall of Tyre

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Ezekiel 25:1-17, Ezekiel 26:1-21, Luke 10:13-16

BY Erin Davis

Few things inflame my momma bear instincts faster than someone making fun of my child. You are free to call me any name in the book. Chances are, that water will roll right on off my back. But direct your sneers at one of my four boys and you’re sure to see my scrappy side. 

I see the Father’s heart on full display in the middle of Ezekiel. The pagan nations that surrounded Judah watched God’s judgment unfold on His people—and they laughed, like children cheering during a playground fight. 

The people of Ammon celebrated when God’s sanctuary was desecrated (Ezekiel 25:3). They clapped and stomped and sang when God’s judgment fell hard on the shoulders of His children (v.6). They whooped and hollered when the people of Judah were carted away as slaves. The people of Moab and Seir took God’s judgment as a sign that there was nothing really special about God’s chosen people (v.8). Edom took advantage (v.12). Philistia looked on with a you-got-what-you-deserved glare (v.15). Judah’s enemies clearly thought God, and His judgment, was a joke (v.3). Because God was angry at His people’s sin, we might expect Him to tolerate such shenanigans. That’s not what happened. Like a momma bear defending her cubs, God responded to these taunts in a way that let Judah’s mockers know that His love for His children was unshaken. 

For Judah, God’s judgment was a mercy, a chance to turn their hearts back fully to Him. For the others, it was a reckoning, a harsh reality check that the God of Israel is the only one on the throne and that He will always defend His children. 

Beyond the fall of nations, a greater gospel reality is illustrated in these passages. For those who call upon the name of the Lord, judgment doesn’t last forever. Because He is a devoted Father, sin doesn’t make us any less His. But for those who refused to worship God, in Ezekiel’s day and in ours, His judgment is total and final. 

“I will destroy you” (v.7). 
“They will know my vengeance” (v.14). 
“You will never be rebuilt” (Ezekiel 26:14). 
“I will bring you down to be with those who descend to the Pit” (v.20).

Ezekiel’s book is a profound declaration that for God’s children, His judgment and mercy are always intermingled. Though He temporarily allowed the people of Judah to experience the consequences of their sin, His judgment is never a sign that He has stopped loving us. 

This Lenten season, take heart, child of God! Even as He disciplines us, He defends us. Even when He places us under the heavy hand of His rebuke, He holds us tight. 

Post Comments (69)

69 thoughts on "The Downfall of Tyre"

  1. LaShandra Fluno says:

    I was struck but the words “You will never be rebuilt!” Ez 26:14 that was so final. It hit my heart like a brick. Still not sure how to process this yet.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I think the destination God makes between his people and the pagan nations around them, is very important. He doesn’t seek to completely destroy the Israelites , but bring them back to himself. His discipline, no matter how severe it may seem, is done out of love. I pray that I always remember that.

  3. AZ Walker says:

    Jen G – I have been listening to Stephen Armstrong’s teachings on Ezekiel and he explained the history of how Israel then broke the covenant with God by worshiping other idols and evil sin for centuries before he finally put a stop to it. It would be like Christians in America tuning to Buddha and putting his statue in our churches and streets and our pastors having sex in the churches – sacrificing our children on the altars. They didn’t listen to Ezekiel. God was patient but like a parent following thru with a penalty gave them a teachable moment. The result was his people eventually stopped idol worship forever. They sin in many different ways but haven’t replaced God since. I hope this helps a little!

  4. Changed Life says:

    I continue to come back to this study on Ezekiel, but man is it a hard read. I tend to go through the scriptures quickly so that I can move on to the devotional and comments. I feel as condemned as Judah for all the mistakes I’ve made in the past. Two failed marriages, poor relationships with my own family, and the loss of my parents in my early thirties…before I could really tell them how much I loved them. I don’t have children and the older I get, the more I realize how small my world is. God has blessed me with an amazing third husband and I have enjoyed the past 21 years of my life. I know God loves me and that my sins are forgiven. The enemy is working on spoiling the happiness in my heart today. Praying for strength and peace as I continue to live in a judgement filled human world, ready to move on to the next where I spend time with Jesus, and those who left this world before me.

  5. Heidi says:

    LAURA STRUYF- so beautiful and profound, thank you for choosing to post that for all of us!

    MARA PLATO- I’m so sorry for your hurt and anxiety… Father we thank you that you are so close to Mara and her friend in this moment. You are near and intimate and present, and I ask you to open the eyes of their hearts to see you. EXPERIENCE you and your unmistakable peace. Your joy in all things. Your GLADNESS, Father. I ask you to bring scripture to their minds that they can use as weapons against the enemy’s attacks. And we call on your angels to fight the spiritual battles happening around them in fight for their attention and control of their thoughts with fear. Fear is a liar and we call it out in this moment- for ourselves and for our sisters in Christ who are suffering under it. Praise you God for your goodness and deep love for us- amen!!

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    Can I ask for prayers for my dental appointment in about an hour? I have had several dental assistants haphazardly spray the water and choke me. I’m scared to death now. I never had this happen until the last few years. Thank you! I don’t have time to read the comments now, but will come back to them later.

  7. Mara Plato says:

    Would you please pray that God’s peace would descend into my heart today? My anxieties and hurts are robbing me of peace. May I rest in the knowledge that God loves me and sees me. Please also pray for my friend – that God would bring permanent healing from past trauma and provide purpose and direction.

  8. Dorothy says:

    No matter what I do or how I do it, I know if I turn to the Lord and ask for His forgiveness He will give it to me.
    BUT GOD!!! Yes, I KNOW I should try not to do the wrong thing but there are times when I slip up, I goof in a major way, I sin against all that God has taught me — I’m human — but I know God, Christ and the Holy Spirit “have my back” and allow me to repent for my.
    Mine and every Christian’s salvation didn’t come cheap, a man — THE SON OF GOD — had to pay with His life. He had to die a miserable, painful, tortured death. THANK YOU FATHER GOD!!! THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST!!!

    Another update on Finley, it looks like she may not be going home as soon as we thought, her neurosurgeon doesn’t want to send her home until the wound has stopped draining. The wound it’s draining much but it is still draining.

    Sisters be blessed and remember eternal life is ours if we PROCLAIM the Lord as our God and Jesus as our Savior.

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