Day 33


1 Samuel 2:12–26, 1 Samuel 3:1-21, Exodus 27:20–21

BY Erin Davis

I was in the sixth grade the first time I felt a desire to open my Bible on my own. I’d had a particularly rough day at school (aren’t middle school girls the worst?), and as I sobbed into my New Kids on the Block pillow, suddenly my pink Precious Moments Bible seemed to call to me from the bookshelf. It wasn’t an audible sound, just a subtle heart tug toward the Word of God I’d never felt before that moment. I didn’t know a psalm from a proverb, couldn’t articulate the gospel, and had no way of knowing how God’s Word would eventually transform me. I just knew I needed comfort and thought the Bible might be a straw worth grasping for.

A tiny spark was kindled, but the ember was enough to keep me reading through middle school and into high school, when I would eventually surrender my life to Christ. The spark is now a bonfire that consumes my life. Like the psalmist, I declare, “Instruction from your lips is better for me than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (Psalm 119:72). God’s Word is my greatest treasure.

The Bible tells us, “Samuel did not yet know the Lord, because the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him” (1 Samuel 3:7). And yet the Lord was clearly speaking to the boy. Though Samuel’s inexperience with the voice of God made him slow to respond, the Lord kept patiently nudging until eventually, “Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and he fulfilled everything Samuel prophesied. All Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba knew that Samuel was a confirmed prophet of the Lord” (vv.19–20).

He is the hound of heaven. He pursues us when we are still running in glad rebellion. He woos us when our hearts are still turned toward lesser loves. He shepherds before we, His sheep, can distinguish the sound of His voice. Truly, “God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Samuel learned to serve the God who speaks. I have learned to love the One whose story I first glimpsed in the pages of a little pink Bible. It’s true that when we seek, we find Him. And when we knock, He always opens the door (Matthew 7:7–8). But the Lord, in His kindness, also whispers to us before our hearts know how to listen. He loves us, even if our hearts are too broken to love Him back (1 John 4:9). Because He speaks, we can know Him—and that is a reason to rejoice.

Post Comments (28)

28 thoughts on "Samuel"

  1. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen. Father call to me and those I love. Let us hear and respond. In Jesus name, Amen

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God calls even little children to himself. No one is too young or old to be called by Jesus:)

  3. Heather Noble says:

    Amen! To experience the sweet whisper of God is sometimes all we really need, especially in our most chaotic moments.

  4. Monica Davis says:

    I Good morning. I pray my children hear and respond to the voice of the lord like Samuel. I’ll be like Hannah and keep them in the temple! They are my gifts!
    Have a terrific Thursday.

  5. Neyda Morales says:

    May God continue speaking to us and calling us through his Word. May we instill the love of his Word to future generations. Amen

  6. Bailey Braden says:

    Thank you, Lord, for being patient with us as we sometimes do not hear you, ignore your voice, or don’t trust what we hear. Help me to have ears to hear and a heart to listen. Amen ♡

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