The Bread of Life

Open Your Bible

John 6:22-71, Exodus 16:4-5, Jeremiah 31:25

One of my favorite pieces of literature tells a story of a quest. On this quest, the key characters are given an allotment of special bread to sustain them on their journey. It’s a long, hard road ahead, and they have to carefully ration the bread so that it carries them through to the end. But there isn’t enough for the return journey. Some of the bread gets lost along the way, and there’s only enough to strengthen them for the final grueling climb up the mountain.  

In the end, these two characters do make it back home again, but this bread isn’t what saves them. It’s through forces of good that are outside their control—what you might call “divine intervention.” 

Just two chapters ago, in the book of John, we saw Jesus describe Himself as the living water to the Samaritan woman. He helped her understand His nature, the only One who is truly able to satisfy our thirst. Likewise, in John 6, Jesus expands on this imagery by claiming to also satisfy the hungry. “No one who comes to me will ever be hungry,” says Jesus to the crowd at Capernaum, “and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again” (John 6:35). 

What stands out to me in today’s passage is that the crowd already has a story that contextualizes what Jesus is saying. On one hand, the people are tracking. They’re familiar with the stories of their ancestors that tell of God’s provision in the wilderness. They know their heritage and how God provided the Israelites with bread from heaven to sustain them on their journey (Exodus 15:4). But they’re also confused. They’re hung up on tangible signs and the kind of bread you can chew and tear apart in your hands. 

With full bellies and curious hearts, they question Jesus in a verbal exchange that’s almost humorous. But Jesus is trying to refocus their vision on eternal things. Miraculous loaves and fish, or heavenly bread in the wilderness, were not just intended to fill their bellies. They were prophetic meals that pointed to Christ. 

I’m grateful for stories of great literature that remind us of God’s divine provision amid our limitations. Physical food and drink only take us so far. Jesus, the bread of life, never runs out (John 6:35), and He alone sustains us for the long and difficult journey ahead. He is the nourishment we feast on. There are no circumstances beyond His control. His grace and provision will see us through to the end.

(107) Comments

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107 thoughts on "The Bread of Life"

  1. Portia Strange says:

    I’m wondering what was the people’s hearts and intentions behind wanting to see a sign. Did they really want to glorify God? Did they really want to believe IN Jesus? Did they really want to be conformed to the image of Christ? Were their hearts really ready to joyfully obey and humbly surrender to the God of the miracle?

    Or did they just want a sign so that would make their lives more comfortable and convenient? Did they want God to prove himself to them? Did they want Jesus to entertain them? Did they want a sign just to confirm that their way of doing things, their will, was right, good, and true?

    As Scripture does, this makes me then look at myself. What’s my heart and intention behind wanting to see signs in my own life? By the Spirit’s power, may I be careful of what I pray for and ensure that my heart and intention behind what I’m asking God for aligns with His will and is glorifying to Him.

  2. Bailey Koch says:

    He is the Bread of Life! We must

  3. Lizza Streicher says:

    I must focus on seeking the bread of life.

  4. Leaha Hicks says:

    As the Bread of heaven Jesus satisfies the soul and spirit. I really enjoyed this read. Also I loved the analogy using Frodo and Sam from the Return of the King!

  5. Corina James Scribner says:

    Thanks you for this word.

  6. Corina James Scribner says:

    Christ is the food of life! Great reminder!

  7. Desiree Harris says:

    ❤️what a wonderful, gentle reminder of God’s steadfastness.

  8. Mo ♥️ says:

    This has been such a revelation to me, these days I have become so choosy on what I consume in terms of food , also with the Word of God and life in general. I have become so picky and it feels that I am discovering what God has chosen for me . I love this because it showed me that the world can never fill you but God the Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ are the ones who will give me bread for life .

  9. Desi Hill says:

    This really hit home to me. I bawled through the entire reading of scripture. I decided this year that after 20 years of struggles with weight and food addiction that I was going to break the chains and love myself, but also use tools to make food for sustainment and not live to eat. Though I know it’s metaphorical, the passage of the day was beautifully literal for me. That’s something that is pivotal to my success, knowing Jesus sustains me, knowing that he fulfills me, not food.

  10. Melissa Mcronney says:


  11. Paula Mullinax says:


  12. Paula Mullinax says:

    Good insight.

  13. Diane Grant says:

    Lord help me seek after that which is eternal, that satisfies rather than temporary and perishable bread.

  14. Malisa Cruz says:

    God, you are the true source of satisfaction! Thank you so sustaining me in all seasons of life!

  15. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good

  16. K D says:

    Lord – help me crave the bread of life.

  17. Nichole Sullivan says:

    I love Peter’s reply to Jesus as well. My version reads, “Lord, to whine shall we go?” I like the version @hannah-rose shared, above, “Where would we go?” All my proverbial chips are on Jesus. Where would I go?

  18. Portia says:

    Sisters, take a moment to really consider which of Jesus’ teachings you have the most difficulty accepting & believing. That may very well be your area(s) of greatest struggle & where you’re needing God’s deliverance, freedom, and/or restoration most in your life.

  19. Portia says:

    I find it interesting that in v.60, 66, Jesus’ other disciples were so quick to turn back & no longer walk w/ Him. Why didn’t they ask him what he meant in vv.52-59? It’s like they wanted to be blessed by Jesus, yet didn’t want to seek to understand a Truth they disagreed with and/or were confused by. Did they have a difficult time believing He was who He said He was?
    The same in vv.25-34. When they ask what they need to do to be doing the works of God(v.28), Jesus replies ‘believe'(v.29). They reply wanting to see a sign(v.30). Why didn’t they respond as they did in v.34? Sir, give us faith to believe? After that, Jesus says he’s the ‘true bread from heaven'(v.33). Then, they ask to be given ‘this bread always.'(v.34) Here, we see the people (again) wanting to be blessed by Jesus, yet are very hesitant to believe that He is who He says He is.

  20. Avery Burke says:

    I don’t know for sure, but I it sounds a lot like a Lord of the Rings reference. :)

  21. Beverly Watley says:

    I love “prophetic food” that really brought it out to me on that phrase. I love it and understand what Jesus was saying about never thirsting or hunger again as long as we stay connected to Him.

  22. Hannah-Rose Dallos says:

    Where would we go?

  23. Bri says:

    That comment of mine was in response to TINAMARIE HINTZ. I tried to reply directly to her comment, but the web page posted it as an entirely new comment.

  24. Bri says:

    Sounds like the Lord of the Rings trilogy to me. Frodo and Sam carried lembas bread on their journey to Mordor.

  25. Marilyn Jones says:

    It just seems that the people only wanted signs. They just couldn’t get that they only needed to stay in the Word for eternal life. Jesus is going to call us home one day to spend eternal time with Him.

  26. TinaMarie Hintz says:

    HELP!!! What is the name of literature you reference in the above devotional? The story about the two characters on a quest with special bread to sustain them?

  27. Adrienne says:

    And BROOKLUCERO, don’t mistake me for saying you do not have to DO anything. What we DO is a response to what He has DONE for us. We have been attending a church of a different denomination. Some of the congregation seems to believe that what WE DO ensures our place in eternity with Him. But it’s all about Him and what He has done! And BOBBIE ‘GREIMAN’ GRUNWALD the enemy does do that, doesn’t he? Grrr!

  28. Amanda Thomas says:

    @BROOKLUCERO…This was something I struggled with A LOT as a teen. I was raised in a church that taught you could lose your salvation when you sinned. It was miserable. After years of prayer and worry that I could never do good enough, the Lord showed me that I was right. I could never do good enough, no matter how hard I tried, and that was exactly why I needed Jesus. I had to stop trying to earn the right to keep my salvation and just trust in Him. I’m praying for you.

  29. Ali Adair says:

    Lord, please open my heart to deeper belief and fulfillment in you. Amen.

  30. Adrienne says:

    BROOKLUCERO… the Lutheran church does not subscribe to “once saved always saved” theology. So, in other words, salvation could be lost. BUT, it is not because of what we do/don’t do… It is based on whether we believe that Jesus died for our sins. Some could lose that belief… I don’t know HOW, but… (Some say that if someone loses that belief, they never had it in the first place.)

  31. Erin King says:

    MARY, that is so good!! Yes.

  32. Colleen Fiant says:

    Jesus is Enough.

  33. Bobbie 'Greiman'Grunwald says:

    @Brook I have had the same thoughts/fear. I now believe that is satan putting those thoughts in my head so I pray and rebuke satan at that moment. Chapt 6 tells us were have to believe in Jesus to have the bread of life-The Holy Spirit. Just believe. Your works do not get you to Heaven. Believing does.

  34. Kasey Stringer says:


  35. Kasey Stringer says:

    2 words I noticed you said that are answers to your doubts in John 6:

  36. Kasey Stringer says:

    2 words I noticed you said that are mentioned in John 6:

  37. Mary Stephens-Clark says:

    It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. – John 6:63
    NO help at all! I often times believe that I am able to do…sometimes a lot and sometimes a little and that the spirit picks up where I leave off. What a reminder that I can do nothing apart from Him. And if this is the case (which it is) I should be in prayer and communion with Him about everything, even before I FEEL like I NEED Him.

  38. Mary Stephens-Clark says:

    It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. – John 6:63

  39. Shannon Lowry says:

    I hope this comes off comforting but nothing we ever do will ever earn us this salvation. It’s a precious gift given, you can’t lose it because you never owned it— it was always always, always His love and grace, not anything to do with us or our actions. Takes the pressure off knowing His love is not dependent on anything we do, we are enough as is and we should come to Him as is. It’s all He asks :)

  40. Shannon Lowry says:

    I hope this is a comforting thought but Jesus doesn’t love us because of ANYTHING we can or have or will do. We will never be worthy of his love and grace and yet he promises it to us anyway. You cant lose it because you never owned it, it was and will always be the precious gift given to us. :) takes the pressure off thinking you have to do anything to win his love!

  41. Ashley White says:

    This really spoke to me. Amen.

  42. Brooke Lucero says:

    Does anyone think it’s possible to lose your salvation? I know I am saved, but have such a fear of rejection. I am trying to overcome this. I think sometimes maybe when I get to heaven Jesus will say He never knew me because I have not done enough to spread His Word.

  43. Deonna Courtney says:

    I was thinking of Hinds Feet in High Places

  44. Deonna Courtney says:

    It might be Hinds Feet in High Places

  45. Natasha R says:

    Like Peter, I know in my heart that Jesus is God and is my Saviour. I cannot explain it, but I fully know it. I also know that He will not let go of me, just as He promised. Today, I thank God for firmly embedding that Truth in my heart.

  46. Mari V says:

    Oops, posted before I was finished. Other than my unpleasant busyness today. Today’s a special day. 16 years ago today the Lord blessed me with a sweet a little girl!! She’s been at school all day and she’s finally home now. She came home telling me of all the text messages she received from aunts, uncles, Friends and so on. My heart filled with joy listening to her! Happy birthday to my sweet 16 year old!

  47. Mari V says:

    OK, wasn’t gonna say anything, but I’m home and have gotten quite a bit of things done and trust me some of them were NO FUN!

  48. Victoria E says:

    Brooke P praise God!!!!!

  49. Rdawna says:

    Hi! Can you share the story you referred to in today’s devotion?

    1. Kelsey Procko says:

      To me, it sounded like the Lord of the Rings

  50. Kelly (NEO) says:

    BROOKE P – happy dancing here for you!

    DOROTHY praying for your restored bodily systems

  51. Peggy Hoffman says:

    It was my understanding that when Jesus says to “eat my flesh and drink my blood “ that His listeners knew exactly what He meant….eat His flesh and drink His blood. That’s why many left…that teaching was too hard. Little did they know that He would make that more palatable at the Last Supper when he turned ordinary bread and wine into His body and blood. As a Catholic that is what our Eucharist is…truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine…NOT a symbol of, but truly His flesh and blood. That is why a consecrated host is held in high esteem.

  52. Dorothy says:

    Sisters, I’m asking for prayer for myself, Monday I got my COVID booster and now I seem to be having some side-effects from it. They started yesterday at work — it was very embarrassing. Please pray that these side-effects end soon so I can work more efficiently and not be running to the bathroom.

  53. Donna Wolcott says:

    Hi Maria, I too listened to your recommendation, Collin Raye’s “I Will Raise You UP”. It is a beautiful song. Thank you.

  54. Brooke P says:

    Sisters, I just got finished with my appointment and I appreciate your prayers so much! We have a heartbeat!! In the 160s! Praise GOD! I do have a small subchorionic hemorrhage and I am praying that goes away and the baby continues to grow well and stay healthy! Thank you for your continued prayers. God is so good. ❤️

  55. Dorothy says:

    The one thing I miss the most about not going to church, yes I could go but I attend a large church and with Finley having problems with immune system and catching things easily I don’t go, is having communion with my church family. Yes, I do it online when they do it but it’s not the same as being there in person. Even though I would have to bring my own right now I still don’t feel the same bond. I don’t know what it is for me but there is something about being there in person when taking communion that makes me fill more complete. I guess that is what I thought about when I read today’s Scripture. I don’t mean to ramble but maybe I can find a small church in the meantime that I like that I can attend and take communion at.
    Be blessed and remember Jesus is the Bread of Life, sisters.

  56. PamC says:

    Y’all, your comments today are beautiful. And I highly recommend you pop over to HRT & read John Blase’s devotional. It’s fabulous. As so many here talk about being drawn into earthly pursuits for satisfaction he says: “The Son of Man still stands before us pointing to all the things we love, not to diminish those good gifts in any way, but to point to the better gift – Himself – and say ‘All those things will leave you still hungry, still restless, still aching. But take Me & you will live forever & never hunger or thirst again.’” Mic drop

  57. Meghan Fox says:

    I felt so convicted today by the reading and devotion. I have read this passage every month over the course of 2021 (highly recommend Annie F Downs Gospel reading plan), but today hit me in a new way. How often do I go to God in prayer asking for something and not asking for Someone? How often do I want the healing, provision, wisdom, etc instead of the Healer, Provider and the Word Himself? Jesus is the Bread of Life; the sustainer of all thing. His words are life!

  58. K Swenson says:

    Again, I love reading everyone’s comments and findings! If you haven’t heard of the BEMA podcast, I would highly recommend them. They just started a verse by verse study of John.

  59. Sarah Eral says:

    I loved the Lord of the Rings reference, too! All great stories reflect the One True Story, just as we reflect our Lord.

  60. Steph Armstrong says:

    25 For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” – Jeremiah 31:25
    I needed this today – as my body recovers from a long work day!

  61. Steph Armstrong says:

    25 For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” – Jeremiah 31:25

  62. Mari V says:

    HE has (and will continue) to sustain me in this long difficult journey. HE is the nourishment I feast on. No circumstance is beyond His control. His grace and provision will see me through the end.

  63. Sheryl Gunderson says:

    Maria Baer—thank you for the recommendation of Collin Raye’s song I Am The Bread of Life. I just stopped my reading for a moment and asked “Alexa” to play it and it was so beautiful and I just listened to it while thanking God for His gift, His precious Son, to us. Blessings and peace to all of you today!

  64. Traci Gendron says:

    After reading today’s lesson, I paused and thought that I would have had a hard time understanding. I’m so thankful that we have the Bible to see the whole picture. I pray that I will seek after the bread of life. That I will not those focus and turn to the world’s “bread” which leaves us feeling empty.

  65. Ruth Long says:

    I like the reference to Lord of the Rings! Sam and Frodo, the two characters, are given just enough elven bread to make the journey. So in that spirit, Jesus will give us enough for the journey of our lives. Thank you, Lord. Create in me a grateful heart. Let me not cling to “things” so tightly. Let me look up to you, be close with you, and walk with you. Give me courage. Amen.

  66. Victoria E says:

    Heidi , again I am in total agreement with your sentiment. Like those who mentioned also sympathizing with those who are confused by Jesus’ metaphor, I recall reading somewhere that the word He uses for “offended” is “scandalizo” (not sure about Greek spelling) meaning to stumble over. How interesting is that that to some His words would be a stumbling block, not a cornerstone of their understanding. When I read that my prayer was not to stumble over any of His words, it can be easy to do when we don’t always immediately understand. I also echo prayers for less focus on material things. I struggle with using shopping to ease my anxiety at times, and when I manage not to shop it is usually to save up money for some “disaster fund” also to ease my anxiety! Jesus help me to take my fill of you daily and not to fill up on “junk food” that does not satisfy or give life. Thank you all for praying for me. Brooke P I have praying incessantly for you and your baby. I believe you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

  67. GramsieSue . says:

    “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Hugs to all ❤️

  68. Victoria E says:

    Brooke P! Praying for you ! God is faithful

  69. Cindy Hanna says:

    Oh Angie. Loved your comments on the bakery. Loved your ending prayer even more. Great imagery. Missing ERB lately. Praying for our expectant mothers here and the requests of this community. I learn so much from you all. God’s good blessings on you all.

  70. Cindy Hanna says:

    Oh Angie. Loved your comments on the bakery

  71. Brooke P says:

    How sweet the message is today. I am thankful for every detail included (thanks God!) including how they said this is hard and many turned away. How Peter said, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” BEAUTIFUL! I also love Jeremiah 31, I read the whole chapter this morning and my goodness it is lovely, full of comfort and God’s character. || today is the day for our first appointment, I covet your prayers for our pregnancy. Thank you so much for being such a strong community filled with the Spirit and prayer. I hope to meet you all in this life but I know that we will all embrace one day as the sisters we already are! ❤️

  72. Monie Mag says:

    Jesus was trying to lift their minds above earthly things and onto heavenly realities, to understand that he is necessary for spiritual (eternal) life just as bread is necessary for physical life. Jesus is the bread of life, and he gives us living water. We are satisfied in Jesus. Doing the work of God begins with trusting and believing in Jesus. We cannot know or trust Jesus without feeding on the word. Jesus is the word of God. Then our faith becomes the foundation for works that truly please God. So let us labor for food that endures for everlasting life for spiritual things rather than material things amen.

  73. Patricia Stewart says:

    I pray the Holy Spirit to dwell in me today. Thank you lord for your Word. Thank you that you love me so much you gave me redemption through your son. Somehow I always knew you but didn’t have eyes to see. Thank you for your abounding patience and mercy.

  74. Patricia Stewart says:

    I pray the Holy Spirit to dwell in me today. Thank you lord for your Word. Thank you that you love me so much you gave me your so.

  75. Kathy A says:

    Thank you all, Tina, Angie and Heidi I always glean so much from your comments, please keep sharing your thoughts! I have a very basic question, I am noticing throughout John, Jesus keeps repeating “Truly I say to you” any thoughts on this, or just a “Listen up folks here comes some truth”? Have a wonderful Wednesday Shes!

  76. Munchkin says:

    What I noticed about this passage was that Jesus very patiently explained to them about how he was the bread of life. He explained as long as they were willing to listen, and once the majority wanted to leave for lack of belief, he didn’t fight them on it. Jesus wants us to listen to his teachings, but he’s not going to force it on us. But He’s there whenever we are ready to understand (as much as we are able to).

  77. Abby D says:

    Please pray for my co-worker’s husband – he’s having open heart surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm today. Please pray for the health care workers, that the procedure has no surprises, and for a speedy recovery. May they all feel God’s presence throughout the entire ordeal.

  78. Maria Baer says:

    I love how we become familiar with certain messages of the Bible through songs, but there’s so much more to unpack in these verses. But I do want to recommend Collin Raye’s song I Am The Bread of Life. It is a beautiful account of our Scripture today.

  79. Maura says:

    Oops, thank you Kelly for your prayers for Tigist. Kidist is my current Compassion child. She is so sweet too. Pray for her vision, I am praying healing, her eyesight is not good. But Tigist is expecting a baby and I am so grateful for your prayers for her and the baby. If anyone has a heart for children in poverty, Compassion International is a great way to be blessed in giving and loving a child in another country. I have really been blessed by the opportunity to support these kids.

  80. Linnea Constant says:

    Just thinking how God uses things that no one can say they can live without (bread and water) to identify who He is in the flesh. None of us can ignore our need for both.

  81. Maura says:

    I remember as a child the scent of homemade bread and as it was pulles from the oven all 7 of us kids waiting for a buttered up bite. It really strick me this morning that Jesus showed the crowd He could easily satisfy their physical hunger by multiplying the loaves and fishes before He reveals that He is the Bread of Life, such depth in this choice. I do remember cringing as a child at the thought when Jesus says we must eat His body and drink His blood, I just couldn’t fathom this at all. But as someone put it to daily feed on Him, to accept His sacrifice of life the shedding of His blood, to walk daily trusting Him is life and life abundantly. So blessed by your words this morning. Angie beautiful! Sarah Joy, thank you. Kelly, thank you for your prayers for Kidist. Our God Reigns, He is so very worthy of our Praise. Glory be to the Bread of Life, Jesus.

  82. Julie Hurst says:

    The devotions accompanying John are SO good….each morning I feel enlightened!

  83. Adrienne says:

    Did you notice that He said “I am the bread of life” TWO times… pretty important! Is that because sometimes we don’t hear the first time? (Much like my preschoolers!)

  84. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Give us this day our daily bread, our supernatural manna, our Jesus, the Christ who will give us life this day, and for our eternal tomorrows… “To the one that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no one knows saving the one that receives it” (Rev 2:17). Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth today as it is and as it will be. Strengthen our weary hearts and let Your peace be our peace. Until. Amen.

  85. Adrienne says:

    Help me, Lord, to focus on eternal things… not tangible ones.

  86. Karen Hardee says:

    Reading this today has opened my eyes more to what Jesus is doing here. He is showing them in plan sight and from his lips that God sent him to them so that he will live in them if they choose to believe. It’s always a choice that we have even when we are believers. The choice to make room in our crazy busy hectic lives to spend time with Jesus to be filled by the daily bread he gives us in his word. So many times still believing in Jesus but I would put him at the end of my daily to do list, at the end of my day putting other things first to make it to make sure I got done the things that I needed to do that day. Checking off the items of the list and if I got through the list I would then squeeze time with God in his word.

  87. SarahJoy says:

    When Jesus says, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood… I looked up and asked my husband if he’d ever heard teaching on that. He reminded me that they were so used to the temple sacrifices that Jesus was trying to point to Himself as the one sacrifice. It was a huge shift for them. It’s hard for me to get my mind wrapped around, and I know what happened next.

    God help me respond as You draw me. Soften my heart to what You want to teach me.

  88. Charlie says:

    Angie: I love your bread description and this line, especially: “Help me to also break off pieces of You and share it with brothers and sisters, and a lost world.” Wow! That’s such a strong image. I’ll carry that one with me!

  89. Rachel says:

    I keep coming back to the image of a table…he invites us to His banqueting table (a la Psalm 23), and we feast on His goodness and faithful love ( “hesed”) which is enough to sustain us for all eternity!

  90. Taylor says:

    Love all your comments today so far :) and thinking back to the Living Water devotional where someone (I think Angie) mentioned the Bread, Water, and Spirit! I am so thankful we have a God (Jehovah Jireh) who provides for our every need, who nourishes our souls and our physical bodies. I echo @Kelly (NEO)’s prayer “Lord give me this day YOUR daily bread, that I may do YOUR will.”

    Have a blessed day sisters! <3

  91. Kenya Rafferty says:

    How frustrating it must have been for Jesus when the Jews continued to grumble and his disciples continued to argue after he explained himself over and over again. How frustrated God must be with me when I get caught up on temporary things, earthly things, and stop focusing on the promise of his eternal life. Praying to the Holy Spirit today to guide me towards these truths of eternal life. That I can see them in front of me as clearly as the Jews and disciples were seeing Jesus in front of them.

  92. Lauren Oros8 says:

    This story has been told 1,000 times, where Jesus feeds the 5,000. But many stop their and just leave the story at the miracle. However, this devotional goes beyond. Talking on Jesus after all have eaten begins to tell them he is the Bread of life. I believe that it is easy for us to read this story and understand because we have the whole Bible, but in that moment, when Jesus says for the first time that all should eat of his flesh and drink of his blood. I think I would look at him a little crazy. But their eyes were on physical food and not seeing the spiritual benefits that Jesus tried to share. That’s why so many turned and left Jesus that day and only 12 remained. Those 12 were able to see past the physical and understanding the spiritual.
    What a beautiful reminder to us that his Grace and provision will see us through, Jesus alone can sustain the long journey ahead.
    My prayer today is that the Lord make my eyes to see the spiritual and not the physical.

  93. Heidi says:

    “The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh doesn’t help at all.”… That verse really says it- the flesh- MY SELF-ness- doesn’t help at all. It’s encouragement to stop trying to “help God” along, stop informing Him of how it all needs to go, and trust that He actually knows what He’s doing.
    The Spirit is the ONE who gives life. I let so many things -good things, mind you- give me artificial life and when it finally reveals itself as a fake, I genuinely get confused. God, please open my eyes to see the life-giving areas where I can invest my time and energy and actually receive MORE life in return.

  94. Lauren Oros8 says:

    This story has been told 1,000 times, where Jesus feeds the 5,000. But many stop their and just leave the story at the miracle. However, this devotional goes beyond. Talking on Jesus after all have eaten begins to tell them he is the Bread of life. I believe that it is easy for us to read this story and understand, but I’m that moment, when Jesus says for the first time that all should eat of his flesh and drink of his blood. I think I would look at him a little crazy. But their eyes were on physical food and not seeing the spiritual benefits that Jesus tried to share. That’s why so many turned and left Jesus that day and only 12 remained. Those 12 were able to see past the physical and understanding the spiritual.

  95. Angie says:

    Years ago there was an AMAZING bakery about 50 minutes from our home, Great Harvest Bread Company. They had the BEST breads. We didn’t find a single loaf we didn’t like (and we tried LOTS). Our favorite was, red-white-and-blue bread (cherries, blueberries, and white chocolate chips throughout a yeast bread). We would drive over a couple times a month for that bread and buy way too many loaves than we should have been eating. (We did share some loaves too…occasionally…:) Man I miss that bakery!
    I remember once, when our church was having a women’s retreat for the weekend. We ordered 250 mini loaves of their bread. When we studied, Jesus-our bread of Life, we sent every woman back for her quiet time with a fresh, mini-loaf of bread.
    Bread as life, Manna in the wilderness, bread with yeast (representing both good and bad spreading in the parables), bread multiplying to feed 1,000s – so much bread in scripture. And why not. Jesus knew bread was a part of the daily. I know I appreciate reminders of Jesus in the daily.
    Yes Lord, fill me with You. Help me to also break off pieces of You and share it with brothers and sisters, and a lost world. Thank you for being the Bread of my life. I really like good bread, but I love you Jesus – my Bread of Life, simply…my everything. Amen.

  96. Penny Courtney says:


  97. Melanie says:

    Jesus be my everything. Holy Spirit anoint me to do Your will

  98. Churchmouse says:

    I’m thinking of the common phrase of being given only bread and water when someone lands in jail. When I think of the bread and water that Jesus gives, it is fitting that that would be the meal for those held captive, those imprisoned. Regardless of the reason for their incarceration, if they drink the living water and eat the bread of eternal life, they will be set free. May it not take a stint in a jail cell to make them hunger and thirst. May they come to know Him now, take and eat, drink deeply, and walk this life in joy and hope.

  99. Pam Seipp says:

    I am grateful for the Bread of Life. I am thoughtful also of the people who said the teaching was hard. I feel the same sometimes. Following Jesus I am never hungry; there is always new learning each time I read a passage my eyes are open and my heart widens. Thank you God!

  100. Shamya Cocklin says:

    Yes!!! Amen

  101. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Lord, give me this day your daily bread. The Bread of life that empowers me to do Your will.

  102. Arina says:

    Jesus came to give life. He is the Bread of life. If we believe, we will have life forever. We will never hunger or thirst again. Jesus is enough to completely satisfy me. But I need to keep my eyes in Him. If I look to the world, feed myself with what the world is offering, I will feel the hunger, the emptiness. Life can only be found in Jesus. I live because He died.

  103. TIna says:

    I’m grateful for stories of great literature that remind us of God’s divine provision amid our limitations. Physical food and drink only take us so far. Jesus, the bread of life, never runs out (John 6:35), and He alone sustains us for the long and difficult journey ahead. He is the nourishment we feast on. There are no circumstances beyond His control. His grace and provision will see us through to the end…

    Thank you for these words this morning, Bailey.. they truly are encouraging words to carry me through today and the days ahead. I shall write them on my mirror so I can see them everyday..a great reminder that, He is the ‘nourisher’ of my soul/ my being, the ‘quencher’ of my thirst/life..
    My spirit is fed and watered when I am looking to Him, holding fast to Him, believing in Him!

    BUT GOD..


    Happy Wednesday sisters, always with love..❤

  104. Helen S says:

    This has motivated me to go into my day… 27 Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” 28 Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” – John 6:27-29

    Father, help us to work for you today.

  105. Carol Rimmer says:
