At last. Paul had made it to Rome, ready to preach the gospel. And nothing has been able to prevent him from his mission: not persecution, not natural disasters, not religious or political authorities. Not even house arrest.
He welcomed all who visited him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. —Acts 28:30–31
Although he had a guard present with him at all times, he was still able to enjoy a large amount of freedom. For two years, Paul was able to preach the gospel. Even in limited freedom, he remained committed to helping others know and understand the kingdom of God.
This is for us an example of what it means to serve God faithfully in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. Acts has shown us that our status as followers of Christ doesn’t exclude us from opposition. Instead, as we share the message of hope in a broken world, we should expect resistance. The gospel had transformed Paul, along with others mentioned in previous chapters, that they passionately proclaimed the kingdom of God.
Perhaps Acts doesn’t end the way we would expect it to; many consider the ending abrupt. It is widely known that Paul died in Rome; however, Luke mentions nothing about the apostle’s death. Acts is more than a historical account that biographs the lives of the apostles or any other member from the early Church period. As prominent as Paul and Peter are throughout the book, the gospel is the main character and its journey from Jerusalem to Rome drives the plot.
Jesus told His disciples that they would carry His message from Jerusalem to the world. Ancient Rome was not considered the world’s edge during the first century. However, it was one of the most important, populated cities. It was also a major gateway city through which visitors traveled. As the gospel spread throughout Rome, it also had the opportunity to extend beyond Rome to other parts of the world.
The story of the spread of the gospel and the Church’s growth doesn’t end in this last chapter. Instead of giving us a conclusion, Luke sets us up for a continuation of the story—one that has continued up to our present day. As members of God’s community of believers, we have been transformed by Jesus’s message of good news. Like Paul, we actively participate in “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 28:31).
We take the truth of the gospel everywhere we go, eager to see the Holy Spirit at work in us and around us.

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34 thoughts on "Rome at Last"
I had the pleasure of hearing a preacher speak about the drink offering last weekend and I love when things overlap! Such a beautiful testimony of faith!
Happy friday dearest sisters!
I cant believe we have finished another book together! God is alive and working within all of us!
I loved seeing the early church grow throughout this whole book. I loved seeing the disciples working together instead of against each-other.. and most importantly, I loved seeing the disciples never stopping preaching Jesus, even when it got hard. I think that’s the main lesson I got here… to always keep going when it comes to preaching about Jesus.. no matter what the consequences are. Its always better to have a whole town saved then to quit!
I love all of u.. thank you for praying for me and helping me to give all of myself to our amazing God.. who’s more than just our father.. He’s our friend too
I pray that I would live the way the apostles lived; sharing the gospel during ever season of life. I know that I get distracted from what is truly important. I pray that I listen to the spirit and see opportunities to share him with those around me.
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time for my departure is close”. This is such a prophetic statement of Paul concerning his death, and a baton passing milestone marking the end of his wholehearted race. Paul did not hold back his life, but poured out all for God’s kingdom. This reminds me of the verse, “whoever loses his life for My sake will save it”. May I be courageous and wise enough to give up the temporal things of this life for the Lord’s sake.
Great study. I did Acts over the summer (Kristy Cambron’s study) and loved it. I still got more things out of this study. So grateful for this community here. Traci I am continuing to pray for Tanner. ERB I will pray for Cheryl. So good to hear from you. Jessi thank you for sharing your note from your study Bible. I am a huge language nerd and I love studying what the Greek words are, sometimes translations don’t capture the truest and fullest meaning of the original word !
What an incredible life Paul lived! Oh that I would have the same boldness he had in sharing the gospel – and in accepting his “chains”, without complaint, but simply considering it one more opportunity to share Jesus with others…so much to learn from his example!
So often we tend to dwell on all the negatives about ourselves – everything we don’t like, everything we have failed at, all the ways we’ve disappointed God. Yesterday I was reminded that God rejoices over us with gladness, He quiets us with His love, and He rejoices over us with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)And was also challenged, to try and see myself as God sees me, and all the things in my life that brings Him joy, asking Him to show me what those things are – that I might be encouraged and have hope for every tomorrow, putting a smile on my face as well as on His.
@Erb – continuing to pray for your brother and will also pray for your friend Cheryl and her husband as they mourn the lose of their beloved.
@Traci – I have been praying for you and for Tanner and will continue. May God give each of you His perfect peace. May He be merciful and may He do a miracle in Tanner’s body.
Have a blessed weekend my dear SRT sisters! Keep on looking up! ❤️❤️❤️
22 But we desire to hear from you what your views are, for with regard to this sect we know that everywhere it is spoken against.” – Acts 28:22. This verse always stops me and causes me to consider. If I had lived in that time period, what might my reaction to the gospel have been? Would I believe? Would I be dismissive? Honestly I’m not sure. I do know that I feel humbled by the dedication and perseverance of Paul and all the apostles who risked everything to make the “Good News” known and that in “my time” I believe wholeheartedly. Mostly because of their testimonies. Thank you Lord God for the steadfast witnesses of all who believe and share the truth. Blessings this weekend SRT sisters.
I have an asterisk after verse 28 in my Bible before going on to verse 30. In the footnotes it has this, “Some manuscripts add verse 29 ‘And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, greatly disagreeing with each other.'” I find this very interesting how Paul had the Jewish hierarchy debating among themselves. I wonder how many of them did convert.
Tamisha reminded me that I need to go and spread the Good News no matter where I am. There are many ways to spread the Great News. Word of mouth is one, my actions are another, I find just smiling, — yes even with a mask on you can tell when someone is smiling — and my body language.
I have enjoyed and learned so much in this study. This is the first time I have actually done the full book of Acts and I didn’t realize how much was in there. There are so many “small” Christians and people — some unnamed — had it not been for them the Gospel may not have spread the way it did.
Sisters be powerful in spreading the Great News and be blessed and have a fantastic weekend.
Beautiful study. Always enjoy all the comments. Continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to give me discernment in all things.
I’ve been having trouble staying in the word of god lately. I didn’t get the act’s study book or the next one the “one another” study book. So doing this with just the devotional on the site has been quite difficult. however, I have loved the study of the act so far.
I do think that acts have talked to me in a whole new way. I did a study of acts when I was little when my pastor did a nine-year study on it for his sermons. However, I was pretty young to get much out of it.
Maura, sorry to hear you were sick but my heart fills with joy you got to spend time with your girls. A blessing in disguise for sure. Praying for complete healing for you. Please remind me what age are your girls. Have a wonderful weekend Maura.
My glasses need a clean! I read the title as Home at last!
Or is it?
Right the way through Acts, we have learned, listened, witnessed through Paul what holding fast to God looks like. What giving our all to Him, can be like. Yes, we go through lifes ups and downs, sometimes being knocked down for longer than the count of ten.
He gave Saul a new song to sing, a new tune to play, words He had probably never used before, He restored Him to a better man, changed his name, and gave him purpose, and that purpose is what we have had a glimpse of in this study, these passed 40days.
I don’t know about you, but if I can live a fraction of my life like Paul, I may just find the peace he had and found as he held fast to God in all things.
Lord, I pray I do not make my life about what I have in life, but about what I have in you as you walk alongside me on the long road of ups, downs, sideways, upways. May I always know where home is.. in you Lord God.
Thank you for the grace you so bestow on me each day, the mercy that comes with each new day, and the love that surrounds me..thank you Lord God, Thank you..❤
Praying Gods bestest over you my dears, know His loving arms around you in every good, bad, ugly circumstance. He is near..❤
In love..❤
@ERB, praying for Cheryl. And how blessed she was that this beautiful person (Auntie) rescued and raised her from the foster system. I recently saw a movie again regarding foster care. What a beautiful testimony. Praying for Cheryl‘s heart.
As we finish the book of Acts I just can’t help but to be in awe over all the EXTRA time given to Paul. “Nothing (not persecution, natural disasters, political/religious authorities) were able to stop Paul’s mission.” AMEN!!! My prayer today is that we do not let the “world” stop the mission. That we share with the person God places in our path and that we boldly proclaim the work God has done/is doing/will do in our lives!! Go be Paul’s !!!
Dear Traci, joining with others in prayers for Tanner. May you feel the Lord’s peace. Praying for other requests as well. Have a blessed weekend sisters.
JESSI – thank you for sharing. I love that! When the darkness seems to be all I can see, God is still working. Like the song says, “even when I don’t see it, You’re working. You never stop. You never stop working.” (God speaks to me so regularly through music.)
TRACI – saying prayers for you and Tanner.
This study of Acts has been so good. I appreciate how I get to the end of a book, and I think “wow, I really liked that one.” Pretty sure that has happened every study. God uses His word – all of it – if I simply open it and engage with it. Thanks SRT for making a space for us to keep opening our bibles.
“As we reach the end of Paul’s story, we find him not preparing to die, but continuing to live, confident in the gospel and unafraid of what might come. I don’t know what is coming my way, and neither do you. But the book of Acts tells us the story of what we’ve been given, come what may: a risen Savior, an indwelling Holy Spirit, a continuing Church, and a gospel with the power to set captives free. For these things and so much more, let us give thanks to our Father in Heaven, and trust Him for all that we cannot see.” – Russ Ramsey at He Reads Truth
TRACI, joining in prayer for Tanner, the medical team, and you.
This study has been such a blessing and the comments have, too. God bless you all and hear each prayer!
31 proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance. – Acts 28:31. “Akoloutos” is the last word in the book of Acts and means “without hindrance”. Gods word cannot be chained, even when it’s messengers are. Acts is the story of an unhindered message of Good News, available to all people throughout the world. I copied this from my NLT study Bible. I hope it’s useful to others as it was for me.
Something else re: POPPY’s comment yesterday…it reminded of the story of the man going higher and higher on his house in the midst of a flood…he is waiting for God to rescue him…a boat comes, a bigger boat, a helicopter…he rejects each one…not recognizing that GOD sent those things!! I am praying for the SHARPEST DISCERNMENT in my life to know…when is the lifeboat an idol or from the enemy AND when is it from God.
POPPY, you’ve given me a lot to think & pray about.
(I am commenting re: yesterday’s comments and have yet to read Wednesday’s)
I pride myself on being a very grateful person, who doesn’t forget “a cup of water” given to me and who takes immense joy in the smallest things in life! But my SRT sisters still manage to move me beyond myself….
DOROTHY, ❤️ How dare you say you rambled too long?! Your contribution yesterday was SO moving and convicting…I am thankful for you and for your thankfulness!
HOPE, I am grateful you were persistent against the auto-delete. I needed: “He’s giving thanks BEFORE the deliverance. How often is it that I give thanks AFTER God has proven His goodness? I am convicted in my heart. Praise be to God now, in the midst of my storm.”
TINA, I miss you every time I don’t see your comment…but, I am also merciful and understand life, busyness and simply needing to catch a breath. I say I want to keep my focus on being at Heaven’s shore…but, I fail miserably.
SEARCHING I love your ❤️ heart.
TRACI GENDRON – I will write “TANNER” on my hand today (never done that before)…you both will be before me all day!!
POPPY {Your convicting comment came on Remembrance Day :)} – Thank you for that comment and your honesty. I’m feeling ya ❤️
Thank you Sweet ERB ❤️
VICTORIA E – It may be an “old trick” but, yes it can be so powerful “Did God REALLY say / promise__?”. Lord, let us hear You clearly in all things.
MARI V- Thank you for seeing how God uses you to bless others and for your sacrificial attitude towards it. May you be abundantly rewarded!
FOR EACH ❤️ and EVERY ❤️ ONE of you experiencing or comforting someone experiencing loss, PLEASE know I am praying with and for you!!
KELLY, Sweetest…I will pray that God gives you strength and wisdom to “fight the good fight, finishing the race in His perfect timing, being kept in the faith by His mercy.” What else can I pray for you, my dear?!
(My father is miraculously healthier but, we see him struggling through this chapter of life where he is being humbled, needing and having to ACCEPT help from others. Even more than many other boys, he was raised to NEVER NEED anyone else, never show weakness pain or vulnerability, always be the expert in the conversation even if you know nothing about a topic, etc…)
May God give each one of us refreshment and meet us where we are this weekend. I myself have delayed yet ANOTHER meeting from today (Friday) to Tuesday so that I have a chance to go to church before hearing “the latest”.
Good Morning Sisters, I have been silent for a while as my girls came to visit for a weekend the day after I moved and brought Covid with them. We all got sick, but praise God for the almost 2 weeks we got together. The girls didn’t get too sick, mostly a fever. Lindy and I were pretty sick for several days, and seem to be on the end of it. Much provision from family and friends looking out for us. So humbling to be watched over so well. So thankful to our loving God. I am still really tired, but hoping to be able to go back to work on Monday. Have been reading along when I could and praying for you all. Kelly, Yvette was able to travel to see her family all together, waiting to run to our loving Father’s arms and be healed, unless He chooses to heal her now, she is taking it day by day. I was blessed a couple of weeks ago to sit benath her maple tree with it’s lovely pink red leaves and talk with a group of friends. Bailee thankfully is out of the hospital and did not have to have her colon removed. Such a praise, God is so good. Traci, hoping you feel in this storm all of His love, He is our Anchor, you have been so strong. Praying many are surrounding you now and praying for Tanner, rest, healing, peace that surpasses. Love to you both Traci. ERB, praying for Cheryl and Harold. I do love how Paul’s faith is so strong, and how much He aligns it with our faithful God. That my own faith could reflect His faithfulness, and shine bright is my prayer. He is good, love to you all.
God, Abba, please open my mind, ears and eyes to your Word that I may be healed and help others to turn to you also. In Jesus name, Amen
@Traci lifting up you and Tanner in prayer! This study was so great! I loved how well the studies flowed from walking through each book of the Bible in This is the OT & NT, to Deuteronomy, to Hosea, and now Acts. Praying for boldness like Paul to share God’s love with everyone in big ways and small. I hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
ERB praying for Cheryl. For comfort and strength that only God can give.
@ERB – I will pray for her and her husband
KELLY, thank you so much, I will check that out!! My brother’s back is healing very well, it does still give him pain and wakes him up at night..but as I understand it, that’s a normal part of the healing process. Time and rest are the essential ingredients for the best healing. Unfortunately for my brother rest isn’t that much of an option as he is in his year of an intense Masters of Occupational Therapy program (4yrs jammed into 2yrs) he is and has been taking 18credit semesters for over a year now… to compare, an average semester usually has 12-15credits. So it’s a LOT!!! He is doing great in his classes averaging 3.89gpa but the extra stress of covid and all the restrictions it brings is putting him over the edge.. please keep praying for him!! Thank you so incredibly much!! God Bless you Kelly!! Xoxo
It’s so exciting to know that we are part of the same mission to share Jesus with others. And we ourselves are also part of the mission, in the fact that the good news has been shared with us, and we have believed – we are recipients of it!
May God add many more people to the number of the Church.
Also, wanted to mention that the rehabilitation center bent the rules so that Cheryl could be with Auntie when she passed on. A total MIRACLE!!!! God is so good!! Even in our losses, He gives us victory!!
Prayer request for a dear family friend; Cheryl. She lost her Aunt Marlene very early this morning (1:22am ET). Auntie (as she liked to be called) was an amazing woman!! She brought the light, hope and faithfulness of God with her everywhere she went!!! She literally was a walking testimony for the Lord!! She was 83, had dementia, and had recently recovered from covid. A very strong woman!! She rescued & raised Cheryl from the foster system when she was a small child. When Auntie was diagnosed with dementia a few years ago, Cheryl & her husband, Harold (also very strong believers & followers of Christ) took her in and cared for her… …very recently Auntie’s dementia progressed so quickly & severely that she had to be placed in a rehabilitation center. It was clear that the Lord was calling her home… and He did so very gracefully and mercifully.. Heaven gained a GREAT one!! …but this loss for Cheryl (even though she’s had time to prepare) is hitting her very hard and very deep!!! Please pray for her as she deals with this loss and the stages of grief… pray that the enemy wouldn’t be able to come in and whisper the lie ‘you weren’t enough’ ..she needs the body to surround and lift her right now. Lord give Cheryl (& Harold) the peace and comfort that only YOU can give… Thank You Father. Amen. ❤️❤️❤️
Until the time of my departure comes I pray that in God’s power I fight the good fight, finishing the race in His perfect timing, being kept in the faith by His mercy.
RHONDA J – how is your dad doing?
CALLIE PARKER – is your husband still in boot camp?
REBECCA PAUL, JULIA BROWN, NIKKI TOLSON, and SYDNEY – hope you will be with us in the next study!
FOSTER MAMA – how is your dad?
MAURA – how are Baliee and Yvette?
MARI V – how is Patty doing at school?
ELAINE MORGAN – how are Stacy and David?
AG – how is your grandma?
ASH H – has your sis-in-law found a new job?
LAUREN – did the MRI help diagnose your pain?
MELANIE – how is your F-I-L doing?
ERB – heard about a great program called OsteoStrong (see their website) that may be a help for your brother
ANGIE – how are things going with the young gals in your Bible study, especially your niece?
TRACI – continuing to pray for Tanner
TRACI GENDRON, praying for Tanner and you this morning. I pray that the doctors will know what to do and can help him get what he needs. I pray that God’s loving presence will overwhelm you as you wait. You and Tanner are loved beyond measure.
TRACI GENDRON – I join with Tina in prayer for you and Tanner, that you will both feel His arms around you and be strengthened by His love, that the ICU staff will have His wisdom in treating and caring for Tanner. Sending love and hugs to you, dear sister.
@TRACI GENDRON, Praying for Tanner, that being in the right place, he will get the treatment, help and what is needed to be comfortable. Praying our Father in Heaven, gives you, Tanner and family peace, His peace that surpasses understanding, Praying, dear TRACI, you can feel His presence and love over Tanner and yourself. He is God, He is good, He is faithful. Ever present ever near. Prsying Psalm 145 over you both, especially .. these words..
The Lord is faithful to His promises, and Heis merciful in all His acts. He helps those who are in trouble, He lifts those who have fallen..
He is near dear sister, He is near..❤