What makes a leader good? I ask myself this question all the time, because leaders with integrity are sadly hard to find. We see power in the hands of the charismatic and connected, wielded by the ones who can command a room and summon a following. But who are the real leaders in Jesus’s upside-down kingdom? We can learn so much from the first generation of Jesus followers, and today we’re getting to know an early church leader named Stephen.
Throughout Church history, Stephen is considered the first martyr. Acts 6 gives us a glimpse into his life and character. He’s the first name on the list of seven men who were chosen to care for the Jewish and Greek widows in the community. Think of these seven as the original deacons, if that’s part of your church tradition. These seven were chosen not for their charisma, education, or commanding presence, but for their “good reputation” as men who were “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3).
In fact, you may have noticed words like “Spirit” and “wisdom” are used over and over to describe him in this short passage. He’s “full of faith and the Holy Spirit…grace and power,” and he quickly becomes known for “performing great wonders and signs among the people” through a power beyond his own ability (vv.5,8). Stephen beautifully fits Paul’s later portrait of a deacon: “worthy of respect, not hypocritical,” tested and proven “blameless” (1Timothy 3:8–10).
In his service, Stephen led. In his integrity, he became a reflection of God’s glory, like Moses whose face shone after he spent time in the presence of God (Exodus 34:29–30).
So again, what makes a leader good? The kind of integrity that comes from the Holy Spirit and time seeking God. It’s a commitment to following the way of Jesus so strong it cannot be shouted down, a faithfulness that bears up under accusation, that’s tested and proven worthy of respect—especially when the respect is questioned by the powerful.
For Stephen, that meant holding steady under the weight of judgement and lies. We’re told that his commitment to truth-telling offended a certain group of religious leaders, but “they were unable to stand up against his wisdom and the Spirit by whom he was speaking” (Acts 6:10). The only way they could even build a case against him was through lies and rumors. Of course, we have to seek wisdom and discernment when challenges come, but our character can be our truest witness.
There are so many competing stories about how to lead and serve well in this world, but in Stephen’s life, we see how following Jesus and seeking the Spirit’s wisdom can give us the humility, courage, and faithfulness we need to find our way.

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45 thoughts on "Stephen Accused of Blasphemy"
I like how they did a hop back to the Old Testament for this one. Just to see how it developed over time yet still stayed the same. To be a true leader of God simply means to be all in, if your heart isn’t in it, how can you lead others?
Wow, cool observation!
Some great words of encouragement you could take and fit into a letter for your pastor for pastors appreciation month if he is a great leader as Stephen was!
I love this
God is in Control of all situations.
Acts 6:5 stands out to me because Stephen is the only one of the chosen servants called out for being full of the Holy Spirit and faith, although all of the men chosen were supposed to meet the criteria of being full of the Spirit and wisdom. Was it’s Stephen’s fullness of faith that distinguishes him from others? I also find it interesting the process for choosing servants to meet the needs of the widows. I’m used to seeing an ask for anyone who’d be willing to volunteer approach but it’s cool how in this situation that called for serving a vulnerable group in need , there was such care and thought put into it. Lord please help me to be full of the Spirit, wisdom, and faith to carry out your good work you have appointed me to do.
Good devotional- keep remembering WHO I represent
WOW is Right! good word, thanks for pointing that out!!!!
Does my face shine (like Stephen’s and Moses’… not b/c it is oily or sweaty… Heeheehee!)
Did anyone notice that the names of the 7 chosen were all Greek names, not Hebrew? This suggests to me that the church as a whole chose men who would properly see to the complaints of the Hellenists (Jews who followed the Greek culture more than the Jewish culture).
Also, this is yet another picture of practical service being spiritual service as well.
To be filled by the glow of the Holy Spirit.
OK guys, so I’ll admit, I had no clue who Stephen was before this lol. I’m still not sure of who he is now, but it seems that he was a great leader, that had a lot of love for the Holy Spirit and preached in his name and worked together with other leaders to spread the word of God. Again, I think the key theme here to focus on is “together”. If more of our christian leaders worked together instead of against each other, then the world would be a very different place. And I hope that we would all keep the faith “in pure conscience” like it says in 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Margaret W, v.7 Same for me. I had never noticed that before.
I pray that my life would glow after being with Jesus. ❤️
YES!!! I love that. “Remember WHO I represent.”
Lord, may I seek you so fervently that my face be aglow from time in your presence. I pray others will see You in me, and that my life may be a tool used to point others to Your glory. Praise the Father! Amen.
In v. 7, I had never noticed before today that many of the priests became believers under Stephen’s teaching, causing many problems with the Jewish leaders.
There are two verses from Acts that stood out to me today. The first was Acts 6:7, “So God’s message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.” I think the part of this Scripture that really caught my eye was the last part — “and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.” WOW!! That must have been something to even convert the Jewish priests. These were the ones who had killed Christ, who were making life rough for the apostles and believers and early Christians.
The other verse that stood out to me was Acts 6:15, “At this point everyone in the high council stared at Stephen, because his face became as bright as an angel’s.” I can’t imagine what that would have been like to see. Glorification so wonderful and bright that it’s like an angel. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!
What Jen said about what makes a good leader reminded me of what my father would always emphasize how the good leader in the church was needed.
Sisters, I’ve rambled enough. Thank you for all your prayers for all my family members. Be blessed and go out and glorify the Lord today.
I want to be the kind of christian that my face reflects the glory of God. I find it is so easy to slip back into old habits. Or just the business of the day and not keep the focus on God. Please Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit. Give me the humility, courage, and faithfulness I need to stay strong in following Jesus. Let my character be my truest witness.
KRISTEN – Lifting your moms friend in prayer. Covid is so scary with transplant recipients. I worry about my son and sometimes myself because I have only 1 kidney after donating to him. We are so careful to stay out of situations where we may become infected, but the reality is the variant is so contagious that it is difficult. I pray your FIL is improving and his BP has stabilized.
Kristen thank you for praying and I will be praying for your mother’s friend. Brooke P thank you for praying and I will also continue to pray for you and your husband. God is able and He is faithful! Thank you Mari V for praying, and everyone who has prayed. Our appointment went well yesterday. Sky Hilton, God never ever ever ever ever gives up on us no matter what. I pray that lie and discouragement from the enemy is expunged from your life! I understand how you feel, I have felt at times unworthy of God’s love but He tells us that yes , we are unworthy, but He loves us and has redeemed us anyway! The only thing we have to do is have faith in Jesus. So thankful for His word and His kingdom and for Him!
I haven’t participated in a “live” study since the New Testament one, just catching up on other ones I had. But when we were going through that one we were all missing Churchmouse and wondering why she hadn’t been commenting. I scrolled through a few recent days of Acts and didn’t see her comments anywhere. Did anyone ever find out if she was ok?
I, too, wonder and pray that she is OK. She brought to much to this group. Such Godly wisdom. I always looked for her comments
Michelle Ryan, I too am dealing with a toxic work enviroment and am making my way out as well. I totally get the comfort zone thing…it’s hard to leave it! I am praying alongside you for your new career change, that you step out of comfort and into God’s best for you; knowing that He has you all the way.
Do what you think is right in his eyes. He only opens doors when you need him to.
I was so encouraged by Jen Yokel’s devotional this morning and a great reminder when she says: “but our character can be our truest witness.” I really needed to hear this, this morning. I need to keep in mind that I’m the Christian at work. And when I see what really is going on around me and it doesn’t not appear right or fair I want to be able to take-a-deep-breath and remember WHO I represent.
AG I agree and am praying with you. Kristen, praying for Jan and her family and all the other immunocompromised people who are so vulnerable now. Praying for myself to have the strength to continue setting good examples and being a good leader for my 4 and 6 year old boys.
Praying for Jan, Kristen, above all that she would know Jesus, and His salvation also for her family. Michelle Ryan, praying His voice loud in your heart and thoughts that the others would fall to the ground beneath your feet. If you have a song God has given you play it in your head, hum it at work. Let it keep your mind on Jesus. Amen Poppy and Kristen. God loves a humble heaet that seeks after Him. Loved your prayers. May you feel the way He answers and grows your faith. I heard a great sermon online by Michael Todd from Transformation Church, it is the 4th message in the current series called Crazier Faith and is so good speaking to Faith and the scripture on Romans 10:17 if you get a chance to watch this, they are on Youtube, it will bless you, especially if you struggle with watching too much tv or listening to things that do not bless your mind, heart or soul. Stephen’s shining face and strong character because His faith was in Jesus and the Holy Spirit was directing him. He was listening to the Lord’s direction. Realized that God is teaching me so much, so that I can hear His voice over the noise, and yes, over my sometimes, more than I want to admit, critical and complaintive thoughts. Lord forgive me, and teach me your ways so that nothing stops me from listening, growing and loving like you and obeying You. God bless us each one, thank you for all the ways you will be with us this day. Shine your light through us that all may see You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
My prayer is to be a person who the public and the close to my heart recognize the living God in me. I love that Stephen was recognized this way. May we all be full of grace, faith, poower– by His Holy Spirit.
Satan tries to distract the church and the disciples from focusing on preaching and praying. This ministry the seven were chosen for created balance and focus so that the church would not be distracted. This also ensures your people are part of the church.
Victoria E. Praise GOD for your babies heart beat! Thank you for the update yesterday, praying for you. || Kristen, I will be praying for Jan, I was talking to my dad yesterday about how I was praying for those who are transplant recipients during this time, because they are so much more fragile, now I have a name to add to that prayer along with all those God knows and cares for already. || everyone who has asked for prayers, I am praying for you. This community is so wonderful. If I could ask for prayers for our family, my relatives with their health situations (the Lord knows) and for me & my hubs, to rest secure in the Lord & His timing for our family. Thank you so much ❤️ love you all SRT sisters.
Stephen is one of my all time favorites to read about, as soon as he comes into the picture he is commended for his fullness of faith and the Holy Spirit. Not only that, but when they needed someone to be chosen to take care and serve the widows, the thought of him. His part in the kingdom is one I cry every time when I read his boldness and his ultimate end. He is a great example of a godly leader, and his proclamation & boldness in the faith give us a great example of what in Acts 5:41b they said “…rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be treated shamefully on behalf of the Name.” Man I just love Stephen. ALSO MOSES! I’m sorry if I’m a bit all over the place, Stephen and Moses, both their faces radiant from the presence of the Lord—some of my absolutely FAVORITES to read about. (Stephen being filled with the boldness of the Holy Spirit and Moses coming down from the presence of the Lord from Mount Sinai). I mean, such goodness here. Wow. May the boldness of faith and the grace and power from the Holy Spirit fill us, may we too walk so closely that our faces reflect the Lord. Praise God for the book of Acts, praise God for our redemption through Christ Jesus, praise God for His living and active Word! May the Lord be with you all.
Lord help me through Your Holy Spirit to be the kind of leader whose actions are consistent with Your Word. In Jesus name, Amen.
I needed this this morning. I have been struggling in a toxic work environment and God has opened doors for me to change careers. I spent most of the day yesterday doubting whether I should leave my “comfort zone” and pursue these other opportunities. Today’s reading has shown me that God would not have given me these opportunities if it isn’t the right thing to do.
Notes about what’s a Good leader: integrity from the Holy Spirit, commitment to following Jesus, Faithfulness, worthy of respect, Humility, courage.
Lord, thank you for these reminders today!
Notes about what’s a Good leader: integrity from the Holy Spirit, commitment to following Jesus, Faithfulness, worthy of respect, Humility, courage.
Deacon means “one who serves”. This helped me understand the role and their responsibilities.
Leaders should have integrity and be strong in faith. Lord I am praying for leaders like this doe our world today. To lead us back to you and your ways.
So agree with “we need to seek wisdom and discernment when challenges come, but our character can be our truest witness.”
1 Peter 2:12; 3:14-17!
Lord may I be representing YOU in every moment.
Everyone, I know I recently asked for prayers, but my mom asked me to get others to pray for her friend, Jan. Jan is a heart transplant recipient. She had the transplant within approximately the last 5-8 years ago.( I don’t know the exact year.) For a couple of months now, she hadn’t been able to eat much and had lost weight. She was very weak yesterday and he daughter took her to tbe ER. She had Covid and has been admitted. I don’t think she or her family is saved We appreciate your prayers.
@Grammie Sue praying for you to feel better soon and for You to encounter Him and His Presence and have joy , hope, and peace! @ Victoria E! Praise God! May He give you joy and peace and protect the baby as h or she is growing! @ Sky! I can relate. May you be overwhelmed by His Presence, Truth, and love and find assurance and freedom. God bless you! Have a great day, everyone!
Yes, Poopy! Yes, there is change when we encounter God”s Presence and Spirit. I want this and I ask Him to change me in ways that are visible and invisible to others. I’m sorry to say that I’ve read and heard God’s Word for a while now I was told that I know His Word, but not Him. I’ve still been tormented in my thoughts and many of my ways towards my family weren’t showing that I’m changed by Him. I still get angry and resentful. I’ve doubted if I was even His. Thankfully, Ive had some breakthroughs lately! Praise God! God, please forgive me and help me to see You rightly and truly be changed by Your Word and Spirit. May I lead others to You and not away. Please help me to know what is true and how to live, speak, and move in ways that please You. I can’t do this on my own and without You. Amen!
(Continue)… develop me into a steadfast faithful follower to the end, whatever the cost. Today I chose the way of love, the way of God in the big and in the small. Show me your paths Lord, when we encounter your presence and spirit we change invisibly and visibly, fill me afresh so I am both visibly and invisibly changed.
(Continue)… develop me into a steadfast faithful follower to the end, whatever the cost. Today I chose the way of love, the way of God in the big and in the small. Show me your paths Lord, when we encounter your presence and spirit we change invisibly and visibly, fill
(Continue)… develop me into a steadfast faithful follower to the end, whatever the cost. Today I chose the way of love, the way of God in the big and in the small. Show me your paths Lord,
Stephens wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. He clung onto and sought Gods face in the face of opposition. The Holy Spirit and Stephen’s obedience to it made all the difference. Holy Spirit, strengthen me to have the wisdom that comes from God. Discipline and develop