Day 22

The Death of Ezekiel’s Wife

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Ezekiel 23:28-49, Ezekiel 24:1-27, Matthew 1:21-23

BY Lindsey Jacobi

The call to follow God always comes at a cost, but the hope of the gospel is that suffering as a follower of God is not in vain. 

Ezekiel knew all too well the cost of following the God of Israel. At a time when he should have been in the midst of his priestly career, he was heralding hard truths to hard-hearted people who continued to tune him out. However, as we see in our text today, Ezekiel would yet pay an even higher cost of obedience. 

He would lose his wife as another symbolic act for the ever-rebellious Israelites. But, even in the midst of his greatest loss, he wasn’t allowed to express that grief to others. 

Can you imagine? The person you love most is taken from you, and you are not allowed to grieve? Not allowed to express the all-consuming pain you feel? No funeral. No mourning rights. No outward expression of grief. No meal trains. No days off. No sense of closure. Quiet groans were all Ezekiel was allowed. He had to get up and get dressed as if it were an ordinary day. 

What a sleepless and sorrowful night that must’ve been. Even knowing the higher call and greater purpose of it all, the sting was no less painful. The delight of his eyes was gone in an instant (Ezekiel 24:16). Yet, even amid such pain, Ezekiel obeyed. 

“So you will be a sign for them, and they will know that I am the LORD.” —Ezekiel 24:27

It was, of course, all pointing to God, so that in the midst of Judah’s loss, they would know and cling to the Lord. Their beloved temple would be destroyed—their source of pride and joy. But the people were putting more weight on the place and practices (and not all of them holy) than on God. Yet, they wouldn’t be free to lament because they would immediately be taken into captivity. 

Sadly, we too are just as prone to make idols out of our religion—elevating a certain place, worship style, or tradition over and above God’s presence. We can cherish symbols and circumstances above the Lord our God. 

Yet, Ezekiel’s suffering spoke of a much greater story that God was weaving together. He was calling His people back to Himself—and it would cost them everything. But the cost of being far from God will always be greater. God never promised His children a life free from suffering, but He does use it for good. It’s often in the moments of our greatest loss and pain that we are reminded of the hope we need beyond this world—that what we need more than any outward comforts or circumstances is the presence of God. The season of Lent offers us this space to cling fully to God over and above the things of the world. 

Even at the destruction of His house, God would use Ezekiel to speak a message of hope that was coming for Israel. It reached far beyond their restoration from exile to their restoration from sin, when God would put on flesh, coming in the form of a man. It would be through this hope—Jesus Christ—that His people would know that He is forever and always—God with us (Matthew 1:21–23).

Post Comments (97)

97 thoughts on "The Death of Ezekiel’s Wife"

  1. Lisa Daigneault says:

    Jen G the big picture is it’s all about God. If you notice God keeps saying And then you will know that I am God. The big picture is for everyone to know God and to glorify Him. He can use ways that seem very hard to us but in the end it is all so that people will know He is God. We often feel sorry for the people but they absolutely stand condemned before a holy God by their actions. And they have been warned over and over and given chance after chance. As far as Ezekiel, we are told that we have to carry our cross. This was obviously hard for him but the amazing thing is that he was able to put God over everything else, obedience over Everything. This is what a holy God requires. In comes Jesus Hallelujah. God knows we are sinners and can’t follow the laws to be perfect which is what a holy God requires. So through the blood of Jesus we are made righteous and can have a relationship with Him and have eternal life with Him. Remembering Job always helps me remember the big picture when it comes to God and suffering.

  2. Susan Clifton says:

    Jen, I think you are following along beautifully and in your last comment (must have been your

  3. Tiffany Lynn says:

    Catching up here, but I wanted to share a few things I read in a commentary…

    The certainty of God’s judgment should have lead to contrition in His people’s hearts; instead, delay led to doubt.

    They went about their lives as if there were nothing to worry about.

    Am I weeping in prayer over those I know who walk as enemies of Christ?

    God is free to use His people in the way He knows is best.

    God’s plan is never just for kicks. He always knows what He is doing, why He is doing it, and the best way to do it. He also knows the measures He has to speak into the depths of our depravity.

    Seeing what Ezekiel sacrificed and the purpose for which it was intended should lead us to assess whether we are “all in” for the Gospel.

  4. Kayla says:

    Do you guys think that Ezekiel not being allowed to mourn was a reflection of God not mourning when having to punish his people for their sinfulness?

  5. Joan Baine says:

    I was wondering if it was just me. This study is very difficult to comprehend

  6. Terri Baldwin says:

    “Even amidst such grief and pain, Ezekiel obeys God” Hope we need beyond this world…..presence of God! Despair throughout Ezekiel and dark seasons of disobedience to God and God’s wrath on the people of Israel. I pray I can be obedient to to God’s word and for God to give the strength and courage to do as God commands. I can’t even imagine not grieving over my spouse, children, parents, siblings …..

  7. Terri Baldwin says:

    “Even amidst such grief and pain, Ezekiel obeys God”

  8. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    JENNIFER ANAPOL- I am having the same struggles with this reading. I had the same questions…Did God just know Ezekiels’s wife was going to die? did God cause her to die to make a point? This will likely always be one of the mysteries I will not fully understand. Thank you for the reminder that we do know God is good. If I’m honest I had some anger come up with today’s reading. Ezekiel was asked to do some very hard things and he was being obedient and then his wife dies and he cannot publicly mourn?! This seems so harsh and unfair but God was using this for a greater purpose. It is still all so hard for me to comprehend. I have been tearful the last two days and feel disconnected from God. I am trying to keep up with my readings and prayer but it has been hard these last few days. I know this feeling will pass and I will just try to do my best to keep opening my bible even when it feels hard.
    CHRISTINA JOHNSTON-celebrating the birth of your son and praying for your marriage, I wish I could just hug you right now.
    KRISTI KANAS-Praying for a peace that surpasses all understanding as you walk through this season of anxiety while caring for your two little ones. God is with you in this season.
    GAYLE RADAVICH- Prayers for healing in your marriage
    SEARCHING AND TRICIA CAVANAUGH- thank you for your prayers for my family, I am forever in awe of this community of Godly women who help bear each other’s burdens
    ALLY M- Prayers for your requests of patients, obedience and surrender
    HEIDI-cpntinued prayers for your family(niece, brother, others who have turned away from God)
    ADREINNE-Prayers for Tucker and his family for healing and peace
    VICTORIA E- prayers for God’s guidance as you raise up sweet Elijah, you are doing a great job already :)
    DOROTHY- continued prayer for Finley’s health journey
    JEN G- I too am struggling with Ezekiel, I feel my faith under attack. I have to remember that God’s goodness is not dependent on my circumstances. A message at church this past Sunday included the fact that everything I “own” is a gift from God. My physical possessions down to my gifting and personality all comes from God. I am entrusted to steward it and He can take it back at any moment to further His purposes. If I am too focused on myself this seems harsh but if I focus on the idea that this may be used for a higher purpose I cannot see it helps me to not get into a victim mentality(I am very good at throwing pitty parties for myself lol) I am with you though, I am still really struggling with why Ezekiel’s wife had to die and he could not publicly mourn… heartbreaking.
    ANGIE-how is your husband doing post surgery?
    CHURCHMOUSE-Prayers for healing
    SANDI-Prayers for your husband’s health
    GRAMMISUE-rayers for you and your husband Steve on his health journey
    REBECCA-for your son and his mental illness and your marriage
    RHONDA J- for your family member’s to be filled with the Holy Spirit and turn back to Christ
    SISSY-for your marriage and faith
    BROOKE P-for your pregnancy
    SANDI STANLEY- Husband’s cancer treatment and mood
    TAYLOR- anxiety
    ANDREA HENRY- for Daphne’s cancer treatment and her family

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